John Carmack (@ id Software): PC is not the leading platform

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John Carmack (@ id Software): PC is not the leading platform

Post by GSH »

See here :
id Software co-founder and lead programmer John Carmack has admitted that the company sees console gaming as a higher priority than PC gaming, since console versions "have larger audiences" than PC versions.
-- GSH
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Re: John Carmack (@ id Software): PC is not the leading plat

Post by Red Devil »

sad, but true. was in best buy and wall world the other day and they have tiny sections for pc games, while the console sections are very big.
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Re: John Carmack (@ id Software): PC is not the leading plat

Post by Ded10c »

Unfortunately that's the way things are going. Funny thing is, I still remember games with console versions completely different from the PC one.
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Re: John Carmack (@ id Software): PC is not the leading plat

Post by Zenophas »

Huh... well, guess they're a bunch of sellouts.
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Re: John Carmack (@ id Software): PC is not the leading plat

Post by Psychedelic Rhino »

I have never enjoyed consoles and their compromise for convenience, hardware consistency, higher profits and input fidelity.

A few years from now "PCs" may indeed become an exclusive club for connoisseur gamers wanting that extra few bumps in performance. Well. . .we're almost there now.
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Re: John Carmack (@ id Software): PC is not the leading plat

Post by MrTwosheds »

They make what sells, lets face it the Pc as we have known it, has a limited future, the highly complex interface, incomprehensible jargon and multi-mix component structure is an evolutionary dead end. The dedicated games console is also a bad idea, Next the console, pocket and phone devices should merge, won't be long till were all wearing earring computers or multifunction trousers.
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Re: John Carmack (@ id Software): PC is not the leading plat

Post by Nielk1 »

There is a greater thing here than most notice. The masses are either PC or Console. Consoles are simple, PCs are complicated. Most users of each can actually be linked to intelligence/willingness to try, which can be linked to societal trends, which can be linked to political trends (as the current set up is to get the most votes, and the fringe liberals not even the normal liberals like are going for the 'mass of stupid voters' demographic and thus doing things to keep them down).

So, what is coming next is actually linked to society as a whole. Fight stupidity. If you have kids, educate them.
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Re: John Carmack (@ id Software): PC is not the leading plat

Post by TwinShadow »

Nielk1 wrote:If you have kids, educate them.
You're kidding, right? XD You're expecting way too much out of the typical "American family" these days. They'd rather have the Government do everything for them. Hence these massive entitlements that go nowhere and only cost the nation even more money.

That aside, console gaming is in, PC gaming is phasing out. Doesn't bother me, I'm no longer a gamer by typical standards. I'm playing games from an era that made games awesome and amazing, not today's graphic whore games of today. Yes, there are a few good ones here and there, but many don't interest me. I miss when one could play a game for weeks before finally beating it. That meant something to me to accomplish that. Now, you can finish a game in 6-8 hours. That's nothing, barely anything when you think about it.

Regardless, I do play a few console games, but I own neither a 360 nor a PS3. I've been a Nintendo owner for many, many years. I have played various games on every console (aside from PS3, a few Sega consoles, and any that predate the NES). I found I get more enjoyment from Nintendo consoles, thus, I have no reason to shell out money for a console with lack-luster game titles. Hell, there aren't many PC titles I'd want to buy either. Not to mention most of those are requiring Steam, or Impulse, or now Origin just to get, and well, no thanks. BTW, I'm not going to turn this into a debate about Steam. If people like it, go for it. I don't, leave me be.
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Re: John Carmack (@ id Software): PC is not the leading plat

Post by Psychedelic Rhino »

TwinShadow wrote:I miss when one could play a game for weeks before finally beating it. That meant something to me to accomplish that. Now, you can finish a game in 6-8 hours. That's nothing, barely anything when you think about it.
I too have thought it odd to "rent a game for the weekend" as is now a fairly popular thing to do. To me, I either want to play it for weeks (even years as in BZ). . . or not play it at all.
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Re: John Carmack (@ id Software): PC is not the leading plat

Post by Zenophas »

AHadley wrote:Unfortunately that's the way things are going. Funny thing is, I still remember games with console versions completely different from the PC one.
Quake 2, Doom, and somewhat Battlezone. (Ones that Zeno remembers, anyway.)

Quake 2 for the N64 ends almost abruptly. Doesn't make any sense... but, was still pretty fun. Haven't played doom for the N64 though. RotBGs... well, played that to death.
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Re: John Carmack (@ id Software): PC is not the leading plat

Post by Ded10c »

PM me.
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Re: John Carmack (@ id Software): PC is not the leading plat

Post by Nielk1 »

I like Steam, but I would prefer the reduce some restrictions.

Steam is like a platform more than PC is, in fact I have seen things listed as "XBOX360, PS3, and Steam" instead of "XBOX360, PS3, and PC". Amazing what is happening.

Indy games are getting out now though, and they are awesome.
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Re: John Carmack (@ id Software): PC is not the leading plat

Post by Ded10c »

Steam restrictions do indeed annoy me. Space Marine still not available over here, for example. Probably due to GAME trying to get a monopoly on it. Which they deny, of course. Probably like EA denied being responsible for Crysis 2 coming off.
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Re: John Carmack (@ id Software): PC is not the leading plat

Post by Psychedelic Rhino »

Carmack can put this in his pipe and smoke it. ... r_embedded#!
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Re: John Carmack (@ id Software): PC is not the leading plat

Post by rice303 »

Well...people had beleved that PC gaming was dying when big rigs was relased in 2004 which....means that all us people have to try and get whatever comes our way I guess.

And my opinion of steam is that it is'nt really a needed program and.....why I may be wrong but I reckon that it really is a way of Valve getting more money.
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