Access Violation

Moderators: GSH, VSMIT, Red Devil, Commando

Col Klink
Posts: 368
Joined: Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:24 am

Re: Access Violation

Post by Col Klink »

What's even sader is no one even bothered to answer it in all those months? Hey Nathan I think you better change my nick back to BNG as nobody seems to remember my current one...ROFL :lol:
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Re: Access Violation

Post by Feared_1 »

Well, because this was about an Access Violation happening in stock 1.3... here's another one. :)

Code: Select all

---- Battlezone II Log File ----
App version: bzone Public Beta Jul 29 2011 21:43:22
Windows version: Windows Version: 6.1.7601 'Service Pack 1' PlatformID=2

Last few battlezone.log lines (may or may not be relevant):
DIAG|                DXUT:5467 |22:21:29|1132586| noticed device lost
DIAG|                DXUT:5471 |22:21:29|1132586| Coop level check failed.
DIAG|                DXUT:5535 |22:21:29|1132586| Try to reset the device
DIAG|                 vid:815  |22:21:29|1132586|In Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG|                 vid:773  |22:21:29|1132724|In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0C86AA20
DIAG|              icroot:193  |22:21:29|1132730|Root window now 1366x768
WARN|          GameObject:3549 |22:31:03|1707263|User team # suspect. Changed 6 -> 3
DIAG|      STJoinHandlers:469  |22:31:03|1707279|-- Resynchronized gamestate to server at timestep 34003

Exception code: C0000005 (ACCESS VIOLATION) READING from 00000000h
Message :  Exception
Error occurred at 5/30/2012 22:52:44.
C:\Users\Adam\Documents\My Games\Battlezone II\bzone.exe, run by Adam.
C:\Users\Adam\Documents\My Games\Battlezone II\bzone.exe, run by Adam.
CPU: 2 processor(s), Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T6400  @ 2.00GHz
     Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10
Process Memory :   1422 MB free out of   2048 MB total
Physical memory:   2743 MB free out of   4059 MB total
Page(swap) file:   5759 MB free out of   8115 MB total
This exe is using 183 MB (82 MB dlmalloc), peak use 232 MB

Fault address:  0140D168 01:0006C168 C:\Users\Adam\Documents\My Games\Battlezone II\bzone.exe

SS:ESP:002B:004CDE00  EBP:004CDE64
DS:002B  ES:002B  FS:0053  GS:002B

Call stack:
Address  Offset1  Offset2  Module              SourceFile
0140D168 +0006D168 00000084 bzone            (bzone): : Carrier::TriggerSelected

01415716 +00075716 00000018 bzone            (bzone): : Craft::TriggerCarrierWeapons

01415616 +00075616 00000166 bzone            (bzone): : Craft::SimulateCarrier

014154A7 +000754A7 00000559 bzone            (bzone): : Craft::Simulate

0143053B +0009053B 0000209E bzone            (bzone): : HoverCraft::Simulate

013F9A54 +00059A54 0000047C bzone            (bzone): : MissionHandler::State::RunState::Enter

013FAA60 +0005AA60 0000045C bzone            (bzone): : MissionHandler::State::RunState::Process

0159C87F +001FC87F 000001BF bzone            (bzone): : RunCodes::Process

013F8164 +00058164 0000001E bzone            (bzone): : MissionHandler::Process

0159C87F +001FC87F 000001BF bzone            (bzone): : RunCodes::Process

015A3D74 +00203D74 00000064 bzone            (bzone): : Main::MessagePump

013EAE6D +0004AE6D 000004F1 bzone            (bzone): : HandledMain

013EAB1F +0004AB1F 000001A3 bzone            (bzone): : HandledMain

013E7AB7 +00047AB7 0000005E bzone            (bzone): : WinMain

0154B30F +001AB30F 00000191 bzone            (bzone): : strcat

7630339A +0001339A 00000012 kernel32         (kernel32): : BaseThreadInitThunk

77119EF2 +00039EF2 00000063 ntdll            (ntdll): : RtlInitializeExceptionChain

77119EC5 +00039EC5 00000036 ntdll            (ntdll): : RtlInitializeExceptionChain

This is where my signature picture would normally be. It is not, as you can see.
You're wasting your time reading this. :)
Col Klink
Posts: 368
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Re: Access Violation

Post by Col Klink »

What a drag...I guess the latest beta still has some unresloved bugs.
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Re: Access Violation

Post by Ded10c »

Col Klink wrote:What a drag...I guess the latest beta still has some unresloved bugs.
Heh, show me a version of BZ2 that doesn't. needs your help!
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Re: Access Violation

Post by Nielk1 »

AHadley wrote:
Col Klink wrote:What a drag...I guess the latest beta still has some unresloved bugs.
Heh, show me a version of BZ2 that doesn't.
Even a tiny bit of assembly code has bugs introduced my the quantum instability of electrons.
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Re: Access Violation

Post by Zax »

Nielk1 wrote:
Even a tiny bit of assembly code has bugs introduced my the quantum instability of electrons.
True but some programs have more quantum instability than others if you catch my drift. Microsoft.
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Re: Access Violation

Post by Feared_1 »

Here, have another!

