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Noob come back

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:05 pm
by alucardlevash

i'm really happy to see that some people continue to work and play Battlezone 2.
It's was for me one of the best game i'm ever play.

I succesful install game on my PC with 7 64bit with the patch available here, and i'm still enjoy to play.

I want to improve my game experience and discover new thing.
So, after read some topic, i have few question :

Does you think, it's better to re-install the game many time to have different version (normal with patch 1.3.X and one by mod).
What it's your favorite mod ? and some mod can be install on same game version ?

Thank you for you answer, and soory for my english i'm french

Re: Noob come back

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:30 pm
by Iron_Maiden
Hello and Welcome to the forums.

It is important to have multiple copies of the game installed for multiple mods. I beleive having multiple mod installs to a single install of BZ2 does not work out well. My favorite mod is Forgotten Enemies, it is really the only one I play.

Re: Noob come back

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:46 pm
by Nielk1
Mods that launch with their own shortcut should be able to be in the same installation. Others are more hit or miss depending on what they do. Currently, I am able to put all mods in 1 install, but I am also a modder capable of fixing it if it goes wrong.

Re: Noob come back

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:03 am
by Zero Angel
It is fine to have several mods installed into one BZ2 folder, because none or few of the mods interfere with each other at all. If you want to make a 'clean' battlezone 2 folder that is fine too. Those always come in handy if you ever lose the CD or otherwise want to back up BZ2 somewhere.

There is difference between 1.2 and 1.3 mods. You should not install 1.2 mods into a 1.3 install and vice-versa. If you don't know, then read the details about each mod to tell if it is for 1.2 or 1.3, and if a 1.3 mod then what version of 1.3 it is designed for.

Forgotten Enemies for 1.2 is the best and most complete mod there is. Red Devil is converting FE to 1.3 but that is an unfinished project.

Re: Noob come back

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:19 am
by jack775544
Currently I have Forgotten Enemies, Fleshstorm and Fleshstorm 2 all in a single 1.3 install, and they all work fine. I also have a 1.2 FE install for when I want to play a SP mission that is broken in 1.3 and an old 1.0 install on a separate HDD as a backup copy.
My favorite mod would have to be FE however as posted before some of the SP missions are broken.

Re: Noob come back

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:33 am
by alucardlevash
Thank you for all you answer.

I try to make an other BZ2 installation with mod.

So if i understand in this list of mod :

You advise Fleshstorm, Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest, Forgotten Enemies by the BZ2CP for on the same installation.

An other question, if it's possible to play with one of you to see how you win, because the computer player explose me every time.

Re: Noob come back

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:34 am
by alucardlevash
And what 's about the G66 mod ?

Re: Noob come back

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:36 am
by Red Spot
I'd install the game from disk, copy that installation and do whatever you want with the copy but leave the original as is.
This way when a new patch is released or something does corrupt your patched version you can just delete the entire folder with the patched game and copy the clean install once more. This also allows you to keep that precious gamedisk at a safe location where it wont scratch ;)
alucardlevash wrote:An other question, if it's possible to play with one of you to see how you win, because the computer player explose me every time.
Feel free to PM me when you are about to play a game, no promises but I dont mind lending you a hand and showing you some characteristics of the game.

Couple of things you want to keep an eye on:
-Keep and get as many pools as you can
-Try to get a defense up 'soonish' (couple of Atanks in front of your base works better than a few static GTs or weak turrets, both get shot from a safe distance by enemy Atanks).
-Basebuilding is only done after you secure your position, dont try to rush to high techs with 2 pools and an army of enemy walkers at your doorstep, it generally doesnt work.

