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Weapon specifications?

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 4:57 pm
by 2mg
I am constantly stumbling on rather dry wiki pages, and I'm looking for a complete listing/specifications of weapons available in BZ2.

Can someone please provide something like that? It would save me a lot of trouble of going weapon by weapon for ship by ship...

Re: Weapon specifications?

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:44 pm
by Red Devil
i nominate 2mg to create the weapons wiki page.

Re: Weapon specifications?

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:48 pm
by DarkCobra262
Red Devil wrote:i nominate 2mg to create the weapons wiki page.
Voted for 2mg! (Actually I find that someone could just C&P the ODF damage entries to the wikia lul)

Re: Weapon specifications?

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:14 pm
by Ded10c
The current project is to work through BZComplex's articles, A-Z, and write in the relevant content. Going is slow with only one active editor who has about two dozen other projects to work on. The information will get there eventually; how long away that is depends on whether or not other people chip in. It's not as though you even have to register to edit, though I'd appreciate it if you did.

Re: Weapon specifications?

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 1:08 am
by 2mg
Me reading ODF files? Nnooooo...

My information gather skills are what Shabayev taught me: Press the I key to find the barracks that are in front of you.

Re: Weapon specifications?

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 1:44 am
by General BlackDragon

Re: Weapon specifications?

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 6:25 pm
by DarkCobra262
2mg wrote:Me reading ODF files? Nnooooo...

My information gather skills are what Shabayev taught me: Press the I key to find the barracks that are in front of you.

Re: Weapon specifications?

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 7:35 pm
by Zero Angel
Range and damage values of varying weapons (stock)

Code: Select all

Values are combat and assault mode ranges, with damage per second agaisnt the three armor classes none, light, and heavy.
GUNS          Combat   N    L    H     Assault  N    L    H
Minigun        110    220  160  100      150   300  240  160
Laser          120    250  150   50      100   350  200  75
Pummel          99    600  520  400       99   640  640  640
Chain gun      135    320  320  240      120   300  270  250 
Ion            100    400  200   20      150   500  300  100
Gauss          139    300  220  140      179   200  190  160
Emp            100     10   10   10       45    -    -    -
CANNONS       Combat   N    L    H     Assault  N    L    H
AT Stab        100    260  240  200      150   300  275  250
Pulse Stab     100    220  210  190      200   140  133  127
SP Stab        120    367  333  300      150   343  321  300
Plasma         189    500  380  150      260   375  263  153
Blast          170    400  300  150      250   450  320  200
Mag            100     v    v    v       150    v    v    v
Plasma cannon  100    303  242   48       40   600  400  300
Sonic          160    550  370  150       --    -    -    -  
Quill          120    273  236  182       50   398  378  348
Arc            175    213  213  160      100   500  500  400
ROCKETS       Combat   N    L    H     Assault  N    L    H
FAF            120    150  115   80       -     -    -    -
Hornet          -      -    -    -       250   500  425  355
Tag            175    150  122   85       -     -    -    - 
Comet           -      -    -    -       350   400  300  300  
Shadowers      200    200  160  107       -     -    -    - 
Salvo           -      -    -    -       150   617  583  550      
Stinger        200    433  233   50       -     -    -    - 
Swarm           -      -    -    -       100   475  363  263 
Multilock      170    100   90   70       -     -    -    - 
Wasp            -      -    -    -       600   120   80   40
MORTARS       Combat   N    L    H                            
Mortar         208    250  200  153       -     -    -    -
MDM           >300    300  275  250       -     -    -    -
Splinter(max)  180    875  375  125       -     -    -    -
Howitzer       350     74   62   51       -     -    -    -
Gas            200     45   45   45       -     -    -    -
Resin   (max)   40   2000 2000 2000       -     -    -    -
Popper         200    375  300  125       -     -    -    -
PILOT         Combat   N    L    H     Assault  N    L    H
Rocket, ISDF   150    375        75      -      -    -    -
Bazooka         -      -    -    -      200    320       201 
Pulse          200     50   30    0      -      -    -    -      
Sniper          -      -    -    -      300    100   50   0 
grenade       <150    500   -   250      -      -    -    -

Rocket, Scion  150    375        75      -      -    -    -
Bazooka         -      -    -    -      200    320       201 
Pulse          200     50   30    0      -      -    -    -      
Sniper          -      -    -    -      300    100   50   0 
grenade       <150    500   -   250      -      -    -    -

Special thanks to {uscm}DarkFox for weapons data analysis.
N is vs Scout class armor, L is vs Tank class armor, and H is vs Heavy class armor (buildings, assault units). These values are from stock 1.2, but weapon range and damage remains unchanged in stock 1.3.

