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Battlezone Forums • Question and answer...
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Question and answer...

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 3:11 pm
by Josiah
I think it best if I start using just one thread to ask about everything, as it seems I have an endless supply of questions

that being said, is it possible to have alternate fire sounds for a weapon? I tried fireSound1 and altFireSound, but that didn't work.

Re: Question and answer...

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 3:27 pm
by General BlackDragon
nope only one sound, except on taggun and maybe chargegun. but thats only a diff sound each charge state and on the tag round

Re: Question and answer...

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 4:02 pm
by Josiah
can somebody give me an example explosion odf that leaves a texture behind? I want the explosion to leave behind this texture, but I'm having problems getting it to show up properly...


also, if whoever doesn't mind, I'd also like an emitter, or something that will flash 4 textures, one at a time, but alternating... If they could be in different positions each time they emit/show/whatever, that would be great...

Re: Question and answer...

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 4:07 pm
by Shadow Knight
I'm not sure what you mean, but if you want it to leave like a scorchmark then draw_planar with a highish lifeSpan would do the trick.

Here's the mortar ground explosion file

Code: Select all

// =============
// =============

classLabel = "explosion"


particleTypes = 6

particleClass1 = "xgasgnd.shock"
particleCount1 = 1
particleVeloc1 = "0.0 0.0 0.0"

particleClass2 = "xgasgnd.cloud"
particleCount2 = 1
particleVeloc2 = "0.0 10.0 0.0"

particleClass3 = "xgasgnd.flame"
particleCount3 = 2
particleVeloc3 = "0.0 10.0 0.0"

particleClass4 = "xgasgnd.light"
particleCount4 = 1
particleVeloc4 = "0.0 0.0 0.0"

particleClass5 = "xgasgnd.ring"
particleCount5 = 1
particleVeloc5 = "0.0 0.0 0.0"

particleClass6 = "xgasgnd.posroll"
particleCount6 = 8
particleVeloc6 = "5.0 0.0 5.0"


explSound = "mort02.wav"
damageRadius = 50.0

damageValue(N) = 100 // none
damageValue(L) = 50 // light
damageValue(H) = 5 // heavy

damageValue(S) = 50 // standard
damageValue(D) = 100 // deflection
damageValue(A) = 5 // absorbtion


simulateBase = "sim_null"
lifeTime = 0.3
renderBase = "draw_sphere"
textureName = "vsmoke.tga"
textureBlend = "one one modulate"
startColor = "255 255 63 127"
finishColor = "255 0 0 0"
startRadius = 3.0
finishRadius = 60.0
animateTime = 0.3
latitudeBands = 8
longitudeSegments = 16

simulateBase = "sim_dust"
lifeTime = .5
renderBase = "draw_emit"
emitName = "xgasgnd.cloudemit"
emitDelay = 0.5
emitVelocity = "0.0 3.0 0.0"
emitVariance = "0.0 1.0 0.0"

simulateBase = "sim_smoke"
lifeTime = 2
renderBase = "draw_twirl"
textureName = "smoke.tga"
textureBlend = "srcalpha invsrcalpha modulatealpha"
startColor = "0 0 0 255"
finishColor = "0 0 0 0"
startRadius = 3
finishRadius = 6
animateTime = 2

simulateBase = "sim_smoke"
lifeTime = 0.1
renderBase = "draw_emit"
emitName = "xgasgnd.flameemit"
emitDelay = 0.1
emitVelocity = "0.0 3.0 0.0"
emitVariance = "0.0 0.0 0.0"

simulateBase = "sim_smoke"
lifeTime = .5
renderBase = "draw_twirl"
textureName = "flame2.tga"
textureBlend = "one one modulate"
startColor = " 255 255 200 255"
finishColor = "255 0 0 0"
startRadius = 0
finishRadius = 4
animateTime = .5
rotationRate = 5

simulateBase = "sim_null"
lifeTime = 0.5
renderBase = "draw_light"
startColor = "255 255 63 255"
finishColor = "255 0 0 0"
startRadius = 60.0
finishRadius = 60.0
animateTime = 0.5
attenuateConstant = 0.0
attenuateLinear = 1.0
attenuateQuadratic = 0.0

simulateBase = "sim_null"
lifeTime = 10
renderBase = "draw_planar"
textureName = "grndchar.tga"
textureBlend = "srcalpha invsrcalpha modulatealpha"
startColor = "10 10 10 255"
finishColor = "10 10 10 0"
startRadius = 6.0
finishRadius = 6.0
animateTime = 5

simulateBase = "sim_dust"
lifeTime = 3
renderBase = "draw_twirl"
textureName = "smoke.tga"
textureBlend = "srcalpha invsrcalpha modulatealpha"
startColor = "32 32 32 255"
finishColor = "127 127 127 0"
startRadius = 2
finishRadius = 1
animateTime = 3
rotationRate = 2
the Ring section is what you want to look at. Although you'll need to use a different blending method, since IIRC grndchar.tga is white on transparent.

