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Re: Faster than a speeding photon...

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 6:23 pm
by sabrebattletank
Since nothing can travel at the speed of light (except neutrinos [citation disputed]), and nothing is dark matter, does that mean dark matter can travel backwards in time?

Re: Faster than a speeding photon...

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:45 pm
by Ded10c
Red Devil wrote:"The Nothing" is filled with dark matter, so it should be referred to as something else, like maybe, "The Stuff" or, "The Invisible Black Yucky Stuff"
So, the empty space between the nucleus and the electrons is filled with dark matter? I think not, my friend.

Re: Faster than a speeding photon...

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:01 am
by Psychedelic Rhino
sabrebattletank wrote:Since nothing can travel at the speed of light (except neutrinos [citation disputed]), and nothing is dark matter, does that mean dark matter can travel backwards in time?
Till there's way more investigation, I'd stick to neutrinos not achieving c, let alone FTL, and massless energy traveling at c .

"Dark Matter/Energy" is still only indirectly detected at best. However, I have the nagging thought that Dark Matter/Energy may be at the core of 'true' paranormal events.

Re: Faster than a speeding photon...

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:26 am
by MrTwosheds
Someone, should have caught the scientist who first decide to use the "dark" description, taken him down the pub and forced him to drink until he did realise what a stupid thing it was to do...

Re: Faster than a speeding photon...

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:07 am
by Red Devil
not talking about micro, but macro. here's a vid:

Link inside YT info:

COSMOS Video News Release
For the first time ever, astronomers have been creating a three—dimensional map of how the dark matter is distributed across the Universe. An international team of scientists, among them groups from Marseille, the Max-Planck Institutes and Paris have been using data from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. The results are published in nature online of 8 January 2007, and at the meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Seattle. This Video News Release discussed this discovery. More on:

Re: Faster than a speeding photon...

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:52 am
by Psychedelic Rhino
When I said I think dark matter/energy may be a component of paranormal phenomenon, I did not mean to imply I was a proponent of such ideas and alleged events that many nutcases embrace, (Fred Bell in the other thread for example) that then take on the speaking circuit, or of entertainment seen on TV in a similar vain.

I meant more that IF there is a dimensional and/or consciousness transference at death, or in some rare cases of precognition, this unseen material may be involved.

Since it now appears to be running through us, encompassing us, we may be on the brink of new and amazing discoveries, IF methods can be found to define and quantify it much more than simply detecting it through gravitational lensing techniques.

Re: Faster than a speeding photon...

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 6:11 am
by MrTwosheds
I meant more that IF there is a dimensional and/or consciousness transference at death, or in some rare cases of precognition, this unseen material may be involved.
Why should it? it is just a form of matter that does not emit or reflect light and seems to make up about 60% of the Universe.
The only thing strange about it is that we don't seem to be able to find any around here, near our single viewpoint on the Universe, which could either be a coincidence, a clue, or an indication of how much we really don't know about the Universe.
Jumping to a conclusion that it may be a cosmic pan dimensional spiritual upload mechanism of some sort, seems a little bit over optimistic to me.

Re: Faster than a speeding photon...

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:59 am
by Eddy
MrTwosheds wrote:So here we have the crux of the misunderstanding, Is Time a property of matter/energy/the physical universe? Or is it something that only appears to be happening once you have an observer to perceive it?
A failure to recognise the importance of the observer could be a serious error, man may have searched for the tachyon in vain, by simply failing to understand that they are themselves the tachyon. A Universe without observers, could not be described or have properties such as time attributed to it at all. The observer is an important component of spacetime, its abilities and limitations should be considered.
Simple question - does anything in the universe move? If so, does it move because we observe it or because it is simply moving? You cannot have movement without time, otherwise the movement occurs instantaneously and there would be no actual movement, it exists somewhere else. I think there is a couple of time being discussed; the way we observe and measure time relative to our cognitive skills and Time as a concept that the universe is not static nor instantaneous - a start is born, it lives and it dies. This occurs over a period of Time. So mass, energy and Time are aspects of reality that are not dependent on an observer.


Re: Faster than a speeding photon...

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:17 pm
by Psychedelic Rhino
MrTwosheds wrote: Why should it? it is just a form of matter that does not emit or reflect light and seems to make up about 60% of the Universe.
The only thing strange about it is that we don't seem to be able to find any around here, near our single viewpoint on the Universe, which could either be a coincidence, a clue, or an indication of how much we really don't know about the Universe.
Jumping to a conclusion that it may be a cosmic pan dimensional spiritual upload mechanism of some sort, seems a little bit over optimistic to me.
I hardly said it was conclusive. I merely speculate that we now are approaching an understanding and it may very well be as pervasive and all encompassing as the neutrino in locality. I would also not consider it 'just another form of matter'. Speaking of detection, where did you see there is no dark matter in our local region? If you mean it hasn't been found yet, well it really hasn't been 'found' anywhere. We barely 'detect' its presence from gravitational lensing. However, a few are attempting local detection.

Re: Faster than a speeding photon...

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:24 pm
by Zenophas
AHadley wrote:Nothingness isn't a something, so how can it move? :P
Nothingness is everything. Everything is nothing without nothingness. Therefore, nothingness is something... it's nothing.

Let's relax and slow everything down a bit. Removing things such as sense and logic, let's take a trip though the ring of nothingness. As you drift through and out the other side of the ring, nothingness moves in to fill in the space you've left behind. It's capacity of movement is infinite. You cannot outrun it. Nor can any form of energy out run nothingness. Nothingness is infinite. It does not need anything else to exist.

Don't bring air or anything else into this mental scenario. The only things involed are yourself, the ring to guide you, and nothingness pursuing.

Re: Faster than a speeding photon...

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:54 pm
by HitchcockGreen

Re: Faster than a speeding photon...

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:24 pm
by MrTwosheds
I would also not consider it 'just another form of matter'. Speaking of detection, where did you see there is no dark matter in our local region?
Its just an assumption I made, because I have not heard of anyone saying "look here is a piece of dark matter". My own opinion is that it is highly probable that most of it is either completely normal matter that we just cannot see from here, and/or vast quantities of sub atomic particles just floating about in a way that people did not expect them too. To speculate that it has supernatural properties of some sort is really on par with contemplating That Mars the God of War is real, but has moved to a flat in Swindon, because of the Martian property market collapse.

Re: Faster than a speeding photon...

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 5:12 pm
by Ded10c
Zenophas wrote:
AHadley wrote:Nothingness isn't a something, so how can it move? :P
Nothingness is everything. Everything is nothing without nothingness. Therefore, nothingness is something... it's nothing.

Let's relax and slow everything down a bit. Removing things such as sense and logic, let's take a trip though the ring of nothingness. As you drift through and out the other side of the ring, nothingness moves in to fill in the space you've left behind. It's capacity of movement is infinite. You cannot outrun it. Nor can any form of energy out run nothingness. Nothingness is infinite. It does not need anything else to exist.

Don't bring air or anything else into this mental scenario. The only things involed are yourself, the ring to guide you, and nothingness pursuing.
Nothingness is an absense of something. Therefore, yes, it is infinite, but since it is the absense of anything else it can't move faster than... well, anything else. Technically it can't move at all, since it is nothing and so it was never there in the first place. Even if it could, it could only move as fast as the thing it is replacing, not faster.

(Stop it, Zeno, you're making my head hurt)

Re: Faster than a speeding photon...

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:37 pm
by Zenophas
HitchcockGreen wrote:pics or it didn't happen

Re: Faster than a speeding photon...

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:45 pm
by Ded10c
Zenophas wrote: