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Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:39 am
by Feared_1
This is not an education forum. We are not trying to teach people problem-solving skills. We are answering the question, "How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies" so that this guy can play Battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies. If he was having this problem in real life, where we could physically be there to help him and guide the process, the situation would be different and we could teach him to learn how to solve similar problems himself. General BlackDragon has it right: we have no idea what he's done right or wrong.

Exploratory learning (a teaching method that involves giving basic instruction or tools and saying, "GO," which has been the case for several pages in this topic) is only effective if there is a mediator there to focus the learning process. It is meant to be used as a method for problem-based learning, not a procedure in order to get things done which, by the way, is our main goal here.

TeamViewer is a good method in this case because 1) it fixes his problem, and 2) he can see the problem being fixed. I would recommend that whoever helps him open up a Notepad or Microsoft Word document and explain exactly what they are doing step-by-step (including why) so he can both understand the underlying issues and visualize the problem being solved. This is another real teaching method called "modeling," and would probably be the best method for computer-computer communication.

Stop beating around the bush and get this guy's problem fixed.

Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:43 am
by Zax
The FE tech support HQ closed down years ago. He's using phone a friend now, he had his choices, now he picks one.

Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:45 am
by Red Spot
In that respect, this is also not a TeamView-forum ..
Lord Scion benefits much more from it if he can solve it himself by following instructions and report what comes up, in detail, that will teach him to depend on himself instead of someone doing it for him. If he cant follow the instructions here, he will also not be able to do so with TeamView... and in the end he learns nothing that can benefit him thoughout his entire life.

Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:51 am
by Zax
Red Spot wrote:In that respect, this is also not a TeamView-forum ..
Lord Scion benefits much more from it if he can solve it himself by following instructions and report what comes up, in detail, that will teach him to depend on himself instead of someone doing it for him. If he cant follow the instructions here, he will also not be able to do so with TeamView... and in the end he learns nothing that can benefit him thoughout his entire life.
And yet, in real life, we call a plumber to fix our pipes or take our car to the dealer to fix a particularly egregious issue. Some guys are like that with computers; in fact, an entire industry exists because of that.

Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:33 pm
by Lord Scion
I know what I did wrong :D (I think) the file I extracted is called FE update twelve, I think there is one last thing to download. 1.3 works perfectly fine, I'll download the last FE v2 Full tonight. Also, one last question. There have been comments on how FE 1.3 is pretty unstable of single player campaign. Will instant actio still work fine? Because that's pretty much all I do, anyway. I want to thank all you guys in advance for helping me out, but seriously. I've never dealt with "files" or anything before. It's really just been installing from the cd, restarting the computer, and playing. That's it. This is my first experience using "zipped" files, or "extracting" anything. This game takes me back to the early 2000s, where I had my best friend play it. It used to be him (always the scions) vs. me (forced to be ISDF). When I learn about both FE and Fleshtorm, I honestly thought it would be simple. Clearly I was wrong, or I might've been so had I had ANY experience what so ever. I'm not making you guy "do the thinking, or working" for me. I just want help figuring this out so I can play a timeless classic we all love.... Battlezone 2.

Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:33 pm
by Lord Scion
One in-game question. You know when you are prOducing the same units, And they take up all the group spaces. I saw someone apon YouTube putting them in the same groups ex) you have two turrets, they are f1 and F2, and the guy did something, and thye were suddenly both in f1

Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:24 pm
by Zero Angel
If you have a turret in F2 and you want to put it into a group with the turret in F1 -- you would do it like so.

F2 (to select the turret you want to move)
[ctrl] + F1 (to move selected units into that group)

You would use a similar technique to pass units to a teammate. For example, to pass the F2 turret to a teammate on F10
[ctrl] + F10

You don't have to press ctrl and F# at the same time, just press the F# while holding down ctrl.

