Public Beta Crashes or Errors

Moderators: GSH, VSMIT, Red Devil, Commando

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Flying Mauler
Posts: 2176
Joined: Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:41 pm

Public Beta Crashes or Errors

Post by Commando »

I didn't see a post dedicated to crashes or errors for this public beta, so I'll start one.

Got this while playing on Dude's server.

DIAG| LoadSaveGame:372 |21:12:58|1095594|Loaded from file mpighzone.bzn
DIAG| runcodes:159 |21:12:58|1095671|[View] Entering run code [COCKPIT]
DIAG| runcodes:159 |21:12:58|1095677|[Main] Entering run code [MISSION]
DIAG| icroot:193 |21:12:58|1095680|Root window now 1920x1080
DIAG| runcodes:159 |21:12:58|1095683|[Mission] Entering run code [RUN]
DIAG| Planners:3327 |21:13:00|1097443|SetAIP - cfg(Insaneiil.aip) team(6)
DIAG| LuaManager:165 |21:13:00|1097444|Lua file 'Insaneiil.lua' not found
DIAG| STJoinHandlers:719 |21:13:00|1097469|-- Resynchronized gamestate to server at timestep 33577
DIAG| Planners:3327 |21:13:00|1097563|SetAIP - cfg(Insaneiil.aip) team(6)
DIAG| LuaManager:165 |21:13:00|1097563|Lua file 'Insaneiil.lua' not found
ERR | STJoinHandlers:635 |21:13:16|1112828|LzmaUncompress failed with error 1. State from server is corrupt :(
ERR | log:1838 |21:13:16|1112866|abort() requested from '.\network\STJoinHandlers.cpp':636
ERR | ExceptionHandler:188 |21:13:16|1113103|00391693 +00181693 000000C1 bzone (bzone): : StackWalker::ShowCallstack

ERR | ExceptionHandler:188 |21:13:16|1113111|0041895F +0020895F 0000009F bzone (bzone): : BZ2Abort

ERR | ExceptionHandler:188 |21:13:16|1113126|003145B1 +001045B1 000002E5 bzone (bzone): : NetManager::STJoinHandlers::UnpackAndLoadSTJoinBuffer

ERR | ExceptionHandler:188 |21:13:16|1113132|00300F01 +000F0F01 0000009A bzone (bzone): : NetManager::PreSimulateLockstepWorld

ERR | ExceptionHandler:188 |21:13:16|1113138|00269CC5 +00059CC5 000000AF bzone (bzone): : MoveOneTurn

ERR | ExceptionHandler:188 |21:13:16|1113141|0026A908 +0005A908 00000365 bzone (bzone): : MissionHandler::State::RunState::Process

ERR | ExceptionHandler:188 |21:13:16|1113149|0040766F +001F766F 000001BF bzone (bzone): : RunCodes::Process

ERR | ExceptionHandler:188 |21:13:16|1113156|002681B4 +000581B4 0000001E bzone (bzone): : MissionHandler::Process

ERR | ExceptionHandler:188 |21:13:16|1113158|0040766F +001F766F 000001BF bzone (bzone): : RunCodes::Process

ERR | ExceptionHandler:188 |21:13:16|1113163|0040EB74 +001FEB74 00000064 bzone (bzone): : Main::MessagePump

ERR | ExceptionHandler:188 |21:13:16|1113184|0025AB62 +0004AB62 000004F1 bzone (bzone): : HandledMain

ERR | ExceptionHandler:188 |21:13:16|1113187|0025A814 +0004A814 000001A3 bzone (bzone): : HandledMain

ERR | ExceptionHandler:188 |21:13:16|1113206|00257A1C +00047A1C 00000069 bzone (bzone): : WinMain

ERR | ExceptionHandler:188 |21:13:16|1113208|003B3173 +001A3173 00000193 bzone (bzone): : strcat

ERR | ExceptionHandler:188 |21:13:16|1113209|769C33AA +000133AA 00000012 kernel32 (kernel32): : BaseThreadInitThunk

ERR | ExceptionHandler:188 |21:13:16|1113211|777D9EF2 +00039EF2 00000063 ntdll (ntdll): : RtlInitializeExceptionChain

