with the modern large resolution screens, the ingame text chat gets so small its hard to read and hard to notice someone typed something.
how do i make it bigger?
change size of ingame text chat
Moderators: GSH, VSMIT, Red Devil, Commando
- jack775544
- Thunderbolt
- Posts: 125
- Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:41 am
- Location: Australia
Re: change size of ingame text chat
Just extending from this question, is it possible to change the size of all the hud elements. The other day I was testing if battlezone would run on my 13" laptop, and it did but the downside is that it has a screen resolution of 3800*1800 so as you could imagine the UI elements are all very small (other than that the game looked amazing at that resolution).
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist" - Charles Baudelaire
Re: change size of ingame text chat
With, there's an option to expand those. Look in the bottom right of the Options -> Graphics -> More options (aka graphics page 2). 1.3.7 allows up to 5x expansion
-- GSH
-- GSH
- Scrap
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Tue Mar 01, 2011 7:24 pm
Re: change size of ingame text chat
adjusting the ingame resolution expansion makes me crash imediatly after i hit launch.
i dont see 5x, just 1x, 1.5x and 2x.
i have 1.3.7.
DIAG| maininit:562 |17:45:34|0 |Version Information Section
DIAG| maininit:563 |17:45:34|0 | BZ2 build 1.3.7-a130g
DIAG| maininit:574 |17:45:34|0 |Session started Mon Dec 21 17:45:34 2015
DIAG| maininit:580 |17:45:34|0 |CPU: 4 processors, type 586
DIAG| maininit:581 |17:45:34|0 |CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor
DIAG| maininit:582 |17:45:34|0 |CPU: AMD64 Family 16 Model 4 Stepping 3
DIAG| maininit:585 |17:45:34|0 |Executed by IK-PC\ik on Windows Version: 6.1.7601 'Service Pack 1' PlatformID=2
DIAG| DXUT:2097 |17:45:34|60 | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG| DXUT:1352 |17:45:34|62 | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG| DXUT:1525 |17:45:34|62 | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG| vid:555 |17:45:34|184 |In Vid::OnCreateDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0CBB6DA0
DIAG| vid:572 |17:45:34|184 |d3d: supports range based fog
DIAG| vid:581 |17:45:34|184 |d3d: supports pixel based fog
DIAG| vid:594 |17:45:34|184 |d3d: supports border address mode
DIAG| vid:640 |17:45:34|184 |d3d: Has EMBM texture format support
DIAG| vid:542 |17:45:34|184 |DXT Textures - allowing because your GPU seems new enough. Edit render*.cfg to force it on/off
DIAG| vid:665 |17:45:34|184 |D3D Adapter Identifier info:
DIAG| vid:666 |17:45:34|184 | Driver: aticfx32.dll
DIAG| vid:667 |17:45:34|184 | Description: AMD Radeon HD 5670
DIAG| vid:668 |17:45:34|184 | DeviceName: \\.\DISPLAY1
DIAG| vid:669 |17:45:34|184 | DriverVersion: 0x00080011000A057C
DIAG| vid:670 |17:45:34|184 | VendorId: 0x00001002
DIAG| vid:671 |17:45:34|184 | DeviceId: 0x000068D8
DIAG| vid:672 |17:45:34|184 | SubSysId: 0x22011462
