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Name of old game?

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:58 pm
by Red Spot
Probably over a decade ago since I played this game, but I cant recall its name and as such I cant find it again.

I'm looking for an old game where you drive a tank, where you have a little triangle to give you some control over how much power will go to engines/armor/weapons.
You're basicly dropped on a planet and need to conquer control points, at these points you can build one capital building (a large tower structure) and can choose to fill the rest of the build spots with building to recruit soldiers/tanks/airplanes. Using some of the F-keys you can than spawn those units where you are and use those to defend control points or as an aid in conquering more control points.
Basicly a rather simple straitforward game, but quite fun to play.

Does this ring any bells? If you can help me figure out which game this is I'd apreciate it :)

Re: Name of old game?

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 9:08 pm
by NostalgicRCB
This sounds like it could be Armour Geddon or something very similarly themed.

Also these: ... creenshots

The only one with Troops that rings a bell is Wargasm. This was a really fun game.

Re: Name of old game?

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 9:12 pm
by NostalgicRCB

Was it this old or was it newer? Describe the graphics more were they 3d accelerated or drawn by the CPU? I have a huge game collection so I should be able to help you find it. Sometimes I buy things and forget about them. As a result I have many games still shrink wrapped of vintage nature. If I can't track down a PC game it likely doesn't exist. :D

Re: Name of old game?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:04 pm
by Red Spot
Found it. Its Uprising: Join or Die.
It even seems to have a sequel.

Now to find a 'decent' copy .. which seems just as hard as finding the name itself :) (I dont mind paying good money for this game, I do however when it is to a site that shouldnt even offer the game .. and than asks money for it.)

Thanks for the help RCB ;)