ERR | ExceptionHandler:188 |21:13:16|1113213|777D9EC5 +00039EC5 00000036 ntdll (ntdll): : RtlInitializeExceptionChain

DIAG| log:1845 |21:13:16|1113215|End of line...
DIAG| DXUT:1352 |21:13:16|1113325| DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG| DXUT:1525 |21:13:16|1113327| DXUT pause on minimize
Flying Mauler
Posts: 2176
Joined: Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:41 pm

Re: Public Beta Crashes or Errors

Post by Commando »

While playing in Dude's session, I lagged out, out of nowhere. The other guy did too. When I tried to rejoin, I made a few attempts. The second or third attempt was successful. A snippet from my log file.

DIAG| RaknetManager:387 |21:12:00|1037697|Raknet connect closed with status code 22
DIAG| InPacket:1062 |21:12:00|1037697|Switching to CLEANUP
DIAG| runcodes:113 |21:12:00|1037697|[Mission] Clearing runcode [RUN]
DIAG| runcodes:159 |21:12:00|1037698|[Main] Entering run code [CLEANUP]
DIAG| runcodes:113 |21:12:00|1037747|[View] Clearing runcode [COCKPIT]
DIAG| runcodes:159 |21:12:01|1037880|[Main] Entering run code [SHELL]
DIAG| icroot:193 |21:12:01|1037881|Root window now 640x480
DIAG| PlayerMgr:1525 |21:12:01|1037947|About to open stats file GameStats\Game Ended 2013-03-11 21.12.01.txt
DIAG| PlayerMgr:1531 |21:12:01|1037947|Stats file opened
DIAG| PlayerMgr:1505 |21:12:01|1037948|Closing stats file
DIAG| NetCommands:2043 |21:12:09|1045955|Join to 'Hosted By DUDE' / ip 0x00000000
DIAG| SessionMgr:583 |21:12:09|1045956|pSessionAddr = ''. pNiceName = 'Hosted By DUDE'
DIAG| RaknetManager:432 |21:12:15|1051829|Raknet connect incoming with status code 16
DIAG| RaknetManager:387 |21:12:25|1061910|Raknet connect closed with status code 22
DIAG| NetCommands:2043 |21:12:30|1067629|Join to 'Hosted By DUDE' / ip 0x00000000
DIAG| SessionMgr:583 |21:12:30|1067631|pSessionAddr = ''. pNiceName = 'Hosted By DUDE'
DIAG| RaknetManager:369 |21:12:37|1074338|Raknet client connect failing with status code 17
DIAG| SessionMgr:720 |21:12:37|1074338|Join fail because of 0 || 1 || 4 - count 6707, reason 10
DIAG| SessionMgr:820 |21:12:37|1074338|Showing failed join message 'NatNegotiate failed: unknown error. Try joining another session?'
DIAG| iface:1268 |21:12:43|1079842|PANIC: capture[]!=ctrl[Console]
DIAG| NetCommands:2043 |21:12:49|1086601|Join to 'Hosted By DUDE' / ip 0x00000000
DIAG| SessionMgr:583 |21:12:49|1086602|pSessionAddr = ''. pNiceName = 'Hosted By DUDE'
DIAG| RaknetManager:432 |21:12:50|1086850|Raknet connect incoming with status code 16
DIAG| runcodes:159 |21:12:54|1091438|[Main] Entering run code [INIT]
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Red Devil
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Re: Public Beta Crashes or Errors

Post by Red Devil »

i was able to rejoin after dinner, but then z28 lagged out and took me with him, then i got the natneg fail popup, too.
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Re: Public Beta Crashes or Errors

Post by nagus »

I was just waiting for players, when 'General Dragon' , I think, joined, and after composing a brief 'Hi!' to his 'Hi!'.......grrrrr:

