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Re: balanceing of isdf and scions

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:28 am
by Nielk1
APCs r Evil wrote:We should pick one good balance thread out and sticky it.

P.S. Although Gun Spires do indeed require an additional pool and have a severe weakness in the attached Lung, that weakness is incredibly easy to compensate for. Spires also have 10m more range than Towers, a better vantage point, a "far" more accurate weapon and can be built anywhere on the map without the need to create any additional buildings. The only advantage Towers have is their increased firepower on slow targets.
We lost the ONE GOOD THREAD with the old forum. Still trying to get Dark Fox to give that again, including the tidbits on why FE was re-balanced the way it was that came out along the way with the topic.

Re: balanceing of isdf and scions

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:31 am
by Red Devil
as i have said before, if you are playing strats and want a balanced game, just have each team use the same race. any other combinations of races will never balance. Ever.

Re: balanceing of isdf and scions

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:44 pm
by MrTwosheds
It must be said also that the biggest factor of imbalance is the players themselves, and given the changing nature of the game, the unwritten "rules" of strat playing also change.
It used to be "a crime" (1.2) to drive a mortar bike for example, because they were so agile and warpy that they were impossible to hit and you could just hover way up above their base and bomb it from out of the range of everything.
This is no more in 1.3, Your strat licence now allows you to drive a mortar bike.
Shall we dwell on a few other bits of advice on what not to do if you want a game to be "balanced" or maybe even honourable.
Here's a few from me.
1. Killing The 1st 2 Scavs. Always a game spoiler, destroy them before they collected enough scrap to build a 3rd and its already game over. Don't do it.

2.Destroying ALL their extractors, Your winning! why not kill all their pools? Because its boring! 1 pool reduces them to defending themselves with emptys, but they can put up a valiant but futile fight while your forces move in for the kill, no pools and its down to pulse rifles and standing around waiting for the end. End the game in style, leave them 1 or maybe even 2! pools and use your superior forces to end the game with a fight, That way you won't end up blowing up the rec of a player who has actually just gone off to make a cup of tea or walk his dog.

3. Don't quit just because your team is losing! Quite a few experienced players are in the habit of suddenly leaving when things look bad, the bit that interests them, THE WIN! looks like its not going to happen this time, no point in a winner like me staying here is there? A small proportion of games actually turn around after MrWIN! has left...But really if you can't be bothered to fight to the end, to lose well, do you ever really win at all?

Re: balanceing of isdf and scions

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:58 pm
by Red Devil
"strat licence" :lol: