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Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:20 pm
by SkrilleX
For UEP what recycler variant makes me able to make Snowcrabs for battle in MPI??

Re: UEP??

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:11 pm
by Nielk1
Honestly, I don't know, and I worked on the damn thing...

Re: UEP??

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:17 pm
by Ded10c
Nielk1 wrote:Honestly, I don't know, and I worked on the damn thing...
I'm not even sure it can *do* that.

Re: UEP??

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:29 pm
by Nielk1
AHadley wrote:I'm not even sure it can *do* that.
At this point I don't even know what it can do...

My only suggestion is see if any of the recs mention animals or zoos.

Re: UEP??

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:15 pm
by MrTwosheds
The crabs don't work. They cannot walk.

Re: UEP??

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:58 pm
by Ded10c
And this is why it wasn't in beta yet.

Re: UEP??

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:43 pm
by SkrilleX
For Mega Structures rec variant I upgrade comm tower but it does nothing. Also, what do the P.Structure/P.Tower (forgot exact name - looks like just a box that is ISDF)!?!!?!?!

Re: UEP??

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:09 am
by Zero Angel
P.Catcher is a giant urinal that guntower pilots use (they drink a lot of coffee). In fact they drink SO much coffee that you need to put a P.Catcher next to where you want to build a guntower.

Re: UEP??

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:34 am
by Nielk1
Power Catchers is a alternate power system that was first demonstrated by BBB. It causes guntowers to only work if there is a Power Catcher to catch the power and give it to the guntower.

As ZA noted, it also contains a full set of facilities for the guntower pilots.

Mega-structures should have the comm tower go Comm -> Service -> Bomber, though the bomber makes it hard to get up the ladder to the top.

Re: UEP??

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:01 am
by SkrilleX
UEP baserk pilots same as GGSE mod pilots very strong how I turn them down? they always kill me but my pilots not strong??

Re: UEP??

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:50 am
by Nielk1
Berserk is berserk. It is the mode where the AI cheats and gets a bunch of bullshit toys. Its not really supposed to give any mercy.

Re: UEP??

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:38 am
by DarkCobra262
Nielk1 wrote:Berserk is berserk. It is the mode where the AI cheats and gets a bunch of bullshit toys. Its not really supposed to give any mercy.
And it's a blast to fight against, I still hate those stupid splinter things...

Re: UEP??

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:01 pm
by Zax
It's an expansion pack, and they STILL have to use those damn ladders? No wonder all the pilots in the ISDF are quitting.

Re: UEP??

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:04 pm
by Ded10c
Tell them the guy who makes the elevators just quit, they'll have to wait another 20 years for the Swarm to attack before they can get anything else.

Re: UEP??

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:11 pm
by Zax
AHadley wrote:the Swarm
SHHH we aren't allowed to use/mention those assets you hater!