Code: Select all

DIAG|            maininit:535  |00:21:36|0      |Version Information Section
DIAG|            maininit:536  |00:21:36|0      | BZ2 build Public Beta
DIAG|            maininit:547  |00:21:36|0      |Session started Sat Apr 13 00:21:36 2013
DIAG|            maininit:553  |00:21:36|0      |CPU: 4 processors, type 586
DIAG|            maininit:554  |00:21:36|0      |CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2450M CPU @ 2.50GHz
DIAG|            maininit:555  |00:21:36|0      |CPU: Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7
DIAG|            maininit:558  |00:21:36|0      |Executed by DELLXPS\ADMIN on Windows Version: 6.1.7601 'Service Pack 1' PlatformID=2
DIAG|                DXUT:2097 |00:21:36|390    | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG|                DXUT:1352 |00:21:36|390    | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG|                DXUT:1525 |00:21:36|390    | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG|                 vid:542  |00:21:38|1903   |In Vid::OnCreateDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x00D266B8
DIAG|                 vid:559  |00:21:38|1903   |d3d: supports range based fog
DIAG|                 vid:572  |00:21:38|1903   |d3d: supports border address mode
DIAG|                 vid:618  |00:21:38|1903   |d3d: Has EMBM texture format support
DIAG|                 vid:529  |00:21:38|1903   |DXT Textures - allowing because your card isn't on the unsupported list. Edit render*.cfg to force it on/off
DIAG|                 vid:643  |00:21:38|1903   |D3D Adapter Identifier info:
DIAG|                 vid:644  |00:21:38|1903   | Driver:                nvumdshim.dll
DIAG|                 vid:645  |00:21:38|1903   | Description:           NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M 
DIAG|                 vid:646  |00:21:38|1903   | DeviceName:            \\.\DISPLAY1
DIAG|                 vid:647  |00:21:38|1903   | DriverVersion:         0x00080011000C1AAE
DIAG|                 vid:648  |00:21:38|1903   | VendorId:              0x000010DE
DIAG|                 vid:649  |00:21:38|1903   | DeviceId:              0x00000DF4
DIAG|                 vid:650  |00:21:38|1903   | SubSysId:              0x050E1028
DIAG|                 vid:651  |00:21:38|1903   | Revision:              0x000000A1
DIAG|                 vid:653  |00:21:38|1903   |Dumping D3D9 Device Caps:
DIAG|                 vid:655  |00:21:38|1903   | DeviceType:            0x00000001
DIAG|                 vid:656  |00:21:38|1903   | AdapterOrdinal:        0
DIAG|                 vid:657  |00:21:38|1903   | Caps:                  0x00020000
DIAG|                 vid:658  |00:21:38|1903   | Caps2:                 0xE0020000
DIAG|                 vid:659  |00:21:38|1903   | Caps3:                 0x00000320
DIAG|                 vid:660  |00:21:38|1903   | PresentationIntervals: 0x8000000F
DIAG|                 vid:661  |00:21:38|1903   | CursorCaps:            0x00000001
DIAG|                 vid:662  |00:21:38|1903   | DevCaps:               0x001BBEF0
DIAG|                 vid:663  |00:21:38|1903   | PrimitiveMiscCaps:     0x002FCEF2
DIAG|                 vid:664  |00:21:38|1903   | RasterCaps:            0x07732191
DIAG|                 vid:665  |00:21:38|1903   | ZCmpCaps:              0x000000FF
DIAG|                 vid:666  |00:21:38|1903   | SrcBlendCaps:          0x00003FFF
DIAG|                 vid:667  |00:21:38|1903   | DestBlendCaps:         0x00003FFF
DIAG|                 vid:668  |00:21:38|1903   | AlphaCmpCaps:          0x000000FF
DIAG|                 vid:669  |00:21:38|1903   | ShadeCaps:             0x00084208
DIAG|                 vid:670  |00:21:38|1903   | TextureCaps:           0x0001ECC5
DIAG|                 vid:671  |00:21:38|1903   | TextureFilterCaps:     0x03030700
DIAG|                 vid:672  |00:21:38|1903   | CubeTextureFilterCaps: 0x03030300
DIAG|                 vid:673  |00:21:38|1903   | VolumeTextureFilterCaps: 0x03030300
DIAG|                 vid:674  |00:21:38|1903   | TextureAddressCaps:    0x0000003F
DIAG|                 vid:675  |00:21:38|1903   | VolumeTextureAddressCaps: 0x0000003F
DIAG|                 vid:676  |00:21:38|1903   | LineCaps:              0x0000001F
DIAG|                 vid:677  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxTextureWidth:       8192
DIAG|                 vid:678  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxTextureHeight:      8192
DIAG|                 vid:679  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxVolumeExtent:       2048
DIAG|                 vid:680  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxTextureRepeat:      8192
DIAG|                 vid:681  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxTextureAspectRatio: 8192