DIAG| vid:673 |17:45:34|184 | Revision: 0x00000000
DIAG| vid:675 |17:45:34|184 |Dumping D3D9 Device Caps:
DIAG| vid:677 |17:45:34|184 | DeviceType: 0x00000001
DIAG| vid:678 |17:45:34|184 | AdapterOrdinal: 0
DIAG| vid:679 |17:45:34|184 | Caps: 0x00020000
DIAG| vid:680 |17:45:34|184 | Caps2: 0xE0020000
DIAG| vid:681 |17:45:34|184 | Caps3: 0x000003A0
DIAG| vid:682 |17:45:34|184 | PresentationIntervals: 0x8000000F
DIAG| vid:683 |17:45:34|184 | CursorCaps: 0x00000001
DIAG| vid:684 |17:45:34|184 | DevCaps: 0x001BBEF0
DIAG| vid:685 |17:45:34|184 | PrimitiveMiscCaps: 0x003FCCF2
DIAG| vid:686 |17:45:34|184 | RasterCaps: 0x0F736191
DIAG| vid:687 |17:45:34|184 | ZCmpCaps: 0x000000FF
DIAG| vid:688 |17:45:34|184 | SrcBlendCaps: 0x00003FFF
DIAG| vid:689 |17:45:34|184 | DestBlendCaps: 0x00003FFF
DIAG| vid:690 |17:45:34|184 | AlphaCmpCaps: 0x000000FF
DIAG| vid:691 |17:45:34|184 | ShadeCaps: 0x00084208
DIAG| vid:692 |17:45:34|184 | TextureCaps: 0x0001EC45
DIAG| vid:693 |17:45:34|184 | TextureFilterCaps: 0x07030700
DIAG| vid:694 |17:45:34|184 | CubeTextureFilterCaps: 0x03030300
DIAG| vid:695 |17:45:34|184 | VolumeTextureFilterCaps: 0x07030700
DIAG| vid:696 |17:45:34|184 | TextureAddressCaps: 0x0000003F
DIAG| vid:697 |17:45:34|184 | VolumeTextureAddressCaps: 0x0000003F
DIAG| vid:698 |17:45:34|184 | LineCaps: 0x0000001F
DIAG| vid:699 |17:45:34|184 | MaxTextureWidth: 16384
DIAG| vid:700 |17:45:34|184 | MaxTextureHeight: 16384
DIAG| vid:701 |17:45:34|184 | MaxVolumeExtent: 8192
DIAG| vid:702 |17:45:34|184 | MaxTextureRepeat: 8192
DIAG| vid:703 |17:45:34|184 | MaxTextureAspectRatio: 8192
DIAG| vid:704 |17:45:34|184 | MaxAnisotropy: 16
DIAG| vid:705 |17:45:34|185 | StencilCaps: 0x000001FF
DIAG| vid:706 |17:45:34|185 | FVFCaps: 0x00100008
DIAG| vid:707 |17:45:34|185 | TextureOpCaps: 0x03FFFFFF
DIAG| vid:708 |17:45:34|185 | MaxTextureBlendStages: 8
DIAG| vid:709 |17:45:34|185 | MaxSimultaneousTextures: 8
DIAG| vid:710 |17:45:34|185 | VertexProcessingCaps: 0x0000017B
DIAG| vid:711 |17:45:34|185 | MaxActiveLights: 10
DIAG| vid:722 |17:45:34|185 | MaxUserClipPlanes: 6
DIAG| vid:723 |17:45:34|185 | MaxVertexBlendMatrices: 4
DIAG| vid:724 |17:45:34|185 | MaxVertexBlendMatrixIndex: 8
DIAG| vid:725 |17:45:34|185 | MaxPrimitiveCount: 5592405
DIAG| vid:726 |17:45:34|185 | MaxVertexIndex: 16777215
DIAG| vid:727 |17:45:34|185 | MaxStreams: 16
DIAG| vid:728 |17:45:34|185 | MaxStreamStride: 508
DIAG| vid:729 |17:45:34|185 | VertexShaderVersion: 0xFFFE0300
DIAG| vid:730 |17:45:34|185 | MaxVertexShaderConst: 256
DIAG| vid:731 |17:45:34|185 | PixelShaderVersion: 0xFFFF0300
DIAG| vid:732 |17:45:34|185 | DevCaps2: 0x00000071
DIAG| vid:733 |17:45:34|185 | Reserved5: 0x00000000
DIAG| vid:734 |17:45:34|185 | MasterAdapterOrdinal: 0
DIAG| vid:735 |17:45:34|185 | AdapterOrdinalInGroup: 0
DIAG| vid:736 |17:45:34|185 | NumberOfAdaptersInGroup: 1
DIAG| vid:737 |17:45:34|185 | DeclTypes: 0x000003FF
DIAG| vid:738 |17:45:34|185 | NumSimultaneousRTs: 4