Code: Select all

App version: bzone Public Beta Jul 29 2011 21:43:22
Windows version: Windows Version: 6.1.7601 'Service Pack 1' PlatformID=2

Last few battlezone.log lines (may or may not be relevant):
DIAG|           PlayerMgr:1563 |23:53:20|6541238|Stats file opened
DIAG|           PlayerMgr:1537 |23:53:20|6541240|Closing stats file
ERR |               debug:715  |23:53:47|6568272|.\varsys.cpp(49)
ERR |               debug:716  |23:53:47|6568272|Fri Feb  4 10:07:56 2011
ERR |               debug:717  |23:53:47|6568272|Attempt to use an invalid VarPtr (not setup or target has been deleted)
DIAG|                DXUT:1525 |23:53:49|6570515| DXUT pause on minimize
ERR |                 log:1826 |23:53:53|6574592|abort() requested from '.\debug.cpp':730
DIAG|                 log:1827 |23:53:53|6574593|End of line...

Exception code: 40000015 {Fatal Application Exit}

Message :  Unhandled Exception
Error occurred at 6/6/2012 23:53:56.
C:\Users\Adam\Documents\My Games\Battlezone II\bzone.exe, run by Adam.
C:\Users\Adam\Documents\My Games\Battlezone II\bzone.exe, run by Adam.
CPU: 2 processor(s), Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T6400  @ 2.00GHz
     Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10
Process Memory :   1351 MB free out of   2048 MB total
Physical memory:   2552 MB free out of   4059 MB total
Page(swap) file:   5847 MB free out of   8115 MB total
This exe is using 210 MB (95 MB dlmalloc), peak use 271 MB

Fault address:  013CD836 01:0020C836 C:\Users\Adam\Documents\My Games\Battlezone II\bzone.exe

SS:ESP:7266002B:005ADC2C  EBP:005ADC48
DS:5A002B  ES:13C002B  FS:5A0053  GS:C33002B

Call stack:
Address  Offset1  Offset2  Module              SourceFile
013CD836 +0020D836 000000B6 bzone            (bzone): : BZ2Abort

013CC855 +0020C855 00000115 bzone            (bzone): : Debug::Error::Err

013C78F8 +002078F8 00000048 bzone            (bzone): : VarPtr::Validate

01382C08 +001C2C08 00000018 bzone            (bzone): : IFaceVar::SetStringValue

013900CC +001D00CC 0000003C bzone            (bzone): : ICListBox::ClearSelected

0139079D +001D079D 0000002D bzone            (bzone): : ICListBox::DeleteAllItems

012C2689 +00102689 0000005D bzone            (bzone): : NetManager::SessionManager::LeaveSession

012AC975 +000EC975 00000046 bzone            (bzone): : NetManager::Commands::DoIFaceLeaveSession

012A8F9A +000E8F9A 000004F0 bzone            (bzone): : NetManager::InPacketManager::HandleDeletePlayer

012A9F42 +000E9F42 000000A1 bzone            (bzone): : NetManager::InPacketManager::DispatchOnePacket

012AA2E2 +000EA2E2 00000061 bzone            (bzone): : NetManager::InPacketManager::DispatchPacket

012B9BE3 +000F9BE3 0000009A bzone            (bzone): : PacketIOManager::OnReceivedPacket

012A5C72 +000E5C72 00000075 bzone            (bzone): : GamespyThread::MainThreadProcess

012B69B9 +000F69B9 000000AA bzone            (bzone): : NetManager::Process

0121BC01 +0005BC01 0000002E bzone            (bzone): : ShellHandler::Process

013BC87F +001FC87F 000001BF bzone            (bzone): : RunCodes::Process

013C3D74 +00203D74 00000064 bzone            (bzone): : Main::MessagePump

0120AE6D +0004AE6D 000004F1 bzone            (bzone): : HandledMain

0120AB1F +0004AB1F 000001A3 bzone            (bzone): : HandledMain

01207AB7 +00047AB7 0000005E bzone            (bzone): : WinMain

0136B30F +001AB30F 00000191 bzone            (bzone): : strcat

7552339A +0001339A 00000012 kernel32         (kernel32): : BaseThreadInitThunk

77A39EF2 +00039EF2 00000063 ntdll            (ntdll): : RtlInitializeExceptionChain

