emitter example...

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emitter example...

Post by Josiah »

I can't find an example of a smoke emitter, so if someone could give me one, that'd be nice. I was trying to get some smoke floating around after a weapon fires, if that helps...
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Bull Dog
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Re: emitter example...

Post by TheJamsh »

The problem with muzzle flashes is, if you make them 'drop' a smoke emitter, the smoke emitter source doesnt follow the barrel around. the only way to emit smoke is while the gun is firing.

Heres the one from my combat chain gun anyways.

renderBase = "draw_multi"
renderCount = 1 //mine has six effects, so use this if you want to add more
renderName1 = "gchain_c.SmokeEmitter"

simulateBase = "sim_smoke"
lifeTime = 0.2
renderBase = "draw_emit"
emitName = "gchain_c.SmokeParticle"
emitDelay = 0.1
emitVelocity = "0.0 1.5 0.0"
emitVariance = "0.9 0.7 0.9"
emitInherit = "0.1 0.0 0.1"
emitLife = 0.6

simulateBase = "sim_smoke"
lifeTime = 0.6
renderBase = "draw_twirl"
textureName = "RT_Smoke_A2.dxtbz2"
textureBlend = "srcalpha invsrcalpha modulatealpha"
startColor = "105 75 37 80"
finishCOlor = "110 110 110 0"
startRadius = 0.15
finishRadius = 0.5
animateTime = 0.6
rotationRate = 5.0
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