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Re: The Fae (Warning Many Images)

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:53 am
by MrTwosheds
If you cannot see it in 3dex its probably because the animation is not working. Have a look in xsi with notepad2 to see what's wrong. If 3dex shows the keyframe bar at its bottom then it is trying to play it, if it does not show the keyframe bar then it cannot find the animation (probably parenting issue)
Modlog or change logs for full details on tap setup.

Re: The Fae (Warning Many Images)

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:07 am
by Clavin12
I can see the animation in 3dex. It's just that to get my turret to work I have to animate it vertically, while the other turrets aren't animated vertically.

Re: The Fae (Warning Many Images)

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:26 am
by Mortarion
(Comment edited for language - GSH)

Re: The Fae (Warning Many Images)

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:04 am
by MrTwosheds
You cannot animate the root of the model.


Re: The Fae (Warning Many Images)

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:57 pm
by Clavin12
Ok, I've reassessed my problem. Basically, my turret doesn't land when it deploys.

EDIT: How does one point bz2 to a bump map file?

EDIT: Nvm, I found out how.

Re: The Fae (Warning Many Images)

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:44 pm
by General BlackDragon

Turrets/Deployables 101.

They deploy. Classlabel must be one of the following: turrettank, artillary, howitzer, deployable

They use turrets. The following classlabels in the game support turrets: turrettank, artillary, howitzer, assaulttank, assaulthover, turret, iv/fv_walker

These models all have 2 pieces, one that is supposed to rotate horizontally, and one that is supposed to rotate vertically. The turret parts don't work via animation, the engine uses them.

The names of said pieces are defined in the ODF.

turretCount = 2
turretName1 = "turret_x_1"
turretName2 = "turret_y_1"

The names are usually turret_x and turret_y, but they could be named jibblypopsickles for all the game cares, as long as the names match the name of a piece in your model.

If the eyepoint is not attached to the structure in those pieces correctly, it can be designated as the 3rd turret, turretName3 = "HP_eyepoint", but it should be attached somewhere after the 2nd turret in the higherarchy.

As for deploying,

timeDeploy = 8.0
timeUndeploy = 0.7

The header can be called [TurretTankClass], [HowtizerClass], [ArtillaryClass], or [DeployableClass] depending on which classlabel you use, though I believe [DeployableClass] works under all of them.

Have fun with your newly deploying, and spinning, turret.

Re: The Fae (Warning Many Images)

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:53 pm
by Clavin12
Alright. As I think about it now, none of the turrets actually decrease in altitude in game when they deploy. I was trying to get a turret like the Swarm turrets to work. They hover, and when the deploy, they sink into the ground some.

Re: The Fae (Warning Many Images)

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:22 pm
by General BlackDragon
then animate their body to go lower. Note, this won't effect it's collision box.

Re: The Fae (Warning Many Images)

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:42 pm
by MrTwosheds
Any vehicles non animated visible mesh or skin animated mesh will define the collision size, so generally when the body hits the ground it stops.
Hidden polys will not collide, animated frame parts will not collide.
So you need to animate the turrets feet to move below its body base if you want them to dig in.

Re: The Fae (Warning Many Images)

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:50 pm
by Red Devil
[DeployableClass]::heightDeploy = -0.55 is what i used for some turrets in G66 and FE. your results may vary.

also, for ground collisions:

OBJECT_ELASTICITY = 0.425 // 0.125
GROUND_ELASTICITY = 0.08125 // 0.03125

LIFT_DAMP = 4.25

Re: The Fae (Warning Many Images)

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:18 am
by Clavin12
Thanks, RD, the heightDeploy worked well.

Re: The Fae (Warning Many Images)

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:01 pm
by Clavin12
How can I make a bomb have light and smoke and such when it is falling?

Re: The Fae (Warning Many Images)

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 2:35 pm
by General BlackDragon

go look at weapons.

In non-weapon objects, use "emitHard#" and emitName#"

find an example of emitHard1 and emitName1, Try looking in the peapc file, that wrecked APC on pluto. It should show you how. pbcomm also has it.

Code: Select all

geometryName = "pbcomm00.xsi"
classLabel = "i76building"
scrapCost = 8
scrapValue = 3
maxHealth = 5000
maxAmmo = 0
unitName = "Communication Station"
heatSignature = 0.0
imageSignature = 0.0
radarSignature = 0.0
collisionRadius = 2.0

effectHard1 = "hp_emit_1"
effectName1 = "pbcomm.smoke"
// effectHard2 = "hp_emit_2"
// effectName2 = "pbcomm.sparks"

bldEdge = "wwww"

renderBase = "draw_twirl_trail"
emitDelay = 0.05
emitDelayVar = 0.03
emitVelocity = "0.0 3.0 0.0"
emitVariance = "2.0 2.0 2.0"
emitInherit = "0.2 0.2 0.2"
emitLife = 5.0
textureName = "smoke.tga"
textureBlend = "srcalpha invsrcalpha modulatealpha"
startColor = "0 0 0 64"
finishColor = "0 0 0 0"
startRadius = .5
finishRadius = 2
animateTime = 5.0
rotationRate = 2.0

How effect names are designated: The name goes like this: FILENAME.HEADERNAME.

So, in this case, pbcomm.smoke.

The first part is any file name, the 2nd part is what is in the header [ ] blocks for which ever render you use. You can point it to a "draw multi" type render (look at atstab_c for an example) that loads multiple renders. Those render names work the same way, filename.headername.

As for modifying the renders, most of the odf lines are self explanitory, just mess with it till it looks good.

Re: The Fae (Warning Many Images)

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:58 pm
by Clavin12
The only change log I found didn't have much to do with taps. Where else can I learn how to use them, or am I looking in the wrong place for the change log spoken of?

Re: The Fae (Warning Many Images)

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:51 pm
by MrTwosheds
The Mod logs on bzscrap somewhere.

Bombs are vehicles of a sort, so their effects need to be done like vehicles are.