DIAG| vid:739 |17:45:34|185 | StretchRectFilterCaps: 0x03000300
DIAG| vid:740 |17:45:34|185 | VertexTextureFilterCaps: 0x03000300
DIAG| vid:741 |17:45:34|185 | MaxVShaderInstructionsExecuted: -1
DIAG| vid:742 |17:45:34|185 | MaxPShaderInstructionsExecuted: -1
DIAG| vid:743 |17:45:34|185 | MaxVertexShader30InstructionSlots: 32768
DIAG| vid:744 |17:45:34|185 | MaxPixelShader30InstructionSlots: 32768
DIAG| vid:747 |17:45:34|185 | MaxPointSize: 256.00
DIAG| vid:748 |17:45:34|185 | PixelShader1xMaxValue: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.00
DIAG| vid:749 |17:45:34|185 | MaxNpatchTessellationLevel: 1.00
DIAG| vid:750 |17:45:34|185 | MaxVertexW: 10000000000.00
DIAG| vid:751 |17:45:34|185 | GuardBandLeft: -32768.00
DIAG| vid:752 |17:45:34|185 | GuardBandTop: -32768.00
DIAG| vid:753 |17:45:34|185 | GuardBandRight: 32768.00
DIAG| vid:754 |17:45:34|185 | GuardBandBottom: 32768.00
DIAG| vid:755 |17:45:34|185 | ExtentsAdjust: 0.00
DIAG| vid:797 |17:45:34|185 |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0CBB6DA0
DIAG| vid:832 |17:45:34|185 |Done Vid::OnResetDevice
DIAG| DXUT:2584 |17:45:34|185 | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG| setup:77 |17:45:34|186 |Drive type : Fixed
DIAG| setup:147 |17:45:34|186 |Startup directory : C:\Battlezone 2
DIAG| vid:1329 |17:45:34|649 |Vid::SetMode - ord(0) fmt(22), w(1920), h(1080) bbCount 1
DIAG| vid:1350 |17:45:34|649 | bFmt(22), MSType(0), MSQual(0), DSFmt(75), Win(0)
DIAG| vid:1361 |17:45:34|649 | Refresh(60), Interval(-2147483648), Flags(2)
DIAG| vid:1362 |17:45:34|649 | hWnds = 00030286 00030286 00030286 00030286
DIAG| DXUT:2097 |17:45:34|649 | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG| vid:840 |17:45:34|700 |In Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| vid:848 |17:45:34|703 |Done Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| DXUT:1392 |17:45:34|726 | DXUT unpause on restore
DIAG| DXUT:1491 |17:45:34|727 | DXUT unpause on restore
DIAG| DXUT:2584 |17:45:34|727 | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG| vid:1370 |17:45:34|727 |DXUTCreateDeviceFromSettings = 00000000, lost = 1
DIAG| vid:1380 |17:45:34|727 |Trycount 0, device lost = 1 1
DIAG| DXUT:5458 |17:45:34|728 | AttemptAcquire device = 0x0CBB6DA0, lost = 1, paused = 0
DIAG| DXUT:5474 |17:45:34|728 | noticed device lost
DIAG| DXUT:5478 |17:45:34|728 | Coop level check failed.
DIAG| DXUT:5544 |17:45:34|728 | Try to reset the device
DIAG| vid:797 |17:45:35|1170 |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0CBB6DA0
DIAG| vid:832 |17:45:35|1170 |Done Vid::OnResetDevice
DIAG| vid:1391 |17:45:35|1171 |Attempted acquire & render, lost = 0 0
DIAG| input:1716 |17:45:35|1183 |mouse, Left=0 Right=1
DIAG| MissionHandler:1449 |17:45:35|1271 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_moves_1920x1080.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_moves.cfg'
DIAG| GamespyVoice:133 |17:45:35|1325 |UHOH - tried to set up voice capture device, but failed.
