General Help Page

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Lord Scion
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General Help Page

Post by Lord Scion »

Hey all. You may remember me from a year or two ago, as you handheld me through installing the patch, and the 1.3 FE patch for it as well. You may remember how hopeless I was at the whole thing. Well, since then, I had the time of my life on that patch of a good year and a half now. However, unfortunately, I've had to replace my old computer with a windows seven desktop... And as many people have expressed, I COULD NOT install the game through the disk. Even after tweaking with the compatibility of the setup.exe. So I resorted to importing my patched 1.3 version to the computer through flash drive. To my joy, it worked. Unable to locate the original 1.0 file with no patch, this was all I had. Lately, however, I've tried to join multiplayer servers through LAN, only to find nobody. Also, I've tried to install various mods to my 1.3 version (such as FleshStorm 1.3). Note, I have the file of the game on my desktop, so no shortcut. I have to open the file, and click on the bzone icon within it to start it up.

Any of the mods I try to download and install to it, I cannot activate for example the FleshStorm 2 mod, becuase within the file, all there is is the "uninstall" option. Other than that, the game boots up still to only regular 1.3 with scions and ISDF factions.

I apologize for the long post, but I'm really feeling discouraged.. I'm no techie. I don't know what I'm doing with files. Anything I learned from last time I quickly forgot. I no nothing of zipped files, or ANYTHING... I'm just someone who enjoys playing the game. I suppose I'm an idiot, but I can't help that. I would LOVE for some help, but that's not accurate. I really don't know ANYTHING about how to get things to work. Patches, settings, firewalls, anything. This may be too broad for anyone to work with, but this is really just my flare to the small community of people who like this game just as much, if not more, than me to see if there's anyway I can actually do this.
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Re: General Help Page

Post by GSH »

This is addressed in the 1.3 Readme13 (alternate link), which is installed with BZ2, and also available at the master Battlezone 2 patch site. It says this:
Installing Battlezone II from CD on Windows XP/Vista/7
The Battlezone II CD does not contain the best installer, as many have noticed. Especially for 64-bit versions of Windows, the setup.exe in the root folder of the BZ2 CD does NOT run, because that setup.exe is a 16-bit application. Battlezone II (the game) is a proper 32-bit application that runs on 32 or 64 bit versions of Windows. But, the CD's initial installer does not run well on modern systems. The best thing to do is to try this first:
1. Insert BZ2 CD. Do not run anything if prompted
2. In Windows, go to 'My Computer' (Windows XP), or 'Computer' (Windows 7)
3. Find the BZ2 CD entry, click on it
4. Go to the setup directory in the BZ2 CD
5. Run the setup.exe (shown simply as the application called 'setup' if you use the Windows default of hiding file extensions)
Application compatibility settings aren't needed by 99% of people. You can also try running setup\setup.exe as administrator.

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Re: General Help Page

Post by Lord Scion »

Alright. I'm sorry I keep posting more questions, and it seems like I'm not improving.

I digress. Even though I performed those steps given, it still starkly refuses to read the disk, giving me the same rejection message every time.

So anyways.. I have the patched version on a flash drive... I moved the file from my old computers program files, and then from the flash drive, dragged the file to my desktop. From there, I downloaded the Fleshtorm 2: The Harvest mod, and ordered it to install within that file... It did it's thing, and install. However, whenever I boot up the game, it still just goes to regular old battlezone . The only thing that tells me that it installed was the fact that when I open the file, there's a fleshtorm uninstall options, along with all of the addon files...

Note: To boot the game in general, I have to open the file, and then hit the bzone icon...

Help?.. Please?
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Re: General Help Page

Post by GSH »

Even though I performed those steps given, it still starkly refuses to read the disk, giving me the same rejection message every time.
Tip: we're not the NSA. We can't see what's on your screen. We can't see that message you're talking about. So, it would help us help you if you could quote the message in as much detail and precision as possible.

As to the fleshstorm issue, newer mods require launching BZ2 with a commandline parameter to pick the correct .cfg file. Just launching bzone.exe as before will NOT use the mod's .cfg. Some mods w/ installers will create a start menu shortcut for you to do all that. Otherwise, you're going to have to find and read the documentation as to what to put on the shortcut, and create a shortcut with that.

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Re: General Help Page

Post by Lord Scion »

It's the typical "Cannot run software. Contact your provider to find out if you need 32 or 64 bit version"

That's not the actually message, quote on quote, obviously, but it's the one everybody runs into. The standard compatibility issue..

But as for my FleshStorm problem, any advice on that as well?
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Re: General Help Page

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if you want to run fleshstorm, you need to create a shortcut to bzone, then add /config fleshstorm.cfg to it in the Target field, like this:

I:\\bzone.exe /uniquelogfile /nointro /config fleshstorm.cfg

(or whatever the fleshstorm cfg is named; it'll being the root of you install)
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Re: General Help Page

Post by Lord Scion »

Never mind... When I got your message, I didn't see the FleshStorm part
Lord Scion
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Re: General Help Page

Post by Lord Scion »

I'm going to try all this as soon as I get home. Thanks for the support, guys ^_^
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Re: General Help Page

Post by GSH »

It's the typical "Cannot run software. Contact your provider to find out if you need 32 or 64 bit version"

That's not the actually message, quote on quote, obviously, but it's the one everybody runs into. The standard compatibility issue..
Once again, because you're so vague, it really seems like you've ignored all the advice on how to install. Do not trust the autorun application that appears when you launch. Follow the steps I quoted above about opening up [My] Computer, and then a very specific folder on the CD BEFORE running setup.exe. Those steps work for everyone who follows them.

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Re: General Help Page

Post by Lord Scion »

Oh, I really have done everything it asks me to. I ignore the auto run, go to my computer, click "open" on the icon of BZ, go to the setup.exe, hit compatibility, windows 95, apply, and then try to run it. It STILL refuses to. Knowing me, I probably am doing it completely wrong, but that is how I interpreted the instructions
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Re: General Help Page

Post by GSH »

You're still not listening or following the instructions I posted earlier for installing from CD:


Stop, re-read steps 4 & 5 that I posted in the second post in this thread.

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Lord Scion
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Re: General Help Page

Post by Lord Scion »

I've been doing the shortcut altering for FleshStorm. I type in exactly what i should, yet it tells me "this name isn't valid"

Here's what it looks like:

C:\Users\Thomas\deskstop\Battlezone 1.3 - copy (2)\bzone.exe / config fs2bzone.cfg

It keeps telling me that it isn't a valid target, or that it couldn't be found..
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Re: General Help Page

Post by Red Devil »

remove the space before config and spell deskstop as desktop

C:\Users\Thomas\desktop\Battlezone 1.3 - copy (2)\bzone.exe /config fs2bzone.cfg
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Re: General Help Page

Post by GSH »

C:\Users\Thomas\deskstop\Battlezone 1.3 - copy (2)\bzone.exe / config fs2bzone.cfg
1) You must have quotes around the path to bzone.exe if there are spaces in the filename
2) You must not have spaces between '/' and 'config'.

A more reasonable path is this:

"C:\Users\Thomas\desktop\Battlezone 1.3 - copy (2)\bzone.exe" /config fs2bzone.cfg

-- GSH
Lord Scion
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Re: General Help Page

Post by Lord Scion »

Thanks to you all, I have EVERYTHING I ever wanted to work, working. I can't thank you all enough for such patience.
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