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Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:46 pm
is there?

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:48 pm
General BlackDragon wrote:Well, as long as they listen to the community, it should be decent.

do you think that will happen?

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:49 pm
by General BlackDragon
Yea, I heard they have good reputation for listening to feedback from the community.

As for who's developing it, here's the only clue i'm giving you.

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:52 pm
feedback has very little to do with dev, most of that is used for debugging.

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:54 pm
by Nielk1
It's a remaster, that means they take the old code and hit it with a bunch of full time salary developers and professional modern tools. Honestly I see this as probably a rather fast turn around in terms of modern development timetables.

IMHO the only thing that's going to be a bump in the road for them is the fact the multiplayer is still based on an archaic 1998 standard of distributed authority. The hardest part other than that, really, is making sure the modability is still in place. Which, btw, is where feedback comes in.

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:56 pm
the idea of moddability is intriguing. They would need to create an engine from scratch to include that in a BZ remake. What engine does Rebellion use for thier games?

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:59 pm
by General BlackDragon
What's wrong with the BZ (or BZ2) engine for moddability?

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:00 pm
by Ded10c
Rebellion typically uses a custom engine called Asura, but they've recently been looking for developers versed in UE4 so they've obviously got at least one in-progress project using it.

Also (bullet points because shift soon):
- You're working effectively alone and with only the experience you've picked up working on Bionite. Rebellion has an entire team and millions of dollars.
- revoemag
- Activision made BZ, not Pandemic. Pandemic made BZ2.
- $1m then is $1,458,926.38 now.
- Rebellion spent half a million on the license alone. That's not chump change even for them, and a license isn't something you buy on a whim.

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:07 pm
by Nielk1
LtFEED wrote:the idea of moddability is intriguing. They would need to create an engine from scratch to include that in a BZ remake. What engine does Rebellion use for thier games?
The base game is highly modable and they are using the base code as it is a remaster. A lot of the work for modability is already done, they just need to keep from breaking it.

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:07 pm
if they spend that kind of money on a BZ remake they will be finished making games. Just look at the number of large dev companies going under. The problem is that the nature of the industry has completely changed. This is why most new games totally suck ass AND no non-indie dev company is doing anything original. (hence the massive number of knock-offs) No one will spend the money to make a truely great game, from a business point of view, its a death trap. The only way to recoup that kind of money is to make a console version of BZ, and that is impossible.

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:10 pm
'remastering' the code wont work using a modern engine. the original code for BZ is way too old. at best they can use it as a model going forward. If they take any shortcuts, the game will be complete shiite. I hope the try to use UE4, then they can spend all of there time working for EPIC as quality testers and beta testing.

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:15 pm
by Ded10c
Those are massive, sweeping generalisations and I don't see how you can make them. Arkane, Irrational, Valve, Bioware and so on are all pushing boundaries, even if only a little and even if you don't like the direction in which they are being pushed. There have been several great original games in the last few years - some of them are easily amongst the best games I have ever played, and clearly I'm not alone in that point of view.

Regarding the most recent post - Nielk1 isn't talking about using a modern engine.

And regarding UE4; I spent the last year working with it and have seen just shy of fifteen well-built independent games come from it. I don't know what the problem you have with it is.

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:17 pm
by Nielk1
LtFEED wrote:'remastering' the code wont work using a modern engine. the original code for BZ is way too old. at best they can use it as a model going forward. If they take any shortcuts, the game will be complete shiite. I hope the try to use UE4, then they can spend all of there time working for EPIC as quality testers and beta testing.
Old code is good code. It's important as a programmer and developer to understand that the shiniest new thing is oft not a move you want to make. Mature code, more specifically than old, is good. The more mature code is, the more tested and bug free it is. Also, you're looking at this as an all or nothing situation, where any modern program, and I mean past 30 years, is a highly modular beast. They will keep the existing engine and REMASTER IT.

If you want an example of a remaster where the original code is used, look at HOMEWORLD Remastered. That's running a lot of "original code [that] is way too old" and it's **** great!

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:18 pm
the problem with UE4 is that is made by EPIC

based on my experience with EPIC and how they support there products, no one will ever get anywhere using UE4. That engine will be full of bugs for years.

for example, the memory pop bug in UE3. they didnt fix that for years. anyone using UE4 is just a lab rat.

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:22 pm

you guys think that they wont use a modern engine??

why the hell wouldnt they?

and if THAT is true, why do i get all kinds of hell from people for not switching to UE4??