Interesting article thread

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APCs r Evil
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by APCs r Evil »

Zenophas wrote:Kids starving
A sample of things to come.
The welfare state is going bust.

Look at Greece, see what happened there, get ready.
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by Red Devil »

the marxist/socialist/"progressive" spending spree is over. :lol:
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Re: Interesting article thread

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HitchcockGreen wrote:Image
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by Red Devil »

Zenophas wrote:Kids starving, Alabama doesn't care. Illegals are just that much of a problem, according to the obvious Christian Party in control of the Alabama state.

the key word in that is, "illegal". in other words, don't butt in line and your kids won't starve.
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by Iron_Maiden »

I fear that we may be gearing up war,prayers on this day of love go out to the Iranian people who must deal with this: ... ulf-021412
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by MrTwosheds »

Starving Kids...Nah sorry, pull the other one, starving kids is what happens when you get a huge drought and the crops fail. They are skinny looking things that can barely stand up. Seen plenty of those. America has no reason for such poverty to exist.
They should take a lesson from their country's own history, get a gun, go out and take some land for yourself (there's plenty of it) An grow food the way people have always done it. Then wait for the Law/natives to come and try to kill you.
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by Zenophas »

Yeah, Greece indeed has turned into a mess.
Red Devil wrote:the key word in that is, "illegal". in other words, don't butt in line and your kids won't starve.
Even though the United States has unfairly hard naturalization tests, (I'm a US born citizen and I didn't even pass it, yet I could pass China's really easy.) and absurdly long waiting periods for actual citizenship to be given to you. By the time you actually get citizenship, your family is mostly dead and raped by gangs and poverty. That's why people tend to, "butt in line."

But, your statement also reminds me of a little saying, "Don't butt in the breadline."
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by Psychedelic Rhino »

Zenophas wrote:
APCs r Evil wrote:Look at Greece, see what happened there, get ready.
Yeah, Greece indeed has turned into a mess.
Hasn't the electorate, let alone the leadership in Greece, learned anything from watching their new-born children? When you take away the free tit, the baby cries and has a tantrum.
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by MrTwosheds »

Not quite the situation they are in, its more like the money lenders are demanding their payments, they cant afford it, so the money lenders want to lend then even more, so they can pay the first loan off, not feeding the kids is a part of the 2nd loan conditions... You can see where its all going, more loans, more debts, soon they will be required to sell their kids to the pimps.
I'm really surprised its gone on this long, its about time they gave the lenders what they deserve, a good hard smack round the head with a baseball bat. This whole economic mess is down to their irresponsible lending, they must be forced to be the losers in order to stop it.
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by Psychedelic Rhino »

That is very true, but it's not the leadership burning down the cities.

If Greece had its own currency, it could use a currency devaluation to reduce the burden of the debt, but they are locked to the Euro. Sort of like having a stuck accelerator in your car and see a crowded intersection ahead.

And the financial landing pad to death is another that's pissing off most of Europe. Well. . . at least the countries like Germany that has to pay to ease their pain. But it looks as if Germany is about to say, "Too bad, so sad. See ya. . ."

Look at our retirement compared to Greece. As you can see, once Greeks hit 55 or so, they are pretty much done contributing.


Or government mandated vacation time in Greece;

Vacation Days: 25 days
Public Holidays: 12 days
Total Paid Time Off: 37 days

As, oh. . .compared to say. . . the US. . . .none.

Nah, Greeks have become very addicted to working no harder for the fat and juicy milk-orb than simply reaching no further than arm's length. And now they are very upset they may actually have to sit up and walk to it.
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by MrTwosheds »

It is clear that their leaders have been monumentally incompetent for a long time. Unfortunately they are far from unique in this respect. It's becoming apparent that the Euro might fail, along with the European Union, this is probably a good thing. I have generally speaking always been pro Union in a theoretical way, the trouble with it is the reality of the beast, It has just ended up being run by seriously overpaid/unaccountable career politicians, who have tried to make it something it simply is not, The EU is not a nation, and it cannot be run like one. It has become a huge, slow, expensive and unresponsive organisation that is utterly incapable of dealing with the issues it has "control" over.
It is a gigantic fan that seriously needs a very big turd thrown at it. Greece should default, it might do us all a big favour.
As, oh. . .compared to say. . . the US. . . .none.
This is a bad comparison, most European nations have such things, Greece's are more generous than most. But then again they are not a major industrial nation, they have olive oil and shipping, the shipping simply supports their elites, it pays no tax...
And its no good forcing people to work to 67 in agriculture, because it just wont happen and doesn't pay a pension anyway.
Don't be fooled into thinking everyone gets those entitlements, that's only for real employee's, contracting took over in the 1990's and subverted all these "workers rights".

I am starting to wonder what Americans do get in return for a lifetime of tax payments. A second class health service and food stamps?
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Re: Interesting article thread

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depends. if you planned well and didn't get sucked into usury and depended on yourself, you'll do okay. 8-) if you depended on the state, you're hosed. :roll:
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by MrTwosheds »

Well yes, obviously anyone who earns enough money can sort themselves out. Over here these days we kind of figure that the state DOES owe us something in return for taking about a quarter of our earning for our whole working life. Why the $$$$ would anyone spend their whole life doing something highly essential but not very well paid, if they can only expect to get told to f off at the end of it? I really cannot see the difference between Having a bunch of King's and Lords living it up on all the money at the expense of everyone else and a system that just reproduces the same result without the hereditary titles.
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by Red Spot »

That last bit put a bit of a smile on my face, than removed it ever faster ...
Here the -income tax- you pay varies from ~35%-50% ... and you want something more from your country than a standing army cause you payed 25%? :D
I pay 40% in income taxes and I fear the day I turn 67 ....
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by Iron_Maiden »

Well, eat your butter while it lasts......