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Re: Please Read: A Personal Appeal from all BZ fans

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:56 pm
by Nielk1
GSH wrote:On's voting page, Battlezone 1 has 582 votes, and BZ2 has 502 votes. The top 10 vote-getters are shown permanently, Battlezone has to be searched for.
Far better idea than a petition. I just clicked the vote option on it as I didn't know about that page on GOG.

Re: Please Read: A Personal Appeal from all BZ fans

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:46 am
by MrTwosheds
I think the only conclusion we can draw is that company's don't care about people pirating their old software, as all you have to do to stop it is have a web page and a little bit of server space, then people won't need to pirate and they will have a comprehensive historic archive of their products. A failure to realise that one day some of these products may once again become valuable as historic items is very short sighted.
It took the BBC about 40 years to realise that just about everything they had ever made later on became valuable items of historical interest, by which time much of it had decayed beyond recovery. People love to revisit the past in any form.
You could even monitor the downloads and if something appeared to be popular, you could start charging again, it might even pay for itself.

Re: Please Read: A Personal Appeal from all BZ fans

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:41 am
by Zax
Unknown error occurred :(

That's what it sends me when I try to vote, including smiley face.

Anyhow, yes it is a pointless endeavor. The petition if it were in paper form would be as good as TP to them. You care but they don't is the problem.

Just be glad a programmer stuck around and made a dingy old game work on modern PCs at all. I am wrestling with one of my favorite older games that doesn't have that luxury.

Re: Please Read: A Personal Appeal from all BZ fans

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:14 am
by GSH and other sites are working in the publisher's interest overall. Publishers would rather get a small cut of sales on than zero cut of piracy. Assuming the publisher's lawyers cost less than that small cut -- and as I've said before, because there's 2 companies' lawyers involved (Activision, Atari), the problem is harder for the Battlezones. Two sets of lawyers could be 4x the "fun." Once again, more votes on sites like gog mean more inclination to try and acquire those rights.

Seriously, don't get emotional and give up when things don't happen this weekend. But, stay focused on the goal: cheap, legal copies of BZ1/2 on a site like

-- GSH

Re: Please Read: A Personal Appeal from all BZ fans

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:27 am
by Nielk1
Zax wrote:Unknown error occurred :(

That's what it sends me when I try to vote, including smiley face.
Log in. I got the same error before I logged in. They need to add a check for log in on that error screen.

Re: Please Read: A Personal Appeal from all BZ fans

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:56 pm
by GSH
On's voting page, BZ1 is up to 588 votes, BZ2 509 votes. That's 6-7 votes in two weeks, even after news here.

-- GSH

Re: Please Read: A Personal Appeal from all BZ fans

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:13 pm
by Ded10c
Great job, guys(!)

Re: Please Read: A Personal Appeal from all BZ fans

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:53 pm
by MrTwosheds
I assumed I only get 1 vote?

Re: Please Read: A Personal Appeal from all BZ fans

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:30 am
by DuoRanger
if we reunite the whole community(which is is impossible thx to Spock and Sporck Douchebagery) is possible to put bz on the top of GoG website, heck even Wing Commander and Apache vs Havok is there too, when i've made the thread about bz on Mechwarrior oNline forums i've saw that a good part of mech players loves bz too

if we reunite this people we can do this

Re: Please Read: A Personal Appeal from all BZ fans

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:34 pm
by forgottengames
Well, it's been a while since anybody's been on this hopeless post, but I have to admit: The title for this thread is AWESOME, and it's perfectly fitting. Who agrees with me?

P.S. (Yes, I know I scavenged it from a Wikipedia banner. Don't bug me with that.)

Re: Please Read: A Personal Appeal from all BZ fans

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:07 pm
by Apollo
Bz has 856 votes now but what is this for... What will this voting gain for Bz?

Activision gave unofficial permission with NO restrictions so long as money isn't involved.
Activision's contract was up in 2006 with Atari, they will not make any more money from it.

Anyone currently selling the games would have no distribution rights unless Atari is selling Activision games now, which i doubt.

Re: Please Read: A Personal Appeal from all BZ fans

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:27 pm
by Ded10c
Allows BZ to be sold without being packaged with anybody's changes.

Put it this way; what's to lose?

Re: Please Read: A Personal Appeal from all BZ fans

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:40 pm
by Apollo
Only Atari can do that, if people want to really see that happen, get some money together and hire an Attorney to contact Atari legal, they will want 20% of the gross if they allow distribution at all. They may not be able to make that license because Activision owns the engine.

It can't hurt to have an Attorney send a cert. letter, should cost about $150.

Re: Please Read: A Personal Appeal from all BZ fans

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:10 pm
by forgottengames
Maybe I should set something up on Kickstarter or PayPal so we can hitch this wagon to a star.

Re: Please Read: A Personal Appeal from all BZ fans

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:18 pm
by Red Spot
forgottengames wrote:Maybe I should set something up on Kickstarter or PayPal so we can hitch this wagon to a star.
That made me giggle. I'd sooner be willing to pay for it myself than you would get the funds by setting up a PayPall account :D
How much do you think you get from that, 100x €10,-? That will still be mildly too little for what you'd like to achieve ;)