DIAG| dsutil:143 |17:45:35|1393 |DirectSound 8 System started. Noted capabilities:
DIAG| dsutil:150 |17:45:35|1393 | DSCAPS_CONTINUOUSRATE
DIAG| dsutil:150 |17:45:35|1393 | DSCAPS_PRIMARY16BIT
DIAG| dsutil:150 |17:45:35|1393 | DSCAPS_PRIMARY8BIT
DIAG| dsutil:150 |17:45:35|1393 | DSCAPS_PRIMARYMONO
DIAG| dsutil:150 |17:45:35|1393 | DSCAPS_PRIMARYSTEREO
DIAG| dsutil:150 |17:45:35|1393 | DSCAPS_SECONDARY16BIT
DIAG| dsutil:150 |17:45:35|1393 | DSCAPS_SECONDARY8BIT
DIAG| dsutil:150 |17:45:35|1393 | DSCAPS_SECONDARYMONO
DIAG| dsutil:150 |17:45:35|1393 | DSCAPS_SECONDARYSTEREO
DIAG| dsutil:156 |17:45:35|1394 | dwPrimaryBuffers = 1
DIAG| dsutil:157 |17:45:35|1394 | dwMaxHwMixingAllBuffers = 1
DIAG| dsutil:158 |17:45:35|1394 | dwMaxHwMixingStaticBuffers = 1
DIAG| dsutil:159 |17:45:35|1394 | dwMaxHwMixingStreamingBuffers = 1
DIAG| dsutil:160 |17:45:35|1394 | dwFreeHwMixingAllBuffers = 0
DIAG| dsutil:161 |17:45:35|1394 | dwFreeHwMixingStaticBuffers = 0
DIAG| dsutil:162 |17:45:35|1394 | dwFreeHwMixingStreamingBuffers = 0
DIAG| dsutil:163 |17:45:35|1394 | dwMaxHw3DAllBuffers = 0
DIAG| dsutil:164 |17:45:35|1394 | dwMaxHw3DStaticBuffers = 0
DIAG| dsutil:165 |17:45:35|1394 | dwMaxHw3DStreamingBuffers = 0
DIAG| dsutil:166 |17:45:35|1394 | dwFreeHw3DAllBuffers = 0
DIAG| dsutil:167 |17:45:35|1394 | dwFreeHw3DStaticBuffers = 0
DIAG| dsutil:168 |17:45:35|1394 | dwFreeHw3DStreamingBuffers = 0
DIAG| dsutil:202 |17:45:35|1394 | -- SW buffers in use. Using 32 channels max
DIAG| dsutil:208 |17:45:35|1394 | -- AUTO-DISABLING 3D Audio, as soundcard can't handle!