DIAG|                 vid:682  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxAnisotropy:         16
DIAG|                 vid:683  |00:21:38|1903   | StencilCaps:           0x000001FF
DIAG|                 vid:684  |00:21:38|1903   | FVFCaps:               0x00180008
DIAG|                 vid:685  |00:21:38|1903   | TextureOpCaps:         0x03FEFFFF
DIAG|                 vid:686  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxTextureBlendStages: 8
DIAG|                 vid:687  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxSimultaneousTextures: 8
DIAG|                 vid:688  |00:21:38|1903   | VertexProcessingCaps:  0x0000017B
DIAG|                 vid:689  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxActiveLights:       10
DIAG|                 vid:700  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxUserClipPlanes:     8
DIAG|                 vid:701  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxVertexBlendMatrices: 4
DIAG|                 vid:702  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxVertexBlendMatrixIndex: 8
DIAG|                 vid:703  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxPrimitiveCount:     16777215
DIAG|                 vid:704  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxVertexIndex:        16777215
DIAG|                 vid:705  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxStreams:            16
DIAG|                 vid:706  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxStreamStride:       255
DIAG|                 vid:707  |00:21:38|1903   | VertexShaderVersion:   0xFFFE0300
DIAG|                 vid:708  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxVertexShaderConst:  256
DIAG|                 vid:709  |00:21:38|1903   | PixelShaderVersion:    0xFFFF0300
DIAG|                 vid:710  |00:21:38|1903   | DevCaps2:              0x00000051
DIAG|                 vid:711  |00:21:38|1903   | Reserved5:             0x00000000
DIAG|                 vid:712  |00:21:38|1903   | MasterAdapterOrdinal:  0
DIAG|                 vid:713  |00:21:38|1903   | AdapterOrdinalInGroup: 0
DIAG|                 vid:714  |00:21:38|1903   | NumberOfAdaptersInGroup: 1
DIAG|                 vid:715  |00:21:38|1903   | DeclTypes:             0x0000030F
DIAG|                 vid:716  |00:21:38|1903   | NumSimultaneousRTs:    4
DIAG|                 vid:717  |00:21:38|1903   | StretchRectFilterCaps: 0x03000300
DIAG|                 vid:718  |00:21:38|1903   | VertexTextureFilterCaps: 0x01010100
DIAG|                 vid:719  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxVShaderInstructionsExecuted: 65535
DIAG|                 vid:720  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxPShaderInstructionsExecuted: 65535
DIAG|                 vid:721  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxVertexShader30InstructionSlots: 4096
DIAG|                 vid:722  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxPixelShader30InstructionSlots: 4096
DIAG|                 vid:725  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxPointSize:          8192.00
DIAG|                 vid:726  |00:21:38|1903   | PixelShader1xMaxValue: 65504.00
DIAG|                 vid:727  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxNpatchTessellationLevel: 0.00
DIAG|                 vid:728  |00:21:38|1903   | MaxVertexW:            10000000000.00
DIAG|                 vid:729  |00:21:38|1903   | GuardBandLeft:         -100000000.00
DIAG|                 vid:730  |00:21:38|1903   | GuardBandTop:          -100000000.00
DIAG|                 vid:731  |00:21:38|1903   | GuardBandRight:        100000000.00
DIAG|                 vid:732  |00:21:38|1903   | GuardBandBottom:       100000000.00
DIAG|                 vid:733  |00:21:38|1903   | ExtentsAdjust:         0.00
DIAG|                 vid:775  |00:21:38|1903   |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x00D266B8
DIAG|                DXUT:2584 |00:21:38|1903   | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG|               setup:77   |00:21:38|1903   |Drive type : Fixed
DIAG|               setup:147  |00:21:38|1903   |Startup directory : C:\Program Files (x86)\BZ2 - v1.3.6.3a - G66 - v3.1
DIAG|                 vid:1236 |00:21:38|2153   |Vid::SetMode - ord(0) fmt(22), w(1366), h(768) bbCount 1
DIAG|                 vid:1256 |00:21:38|2153   | bFmt(22), MSType(0), MSQual(0), DSFmt(75), Win(0)
DIAG|                 vid:1267 |00:21:38|2153   | Refresh(60), Interval(-2147483648), Flags(2)
DIAG|                 vid:1268 |00:21:38|2153   | hWnds = 000F0344 000F0344 000F0344 000F0344
DIAG|                DXUT:2097 |00:21:38|2153   | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG|                 vid:817  |00:21:39|3604   |In Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG|                DXUT:1392 |00:21:40|3651   | DXUT unpause on restore