To split units from a group:
[ctrl] + F# (select the F key of the group you want to split out from -- a list of units in that group will show up on screen)
[ctrl] + 2,3,4 (while holding ctrl, you are selecting the 2nd, 3rd and 4th units out of that group)
- If you want to move those selected units to another group -
[ctrl] + F# (doing this will move those selected units to a new or existing group)

Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:38 pm
by Red Devil
"Lord Scion", please just download and use the FE13 installer i just made. you're doing things all bass ackwards now.

Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:42 pm
by Lord Scion
The original thing you posted? At the VERY Beggining?

Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:43 pm
by Zax
Instant action has a bit more testing, I have no comment on its playability as IA is not for me.

Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:18 pm
by Feared_1
Lord Scion wrote:I'm not making you guy "do the thinking, or working" for me. I just want help figuring this out so I can play a timeless classic we all love.... Battlezone 2.
This, for the love of God.

Education is not a goal unless that was the intent behind the request. The goal here is "so I can play a timeless classic."

Lord Scion, that you should follow instructions from one person here and no one else. If you try to follow instructions from a lot of different people, then you might get confused! That one person is probably Red Devil, since he knows a lot about this. Follow his instructions and no one else's.

Red Devil, could you please lay everything out (including links and specific instructions) in one comprehensive and clear post that starts from the beginning so Lord Scion can follow them?

Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:03 pm
by Red Spot
Zax wrote:
Red Spot wrote:In that respect, this is also not a TeamView-forum ..
Lord Scion benefits much more from it if he can solve it himself by following instructions and report what comes up, in detail, that will teach him to depend on himself instead of someone doing it for him. If he cant follow the instructions here, he will also not be able to do so with TeamView... and in the end he learns nothing that can benefit him thoughout his entire life.
And yet, in real life, we call a plumber to fix our pipes or take our car to the dealer to fix a particularly egregious issue. Some guys are like that with computers; in fact, an entire industry exists because of that.
Your example is flawed to begin with, he isnt talking about a broken PC, he is sort of talking about not knowing how to open the tap.
Usually people just want water to come out of the tap and go away through the drain, but if you already had to work with pipes, you'd probably be in a good position to learn plumbing by simply doing it. There could also be the issue of finances, if you know something yourself, you have a choice, if you dont you'll have to pay, wether you have the money or not.
And as this topic illustrates, eventhough some hint towards the use of TeamView, nobody actually takes action in that regard. Some cash might get things going ... ;)
Lord Scion wrote:I just want help figuring this out so I can play a timeless classic we all love.... Battlezone 2.
You got any cash? (j/k)

Lord Scion, do what I quoted before but use the newest download Red Devil posted. Also use that guide to reply with how you followed those steps. Repeating the same thing wont help you if you just keep repeating the same mistake/follow instructions improperly. Give us proper feedback if you want to move forward, likelly you will spot the mistake yourself as you do. (note that you should NOT install the update over the exe, just combine those steps with installing the exe)

Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:15 pm
by Zax
Red Spot wrote: Your example is flawed to begin with, he isnt talking about a broken PC, he is sort of talking about not knowing how to open the tap.
Usually people just want water to come out of the tap and go away through the drain, but if you already had to work with pipes, you'd probably be in a good position to learn plumbing by simply doing it. There could also be the issue of finances, if you know something yourself, you have a choice, if you dont you'll have to pay, wether you have the money or not.
And as this topic illustrates, eventhough some hint towards the use of TeamView, nobody actually takes action in that regard. Some cash might get things going ... ;)
It wasn't flawed, just unspecific.

On an unrelated note, I could charge you 200$ to come clean spyware off your PC with freely available consumer level tools. It's not like companies are doing that... :roll:

Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:41 pm
by Lord Scion
Do I have to have FE to be able to play Fleshtorm?

Re: How do I install battlezone 2 Forgotten Enemies

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:06 pm
by Zero Angel
No. They are completely seperate mods.