DIAG| dsutil:228 |17:45:35|1394 | Audio buffers will be placed in: Software
DIAG| dsutil:241 |17:45:35|1394 |-- Prefsfile set audio mem purge at 33554432 bytes
DIAG| dsutil:244 |17:45:35|1394 |Done with audio caps log
DIAG| AudioSys:322 |17:45:35|1394 |Audio: DirectSound8 setup complete
DIAG| icroot:193 |17:45:35|1395 |Root window now 640x480
DIAG| runcodes:172 |17:45:35|1396 |[Main] Entering run code [SHELL]
DIAG| icroot:193 |17:45:35|1397 |Root window now 640x480
DIAG| iface:1479 |17:45:38|3967 |UnsetModal: throwing away [WarningCrashLogged]
DIAG| WSInterface:213 |17:46:26|52079 |Determined private IP address:
DIAG| WSInterface:199 |17:46:26|52079 |Determined public IP address:
DIAG| UPNPThread:693 |17:46:29|54925 |UPNP_DeletePortMapping('', 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1', '17770', 'UDP')
DIAG| UPNPThread:586 |17:46:29|54932 |UPNP_GetExternalIPAddress('', 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1', '')
DIAG| UPNPThread:609 |17:46:29|54937 |UPNP_AddPortMapping('', 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1', '17770', '17770', '', 0, 'UDP', NULL)
DIAG| UPNPThread:623 |17:46:29|54949 |UPNP_GetSpecificPortMappingEntry('', 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1', '17770', 'UDP', '', '')
DIAG| runcodes:172 |17:46:32|58461 |[Main] Entering run code [INIT]
DIAG| icroot:193 |17:46:32|58462 |Root window now 1920x1080
DIAG| InitHandler:539 |17:46:32|58463 |Loading default font 'bankgothic_medium_16.BMF'
DIAG| MissionHandler:1449 |17:46:32|58504 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzshell_cam_record_x2_0_1920x1080.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzshell_cam_record_x2_0.cfg'
DIAG| ifvar:41 |17:46:32|58505 |Var[script.record.name] Ctrl[NewMove] needs to be resolved
ERR | debug:717 |17:46:32|58548 |maincmd.cpp(2566)
ERR | debug:718 |17:46:32|58548 |Sat Nov 21 08:23:23 2015
ERR | debug:719 |17:46:32|58548 |Unable to execute a required file 'vsrbasesetup_x2_0.cfg'
DIAG| DXUT:2097 |17:46:32|58548 | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG| vid:840 |17:46:32|58548 |In Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| vid:848 |17:46:32|58548 |Done Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| vid:797 |17:46:33|58914 |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0CBB6DA0
DIAG| icroot:193 |17:46:33|58922 |Root window now 1920x1080
DIAG| vid:832 |17:46:33|58922 |Done Vid::OnResetDevice
DIAG| DXUT:2097 |17:46:33|58928 | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG| vid:840 |17:46:33|58928 |In Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| vid:848 |17:46:33|58928 |Done Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| vid:797 |17:46:33|58929 |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0CBB6DA0
DIAG| icroot:193 |17:46:33|58940 |Root window now 1916x1054
DIAG| vid:832 |17:46:33|58941 |Done Vid::OnResetDevice
DIAG| DXUT:2584 |17:46:33|58957 | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG| DXUT:2584 |17:46:33|58957 | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG| DXUT:2097 |17:46:45|71786 | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG| DXUT:1352 |17:46:45|71787 | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG| DXUT:1525 |17:46:45|71788 | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG| vid:840 |17:46:45|71788 |In Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| vid:848 |17:46:45|71788 |Done Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| vid:797 |17:46:46|71858 |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0CBB6DA0
DIAG| icroot:193 |17:46:46|71867 |Root window now 1920x1080
DIAG| vid:832 |17:46:46|71867 |Done Vid::OnResetDevice
DIAG| DXUT:2584 |17:46:46|71867 | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG| DXUT:1392 |17:46:46|71868 | DXUT unpause on restore
DIAG| DXUT:1491 |17:46:46|71868 | DXUT unpause on restore
ERR | log:1373 |17:46:46|71899 |abort() requested from 'debug.cpp':732
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|71947 |0135469D +001F469D 000000B6 bzone (bzone): : StackWalker::ShowCallstack
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|71959 |013BFAFB +0025FAFB 0000009B bzone (bzone): : BZ2Abort
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|71979 |013BDF22 +0025DF22 000000CC bzone (bzone): : Main::Exec
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|71995 |013BE0B7 +0025E0B7 00000194 bzone (bzone): : Main::ScopeHandler
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72012 |013B8C54 +00258C54 0000000C bzone (bzone): : Main::ProcessCmdScope
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72029 |013BDECE +0025DECE 00000078 bzone (bzone): : Main::Exec
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72045 |0128344D +0012344D 0000002F bzone (bzone): : BasePanel::Init
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72062 |01186658 +00026658 0000000F bzone (bzone): : GameFeature::FeatureVoid::Update
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72079 |012152E5 +000B52E5 000002B9 bzone (bzone): : InitHandler::Process
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72095 |752A3EC7 +00013EC7 00000054 kernel32 (kernel32): : ReadFile
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72112 |7765E394 +0002E394 00000164 ntdll (ntdll): : RtlInitUnicodeString
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72128 |776633B5 +000333B5 00000AD1 ntdll (ntdll): : RtlQueryPerformanceCounter
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72145 |77662FE3 +00032FE3 000006FF ntdll (ntdll): : RtlQueryPerformanceCounter
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72162 |77662F91 +00032F91 000006AD ntdll (ntdll): : RtlQueryPerformanceCounter
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72178 |77662B65 +00032B65 00000281 ntdll (ntdll): : RtlQueryPerformanceCounter
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72195 |758798CD +000098CD 00000039 msvcrt (msvcrt): : free
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72212 |758798CD +000098CD 00000039 msvcrt (msvcrt): : free
DIAG| log:1380 |17:46:46|72228 |End of line...
