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My units are broken

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:53 pm
by llVIU
Is there any sort of way I can prevent my units from being so retarded?

I find myself often facepalming at how stupid my units are. I sent 10-20-30 units to attack the enemy and most of them just sit around. Often, they do not want to shoot ANY of the 10 enemies around them, despite the enemy being less than 50 meters from them. I tell them to follow, they do not attack. I tell them to move to a location, they barely move. I tell them to hold. They start going to the nearest enemy within 300 meters and yolo suicide one by one. I tell them to attack, and if a jammer is within 500 meters, they will absolutely not attack any units NO MATTER WHAT. Even if there are 10 enemies attacking my units, they will NOT attack if a jammer is present. On the other hand, the enemy AI has absolutely no problem attacking me when I have a jammer. The only thing that the jammer stops, is the AI bombers. Oh and if there is a unit in front of my unit, then my unit will hold still and look at the enemy like an idiot. Even if the vehicle blocking the way is... another enemy. My units cannot be bothered to move to a better possition to shoot. If the enemy is above a hill or bellow, and my units do not have enough gun depression or elevation, they will not move. They will simply shoot the sky or the ground, while the enemy continues to shoot my units without problems.

The enemy also has his share of problems, but they do not compare to the stupidity of my own units.

Is there any sort of way, like a script or whatever, that I can fix these problems? It forces me to macro each and every single unit, and it leaves me unable to do absolutely anything with my own vehicle. I can see the AI clearly has a far better script, can't I just use that one instead of mine?

Re: My units are broken

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:34 pm
by General BlackDragon
Which version of the game are u playing?

Re: My units are broken

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:19 pm
by Red Spot
llVIU wrote:... and yolo suicide one by one.

Re: My units are broken

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:46 pm
by llVIU
General BlackDragon wrote:Which version of the game are u playing?
I'm using that popular including vsr, got some mods around, idk which is which, that's how I downloaded battlezone. I have no interest in battlezone 2 modding because it's extremely complicated to use and extremely easy to mess things up. The game is already filled with bugs as it is, and I didn't want to restrict players from joining my games.

Also, what's with these strange forums? it's extrmely rare to find a forum that requires a person's account to be activated by an admin... but making a topic also requires approval???? and these forums aren't even popular, hardly any people here. Are these forums run by a bunch of nazi?

Re: My units are broken

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 2:00 am
by General BlackDragon
No, Trolls over at and spam accounts caused that.

Re: My units are broken

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 4:50 am
by blue banana
My face is broken.

Re: My units are broken

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 6:55 pm
by Ded10c
BZ2's AI is universally bad I'm afraid, though it does seem odd that yours behave worse than the AI.

Re: My units are broken

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 9:21 pm
by Red Spot
General BlackDragon wrote:No, Trolls over at and spam accounts caused that.
llVIU wrote:Also, what's with these strange forums?
hardly any people here.
The plural can be applied for just one forum containing several sub-fora.

These fora are for fans of BZ(2), all here think its the best game ever!

Re: My units are broken

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 10:03 pm
by General BlackDragon
BZ1 pwns BZ2 :D

Re: My units are broken

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:24 pm
by llVIU
General BlackDragon wrote:No, Trolls over at and spam accounts caused that.
sorry, I played bz2 a few years back so I totally forgot what kind of people play bz2. So now that I played a bit again... I'd say, half are normal adults, and the other half are... kids who are obsessed about winning, rushing in the first 3 miliseconds, playing strat games, and insulting people over the internet, because they won at some obscure game on the internet... yeah, I never understood these strat players myself. My biggest question is... how do 14 year olds know about battlezone 2???? it's such an obscure an old game! NOBODY talks about it anymore. Heck, not even in 1999 there was nobody who spoke about it... very odd.
AHadley wrote:BZ2's AI is universally bad I'm afraid, though it does seem odd that yours behave worse than the AI.
well I guess it's hard to change it and improve it, because it's hard coded in the game, isn't it? otherwise the awesome mod makers of bz2 would've fixed it by now. There's tons of great mods around here and tons of nice maps.
General BlackDragon wrote:BZ1 pwns BZ2 :D
LOL well if you like it, that's great for you, bro... but I'm imagining that bz1 has even less players than bz2 so that makes the total amount of people who play bz1... 2-3?

my problem, from what I remember, for me, was the frequent crashes... or... maybe it was the weak ai... weird bugs... I definitely disliked that you could build anywhere, and you hardly had room to build your base, plus there were too many buildings. Bz2 is a lot more clean, in my opinion... less buildings, and it's easier to decide where to build because the spaces are divided in big squares

one last thing... I swear, didn't several days ago there used to be at least one more post here??? do mods delete posts? not only that, but they don't even leave a single trace of the deleted post, at least [the content of this post has been removed]?

Re: My units are broken

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 8:07 am
by MrTwosheds
My biggest question is... how do 14 year olds know about battlezone 2????
They don't. They are not 14 year old's, they are Elitists using trolling and griefing as weapons to hold onto their delusions of power. The wider community was sacrificed to boost their ego's.

Re: My units are broken

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:33 pm
by General BlackDragon
They WERE 14 yo's, now they're grown up, at least physically.

Re: My units are broken

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:56 am
by llVIU
General BlackDragon wrote:They WERE 14 yo's, now they're grown up, at least physically.
nah, I did talk to people, some are teenagers. It's fine with me tho, they can insult all they want, I just kick them from my games.

there's no reason to get into conflicts, they can play bz2 however they want, and I play bz2 however I want

Re: My units are broken

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 1:50 pm
by MrTwosheds
they can insult all they want, I just kick them from my games.
the fact that all member registrations, thread and post creations have to be verified by mods is stupid as hell
Actually running a website and hosting a game are not so different, the registration thing is a response to some very persistent abusive users. You will no doubt soon discover that it is now almost impossible to have any control over who joins your games as well.

Re: My units are broken

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 2:48 pm
by General BlackDragon
Also, BZ1 has more active players then BZ2 does.