A thought on human behaviour

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Re: A thought on human behaviour

Post by bigbadbogie »

AHadley wrote:Heh, let me know when you completely pass Shropshire by like every other tourist :P
On the 17th of December I will be in Bewdley heading up to Chester which is quite near you I suspect.
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Re: A thought on human behaviour

Post by Nielk1 »

I create this persona not as something separate from me but as me. I own up to my mistakes and my anger normally comes from technical foul ups than anything else. I think I've hit my computer some two thousands times, which magically makes it work, so I see that it is indeed a solution. I am told that sometimes I sound like I am trying to sound smarter than I am, but in truth that is the specific way that I talk. From a young age I have always felt more comfortable conversing with adults (to the horror of a few child fearing family friends) and I have always looked at real and world issues to help facilitate this conversation. Even now, members of my own generation tend to bore me if not shock me into concern about the direction of the human race. People often misunderstand what I say even though I tend to be extremely explicit in my phrasing. It is constantly assumed I am angry when I am not and I am often attacked for it. The basic inability for people to understand my conversation, eloquent or in-eloquent, is shocking and the way people try to demean me because they don't understand my terms is abysmal.

The motivation behind my actions are to preserve my image and to improve the communities I am a member of. The way the world is going, even factoring in a great number of probable alterations, is terrifying and I would like to stop the likely end. I do not know of anything I am in denial of aside from perhaps that I still have some sort of hope for the human race. At times I toy with the prospect of replacing humanity.

As a Computer Scientist I often consider people's actions in terms of intended effect, another way to say 'intention'. However, I also beleive that basic common sense should be applied in many cases where it is not.

In my psyc class I was the only person to attribute blame to the victim in the same manner in the case of a contrived situation where a woman was mugged because she was simply out on a stroll or because she was returning from cheating on her husband. I removed what the individuals were doing and thus the fact that both put them in an identical situation made both cases give them the same fault. Of course it was mostly the mugger's fault.

I understand that this method of judging people is far too black and white for the practice of law. It is my opinion that every exception to a rule, or change to it, should be documented and that there should be a central documented law that is adjusted as new exceptions to the rule arise rather than mountains of case law that require a possibly overpaid lawyer, like NFuser (on the lawyer part, not the overpaid ) to get through. I think that binary logic can be used to fairly evaluate any situation so long as a deep enough nesting of conditions is used. I think the same is true in everything, including the universe, simply because at a certain depth you hit the quantum scale where all the options are occurring and thus conditionals are pointless. And even then you can reach a maximal depth of q-conditionals.

I ramble on a bit, but I basically get to this point. I think everything can be logically explained, and I think that people are not logical. People do actions because they expect a certain effect, even if that effect is illogical. Common sense is an aspect of human logic that actually matches with it. If common sense is not applied, I think the penalty should be a bit worse. And lets not forget that some humans don't even apply their flawed logic when they are angry.

So, what do we hold people to? Emotion, flawed human logic, common sense, or cold hard logic?
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Re: A thought on human behaviour

Post by bigbadbogie »

If you dig deep enough, people are flawlessly logical. Everything we do is based on some form of logic. If something a person does seems illogical, then there is a logical reason behind their lack of logic (e.g. avoidance behavior). The problem is that all our immeasurable social complexities would need to be seen from every angle to be able to comprehend, but we can only see them from our own angle.
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Re: A thought on human behaviour

Post by Red Devil »

people can be logical and stupid at the same time
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Re: A thought on human behaviour

Post by Psychedelic Rhino »

The aspect of the first post in the thread, that strikes me most, is when the individual makes absurd statements well outside of their expertise and knowledge base to either bolster their self image or argument.

For example, during the aftermath of 911, there was an avalanche of misinformation perpetrated upon the public by Rosie O'Donnell concerning the physics and chemistry of the towers and how they were able to collapse. Not having any engineering training, not having finished any post high-school education, she espoused constantly the tower's collapsing "defies the laws of physics", EVEN after NIST released its huge multi-volume analysis.

I'm not trying to stir up any truthers here, just provide an example of how full our society is overrun by individuals with a faith-based need to share their misdirected beliefs with little or no valid evidence and/or ignoring the scientific process or method. I chose to use this example instead of religion, because of the hair trigger thread locking we see quite a bit at his forum.
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Re: A thought on human behaviour

Post by Sabre Tank »

Oh my goodness! I love this post of yours, I think of things such as this on a daily basis, being the philosophical person I am.
Honestly I don't have much to say other than I really enjoyed reading your thoughts, and that it really is very true.
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Re: A thought on human behaviour

Post by Zenophas »

General BlackDragon wrote:Human behavior.

My thoughts, take 1:

People Suck.

Everyone only cares about them selves.

Humans Suck.

People are Evil.
Video relevant.

Red Devil wrote:people can be logical and stupid at the same time
It's those Kodak moments that really define us.
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Re: A thought on human behaviour

Post by rice303 »

Its very true that people can not except who they are and I for one was a sad and depressed being but eventually understood that people cant change who they are unless they improve on themselfs.
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