DIAG|                DXUT:1491 |00:21:40|3651   | DXUT unpause on restore
DIAG|                DXUT:2584 |00:21:40|3651   | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG|                 vid:1276 |00:21:40|3651   |DXUTCreateDeviceFromSettings = 00000000, lost = 1
DIAG|                 vid:1286 |00:21:40|3651   |Trycount 0, device lost = 1 1
DIAG|                DXUT:5453 |00:21:40|3760   | AttemptAcquire device = 0x00D266B8, lost = 1, paused = 0
DIAG|                DXUT:5467 |00:21:40|3760   | noticed device lost
DIAG|                DXUT:5471 |00:21:40|3760   | Coop level check failed.
DIAG|                DXUT:5535 |00:21:40|3760   | Try to reset the device
DIAG|                 vid:775  |00:21:40|3947   |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x00D266B8
DIAG|                 vid:1297 |00:21:40|3947   |Attempted acquire & render, lost = 0 0
DIAG|               input:1108 |00:21:40|3978   |Double click time=500 ms, threshold=4,4
DIAG|               input:1129 |00:21:40|3978   |5 button mouse, Left=0 Right=1
DIAG|               input:143  |00:21:40|3978   |Keyboard repeat delay=[500] speed=[31]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |00:21:40|4025   |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_moves_1366x768.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_moves.cfg'
DIAG|              dsutil:143  |00:21:40|4289   |DirectSound 8 System started. Noted capabilities:
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |00:21:40|4299   | DSCAPS_CONTINUOUSRATE
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |00:21:40|4299   | DSCAPS_PRIMARY16BIT
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |00:21:40|4299   | DSCAPS_PRIMARY8BIT
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |00:21:40|4299   | DSCAPS_PRIMARYMONO
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |00:21:40|4299   | DSCAPS_PRIMARYSTEREO
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |00:21:40|4299   | DSCAPS_SECONDARY16BIT
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |00:21:40|4299   | DSCAPS_SECONDARY8BIT
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |00:21:40|4299   | DSCAPS_SECONDARYMONO
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |00:21:40|4299   | DSCAPS_SECONDARYSTEREO
DIAG|              dsutil:156  |00:21:40|4299   | dwPrimaryBuffers = 1
DIAG|              dsutil:157  |00:21:40|4299   | dwMaxHwMixingAllBuffers = 1
DIAG|              dsutil:158  |00:21:40|4299   | dwMaxHwMixingStaticBuffers = 1
DIAG|              dsutil:159  |00:21:40|4299   | dwMaxHwMixingStreamingBuffers = 1
DIAG|              dsutil:160  |00:21:40|4299   | dwFreeHwMixingAllBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:161  |00:21:40|4299   | dwFreeHwMixingStaticBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:162  |00:21:40|4299   | dwFreeHwMixingStreamingBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:163  |00:21:40|4299   | dwMaxHw3DAllBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:164  |00:21:40|4299   | dwMaxHw3DStaticBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:165  |00:21:40|4299   | dwMaxHw3DStreamingBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:166  |00:21:40|4299   | dwFreeHw3DAllBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:167  |00:21:40|4299   | dwFreeHw3DStaticBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:168  |00:21:40|4299   | dwFreeHw3DStreamingBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:202  |00:21:40|4299   | -- SW buffers in use. Using 32 channels max
DIAG|              dsutil:208  |00:21:40|4299   | -- AUTO-DISABLING 3D Audio, as soundcard can't handle!
DIAG|              dsutil:228  |00:21:40|4299   | Audio buffers will be placed in: Software
DIAG|              dsutil:241  |00:21:40|4299   |-- Prefsfile set audio mem purge at 33554432 bytes
DIAG|              dsutil:244  |00:21:40|4299   |Done with audio caps log
DIAG|            AudioSys:325  |00:21:40|4299   |Audio: DirectSound8 setup complete
DIAG|            mcimovie:285  |00:21:47|11267  |Movie opened C:\Program Files (x86)\BZ2 - v1.3.6.3a - G66 - v3.1\\movies\intro.bik
DIAG|              icroot:193  |00:22:00|24169  |Root window now 640x480
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |00:22:00|24169  |[Main] Entering run code [SHELL]
DIAG|              icroot:193  |00:22:00|24171  |Root window now 640x480
DIAG|         WSInterface:212  |00:22:09|32731  |Determined private IP address:
DIAG|          UPNPThread:694  |00:51:34|1798605|UPNP_DeletePortMapping('', 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1', '17770', 'UDP')
DIAG|          UPNPThread:587  |00:51:36|1799626|UPNP_GetExternalIPAddress('', 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1', '')
DIAG|       RaknetManager:432  |00:51:42|1805980|Raknet connect incoming with status code 16