DIAG| DXUT:1352 |17:46:46|72314 | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG| DXUT:1525 |17:46:46|72326 | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG| DXUT:2097 |17:46:46|72347 | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG| vid:840 |17:46:46|72359 |In Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| vid:848 |17:46:46|72378 |Done Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| DXUT:1491 |17:46:46|72396 | DXUT unpause on restore
DIAG| DXUT:1392 |17:46:46|72410 | DXUT unpause on restore
DIAG| DXUT:2097 |17:46:46|72429 | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG| vid:797 |17:46:46|72462 |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0CBB6DA0
DIAG| icroot:193 |17:46:46|72486 |Root window now 1916x1054
DIAG| vid:832 |17:46:46|72504 |Done Vid::OnResetDevice
DIAG| DXUT:2584 |17:46:46|72520 | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG| DXUT:2584 |17:46:46|72537 | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG| DXUT:5458 |17:46:46|72553 | AttemptAcquire device = 0x0CBB6DA0, lost = 1, paused = 0
DIAG| DXUT:5474 |17:46:46|72570 | noticed device lost
DIAG| DXUT:2097 |17:46:52|78385 | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG| DXUT:1352 |17:46:52|78402 | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG| DXUT:1525 |17:46:52|78420 | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG| vid:840 |17:46:52|78437 |In Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| vid:848 |17:46:52|78453 |Done Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| vid:797 |17:46:52|78551 |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0CBB6DA0
DIAG| icroot:193 |17:46:52|78567 |Root window now 1920x1080
DIAG| vid:832 |17:46:52|78587 |Done Vid::OnResetDevice
DIAG| DXUT:2584 |17:46:52|78604 | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG| DXUT:1392 |17:46:52|78620 | DXUT unpause on restore
DIAG| DXUT:1491 |17:46:52|78637 | DXUT unpause on restore
i dont see 5x, just 1x, 1.5x and 2x.
i have 1.3.7.
