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Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:55 pm
by Red Spot
2 missconceptions there:
-This isnt a mutual thing, its one-way traffic here.
-The spying party is not trustworthy.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:00 pm
by MrTwosheds
As I understand it from the wiki leaks thing, it is mutual! just don't expect anyone to actually admit it. No spy's are entirely trustworthy, you just got to face up to the fact that its going to happen anyway, a bit of mutual exchange of information benefits both sides, plus you might get to find out what you have actually managed to keep secret! :)
Just keep watching the "programming" and look forward to the billionaire's one world puppet government like a good little worker. :lol: And don't use a telephone/computer to convey any information you want to keep secret, we cracked the encryption ages ago, good old paper letters are more secure and harder to intercept.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:08 am
by Red Spot
Oh, I'm pretty good at staying in the dark. I have 2 official names and you couldnt find me via google if I gave you my name, adress and whatever else you think you can use. As it is my own countries taxes has trouble keeping track of me. So its not about my personal stuff.

Still I disagree with you, my country for one does not tap millions of phonecalls every month like the US does. My countries secret service does tend to leave memorysticks with sensitive information behind in taxi's...
Its not even that I have difficulty with tapping phones of 'old enemies' but the US and the countries being tapped atm are so called allies. You dont need enemies with allies like that :)

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 7:38 am
by MrTwosheds
But its a different war these days, nation states are not the prime movers and enemies are no longer behind borders, spying is a business and information a currency. Powerful nations have outsourced their own domestic surveillance... Maybe you are lucky in that your nation has not yet reached this level of paranoid distrust in itself and its own people, but they cannot escape the fact that much of the rest of the world has gone that way. I would be very surprised if your nation was not engaged in the mass surveillance of telecommunications in some way or other, I know mine is and I know our "competitors" are too. You have to play the game to stay in the game!
Of course information is only of value if those obtaining it are smart enough to know what it is they should be looking for... I fear that "The West's" purpose and priorities are so very badly focused that the game is probably already lost.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:10 am
by Red Spot
There is a difference between gathering information to protect your country and allies, and tapping millions of phonecalls in other countries where you have no rights as government. It has nothing to do with security or information.
If it where, why do we still have nukes in storage for the US if they feel they need to check up on everybody?

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 1:29 pm
by MrTwosheds
Yes, but generally nations have laws about spying on their own populations but none about spying on those of others...Like my own country yours has had some fairly stupid immigration policies for many years, resulting in large populations of people who do not necessarily feel any loyalty to their nation or its population. No doubt it is they who are the prime target of this surveillance and no doubt your government are silently quite happy about it occurring.
Like it or not modern communications technology has broken down the old national borders, and those in control of the technologies are new and powerful forces in our world, unconstrained by the old forces of nation states or their laws. We will probably will end up with a global "IDictatorship"... :lol: because I certainly don't see any of our governments being clever, smart or good enough to form the global IDemocracy. They are much to busy directing their own media shows to look at the real big picture.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 1:15 am
by Zenophas
Red Spot wrote:

The latest in urban warfare :D
Specially like the advertisements on the sides ...
Truly a grand accomplishment in human engineering.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 1:36 am
by blue banana
Oohh 'Bama!

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:42 pm
by MrTwosheds
Ok I guess we got that bit of news a bit late in the UK... :roll: The US has been caught spying on the Leaders of 35 allied nations, Oops! Not really surprising, maybe it will prove to be good news for the prospects of our own communication businesses. Its not a good idea to be dependent on technologies you have no control over. Trust is often a much undervalued currency.
:( But I just know our own very dim government will deliberately fail to seize this opportunity to grow our own communications sector, they will be falling over themselves to remain in favour with the US gov instead. Its so depressingly predictable. :(
I mean all it would take is for some bright spark, to figure out how to launch cheap micro-communications satellites from an unmanned hydrogen lifter drone at the top of the atmosphere, into a stable orbit and the whole communications industry is theirs for the taking. My nation is crippled by its ignorant money worshiping career politicians.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:35 am
by Nielk1
blue banana wrote:Oohh 'Bama!

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:56 am
by Roscoe

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:14 pm
by MrTwosheds
Well yes... Your all so obsessed with the stars of your domestic "politics show" that the larger picture no longer seems to be in focus. Getting caught "cheating" by your mates seems to be less important then how loud you chant for your own team.
Singing competition 1 : Freedom 0 :lol:

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:55 pm
by Nielk1
MrTwosheds wrote:Well yes... Your all so obsessed with the stars of your domestic "politics show" that the larger picture no longer seems to be in focus. Getting caught "cheating" by your mates seems to be less important then how loud you chant for your own team.
Singing competition 1 : Freedom 0 :lol:
I think you are picking the wrong people to say that too. We know quite well the full global scope of what is going on and it is these petty bits of humor that keep us from clinical depression.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 8:50 pm
by MrTwosheds
Don't get offended by it, its just my cynical humour. That's why i put a :lol: after it.

Cynicism must be applied to this subject...Because the only thing any of us can be absolutely certain of is that we are not going to get told what it is really all about.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 2:43 am
by Roscoe
We need to set up our own spy network to discover the truth!