DIAG|       RaknetManager:477  |01:02:52|2476603|Raknet Nat punchthru succeeded code 67

DIAG|       RaknetManager:516  |01:02:53|2477296|Raknet connect incoming with status code 19

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497169|---- Battlezone II Log File ----
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497170|//=====================================================
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497171|App version: bzone Public Beta Apr  8 2013 21:07:42
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497172|Windows version: Windows Version: 6.1.7601 'Service Pack 1' PlatformID=2

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497173|Last few battlezone.log lines (may or may not be relevant):
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497175|DIAG|            runcodes:159  |00:22:00|24169  |[Main] Entering run code [SHELL]
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497177|DIAG|              icroot:193  |00:22:00|24171  |Root window now 640x480
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497178|DIAG|         WSInterface:212  |00:22:09|32731  |Determined private IP address:
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497179|DIAG|          UPNPThread:694  |00:51:34|1798605|UPNP_DeletePortMapping('', 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1', '17770', 'UDP')
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497180|DIAG|          UPNPThread:587  |00:51:36|1799626|UPNP_GetExternalIPAddress('', 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1', '')
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497182|DIAG|       RaknetManager:432  |00:51:42|1805980|Raknet connect incoming with status code 16

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497183|DIAG|       RaknetManager:477  |01:02:52|2476603|Raknet Nat punchthru succeeded code 67

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497184|DIAG|       RaknetManager:516  |01:02:53|2477296|Raknet connect incoming with status code 19

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497186|(done)

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497187|Exception code: C0000005 (ACCESS VIOLATION) READING from 00000000h
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497189|Message :  Exception
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497190|Error occurred at 4/13/2013 01:03:14.
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497192|C:\Program Files (x86)\BZ2 - v1.3.6.3a - G66 - v3.1\bzone.exe, run by ADMIN.
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497193|C:\Program Files (x86)\BZ2 - v1.3.6.3a - G66 - v3.1\bzone.exe, run by ADMIN.
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497194|CPU: 4 processor(s), Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2450M CPU @ 2.50GHz
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497196|     Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497198|Process Memory :   1564 MB free out of   2048 MB total
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497199|Physical memory:   4671 MB free out of   6039 MB total
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497201|Page(swap) file:   9876 MB free out of  12075 MB total
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497203|This exe is using 130 MB (13 MB dlmalloc), peak use 130 MB