DIAG| maininit:562 |17:45:34|0 |Version Information Section
DIAG| maininit:563 |17:45:34|0 | BZ2 build 1.3.7-a130g
DIAG| maininit:574 |17:45:34|0 |Session started Mon Dec 21 17:45:34 2015
DIAG| maininit:580 |17:45:34|0 |CPU: 4 processors, type 586
DIAG| maininit:581 |17:45:34|0 |CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor
DIAG| maininit:582 |17:45:34|0 |CPU: AMD64 Family 16 Model 4 Stepping 3
DIAG| maininit:585 |17:45:34|0 |Executed by IK-PC\ik on Windows Version: 6.1.7601 'Service Pack 1' PlatformID=2
DIAG| DXUT:2097 |17:45:34|60 | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG| DXUT:1352 |17:45:34|62 | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG| DXUT:1525 |17:45:34|62 | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG| vid:555 |17:45:34|184 |In Vid::OnCreateDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0CBB6DA0
DIAG| vid:572 |17:45:34|184 |d3d: supports range based fog
DIAG| vid:581 |17:45:34|184 |d3d: supports pixel based fog
DIAG| vid:594 |17:45:34|184 |d3d: supports border address mode
DIAG| vid:640 |17:45:34|184 |d3d: Has EMBM texture format support
DIAG| vid:542 |17:45:34|184 |DXT Textures - allowing because your GPU seems new enough. Edit render*.cfg to force it on/off
DIAG| vid:665 |17:45:34|184 |D3D Adapter Identifier info:
DIAG| vid:666 |17:45:34|184 | Driver: aticfx32.dll
DIAG| vid:667 |17:45:34|184 | Description: AMD Radeon HD 5670
DIAG| vid:668 |17:45:34|184 | DeviceName: \\.\DISPLAY1
DIAG| vid:669 |17:45:34|184 | DriverVersion: 0x00080011000A057C
DIAG| vid:670 |17:45:34|184 | VendorId: 0x00001002
DIAG| vid:671 |17:45:34|184 | DeviceId: 0x000068D8
DIAG| vid:672 |17:45:34|184 | SubSysId: 0x22011462
DIAG| vid:673 |17:45:34|184 | Revision: 0x00000000
DIAG| vid:675 |17:45:34|184 |Dumping D3D9 Device Caps:
DIAG| vid:677 |17:45:34|184 | DeviceType: 0x00000001
DIAG| vid:678 |17:45:34|184 | AdapterOrdinal: 0
DIAG| vid:679 |17:45:34|184 | Caps: 0x00020000
DIAG| vid:680 |17:45:34|184 | Caps2: 0xE0020000
DIAG| vid:681 |17:45:34|184 | Caps3: 0x000003A0
DIAG| vid:682 |17:45:34|184 | PresentationIntervals: 0x8000000F
DIAG| vid:683 |17:45:34|184 | CursorCaps: 0x00000001
DIAG| vid:684 |17:45:34|184 | DevCaps: 0x001BBEF0
DIAG| vid:685 |17:45:34|184 | PrimitiveMiscCaps: 0x003FCCF2
DIAG| vid:686 |17:45:34|184 | RasterCaps: 0x0F736191
DIAG| vid:687 |17:45:34|184 | ZCmpCaps: 0x000000FF
DIAG| vid:688 |17:45:34|184 | SrcBlendCaps: 0x00003FFF
DIAG| vid:689 |17:45:34|184 | DestBlendCaps: 0x00003FFF
DIAG| vid:690 |17:45:34|184 | AlphaCmpCaps: 0x000000FF
DIAG| vid:691 |17:45:34|184 | ShadeCaps: 0x00084208
DIAG| vid:692 |17:45:34|184 | TextureCaps: 0x0001EC45
DIAG| vid:693 |17:45:34|184 | TextureFilterCaps: 0x07030700
DIAG| vid:694 |17:45:34|184 | CubeTextureFilterCaps: 0x03030300
DIAG| vid:695 |17:45:34|184 | VolumeTextureFilterCaps: 0x07030700
DIAG| vid:696 |17:45:34|184 | TextureAddressCaps: 0x0000003F
DIAG| vid:697 |17:45:34|184 | VolumeTextureAddressCaps: 0x0000003F