77A39EC5 +00039EC5 00000036 ntdll            (ntdll): : RtlInitializeExceptionChain

This is where my signature picture would normally be. It is not, as you can see.
You're wasting your time reading this. :)
Col Klink
Posts: 368
Joined: Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:24 am

Re: Access Violation

Post by Col Klink »

It looks like you may have a corrupted installation bro. Have you maybe installed or deleted some mods or had a bad system freeze up recently? I don't really have a clue what might be causing redundant errors like this with BZII. I wish there was a way to check the installation, but it seems that corrupted files are hard to spot when BZII goes ka-blewee....
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Re: Access Violation

Post by Ded10c »

From fullscreen; opened then closed schematic view, then attempted to open sattelite view (with bzview on) whilst still windowed.

Code: Select all

---- Battlezone II Log File ----
App version: bz2edit Public Beta Jul 29 2011 21:47:41
Windows version: Windows Version: 6.1.7600 '' PlatformID=2

Last few battlezone.log lines (may or may not be relevant):
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:50:54|59956  |[View] Entering run code [SCHEMATIC]
DIAG|                DXUT:2097 |14:50:54|59956  | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG|                 vid:815  |14:50:54|59956  |In Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG|                 vid:773  |14:50:54|60372  |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0BFA65E0
DIAG|              icroot:193  |14:50:54|60382  |Root window now 640x480
DIAG|                DXUT:2584 |14:50:54|60559  | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:50:59|65057  |[View] Entering run code [EDITOR]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:51:02|68224  |[Mission] Entering run code [ESCAPE]

Exception code: C0000005 (ACCESS VIOLATION) READING from 00000024h
Message :  Exception
Error occurred at 6/13/2012 14:51:04.
C:\Games\Battlezone II\BZ2Edit.exe, run by Anthony.
C:\Games\Battlezone II\BZ2Edit.exe, run by Anthony.
CPU: 6 processor(s), AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1090T Processor
     AMD64 Family 16 Model 10 Stepping 0
Process Memory :   1443 MB free out of   2048 MB total
Physical memory:   1773 MB free out of   4094 MB total
Page(swap) file:   5243 MB free out of   8186 MB total
This exe is using 241 MB (83 MB dlmalloc), peak use 302 MB

Fault address:  00EB09D0 01:0004F9D0 C:\Games\Battlezone II\BZ2Edit.exe

SS:ESP:002B:0060DC10  EBP:0060DC40
DS:002B  ES:002B  FS:0053  GS:002B

Call stack:
Address  Offset1  Offset2  Module              SourceFile
00EB09D0 +000509D0 00011B88 BZ2Edit          (BZ2Edit): : StopAudioMessage

00EB0976 +00050976 00011B2E BZ2Edit          (BZ2Edit): : StopAudioMessage

00EB080B +0005080B 000119C3 BZ2Edit          (BZ2Edit): : StopAudioMessage

00EB0537 +00050537 000116EF BZ2Edit          (BZ2Edit): : StopAudioMessage

00EB041F +0005041F 000115D7 BZ2Edit          (BZ2Edit): : StopAudioMessage

00EB1347 +00051347 000124FF BZ2Edit          (BZ2Edit): : StopAudioMessage

00EC3E65 +00063E65 0000374B BZ2Edit          (BZ2Edit): : LogFloat

00FE1424 +00181424 0000F645 BZ2Edit          (BZ2Edit): : SetPlan

00EAAF8A +0004AF8A 0000C142 BZ2Edit          (BZ2Edit): : StopAudioMessage

00EA799E +0004799E 00008B56 BZ2Edit          (BZ2Edit): : StopAudioMessage

0103D66B +001DD66B 0006B88C BZ2Edit          (BZ2Edit): : SetPlan

76FC3677 +00013677 00000012 kernel32         (kernel32): : BaseThreadInitThunk

77909F42 +00039F42 00000063 ntdll            (ntdll): : RtlInitializeExceptionChain

77909F15 +00039F15 00000036 ntdll            (ntdll): : RtlInitializeExceptionChain needs your help!
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