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Mechwarrior 3

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 1:02 pm
by Red Spot
Have been having a blast playing MW3 over the weekend.

If anyone is interested, you can run it under XP, with relativly few crashes :)

Get "D3DWindower" (google!).
Install MW3 (I did it in compatibility mode under Win98, seems to work better).
Remove the compatibility stuff from the exe (it will crash if you use D3DWindower and compatibility options together).
Move D3DWindower to the MW3 folder, open D3D and drop the MW3.exe in it.
Press the settings button and uncheck every option under the window-tab.
Under the common-tab, set height and width at 0 and check the box for windowed mode.
Press OK.
Now press the 'play' button on D3DWindower (it says 'start emulation' when you hover over the button).
Press the PC-like icon to launch the game.

Dont try to get too close into vehicle combat as explosions seem to crash the game easier, if so, try setting the ingame graphics options to medium.

The game will crash from time to time but is very playable and imo is a much more enjoyable game than any of the later MW4 games. 8-)

Re: Mechwarrior 3

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 1:02 am
by DuoRanger
i tried this red, but i quit the game crahshes on the Mission 2.2 for me

Re: Mechwarrior 3

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 11:51 am
by Red Spot
It isnt perfect. One thing to never do is be near vehicles exploding, keep some distance.
I have crashes from time to time as well, but eventually am able to get through the missions. Without above I cant cause it just keeps crashing on mission 1.

Re: Mechwarrior 3

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 12:57 pm
by Eddy
You could install VMWare player and set up win98 in a virtual machine. It may not crash as often with Win98.

Re: Mechwarrior 3

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 1:09 pm
by Red Spot
On the MW3 forum (which is death cause the admins have to accept you but are themselves MIA) there are a lot more 'tips'. Most wont work though, but one of the tips is to simply use a virtual machine. However, I recall that it isnt a 'perfect solution' either.
Worth a try if you really want to play the game again though, imo its worth it :)

Re: Mechwarrior 3

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 4:25 pm
by Red Spot