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Community Projects

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:54 pm
by Nielk1
Red Devil wrote:no way this mod could be made now-a-days.
That's just plain insulting...

Re: Forgotten Enemies 1.3 Singleplayer Fixes

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:55 pm
by RubiconAlpha
Nielk1 wrote:That's just plain insulting...
With the small hand full of modders this community has left I have to agree with Red Devil.

We still have some great talent around but getting them all together for one major project like was done for FE is highly unlikely.

Re: Forgotten Enemies 1.3 Singleplayer Fixes

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:56 pm
by Ded10c
RubiconAlpha wrote:
Nielk1 wrote:That's just plain insulting...
With the small hand full of modders this community has left I have to agree with Red Devil.

We still have some great talent around but getting them all together for one major project like was done for FE is highly unlikely.
...and is exactly what is being done.

Re: Forgotten Enemies 1.3 Singleplayer Fixes

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 11:02 pm
by RubiconAlpha
Do tell. What "new" mod is in development that's not just an update or finishing of other people's work?

I know a few modders have some stuff in the works but for the most part it's just one or two people each. Is there a "community" project I don't know about?

Re: Forgotten Enemies 1.3 Singleplayer Fixes

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 11:09 pm
by Ded10c

Re: Forgotten Enemies 1.3 Singleplayer Fixes

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 11:27 pm
by RubiconAlpha
Great news! I've been away for a bit. Thanks for the link.

Not much detail on the site about story or what's new other than the fine model work.

Seems this has been in the works for some time. I remember seeing the models in the past but does three members on the project make it a "community" project?

Re: Forgotten Enemies 1.3 Singleplayer Fixes

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:04 am
by Nielk1
RubiconAlpha wrote:Great news! I've been away for a bit. Thanks for the link.

Not much detail on the site about story or what's new other than the fine model work.

Seems this has been in the works for some time. I remember seeing the models in the past but does three members on the project make it a "community" project?
For one, there are more than those listed on ModDB.
For two, if you look at how the CP1 was structured, there were primary members of few count who did most of it, and then people submitted various extra bits of content that was integrated, such as weapons, environments, props, systems (such as the acid dripping plants), etc, who were not part of this core group.

People seem to assume, incorrectly, that FE was made by the entire community.

Off the top of my head I can think of Myself, AHadley, Jayden, and GBD working on it in the core team any anyone with sufficient skill is welcome to join. Anyone else is welcome to offer whatever they may. I do my best to prevent too much crazy **** from going on.

Re: Forgotten Enemies 1.3 Singleplayer Fixes

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:20 am
by MrTwosheds
It is the absence of an individual "owner" that makes a project a community project.
My project by contrast, "The Legions Of Skaro" is an absolute dictatorship, I do encourage people to contribute if they wish to, but I retain absolute control, because its my hobby and I'm not interested in arguing about it or setting firm completion dates etc.
Always willing to accept maps, models and other content donated, but I give no guarantee that they will be used.

Re: Forgotten Enemies 1.3 Singleplayer Fixes

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:39 am
by RubiconAlpha
Again, great news that there is still a major group project in the works. I was there during FE's making and I look forward to seeing another project of that scope sometime in the future.

I have seen so many projects die over the years, be great to have something "new" to play that was more completed.

Re: Forgotten Enemies 1.3 Singleplayer Fixes

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:01 am
by Zero Angel
EPIC had a core team too, it was pretty efficient as a means for the main asset contributors to share amongst themselves without too much slowing them down. Though the active part of EPICs core team was Slaor and Lizard doing 90% of the work, with GBD doing the installer. Most of us others on the core_team didnt do a lot besides providing some testing feedback and suggestions -- which, while not glorious at all, is somewhat important work since testers can pick up on things that devs might otherwise miss (like proofreading a long document -- you will always skip over a few of your own errors without a second set of eyes). Despite that there wasnt a lot of beauracracy, if you are respectful you can let the asset developers do their thing and even influence the direction of the project without getting in the way or dampening their creative spirit.

In sum, if the development is too transparent then it will likely cause more problems than it may fix (Iron Maiden on the earlier CP2 attempt being an example -- not meaning to insult IM since he seems to have changed).

Re: Forgotten Enemies 1.3 Singleplayer Fixes

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 3:32 am
by Red Devil
i did asset stuff for epic behind the scenes. still am.

Re: Forgotten Enemies 1.3 Singleplayer Fixes

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:47 pm
by General BlackDragon
Me too.

The CORE Team still exists, just minus lizard and slaor :(

I think it's mostly me and RD now. GH probably can help some too.

Re: Forgotten Enemies 1.3 Singleplayer Fixes

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:10 pm
by DarkCobra262
General BlackDragon wrote:Me too.

The CORE Team still exists, just minus lizard and slaor :(

I think it's mostly me and RD now. GH probably can help some too.
Too bad I can't :P. Anyway it'd be nice to see more large projects like FE.

Re: Forgotten Enemies 1.3 Singleplayer Fixes

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:23 pm
by Red Devil
the reason i say FE could not be made today is that it took so much work from so many talented people all working together - a perfect storm of a mod.

i spent a few days just getting *one* singleplayer mission to work correctly. That is without having to do all of the design and construction of the map, doing the voiceovers, building the DLL and ODF's. add to that, writing the script, agreeing on the script, making the DLL Scriptor, making the models, making the intro, making the installer, etc., etc., etc., and making a mod of that caliber becomes a very ambitious, yet daunting task that will take years to complete.

i wish anyone attempting it the very best of luck - because you're going to need it.

Re: Forgotten Enemies 1.3 Singleplayer Fixes

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:41 pm
by Nielk1
Red Devil wrote:the reason i say FE could not be made today is that it took so much work from so many talented people all working together - a perfect storm of a mod.

i spent a few days just getting *one* singleplayer mission to work correctly. That is without having to do all of the design and construction of the map, doing the voiceovers, building the DLL and ODF's. add to that, writing the script, agreeing on the script, making the DLL Scriptor, making the models, making the intro, making the installer, etc., etc., etc., and making a mod of that caliber becomes a very ambitious, yet daunting task that will take years to complete.

i wish anyone attempting it the very best of luck - because you're going to need it.
I've already been able to work well with other modders to the point of create masses of content very quickly. Single player missions aren't that bad and once I have my lua bindings done anyone will be able to write SP and MP compatible mission scripts with a far faster turn around and no need for a compiler. I have worked with amazing model makers, competent map designers, etc.

I think you just don't have any faith in the modders of this community. Maybe its the fact that you haven't been involved in any such project other than trying to maintain the work of others, which by the very nature of work requires you to learn what everyone did, often with errors, and then build on it (this is the basis of the idea of the mythical-man-month).