Also, if you need to ask people to play with you, please do yourself a favour and stay away from G66 for the moment. It wasnt designed to be different, it was designed to be more difficult ;)

Re: Noob come back

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:25 pm
by alucardlevash
Couple of things you want to keep an eye on:
-Keep and get as many pools as you can
-Try to get a defense up 'soonish' (couple of Atanks in front of your base works better than a few static GTs or weak turrets, both get shot from a safe distance by enemy Atanks).
-Basebuilding is only done after you secure your position, dont try to rush to high techs with 2 pools and an army of enemy walkers at your doorstep, it generally doesnt work.
i know this basic, but it's look like i'm slower 0.3x than other player or computer :) ( But the last time i play is in 2001 so maybe my memory was disturbe ?)
Also, if you need to ask people to play with you, please do yourself a favour and stay away from G66 for the moment. It wasnt designed to be different, it was designed to be more difficult
i don't understand exactly why you say to stay away from G66 mod, it's just computer stronger or a mod where best player can fight together?

I don't find a web site with a description of all BZ2 mod, i find some information on official mod website, and some on other site, but i don't have a really good explanation of each mod. That's the reason, i ask people what's the best mod, to search some information on it, because it's take many many time, and i prefer play mod than setup or search information on it.

Re: Noob come back

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:45 pm
by Ded10c
There's nothing *bad* about G66, particularly. Just be aware that the majority of the online community plays strategy, which is a completely different kettle of fish from G66's brand of MPI (or any brand, for that matter).

With regard to mods, the best thing to do is download a bunch and see what you like. You'll find most of them on

Re: Noob come back

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:49 pm
by Red Spot
G66 = Route 66
Have a looksee here:

MPI = Multiplayer Instant (Instant action -with several human players- vs the CPU)

G66 is designed as a MPI-mod for those who like fighting the AI but prefer a bit more of a challenge than the 1.2 vanilla MPI-maps/dll did.
It has been updated for 1.3 (or Red Devil is still in the process of doing so), but so has vanilla MPI, which is considerably more difficult than in 1.2. Still fairly easy to completelly dominate the game if you play on a stock map though. In that respect it seems G66 has become even more brutal than it used to be (it at least can be set up in such mode).

What are you actually aiming for?
From your posts I assumed you wanted to get the hang of the game again by playing some MPI. If that is not the case and you are talking about the fact you get owned in ST, than thats perfectly normal.
People who still activelly play ST have often been doing so for the last 10 or so years, if they arent very skilled they at the very least know every in and out of this game better than they know the pockets on their 5-pocket jeans. If you want to compeat with them, you need to play a lot of games, and get killed even more, while you home your skills again.
If you really are that stiff and need to flex those BZ-muscles a bit I do suggest you simply stick to MPI (or DM) and play GHs maps untill you can beat those while you're taking a nap ;)

FYI, there are a few more French players fairly active, who play ST 1vs1, but since they keep their games locked its going to be difficult to get in contact with them. Maybe you can host a game with a French name and see if it attracts their attention.

Re: Noob come back

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 3:26 pm
by Zero Angel
Red Spot wrote:If that is not the case and you are talking about the fact you get owned in ST, than thats perfectly normal.
Yes, ST is very difficult because there is so many experienced players. The strat players have been fairly welcoming of newbies although many new players have trouble handling the intensity and competitiveness of strat.

If you are really interested in playing ST in 1.3, I can help you get started including getting you hooked up with our (strat players) teamspeak server, giving you pointers on the basics of ST, etc.

Re: Noob come back

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:20 pm
by alucardlevash
From your posts I assumed you wanted to get the hang of the game again by playing some MPI. If that is not the case and you are talking about the fact you get owned in ST, than thats perfectly normal.
You're right.

Currently, i play some MPI, and just some ST with one friend who have the same skill :)
I think it's can be a great experiece for me to see a player like you play against in MPI.

There are no website describe mod ?
Because, yes i make a different BZ2 install and install mod on it, but if i don't know exactly what's the mod do,so i can't really enjoy the difference.

For exemple, i download forgetten enemies and i remember that this mod add a new race in game. But i can find them when i play. It's my memory defaut ?

Re: Noob come back

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:29 pm
by Ded10c
Make sure you install the right version of the mod for your patch - FE Rev.C for 1.2, or Red Devil's versions for 1.3. Also remember that the original FE had it's own launcher - FeBz.exe, not bzone.exe.