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Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 12:35 am
by Ded10c
Oh, don't get me wrong, it'll be fine for a map or two. Canyons was present in both BZ1 and BZ2. My advice is to avoid using it too often; play maps like Passages, High Road, Labyrinth or any BZ1 race map on loop for a while and the reasoning will be abundantly clear.

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:57 am
by Red Spot
Ahab, that can pretty much be said about any sort of map, if you make 10 small and flat maps people will start commenting about that they want more variaty.
I also dont want to bust your balls, but how many strats have you played to come to the conclusion that some maps are better? Since my experience tells me it makes no real difference beyond preference.
Afaik the most populair maps are so cause they are flat and small, that doesnt mean that maps like Canyons are not appreciated or are bad maps, just means a mayority of players rather has room to manouvre without having to 'find' the enemy. People seem to be rather bend on being able to see things 8-)

Just for the record though. I kinda dislike this flavour of Canyons; 4 perfect circles with handdrawn lines in between them as connectors. The 'I quickly made this' element is screaming in my face (and I'm generally the guy that goes for functionality and not looks) .. :twisted:

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:54 am
by Ded10c
You forget my field, RS. Narrow canyons get irritating far faster than open maps.

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 4:46 am
by Red Spot
I dont think so since I have no idea what your field is. Besides, I disagree. Open maps are like narrow maps, its the in between that does best, imo.

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:56 am
by Ded10c
I've spent the last two years studying Ludology. One of the core tenets of game design is that as mobility increases, so too should the average space available in which to use it. That means that in a game like BZ small corridors are fine so long as they're balanced out by larger, more open areas. As you said, the in-between does best.

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 3:46 pm
Here is the most recent testing revision for anyone that wants to check out our progress so far, you can download a working SP revision of STRAT. This revision is an alpha we use for testing code, tweeking, and game balancing. Not everything works just yet and some of the models are not done. If you install this revision, in order to start the map: In the main menu, click on 'SingplePlayer" then in the singleplayer menu click on "START". Do not change any of the options in the map selection option stepper.

Then once the Login Menu appears, select the IMI team and click the button on the bottom right, that is the Join Button, but it is currently being coverd by the mock HUD. (the top of the button is visible, just click on that). once the Veh selection Menu pops up, select the Bayonet or the Rhino (these are the testing vehs were using currently) then click on "start". THe pilot will start in the IMI base with the Recycler and 3 stationary enemy Bayonets. You can build most of the vehs using the Recycler, but the Bayonet is currently the only vehs working as a wingman. Once the Bayonet has been built hit the F7 key to select the newly built vehicle for orders. We have only got some of the orders working, so please be patient. ALso you can test the ordering system with the spaceBar, but select the enemy target first. If anyone has any questions or comments please let us know what you think so far. BZ3 is on its way soon! ... sp=sharing

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:34 pm
Just got the Rebel Factory from Nostromo:


We are right on schedule for the strat alpha release on May 15th.

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 3:11 am
by DeusExCeteri
I'm even more in-love with the style of this factory than the last, I'm reminded of the recent breakthrough in 3d printing

Imagine 3D-printing an entire tank in mere minutes, years ago you would've been called crazy but look at us now, soon we'll be able to do exactly that. Hopefully we'll use this technology for good.

Nostromo is going to model his way straight into my heart.

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:04 pm
This Factory works by 'sculpting' the vehicle from a block of Bionite, as opposed to the IMI Factory which uses a 3D printer. It is defintely one of Nos's most creative models yet, and he is just getting started. I kinda have to feel sorry for the surfacer who gets to UV this model (ouch). We are testing various types of surfaces for the new models, to see which one looks best. The laser arms articulate when sculpting the new vehicle.

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 4:46 pm
Rebel Factory Building Sequence Animation Test:

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:47 pm
by jaydenbz2
Nice to see more aussies here and that there is stil ldevelopement going on!!

How is everyone?

And shadowknight, which AIE?

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:17 am
by Shadow Knight
jaydenbz2 wrote:And shadowknight, which AIE?

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:00 pm
Hey Jayden! good to hear from you. Hope all is well with you :)

Development is going great, you should see the new models Nos did.

Also were working on the final HUD design:


Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 8:00 pm
by blue banana
I liked this one a lot:

Re: Bionite: Origins needs Support!

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 8:56 pm
by General BlackDragon
The real question is: Are those buildings in the background collidable yet? :P