Re: Weapon specifications?

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:53 pm
by 2mg
What about damage types?

Energy or Impact vs buildings and units? Scions have corresponding shields either for one of those damage types, or Stasis for a bit of both.

Plus it would be really nice to actually know how a weapon behaves depending in what vehicle it is installed, and behavior between assault/combat.

If someone would give me cheats so I can spawn things, or at least how to give instant scrap commmands (and preferably how to shut down enemy AI when I want to), I could take some snapshots or maybe even record it with Fraps.

*And spawn both Recycler and Matriarch.

Re: Weapon specifications?

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:27 pm
by Red Spot
Editor allows all of that and cheats that are available do not (at least not directly).
But yes, weapons come with 6 damage values. 3 For vs specific type of armor (N/L/H) and 3 for vs specific type of shielding (iirc A/D/S). Since all weapons are specificly combat or assault they do not have values for both modes in them but instead link to the other type of weapon in the odf's.

Re: Weapon specifications?

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:56 am
by Zero Angel
2mg wrote:What about damage types?

Energy or Impact vs buildings and units? Scions have corresponding shields either for one of those damage types, or Stasis for a bit of both.

Plus it would be really nice to actually know how a weapon behaves depending in what vehicle it is installed, and behavior between assault/combat.

If someone would give me cheats so I can spawn things, or at least how to give instant scrap commmands (and preferably how to shut down enemy AI when I want to), I could take some snapshots or maybe even record it with Fraps.

*And spawn both Recycler and Matriarch.
All Scion hovercrafts have N-Class armor (even Warriors).

Most weapons will do vs stasis shields about the same damage they would do against L-Class armor (tank armor).

As to absorbtion and deflection. They will either not reduce damage at all, or reduce damage by over half, depending on the weapon and whether the shield blocks the specific weapon. For the most part, deflection will reduce the damage from 'solid/impact' type weapons like chaingun, SP-Stab and various mortars -- and absorbtion will reduce damage from 'energy/electric/heat' type weapons like Plasma, Blast, Laser, Ion and Arc.

It mostly works consistently except with shadower missiles. For those, absorbtion shields block slightly more damage than deflection in stock 1.3. In stock 1.3 strat, choosing Absorbtion shielding is usually the best choice.

Re: Weapon specifications?

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:05 pm
by 2mg
Can I ask for a flat map to start editing?

Re: Weapon specifications?

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:19 pm
by Red Spot
You can make one yourself. Iirc you just need to set up the inf file and than load that map in the editor, save it, quit and reload.
Or you can wait for ZA to reply, he has some hosted somewhere but those may not work for/in 1.3 .. (so I wont link them).

Re: Weapon specifications?

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:22 pm
by Zero Angel ... source.php

Take your pick. That page is from 2003 so the 'Lizards Editor update' is out of date and probably doesnt work, but the map files should still be good.

I recommend you choose a larger map file than you need and then use the edge_path pathpoint to make it smaller in-game.

Re: Weapon specifications?

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:38 pm
by 2mg
Zero Angel wrote: ... source.php

Take your pick. That page is from 2003 so the 'Lizards Editor update' is out of date and probably doesnt work, but the map files should still be good.

I recommend you choose a larger map file than you need and then use the edge_path pathpoint to make it smaller in-game.
Big words and advanced terminology here, you're scaring me :D

I'll give it my best.
2mg wrote:Iirc you just need to set up the inf file and than load that map in the editor, save it, quit and reload.
Just so I can learn, what inf file/what to set in it (command list anywhere?)? Don't bother if you need a wall of text to explain.