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Post by KingpinAkaDaRapper »

hey what music u listen 2 my favs top 3 are biggiesmalls lil wayne and eminem
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Re: music

Post by VSMIT »

Rap ain't music.

Classical, classic rock, etc. Old stuff.
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Re: music

Post by Ded10c »

By choice, I will listen to almost any kind of music you care to name, except rap, hip-hop, and r&b (contemporary r&b, not the proper stuff).
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Re: music

Post by KingpinAkaDaRapper »

wow look at the racists here that have NO respect 4 culture get a life.
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Re: music

Post by Shadow Knight »

>he thinks rap is culture

Serious response, I mostly listen to classical, neo-classical, techno and occasionally (VERY occasionally) rock.
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Re: music

Post by Ded10c »

KingpinAkaDaRapper wrote:wow look at the racists here that have NO respect 4 culture get a life.
Yes, because not liking rap makes you racist.

You are aware that rap is not the only type of music "of black origin" (I use the term loosely as I really don't care where music comes from)? Most western music is. Rock. Soul. In fact, classical is just about the only music that definitely isn't.

Respecting culture and liking music are two very different things. I tend to prefer music that is more complex and changes now and again - makes use of more than three or four chords, perhaps changes key signature. I'm a music technologist. The reason I don't like this type of music is because it's bland - it's too easy to make. You could go into a studio and produce a complete hip-hop/rap track in a few hours, with no effort whatsoever. If you only spent five minutes making it, don't waste my time by expecting me to listen to it.

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Re: music

Post by VSMIT »

I likes da jazz. Therefore, I like black music. Therefore, I am not racist.

Rap is ****. Truth. Rap is not black music. Also truth.
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Re: music

Post by Clavin12 »

Even if you don't like any black music, it doesn't mean you're racist. People can have their preferences.

I like all the various forms of Electronica. My old favorites are Goldfrapp, and The Knife (working on a new album), but I've recently got into Daft Punk, and Royksopp. I also like Bjork, Amiina, and Robyn. While these are my favorite bands and my preferred style I can easily get into other types of music like big band jazz, classic rock, and folk. Unfortunately no rap for me.
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Re: music

Post by Iron Maiden »

Rap is a mostly African American music that stems from the angst of people in the inner city at their inability to sing and write cohesive lyrics, thus, they subsitute this with lyrics detailing their lifestyle of, though they would disclaim this, choice. Some, and I use that word wisely SOME early rap was good, but since the 1990's, it has de-evolved into gangsta rap, a disgusting, unkept, dagerous, and rather pointless music with little relavence to moden society, at least none that is not already accepted fast by regular people such as myself.

Also, tonight apparently, May 10th, Obama is honoring a rapper at the White House whp apperently had lyrics about buring George W. Bush, or so I have heard.

And for me, Rock/Metal is my music of choice, though I am quite happy to liste to almost anything else with the exception of Hip hop/rap and "pop" music. (Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, etc.)
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Re: music

Post by Psychedelic Rhino »

While were on the culture. What's up with the pants being worn under the buttock's line with the underwear showing entirely? I can somewhat understand the baggy pants, since they are probably comfortable. But several times now I've seen guys (always black btw) walking and pulling their pants up about every 5th step. And have also seen guys fall down from attempting to run in the setup.

I must be totally out of touch, because it looks like they want people to not suspect they are imbeciles, but know for sure. :?

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Re: music

Post by Sly »

You are all racists.
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Re: music

Post by HitchcockGreen »

Alright Sly, I doubt they're being racist.
Biggie is ok. I stay clear of any mainstream hip hop and rap (as I mostly stay away from pop/mainstream music in general) mostly since it's by and large just trash. Like the hip hop version of Kid Rock.
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Re: music

Post by HitchcockGreen »

Iron Maiden wrote:Rap is a mostly African American music that stems from the angst of people in the inner city at their inability to sing and write cohesive lyrics, thus, they subsitute this with lyrics detailing their lifestyle of, though they would disclaim this, choice. Some, and I use that word wisely SOME early rap was good, but since the 1990's, it has de-evolved into gangsta rap, a disgusting, unkept, dagerous, and rather pointless music with little relavence to moden society, at least none that is not already accepted fast by regular people such as myself. )
I agree and I don't. In the 90s popular rap/hip hop changed,for sure. And yeah, the most popular stuff you hear now is like the most popular pop/country/rock music - empty and meaningless.
There are, however, plenty of "underground" artists putting out a great deal of good music.
Gangsta rap sells, unfortunately.
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Re: music

Post by TheJamsh »

Personally i'm into Heavy/Groove metal. Love the stuff, I can get into it, I understand it. In some cases it gives me the shivers and an adrenaline rush, so for me, its awesome. Hence why I choose to play it in a band. Despite being from the UK, I actually prefer to listen to american bands such as Lamb of God, Machine Head, As I Lay Dying etc over the new-wave of metalcore/hardcore british bands that are surfacing at the moment (Architects for example). Metal is one of the things you US people do better than us majority of the time...

You don't however always have to listen to music to enjoy it though. I can listen to Jazz, Classical etc and 'appreciatte' it, even If i don't enjoy it as much as heavier music. I'm a sound engineer in training, so, Its in my best interest to make my library of tunes as wide as possible. Jazz funk and latin etc will soon start making their way onto my iPod, as I'm currently learning those styles on the drums. Its just filtering through all the crap to find those gems that really are masters of their craft.

Rap, R&B, Urban etc i can't stand, along with most electronic music. Its just too EASY. Theres little to no talent in it, or skill. My university unfortunately has quite a few biased tutors, who love their electronic music such as Dubstep, Techno, Dance etc. Within about 15 minutes of playing with stock plug-ins in Apple Logic, I'd created something exactly the same, as a gigantic pisstake, and the electo-fanboys of the class who had no idea what my chosen genre was were right into it. Thats enough proof for me that its mindless garbage.

That said, there is one dub track i was monumentally impressed by. If you don't have a very good very expensive sub-woofer, i wouldn't bother listening to it, because the low-frequency production quality in this track and the engineering genius is the only reason I like it. As a piece of actual music, its just as lame as the rest in my opinion.

I can't even appreciate it rap etc though, to me its mindless and the entire 'culture' you speak of sold out to mass commercialism as soon as it had the chance. Its not just Rap though, Punk and Indie/British Rock has its place on my dartboard too.
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Re: music

Post by Iron Maiden »

Well said Jamsh, and I agree fully. Especially with your statement on your college. I to find people around me, not tutors, who think that techno,rap, hip-hop, etc, is technical, difficult, and musically formidable.

I like saying..."Listen to La Villa Strangiato by Rush and tell me that to my face."
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