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497204|Fault address:  72B3B9F0 01:0003A9F0 C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_50934f2ebcb7eb57\MSVCR90.dll
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497206|
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497208|EAX:00000000
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497209|CS:EIP:0023:72B3B9F0
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497211|SS:ESP:002B:006CE264  EBP:006CE270
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497212|DS:002B  ES:002B  FS:0053  GS:002B
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497213|Flags:00010246
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497214|
Call stack:
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497216|Address  Offset1  Offset2  Module              SourceFile
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:13|2497609|72B3B9F0 +0003B9F0 00000030 MSVCR90          (MSVCR90): : strlen

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:14|2497738|014925CC +002025CC 0000005C bzone            (bzone): : VarSys::VarItem::SetStr

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:14|2497773|014A8AA4 +00218AA4 00000014 bzone            (bzone): : VarString::operator=

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:14|2497795|0144B396 +001BB396 000000D6 bzone            (bzone): : IFaceVar::SetValue

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:14|2497803|01448F15 +001B8F15 000003C5 bzone            (bzone): : ICEdit::HandleEvent

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:14|2497811|0145C30C +001CC30C 0000017C bzone            (bzone): : IFace::OnModeChange

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |01:03:14|2497812|

No idea about what have happened.....

Edit: Oh! Yeah! Somehow the destination folders have been mixed....

Code: Select all

DIAG|               setup:147  |00:21:38|1903   |Startup directory : C:\Program Files (x86)\BZ2 - v1.3.6.3a - G66 - v3.1
I'm fixing that just now...... (Sorry!) After that, the new log seems O.K., and I'm waiting for more players......

"Lleva la estrategia a las primeras líneas"

From Battlezone I installation CD, Spanish Edition, CDW-3990.101.SP
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General BlackDragon
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Re: Public Beta Crashes or Errors

Post by General BlackDragon »

Was playing with nagas as client, got this:

Code: Select all

ERR |      STJoinHandlers:619  |18:41:23|805140 |ERROR... packed CRC mismatch 92E2E38E 3265A458
ERR |      STJoinHandlers:639  |18:41:23|805143 |LzmaUncompress failed with error 1. State from server is corrupt :(
ERR |                 log:1838 |18:41:23|805172 |abort() requested from '.\network\STJoinHandlers.cpp':640
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |18:41:24|805487 |00F51AD7 +00181AD7 000000C1 bzone            (bzone): : StackWalker::ShowCallstack

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |18:41:24|805534 |00FD8D1F +00208D1F 0000009F bzone            (bzone): : BZ2Abort

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |18:41:24|805587 |00ED45DD +001045DD 00000340 bzone            (bzone): : NetManager::STJoinHandlers::UnpackAndLoadSTJoinBuffer

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |18:41:24|805620 |00EC0FFA +000F0FFA 0000009A bzone            (bzone): : NetManager::PreSimulateLockstepWorld

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |18:41:24|805653 |00E2A124 +0005A124 000000AF bzone            (bzone): : MoveOneTurn

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |18:41:24|805683 |00E2AD67 +0005AD67 00000365 bzone            (bzone): : MissionHandler::State::RunState::Process

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |18:41:24|805707 |00FC7A5F +001F7A5F 000001BF bzone            (bzone): : RunCodes::Process

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |18:41:24|805724 |00E28616 +00058616 0000001E bzone            (bzone): : MissionHandler::Process

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |18:41:24|805747 |00FC7A5F +001F7A5F 000001BF bzone            (bzone): : RunCodes::Process

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |18:41:24|805771 |00FCEF54 +001FEF54 00000064 bzone            (bzone): : Main::MessagePump

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |18:41:24|805810 |00E1AE1D +0004AE1D 000004F1 bzone            (bzone): : HandledMain

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |18:41:24|805839 |00E1AACF +0004AACF 000001A3 bzone            (bzone): : HandledMain

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |18:41:24|805867 |00E17CD4 +00047CD4 00000069 bzone            (bzone): : WinMain

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |18:41:24|805881 |00F73583 +001A3583 00000191 bzone            (bzone): : strcat

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |18:41:24|805905 |7723ED6C +0004ED6C 00000012 kernel32         (kernel32): : BaseThreadInitThunk

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |18:41:24|805922 |77A5377B +0006377B 000000EF ntdll            (ntdll): : RtlInitializeExceptionChain

