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Re: iMac!

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 3:10 pm
by Warfreak
If this PC broke I wouldn't buy a new one. I would just buy a replacement part. Now if that means buying a new motherboard and an awesome Intel i3 Processor bundled with it so be it. Go ahead and buy the iMac, just understand that eventually it will be outdated (not soon but you know what I mean) / break (I am not familiar with Apple's warranty so if they would replace the computer that is fine) and you will be forced to buy an entirely new rig rather than just a part or two to update accordingly. This point and the fact that the modern iMac started coming out after I bought my PC along with my interests and overall need to have the assurance of (relatively) easy maintenance is why I prefer PCs or at least the Mac Pro as VSMIT pointed out (Which, btw, with the power of those processors and the tower build make the price, I feel, a bit more worthwhile).

Re: iMac!

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:04 pm
by blue banana
i agree, pcs are long lasting but imacs i have no idea about other than what it does. you are probably right that the imac will soon be outdated, i just think not in a long time.

Re: iMac!

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:54 pm
by Zax
blue banana wrote:i agree, pcs are long lasting but imacs i have no idea about other than what it does. you are probably right that the imac will soon be outdated, i just think not in a long time.
Benchmark your graphics and we'll see. You might be right that mine can't approach it but there are very very cards out now (well a lot because of the stupid useless 400GTX and 6000 AMD series) that can beat it.

Re: iMac!

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:57 pm
by Ded10c
You can build something more powerful than an iMac from scratch.

You can run OSX on a PC. Such a PC is called a Hackintosh.
imacs are very modern, updated, good quality, and fast
Yes, because no PC is any of these :roll:

iMac graphics are bound by exactly the same constraints as any other PC. That is, graphics card, CPU, and monitor. There are computers that are more powerful than an iMac, but very few programs need this power.

Re-Disclaimer: To dispell any false impressions, I do see the point of macs. I use them regularly at college. The argument I am making is that I don't see the point in having a mac over a PC (especially a more powerful, cheaper PC).

Re: iMac!

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:45 pm
by blue banana
i have no idea what you just meant to say. i think you are agreeing because you said
AHadley wrote:Yes, because no PC is any of these
but still imacs are better than MOST computers, lets just say that

Re: iMac!

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:56 pm
MrTwosheds wrote:It all depends on what the user wants really,
A pc owner gets a lifelong learning curve thrown in for free... :)
Mac's do what they can and mostly do it without without requiring the user to get a degree in computer science so they can understand how to get it to do it.
Pc = booming tech support industry.
Mac = what most people actually wanted.

You have bz2 running on a mac? it was the only thing stopping me getting one! (ok...well and the cash)
I'm running on a Macbook Pro that was made in late 2007. It runs BZ2, though I do have Windows 7 on it as the main OS. Don't even use the Mac side if it all that often anymore.

Re: iMac!

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:35 pm
by Ded10c
blue banana wrote:i have no idea what you just meant to say. i think you are agreeing because you said
AHadley wrote:Yes, because no PC is any of these
but still imacs are better than MOST computers, lets just say that
That was pretty blatant sarcasm.

Re: iMac!

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:39 am
by Psychedelic Rhino
I have to go with the Windows-based laptop crowd.

I started out with Apple in the mid 80's, but quickly discovered I was going to be heavily contrained if I stuck with them. So I moved over to PCs around '89. I realize that contraint has pretty much disappeared, but I feel there's still some of that mentality left at Apple to tell the customer what they should like or eat dirt. Oh, and also pay through the nose for the privilege. ;)

My last laptop purchase was the ASUS G73JH-X2. Very fast. The 3D version just got voted as "the 20 best laptops in the world". The only drawback is the battery time is VERY short. You can get maybe 100 minutes out of a charge. If you try and play a high-end game like Bad Company 2 or Mass Effect 2, and tax the ATI 5870, you might only get 45 minutes. It will also crank out 115F+ heat out the rear ports playing demanding games as well.

[edit] I actually put a thermometer at the exhaust port while playing Crysis at 1900x1050 at max settings and got an exhaust temp peaking at 132F.

Re: iMac!

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:46 am
by blue banana
Psychedelic Rhino wrote:It will also crank out 115F+ heat out the rear ports playing demanding games as well.

Re: iMac!

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:36 am
I want one of those, BFT, but can't afford one...

Re: iMac!

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:23 pm
by MrTwosheds
I don't have a Mac, I like Macs!. I have a room full of outdated pc's that cannot be further upgraded to the point of being useful (to me) You have to stick with the older windows o/s and tech unless you want the newer ones to slow down an old pc to the point of being useless...

I still have my 1st pc! an upgraded pentium 90- p180, It played bz2 quite well. I foolishly put win xp on it, now its only use is to backup data, win xp crippled it.
My point is a pc can only be upgraded so far and there are abominations such as celeron, where upgrading is just a waste of time and money anyway.
I think Apple are heading in the right direction.

WTF happened to moore's law? :D

Re: iMac!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:44 am
by blue banana
im actually on my mac, and i see this thing called boot camp. it is supposed to get windows on the mac, so i am gonna do it. tomorrow :D high speed bzone here i come

Re: iMac!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:45 am
by Shadow Knight
blue banana wrote:im actually on my mac, and i see this thing called boot camp. it is supposed to get windows on the mac, so i am gonna do it. tomorrow :D high speed bzone here i come
Operating system emulation isn't specific to macs. Additionally, windows emulation is reasonably iffy in general as most of it is closed source (Or was iffy, that may have changed) and consumes system resources. So in effect, even if your hardware is superiour you won't be feeling the full power of it.

On the other hand, if it's an improvement over what you used to be using, have fun!

Re: iMac!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:12 pm
Bootcamp isn't a virtual machine system. It's an easy way to partition your HDD so you can install another discrete OS on that HDD.

Re: iMac!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:23 pm
by Warfreak
I bought my rig about 6 years ago, upgraded it a few months after I bought it and at $750 total in expenses it performs on par with the still very nice and lowest costing iMac. Basically I managed to make an equivalent PC at lower expense that has lasted me a good amount of time. Plus all the parts that come in the iMac / function much better than said parts could very well be bought separately for cheaper :| (which, btw, I need to see how much an equivalent to a Mac Pro would cost. I really doubt it is the $2500 it says it is).

Edit: Yep, to get an equivalent rig you end up using around $2140. Not the most savings but it does give some wiggle room. Might be more worthwhile to buy the Mac Pro though :D.