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Re: So Coxxon, how have you spent 2015?

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:53 am
by Ded10c
Don't worry, I'm not trying to tell you what to do or what not to do - I was just double-checking you hadn't missed the idea that he's not fully Scion :)

Breaking down the line, by the way, might cause problems than it solves:
Other Scion tissue samples, interestingly, did not display any of these features.
Apparently Scion tissue samples don't show a DNA match to Braddock (not really surprising, there are only three reasons this could be the case and none of them work at such a scale), but they also don't show "characteristics of both biometal and human tissue". This line doesn't just imply that Burns is more human; it states it outright.

Re: So Coxxon, how have you spent 2015?

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 4:53 pm
by coxxon
AHadley wrote: I was just double-checking you hadn't missed the idea that he's not fully Scion.
Yes, I guess I had, since the story at a minimum implies that he and the other Black Dog Furies formed the Scions. :!: That would put him among the first of them. The problem is we don't know what he or the other Scions are, and since they're fictional we never fully will. Like a lot of this story,the people who wrote it didn't exactly come across as highly knowledgeable about biology, the military (any branch), or cosmology[sp?]. So trying to be so specific about a fictional thing is only gone lead to endless arguments/debates. For the purposes of any rewriting I've done, Burns is as much a Scion as any other. All Scions are at least part human and part bio-metal. As for the line about not showing both characteristics, I refer back to the general lack of knowledge displayed by the original writers, and the ensuing unreliability, intentional or not, of the "narrator" of the briefs.

Re: So Coxxon, how have you spent 2015?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 3:43 am
by coxxon
I played through the new campaign progression. Had to make some edits to the briefs/debriefs as I went along, but except for a few voiceovers that squeak against it, the story works pretty darn awesome. I did keep the original ending movies in, they still hold up reasonably well with the story.

I'm also tweaking assets, but all the new models are working.

The biggest issues I noticed were the ones that have been there from the beginning. Mainly, alot of the missions are still too easy, even on hard, and a number of the maps could use some revision (layout, and prop placements).

On to screenshots:

One happy, unified, non-contradictory campaign run completed. :)

Feeling a little busty.

Thought this was kinda purty. I turned off the emitters in the odf to clear up the fire in the cutscene.

Scion missions now have their own load screens (built in Photoshop),

Re: So Coxxon, how have you spent 2015?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 4:41 am
by General BlackDragon
pretty dropship <3

I want.

Re: So Coxxon, how have you spent 2015?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 6:11 pm
by coxxon
General BlackDragon wrote:pretty dropship <3 I want.
I'm hoping to put it out on the market real soon. $40,000,000 for the standard model. Armaments and FTL will cost a little more. :)

Re: So Coxxon, how have you spent 2015?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 8:26 pm
by DeusExCeteri

Re: So Coxxon, how have you spent 2015?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 11:10 pm
by MrTwosheds
He has legs! Those are his invisibility pants. :) How cool is Phantom VIR pants?

Re: So Coxxon, how have you spent 2015?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 3:22 am
by coxxon
funny video ;) 8 legs, 7 vags ... maybe more ... :shock:
The orig character version did have legs, but the window cut it off at the head and feet, so I just went with the waist up.
MrTwosheds wrote:He has legs! Those are his invisibility pants. :) How cool is Phantom VIR pants?
I wore those once. Only problem was they only cloaked themself. ... too bad that was also the day I went commando :o

Re: So Coxxon, how have you spent 2015?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 3:30 am
by General BlackDragon
U can modify the CFG to adjust the zoom level of the model, so u can make the view further away to avoid cutting off.

Re: So Coxxon, how have you spent 2015?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 5:45 pm
by coxxon
General BlackDragon wrote:U can modify the CFG to adjust the zoom level of the model, so u can make the view further away to avoid cutting off.
I kind of like the closer view. It wasn't cutting them off too bad, but just enough, and with the eyeball focus, they looked kind of weird. That said, what's the variable used to do that? Does it go in the missions file?

Re: So Coxxon, how have you spent 2015?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 8:48 pm
by General BlackDragon
No, it's located in bzshell_single.cfg line 267. The one for Tech Info is on line 420

Remember to use a scaler to generate the custom bzshell_single_x1_5 - x3_0 (or to modify them as well)

Re: So Coxxon, how have you spent 2015?

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 10:34 pm
by coxxon
General BlackDragon wrote:No, it's located in bzshell_single.cfg line 267. The one for Tech Info is on line 420 Remember to use a scaler to generate the custom bzshell_single_x1_5 - x3_0 (or to modify them as well)
ooohhh okay. I'd been afraid to look at all those files. That's alot of stuff in all those things.
I think for the moment though I'm going to leave it as is. Messing with the interface screens is a bit beyond the scope of what I want to do, especially since this mod has already had a lot more feature creep than I had planned for.

Re: So Coxxon, how have you spent 2015?

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 11:36 pm
by coxxon
Almost there.
I've spent the past several days trying to eliminate or at least make it harder to circle-strafe kill a gunspire, with a good bit of success. So that's delayed me a bit, and I still have some final tweaks and checking to do, but I'm close, real close.

I've also finally made my moddb entry for the (future) download.


Re: So Coxxon, how have you spent 2015?

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 12:36 am
by Red Devil
i'm thinking you could do this for a living if you don't already.

Re: So Coxxon, how have you spent 2015?

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 3:05 am
by General BlackDragon
Ditto. I bet BZ Remastered could use you :D