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Re: How did you discover BZ2?

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:40 pm
by Col Klink
MrsGSH wrote:I am admittedly not a gamer and I only heard about BZ2 because it came up when I started dating GSH. I think that of the times I've mentioned that GSH still works on it to my friends, only 1 has been familiar with the game, actually BZ1.

So out of curiosity, I was wondering how y'all came across and decided to start playing BZ2?
I used to play the original Battlezone arcade game back in the 1980's. I'm not very familar with BZI although I'm told it's quite awesome. I found my copy of BZII at store that sells second hand games for an awesome price of 5 bucks. I fell head over heels for it not long after first playing it. It's an awesome game and few others have yet to match it's unique game play. Kudos to GSH for helping BZII become a truly classic video game title. :P

Re: How did you discover BZ2?

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:46 am
by forgottengames
Nielk1 wrote:I had BZ1 from my father's thrustmaster joystick. Game wasn't his speed. I got BZ2 after finding it in what was similar to an indoor flee market. The market wasn't kind to BZ2 so while still in its dawn of existence it was already making the rounds in bargain type situations. Had to get a new PC to be able to play it.

I had only ever played BZ1 in SP, and for the longest time I did the same with BZ2. My first community action was emailing Avatar to help him make a silo via an extractor ODF for BZC. Yes, Avatar was working on BZC way way way back then.

Once I was in an indoor computer show in North Carolina, and they were selling BZ2. Were you at a similar event?

Re: How did you discover BZ2?

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:46 pm
by Nielk1
forgottengames wrote:
Nielk1 wrote:I had BZ1 from my father's thrustmaster joystick. Game wasn't his speed. I got BZ2 after finding it in what was similar to an indoor flee market. The market wasn't kind to BZ2 so while still in its dawn of existence it was already making the rounds in bargain type situations. Had to get a new PC to be able to play it.

I had only ever played BZ1 in SP, and for the longest time I did the same with BZ2. My first community action was emailing Avatar to help him make a silo via an extractor ODF for BZC. Yes, Avatar was working on BZC way way way back then.

Once I was in an indoor computer show in North Carolina, and they were selling BZ2. Were you at a similar event?
I don't think so. My BZ2 box doesn't have the characteristic computer show color coded price dot. Though my copy of XCar and BANG: Gunship Elite, and Total Abyss.

Love getting games at computer shows, pretty sure it was more an indoor flee market though. Only seemly more specialized. One spot had like all cloths and belts.

AH! Maybe it was a small market area where a bunch of stores set up a smaller area near the holidays or something. Seen those before.

Re: How did you discover BZ2?

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:40 am
by Cyber
back to the topic... ;)

My dad bought the ORIGINAL CD (:D) in a store, afaik that was in 1998 or 1999. I began playing as I was 6 (the offline-instant mission "Canyons" in 1,0 and lost very often). I played rarely until I was 14, there I began online-playing in 1.2 (ZST's and that stuff). And then I discovered 1.3 TechAlpha5, but had problems to create a pilot until I began reading forums like this. Since then I played each patch&test version and I have to say battlezone 2 (1.2&1.3) is one of the greatest games ever.

Re: How did you discover BZ2?

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:42 am
by Baconboy
My Grandpa got me it for my 2nd B'day. :)

Re: How did you discover BZ2?

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:18 am
by Zero Angel
My dad bought it for me when I was 17. It came in a pack with Heretic II and some other game. I spent many many hours playing it online and running up my parents' internet bills (28.8k, the long distance from the city made the connection expensive -- and the games were laggy as hell. Though 4 player and DMs were often tolerable.)

I got into modding when discovering that BZ2 had an editor. For awhile I lived with limited access to the internet and decided to mess around with the editor. I made creations at home, and played BZ2 from my office (which had a dedicated internet line) after work. I'm still a stratter at heart though :D

I don't play much bz2 anymore (except for the occassional 1.2 game) but I decided to check on this board anyways and say 'hi'. It's good to see GSH's wife joining the community. She seems like a nice lass.

Re: How did you discover BZ2?

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:14 am
by Iron_Maiden
My Grandpa got me it for my 2nd B'day.
I'm just going to assume you were born on a leapyear.

Re: How did you discover BZ2?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:57 pm
by Red Spot
Iron_Maiden wrote:
My Grandpa got me it for my 2nd B'day.
I'm just going to assume you were born on a leapyear.
Could be that is Grandpa already saw what a pearl this game is and didnt want his grandson to miss out on it just because he was born 10 years too late.
But likelly what you said :D

Re: How did you discover BZ2?