Re: Question and answer...

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 4:24 pm
by Josiah
Shadow Knight wrote:I'm not sure what you mean, but if you want it to leave like a scorchmark then draw_planar with a highish lifeSpan would do the trick.
yep, that's it, thanks...

edit: well here's a problem: I can't seem to get it close to black, w/o it turning transparent...

Code: Select all

simulateBase = "sim_null"
lifeTime = 50
renderBase = "draw_planar"
textureName = "scorch02.bmp"
textureBlend = "one one modulate"
startColor = "20 14 11 255"
finishColor = "20 14 11 100"
startRadius = 32
finishRadius = 32
animateTime = 50

Re: Question and answer...

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 6:38 pm
by General BlackDragon
You have to make it in the alpha channel, and then use this textureblend: srcalpha invsrcalpha modulatealpha

Re: Question and answer...

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 10:59 pm
by Josiah
yah, I just figured that out. I compared grndchar.tga and my texture, and tried to duplicate them, and failed miserably, until I tried making scorch02 a tga instead of a bmp... works great!

Re: Question and answer...

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 11:21 pm
by Josiah
now, I'm working on the sparks, and I have this:

Code: Select all

particleClass2 = "xibt1pgxpl.spark"
particleCount2 = 15
particleVeloc2 = "250 500 0"
particleVarience2 = "250 250 250"

simulateBase = "sim_ember"
lifeTime = 5
renderBase = "draw_twirl"
textureName = "ysparks01.tga"
textureBlend = "one one modulate"
startColor = "255 255 255 255"
finishColor = "255 255 255 0"
startRadius = .5
finishRadius = .5
animateTime = 5
rotationRate = 0
I want sparks to fly in all directions, pretty far. I don't know if I need 4 different particle emitters for the 4 sides, or, if there's some other way to do it. If I have to have 4 emitters, then I'll have to bring down the individual particleCount, but if there's some other way, please fill me in.

edit: also, if it's possible to have really small smoke trails on each spark, that'd be awesome. I'm thinking some sort of draw_trail, but I'm not sure how to attach it to the spark...

Re: Question and answer...

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 11:58 pm
by Zero Angel
You misspelled 'variance', in your ODF.

Re: Question and answer...

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 12:07 am
by Josiah
well, either way I spell it, it doesn't make a difference...

Re: Question and answer...

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:19 am
by Josiah
anybody know where lizard's map making tut is? specifically, how to use the environment tab?

Re: Question and answer...

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:35 am
by MrTwosheds
well, either way I spell it, it doesn't make a difference...
It will, one way it won't work...
particleVeloc2 = "250 500 0"
particleVarience2 = "250 250 250"
The velocity is an xyz value left/right up/down towards/away (from your viewpoint) in meters per second.
Those values look a bit big, some of the embers will be 2500 meters up at the end of the 5 seconds and probably out of the range where bz2 will bother to draw them.

try something like this
particleClass1 = "xhvartilc.streamer"
particleCount1 = 24
particleVeloc1 = "80.0 80.0 80.0"
particleBias1 = "0.0 18.0 0.0"

simulateBase = "sim_ember"
lifeTime = 2.0
renderBase = "draw_trail"
textureBlend = "one one modulate"
startColor = "255 127 0 255"
finishColor = "255 0 0 0"
startRadius = 0.05
finishRadius = 0.0
trailTime = 2.0
segmentTime = 0.5

Re: Question and answer...

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:13 am
by TheJamsh
A neat trick you can do with ground chars, if they use the "srcalpha invsrcalpha modulatealpha" blend type, is make the alpha value in the start colour something really high, like 5000.

They won't look any different, but they will stay solid for longer, and "fade out" closer to the end of their lifespan. I do it quite a lot for my planars.

Oh and the best way to get embers going in all directions, only give them an upward velocity, then use "variance" to send them in all directions. Something like what twosheds has done above.

Re: Question and answer...

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 6:35 am
by Josiah
my my, seems I've been out of it for awhile... darn the job I got!

anyways, is it possible for shields to have team filters in sp? how about weapon filters? team weapon filters? I'm kinda wanting something that will block a certain amount of damage from enemy weapons, but not restrict vehicle movement, and then require a recharge time till it turns back on.

am I looking at a ton of dll stuffs, or is the newer patches have some nifty plug somewheres?