How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

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Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Post by Zax »

GSH wrote:Do a search and you can find that mod. Learn to do work on your own end rather than asking everyone to do all the thinking for you.

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Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Post by Red Devil »

i'm uploading an installer .exe now; should be finished in ~45 minutes. i'll post a note here when it's done. link will be in Big List of BZ2 Mods in Mod Playing
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Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Post by Red Devil »

okay, finished uploading it. go try it.
Lord Scion
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Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Post by Lord Scion »

I have successfully install the 1.3 update for battlezone, but the 1.2 version has indeed updated, but the instant action still crashes upon click. Also, the Forgotten Enemies 1.3 isn't booting up. Bear with me, guys, I'm almost done.
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Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Post by Lord Scion »

The forgotten enemies has been extracted to 1.3, but the game is no diferent. Is there one more step I missed?
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General BlackDragon
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Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Post by General BlackDragon »

Are you launching Battlezone II, or Forgotten Enemies? You should have two shortcuts on your desktop to click on. If not, do what Zero Angel said here:

Lord Scion
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Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Post by Lord Scion »

I did that. I moved the update posted here to the 1.3 file I made, edited to target, and still nothing
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Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Post by Ded10c »

Did you try the installer Red Devil posted?
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General BlackDragon
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Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Post by General BlackDragon »

Screw this.

Click the green download button. PM me when you have it installed.
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Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Post by Red Devil »

GBD, please stop trying to beat a dead horse - i want him to use the installer.
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Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Post by General BlackDragon »

*sigh* Doesn't do him any good if he doesn't learn anything. :roll:
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Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Post by GSH »

And logging into his computer will teach him anything? Hardly.

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Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Post by Nielk1 »

While controlling his computer through the process would not "help" him, using the TeamViewer to see WTF he is doing wrong in the first place would be advantageous.
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General BlackDragon
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Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Post by General BlackDragon »

The reason I want to use teamviewer, is that at this point, I have no idea what he's done right or wrong, in following the 2-3 different explanations given here. Without being able to actually see it myself, have no idea what to tell him, since I am lost.

I'm sure that everyone else feels relatively the same, given 4 pages have gone by, and it still "doesn't work"
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Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Post by Red Spot »

No offence, but he doesnt seem to be following instructions. I very much doubt he correctly made his exe point to the .cfg for FE, seeing his statements about 'nothing different'.
Josiah wrote:Try this maybe?

1. Install from cd to C:\BzII 1.3pb6.2
2. Download the 1.3pb6.2 patch
3. Extract the file to a temporary location, and open it
4. Click Change Directory, double click on C:\BzII 1.3pb6.2, click Ok, click Install
5. Follow the prompts until it is installed; you now have a 1.3pb6.2 BzII installation
6. Download the Forgotten Enemies Mod
7. Extract the contents to C:\BzII 1.3pb6.2
8. Delete the FE13_PB61_Addon and FE13_PB61_Maps folders from C:\BzII 1.3pb6.2
9. Download the Forgotten Enemies Patch
10. Extract the contents to C:\BzII 1.3pb6.2
11. Right click on C:\BzII 1.3pb6.2\bzone.exe and click Send to -> Desktop(Create shortcut)
12. Right click on the shortcut, and click Properties
13. Paste this into the target line:
"C:\BzII 1.3pb6.2\bzone.exe" /nointro /poweruser /config FE13.cfg
14. Rename the shortcut to BzII 1.3pb6.2 FE
15. Double click on shortcut to play
The bold bit is quite clear imo ..
Though with RDs recent installer its been made a bit easier.

Lord Scion, pls post a screenshot of your shortcut to FE.