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |18:41:24|805946 |77A5374E +0006374E 000000C2 ntdll            (ntdll): : RtlInitializeExceptionChain

DIAG|                 log:1845 |18:41:24|805966 |End of line...
DIAG|                DXUT:1352 |18:41:24|806004 | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG|                DXUT:1392 |18:41:24|806048 | DXUT unpause on restore
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Re: Public Beta Crashes or Errors

Post by nagus »

Yes, from my side, it all went more or less well (I was hosting), but for some time I saw all of you leaving and re-entering. In the second match, Snowdog, BlackDragon and/or Comando were present at some time, and all were pretty alive, but your FPS weren't so stable as they used to be. Mine were steady up to more than 300, that machine really rocks when you enable the Nvidia Optimus videocard on BZ2......

As I finally ended up the session without error, I didn't recover any log......

I could search it tomorrow. Let's hope I'll remember it. there anything changed on Greenheart Recycler with Thug and TTF? At some time, I couldn't build more rocket towers (we had just 3 or 4, no more) despite having all the base, power sources, and scrap in order. That was strange (and forced us to act desperately under bomber and APC fire).

My recalls from older versions are that you can get some more towers, but perhaps I'm mixing things with another MOD.

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Re: Public Beta Crashes or Errors

Post by Commando »

I would have to look over the ODFs. It's been years since I have worked on either the GreenHeart recycler or the Thug variant. My fps is capped at 60 because I have vsync enabled.
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Re: Public Beta Crashes or Errors

Post by Red Spot »

No, R-towers are limited and that limit is a hard number that isnt affected by what you build.
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Re: Public Beta Crashes or Errors

Post by nagus »

Commando wrote:I would have to look over the ODFs. It's been years since I have worked on either the GreenHeart recycler or the Thug variant. My fps is capped at 60 because I have vsync enabled.
Well, not so long time since I played not-modded BZ2 (, I mean), but that took me by surprise. Perhaps something was not under control.....

The 'vsync enabled' thing is something I did not know of. Does it suppose any kind of advantage about video stability?

And finally, I've recovered the logs of our last night session. There are several:

Code: Select all

22328598 2013-04-13 03:08 AIPLog_team_6_ 2013-04-13 02.13.53.txt
318293 2013-04-13 03:09 BATTLEZONE.log
67332 2013-04-13 03:09 Chatlog 2013-04-13 01.17.53.txt
591 2013-04-13 03:09 Histogram 2013-04-13 01.38.06.csv
That was ported from the Win7 machine through a USB memory dongle, and listed in this Linux one, so the first number which appears is the size of each file in bytes. Note the 'AIPLog_team' with 22 MB (more than three hundred thousand lines!), which is a first to me, and has forced me to upload all the files to a file server. Here you have the links: ... sp=sharing

Hope they serve.....

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Re: Public Beta Crashes or Errors

Post by TwinShadow »

Red Spot wrote:No, R-towers are limited and that limit is a hard number that isnt affected by what you build.
Not true. I always build a mass of rocket towers/spires when I play with those variants that have them without issue. There's no "hard limit" within the game because there are no rocket towers in the base game as they didn't come about until after modding.
nagus wrote:The 'vsync enabled' thing is something I did not know of. Does it suppose any kind of advantage about video stability?
I think its more noticeable in current games, but normally vsync is usually to prevent tearing of the graphics when your FPS goes into the hundreds. I hardly see it in BZ2 even when I do turn it off, but maybe some people have the eye for it.
If you happen to be looking through my posts, I have completely dumped all things related to Battlezone. Do not contact me, do not bother me. Been harassed enough as it is and am done entirely.
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Re: Public Beta Crashes or Errors

Post by Red Spot »

TwinShadow wrote:
Red Spot wrote:No, R-towers are limited and that limit is a hard number that isnt affected by what you build.
Not true. I always build a mass of rocket towers/spires when I play with those variants that have them without issue. There's no "hard limit" within the game because there are no rocket towers in the base game as they didn't come about until after modding.
Same as green sabres, cause the original game doesnt allow you to change colors?
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