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Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 7:47 pm
by GSH
They put GLaDOS in a movie. Rest of the movie might be garbage, but that seems neat.

-- GSH

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 4:11 am
by Iron_Maiden

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:58 am
by Ded10c
And sad as it seems, this is where everybody starts to blame video games, gun laws, unconventional music and politicians rather than actually addressing the psychological problem.

"If you were to talk directly to the kids at Columbine or the people in that community, what would you say to them if they were here right now?"
"I wouldn't say a single word to them I would listen to what they have to say, and that's what no one did. "

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 4:26 pm
by MrTwosheds
While it is quite obvious that an armed society will always suffer from people flipping out and then shooting lots of other people, It does seem odd that schools should become a target of their hatred, you would expect work places, law enforcement and government to be the more obvious targets for suicidal rage expression events. Maybe its time to ease up on the educational obsession culture that has emerged in recent decades and let children have more of a childhood before forcing them into competition for their position and status in society.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 5:08 pm
by Red Spot
People drive cars, so they always have weapons. Being armed doesnt make much difference, you could always pick up a kitchen knife if needed.

Seeing how society is rather selfinvolved and pressures people left and right I expect sh*t happening and people flipping out, but what do children have to do with it ... This guy wasnt just desperate or such, he was sick!

Lets just hope any children that had to experience this will get the proper support to deal with it and not become the next persons to run into a crowd guns blazing.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 5:26 pm
by GSH
The phrase the fog of war is very applicable here. Not all the facts are known. Please try and keep from bringing your preconceived agendas to a tragic situation. Wait until the investigations are complete -- the media has done enough damage with baseless speculation and blaming the wrong person. To me, that's grounds for a libel suit. The heads of any media organization that reported false facts should be forced to wear a sandwich board for a week in times square.

Ignoring my request to refrain from speculation will earn a thread lock. Clear?

-- GSH

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 6:31 pm
by Nielk1
MrTwosheds wrote:While it is quite obvious that an armed society will always suffer from people flipping out and then shooting lots of other people, It does seem odd that schools should become a target of their hatred, you would expect work places, law enforcement and government to be the more obvious targets for suicidal rage expression events. Maybe its time to ease up on the educational obsession culture that has emerged in recent decades and let children have more of a childhood before forcing them into competition for their position and status in society.
It's pretty simple. Gun proliferation has nothing to do with it. Look at all the school slashing in China.
Schools are no gun zones, worst case scenario for the attacker he has to deal with 1 onsite officer who is extremely unlikely to have a firearm. These things are normally done by people who think that they can get the most press for their suicide by piling up the most bodies. I for one would feel far more comfortable in a place where there were many individuals with concealed carry and proper education in how to use their firearms safely, efficiently, and properly.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 8:26 pm
by MrTwosheds
And I will carry on just feeling safe anyway, living in a mostly unarmed society where even hearing a gunshot is an extremely rare event.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 9:39 pm
by Nielk1
MrTwosheds wrote:And I will carry on just feeling safe anyway, living in a mostly unarmed society where even hearing a gunshot is an extremely rare event.
Yea, knives are silent.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 12:42 am
by MrTwosheds
I cannot recall any mass knife murders, not since that was the normal way to conduct warfare.
EDIT, There was one guy who went crazy at a school with a machete a few years ago. Wasn't known to his victims, nobody died though. ... 496685.stm


Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:45 am
by TnT
Those who want to garner attention for what ever reason will find a way to cause fear and mayhem. It's easy to look at the US and blame violence on firearms, but look at the UK's recent history of having to deal with people who commit violent acts for attention(AKA the IRA). ... roubles.22

Some call it terrorism. Some call it mass murder. The net effect is the same --- people die.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:52 pm
by MrTwosheds
I think as far as school attacks are concerned, we can safely assume that mental health issues are the prime driver. It is not the sort of thing most violent political movements would actually want to be associated with.
There is little point in anyone using such events to promote gun controls in the US. It is much too late to seriously attempt such idealistic policies against the fact of a widespread proliferation of weapons. You either put up with it, or lose your freedoms to extreme security measures.
Someone could probably make a lot of money out of designer body armour for kids.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 5:15 pm
by Red Spot
TnT wrote:Those who want to garner attention for what ever reason will find a way to cause fear and mayhem. It's easy to look at the US and blame violence on firearms, but look at the UK's recent history of having to deal with people who commit violent acts for attention(AKA the IRA). ... roubles.22

Some call it terrorism. Some call it mass murder. The net effect is the same --- people die.
If it happened at an other time and place you'd call it a revolution.
Not even mentioning how the bit of land the IRA was fighting for came under English rule, and what rules where aplied at the time by the English rulers.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 5:50 pm
by MrTwosheds
If it happened at an other time and place you'd call it a revolution.
Hmm, no. A revolution is where an oppressed population attempt to overthrow their rulers. Had the IRA not been so busy murdering members of their own population and blowing up innocent bystanders, they might have succeeded in becoming a revolution, as it was they just disgusted everyone and seriously harmed the progression of their own cause. Soon N Ireland might be in a demographic position to democratically alter their status in a legitimate manner. This will without doubt restart the fighting all over again. The rest of us British can only hope that we are all given the chance to have our democratic say on the continued membership of N Ireland in the UK. I would vote for them to leave, as I guess would most other Brits. We will of course not be offered that opportunity. It will, as ever, be left entirely to the population of N Ireland to decide their own future and they will, without doubt, once again choose violence.
It is not and has not been N Ireland V England in living memory. It is N Ireland V N Ireland, it is a community divided by hatred and politics, it is not governed by "England", England has no government. It is governed by The British government because that is what their population have always voted for. Once the demographics make it possible for them to vote to exit the UK, the violence will restart, possibly even resulting in a full blown civil war. Democracy has not served N Ireland well. Their only real hope now is for their people to defeat both of their entrenched political movements and unite to form an independent European state. This is extremely unlikely to happen.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 5:58 pm
by Ded10c
TnT wrote:Those who want to garner attention for what ever reason will find a way to cause fear and mayhem. It's easy to look at the US and blame violence on firearms, but look at the UK's recent history of having to deal with people who commit violent acts for attention(AKA the IRA). ... roubles.22

Some call it terrorism. Some call it mass murder. The net effect is the same --- people die.
Terrorist attacks to not equate to school shootings as they are politically motivated.

The US has a gun crime problem, the UK has a knife crime problem. Knife crime is harder to solve.