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:23 pm
by Tomas
Firstly sorry for my english... A friend showed me Battlezone 1 from Activision. When I have seen the intro, I was totally impressed, hypnotized, and I MUST HAVE this game. I started playing it few years later, when I got a new PC. I loved it, and another hypnotisms I got from video outro. Later on I have got Battlezone 2, I had to get used with the new look, but after few missions I liked it more than BZ1. Now I play BZ2 for about 6 years. Time to time I play MPI. Yesterday I tried to play BZ2 on a notebook in a bus with a mouse, however it was more difficult, as the bus was jumping over the bumps on the road :D

Re: How did you discover BZ2?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:12 am
by Gamer1
An employee of mine brought it into work to show me the Original BZ. I'm thinking that was in 1999 or so. It was so cool I got online and ordered a copy for myself. Then later when BZII came out I bought 4 copies so we could all load it up in the office and play against each other.

I was the owner of a Computer Sales and Service company at the time and my office was about 500 sq ft in size with 5 desks and a work bench. It was a cozy place and they were happy times. We would frequently end the day with a quick game of BZ..

In 2002 I sold the business after 13 years and moved to a different state. I've lost touch with everyone except the one guy who brought the first BZ game in to me. He and I live nearly 2000 miles apart now, but we still play a game of BZ once in a while online.

I've been playing online for a long time, but over the past several years I've almost always done a password protected game. Just too many jerks. Once in a while I'll open the door and when I find some good joiners I'll give them the password I usually use so they can join in the next time if they are around.

I have no problem playing with newbies and I imagine most seasoned players think my game play is boring cuz I always play MPI and I go slow. :-) It's not all about the win, I enjoy the game play, the graphics, the physics, the gathering of assets. I like to try building my base in different ways to see what works best for making a base that is impregnable. Then it's all about building a big attack force and kicking some computer butt. lol..

Squirrelof9 will tell you. Years ago he was on a Satellite system for his internet and he was so laggy no one would let him join. I was one of the few game hosters that didn't have a problem with it. After all, it wasn't his fault, he just wanted to play.

The idea of a 3rd version of BZ makes me happy. I'll be able to play well into my 60s perhaps.. hahahaha.

-=[ Gamer1]=-

Re: How did you discover BZ2?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:42 am
by Zenophas
Went looking for it after playing "Rise of the Black Dogs" for a year or two. Couldn't afford it at the time.

Zeno asked for it for Christmas when Zeno was little. Parents ended up buying another copy of RotBD by accident. So, Zeno threw out her old cartridge.

Re: How did you discover BZ2?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:40 am
by Zax
Ah, RotBD. That is to the BZ universe what this is to the Zelda universe.

Re: How did you discover BZ2?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:25 am
by Ded10c
If only it was easier to rip a ROM.

Re: How did you discover BZ2?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:16 am
by squirrelof09
Squirrelof9 will tell you. Years ago he was on a Satellite system for his internet and he was so laggy no one would let him join. I was one of the few game hosters that didn't have a problem with it. After all, it wasn't his fault, he just wanted to play.

Man I'm telling ya! You were also the very first Multiplayer game I joined up on. It was MPI: Bridges. Those were the days... Wish I remembered more of those days. I did finally get used to the lag and learned how to guess where my target might be headed in strategy games. It was fun.

After satellite I got my hands on a microwave wireless internet. It was a new service and had quite a bit of issues. Except I finally saw games with double digit pings!!! But my connection had tons of packet loss and keeping a connection through an entire game was hard.

After that I moved in with my 'uncle' and had DSL. FINALLY! stable games!! for the most part... Then later that year I moved into the city of Florence, AL and had me a comcast line :). I saw pings as low as the twenties, especially to chicago hosts. But now... I've moved back into the county.. I have DSL and pings outside the first hop don't get any lower than 50ms. But it's okay.

Good to see ya here Gamer1! I better go to sleep :P. Talk more later!

Re: How did you discover BZ2?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:45 pm
by Nielk1
Zax wrote:Ah, RotBD. That is to the BZ universe what this is to the Zelda universe.
RotBD shoehorns a tad better.

The Black Dogs see the CCA and NSDF working together, not knowing of the furies, and rush back to Earth, battling all the way, to reveal the whole thing. Forget the end.