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Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:50 pm
by MrTwosheds
I'm very glad I don't get to see the campaign ads. All I am referring to here is the massive over reaction of some to the discussion about gun controls, a discussion about something does not amount to oppressive dictatorship. Many voices have been heard offering armed resistance to "authorities" who attempt to remove their guns (even from the police), when quite clearly such a move would be completely impossible to carry out and no such intent has been stated. These are the lies I refer to and it is likely that they have played a major part in triggering this guys madness.
Lying is normal in politics. But deliberately whipping up potentially violent resistance to things that are not even being considered is just frankly criminal, as an uninvolved outside observer it seems quite clear to me which side is willing to use threats of violence and risk civil unrest to achieve their political goals.
Sensible legislation restricting the sale of assault rifles, or making some effort to ensure the gun owner is actually a sane and responsible person are not a threat to anyone's rights, they are just the normal controls that anyone with a real interest in their nations well being should support.

Having said that, I also recognise that gun ownership in the US has already gone way past the point where any controls can be remotely effective and that your population knows this and is justifiably scared. There is no way back and history teaches us that it is probably only a matter of time before your nation dissolves into a highly destructive civil conflict. Preventing this should be everyone's real main concern.
Man, you just plain have not seen the facts
The facts are simple, a man has murdered an innocent man and kidnapped a small child. The second crime is the one that convinces me that he is unfit to live, whatever the reasons he may think he has for doing it.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:53 pm
by Nielk1
You act like its impossible it take away firearms, and that is just dumb. Step 1: Ban the 'scary guns'. Step 2: get a list of all those with guns. Step 3: Take their guns, if that fails, publicly post lists of them, maps of their locations, their firearms are stolen and used for crimes, blame that, use the resulting uproar and take the guns.

History teaches us that the government can take away whatever it wants if not stopped. Stopping them is not done though violence, it is done by the ballot box, or though peaceful protest, no matter what people might claim about the 'gun loving conservatives'.

Define "assault rifle" and you end up taking every semi-automatic rifle. Let you leave all the semi-auto handguns. So you take those too, and all that's left is shotguns and bolt actions and revolvers. But revolves are semi-auto for 6 or so shots, can't have that, and shotguns, they cause a pretty wide area of damage, better ban those to. And rifles, oh, you can hit someone from some distance, can't have that. <- this has happened in other countries, it can happen again.
History teaches us that this is the path of the destruction of a nation, the theft of the possessions of its people, their means of defense, and eventually their livelihood.

And how about a big liberal lie from America for you.
Say: "Health insurance will be more affordable for young adults."
Put in law: Said care must cover huge swath of things almost no young adult needs.
Result: Prices skyrocket.

MrTwosheds wrote:
Man, you just plain have not seen the facts
The facts are simple, a man has murdered an innocent man and kidnapped a small child. The second crime is the one that convinces me that he is unfit to live, whatever the reasons he may think he has for doing it.
I wasn't talking about this nut with that line and you know it. By giving that reply to that part of my post you are being intellectually dishonest, and you KNOW you are. You should feel disgust with yourself for taking it out of context so blatantly.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:05 pm
by Roscoe
MrTwosheds wrote:
Having said that, I also recognise that gun ownership in the US has already gone way past the point where any controls can be remotely effective and that your population knows this and is justifiably scared. There is no way back and history teaches us that it is probably only a matter of time before your nation dissolves into a highly destructive civil conflict. Preventing this should be everyone's real main concern.
Civilizations get old and creaky and fall down, just like any other living thing. The US is showing it's age, especially due to the speed with which the world has changed since the constitution was written. The frontiers are gone, and if we want to try something new, we're gonna have to burn down the old somewhere.

It's horrible, but it's how nature works. Humans and all they do are entirely a part of nature.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:06 pm
by Roscoe

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:46 pm
by Baconboy
EDIT: That was rude, and I want to be on good standing with the mods, so I'm deleting that. But I'm still appalled at RD's actions/responses.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:16 pm
by Ded10c
I'm waiting to see how long it takes for a moderation report to be put in about that.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:34 pm
by MrTwosheds
I wasn't talking about this nut with that line and you know it.
No I don't. You talked about facts, everything else was clearly your political opinions, they are not facts.
Please feel free to show me some facts I have not seen.
You act like its impossible it take away firearms, and that is just dumb.
It is estimated that there are about 270,000,000 guns in the US. Anyone planning on reducing that number is going to have some very serious reality problems. You would run out of cops before you ran out of guns... The only viable approach would be to limit the numbers and type of new weapons continually adding to that number and offering to purchase the more indiscriminate weapons from people who sensibly decide that keeping a machine gun in there home may not actually be a good idea.
What you are not thinking about is how much worse this problem is going to get over time and you are hyping up a fear of something that is clearly not going to happen.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:37 pm
by Zenophas

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:12 pm
by Nielk1
MrTwosheds wrote:
I wasn't talking about this nut with that line and you know it.
No I don't. You talked about facts, everything else was clearly your political opinions, they are not facts.
You are distorting what I said, trying to change the context, for your own gain.

MrTwosheds wrote:
You act like its impossible it take away firearms, and that is just dumb.
It is estimated that there are about 270,000,000 guns in the US. Anyone planning on reducing that number is going to have some very serious reality problems. You would run out of cops before you ran out of guns... The only viable approach would be to limit the numbers and type of new weapons continually adding to that number and offering to purchase the more indiscriminate weapons from people who sensibly decide that keeping a machine gun in there home may not actually be a good idea.
What you are not thinking about is how much worse this problem is going to get over time.
First, are those legally owned guns? They only care about the legal ones. You see, once the gun is illegal, then you can be arrested on the spot for it. While any guns are legal, this becomes more difficult. Gun ownership is already concentrated into only certain areas, and news papers love to publish maps of where all the gun owners in less dense areas live so they can be targeted now. Thus, the count of legal guns owned is libel to drop in the low density area even more (because they will be stolen) and the denser areas make enforcement of collection far easier.

I am not going to waste my time finding every bit of statistic that backs up my point. Unless you want to pay me minimum 25$ an hour. At this point in my life, my time is too important to argue with someone who's mind will never be changed, even in the face of irrefutable evidence. Why waste my worth on that when I can be doing something to make money, or finish a long standing project?

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:43 pm
by Baconboy
Alabama hostage victim is rescued.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:45 pm
by MrTwosheds
Thank you. We seem to be talking about different things anyway, no point continuing.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:47 pm
by Nielk1
Baconboy wrote:Alabama hostage victim is rescued.
Heard direct from my relative in Alabama.

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:58 pm
by Baconboy
MrTwosheds wrote:Thank you. We seem to be talking about different things anyway, no point continuing.
Sorry. I just wanted to let those that were interested know. No reason to get hostile. :x

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 12:02 am
by Ded10c
Baconboy wrote:
MrTwosheds wrote:Thank you. We seem to be talking about different things anyway, no point continuing.
Sorry. I just wanted to let those that were interested know. No reason to get hostile. :x
(I think he was talking to N1)

Re: Interesting Article Thread v.2

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 12:10 am
by Iron_Maiden
Excuse me I think I have a chinaman in my throat: ... 2003554261