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Re: Zeno's Modpost

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:04 pm
by Apollo
Registering on too many forums wastes my time, i have too much todo as it is... :p

Re: Zeno's Modpost

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:52 pm
by General BlackDragon
lazy head :P

Re: Zeno's Modpost

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:17 pm
by Psychedelic Rhino
Apollo wrote:Registering on too many forums wastes my time, i have too much todo as it is... :p
Like responding to the comment in this thread. :lol:

Re: Zeno's Modpost

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:52 am
by Zenophas
Mmm- anyways, Zeno updated her BZ site. So now it has the fancy-shmancy "Get Battlezone" section. Been doing more with site than mod recently. Well, at least Zeno re-skinned the Drop-ship Zax gave. It'll be serving with the Black Dogs now. Though, the Drop-ship is a bit on the fat side, so, it'll probably only be good for escort missions/cinematic purposes.

Anyways, it's getting to the point where Zeno's going to start thinking of ideas for missions.
M1: "Stealth Tech would obviously be the ZR Phantom VIR Cloaking system that doesn't consume energy while active. Plus, Image dampening alloy. (This makes Ships untargetable by image seeking missiles.)"

-Player is dropped onto the battlefield during enemy assault. (Probably Zeth Rekians using light recon craft. IE: Drones and Fighters.)
-Player must find a tug to pick up piece of Zeth Rekian stealth technology left lying around a torn up Black Dog outpost nearby.
-Player will then be given a few units to guard him/her on his way. As well as to help remove objects blocking His/her path to the launchpad.
-Once the Tech is delivered to the launch pad the mission will end. (Cause a defender portion would be trite and boring.)
Probably requires some scripting, or summat. But, eh. Zeno's tried mapping herself, before. Not good at it.

Re: Zeno's Modpost

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 3:44 am
by Zax
There's a reason it is beta. The doors are screwed up if you look closely, and the engine rotation pivot is off. Be mindful of that if you want to use them.

Re: Zeno's Modpost

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:33 am
by Zenophas
Zax wrote:There's a reason it is beta. The doors are screwed up if you look closely, and the engine rotation pivot is off. Be mindful of that if you want to use them.

Re: Zeno's Modpost

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:16 pm
Apologies, Zenophas, but in order to protect this site, I removed the link to your "Get Battlezone" page.

At our previous home, we did have a couple of problems, namely the owner's host contacting said owner to have it removed, or the site would go down/legal action would be taken, etc. As your page contains a direct link to a download, it cannot be linked on this forum. You can, however, link to your main site, which may contain a link to your "Get Battlezone" page.


Re: Zeno's Modpost

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 3:38 pm
by Zenophas
VSMIT wrote:Apologies, Zenophas, but in order to protect this site, I removed the link to your "Get Battlezone" page.

At our previous home, we did have a couple of problems, namely the owner's host contacting said owner to have it removed, or the site would go down/legal action would be taken, etc. As your page contains a direct link to a download, it cannot be linked on this forum. You can, however, link to your main site, which may contain a link to your "Get Battlezone" page.

Understood. :]

Re: Zeno's Modpost

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:10 am
by Zenophas
Zena's getting bored of this modding shtick. So, gonna quit while still ahead. The authentic assets could be cannibalized for BZ3: Genesis. The mod will not be revisited, unless Zena take up some sort of interest in it. Nobody's downloading and playing this thing anyways, so it's not really worth Zena's time at the moment.

This patch will update you to the latest version. Zena'll release smaller patches to fix other things. But a lot less often. (This could be a lie, as Zena has the tendency to not leave things alone.)

Meh, toodle-pip. :)

Patch 0.41

Battlezone ZR, 2010-2011.

Active contributors:
Zenapher Lendeski

Outside Contributions:

External Credit To:
VALVe Software
Mark Korven

Voice Actors:
Zenapher Lendeski


Mark Korven
Zenapher Lendeski
Joseph Berrouard

Re: Zeno's Modpost

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:25 pm
by Apollo
Zenophas wrote:Zena's getting bored of this modding shtick. So, gonna quit while still ahead. The authentic assets could be cannibalized for BZ3: Genesis.
I thought BZ3: Genesis didn't want any copyrighted materials.

Maybe you were trying to take on too big a mod to start with, try something smaller you can enjoy and quickly see results.

Re: Zeno's Modpost

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:39 pm
by Zenophas
Apollo wrote:I thought BZ3: Genesis didn't want any copyrighted materials.
They don't. A few of the things in it aren't copyrighted though. Like a few sound effects and those three models Zeno made for it. Already chocked up the models. Just gotta find the sound effects.
Maybe you were trying to take on too big a mod to start with, try something smaller you can enjoy and quickly see results.
Eh, could make a mediocre graphics mod for 1.5. By the way. How did you change the color of the engine flames in BzE?

Re: Zeno's Modpost

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 5:42 pm
by Apollo
IIRC in the sprite table, the engine and odf's.
I've had one or two complaints cause i used the rflame but if you look at the ground flare, it's red with the stock game which had a blue thruster. I don't believe blue was a good choice, it can't burn that efficient.

Re: Zeno's Modpost

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:20 pm
by Zenophas
Apollo wrote:IIRC in the sprite table, the engine and odf's.
I've had one or two complaints cause i used the rflame but if you look at the ground flare, it's red with the stock game which had a blue thruster. I don't believe blue was a good choice, it can't burn that efficient.
Right. Zeno'll check it out. Might add a slight blue tinge and have it fade to red as it gets away from the source. Only problem, Zeno has no idea how to access the sprite tables.

Re: Zeno's Modpost

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:37 pm
by Apollo
You need to make an animated sprite similar to stock.
Try converting the to bmp using the map viewer and plasred.act ( use rflame from bzsw.zfs)

Re: Zeno's Modpost

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:33 pm
by Zenophas
Apollo wrote:You need to make an animated sprite similar to stock.
Try converting the to bmp using the map viewer and plasred.act ( use rflame from bzsw.zfs)
Ahhh, alright. :]

Is it supposed to be grey-scale? :^