DIAG| vid:698 |17:45:34|184 | LineCaps: 0x0000001F
DIAG| vid:699 |17:45:34|184 | MaxTextureWidth: 16384
DIAG| vid:700 |17:45:34|184 | MaxTextureHeight: 16384
DIAG| vid:701 |17:45:34|184 | MaxVolumeExtent: 8192
DIAG| vid:702 |17:45:34|184 | MaxTextureRepeat: 8192
DIAG| vid:703 |17:45:34|184 | MaxTextureAspectRatio: 8192
DIAG| vid:704 |17:45:34|184 | MaxAnisotropy: 16
DIAG| vid:705 |17:45:34|185 | StencilCaps: 0x000001FF
DIAG| vid:706 |17:45:34|185 | FVFCaps: 0x00100008
DIAG| vid:707 |17:45:34|185 | TextureOpCaps: 0x03FFFFFF
DIAG| vid:708 |17:45:34|185 | MaxTextureBlendStages: 8
DIAG| vid:709 |17:45:34|185 | MaxSimultaneousTextures: 8
DIAG| vid:710 |17:45:34|185 | VertexProcessingCaps: 0x0000017B
DIAG| vid:711 |17:45:34|185 | MaxActiveLights: 10
DIAG| vid:722 |17:45:34|185 | MaxUserClipPlanes: 6
DIAG| vid:723 |17:45:34|185 | MaxVertexBlendMatrices: 4
DIAG| vid:724 |17:45:34|185 | MaxVertexBlendMatrixIndex: 8
DIAG| vid:725 |17:45:34|185 | MaxPrimitiveCount: 5592405
DIAG| vid:726 |17:45:34|185 | MaxVertexIndex: 16777215
DIAG| vid:727 |17:45:34|185 | MaxStreams: 16
DIAG| vid:728 |17:45:34|185 | MaxStreamStride: 508
DIAG| vid:729 |17:45:34|185 | VertexShaderVersion: 0xFFFE0300
DIAG| vid:730 |17:45:34|185 | MaxVertexShaderConst: 256
DIAG| vid:731 |17:45:34|185 | PixelShaderVersion: 0xFFFF0300
DIAG| vid:732 |17:45:34|185 | DevCaps2: 0x00000071
DIAG| vid:733 |17:45:34|185 | Reserved5: 0x00000000
DIAG| vid:734 |17:45:34|185 | MasterAdapterOrdinal: 0
DIAG| vid:735 |17:45:34|185 | AdapterOrdinalInGroup: 0
DIAG| vid:736 |17:45:34|185 | NumberOfAdaptersInGroup: 1
DIAG| vid:737 |17:45:34|185 | DeclTypes: 0x000003FF
DIAG| vid:738 |17:45:34|185 | NumSimultaneousRTs: 4
DIAG| vid:739 |17:45:34|185 | StretchRectFilterCaps: 0x03000300
DIAG| vid:740 |17:45:34|185 | VertexTextureFilterCaps: 0x03000300
DIAG| vid:741 |17:45:34|185 | MaxVShaderInstructionsExecuted: -1
DIAG| vid:742 |17:45:34|185 | MaxPShaderInstructionsExecuted: -1
DIAG| vid:743 |17:45:34|185 | MaxVertexShader30InstructionSlots: 32768
DIAG| vid:744 |17:45:34|185 | MaxPixelShader30InstructionSlots: 32768
DIAG| vid:747 |17:45:34|185 | MaxPointSize: 256.00
DIAG| vid:748 |17:45:34|185 | PixelShader1xMaxValue: 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.00
DIAG| vid:749 |17:45:34|185 | MaxNpatchTessellationLevel: 1.00
DIAG| vid:750 |17:45:34|185 | MaxVertexW: 10000000000.00
DIAG| vid:751 |17:45:34|185 | GuardBandLeft: -32768.00
DIAG| vid:752 |17:45:34|185 | GuardBandTop: -32768.00
DIAG| vid:753 |17:45:34|185 | GuardBandRight: 32768.00
DIAG| vid:754 |17:45:34|185 | GuardBandBottom: 32768.00
DIAG| vid:755 |17:45:34|185 | ExtentsAdjust: 0.00
DIAG| vid:797 |17:45:34|185 |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0CBB6DA0
DIAG| vid:832 |17:45:34|185 |Done Vid::OnResetDevice
DIAG| DXUT:2584 |17:45:34|185 | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG| setup:77 |17:45:34|186 |Drive type : Fixed
DIAG| setup:147 |17:45:34|186 |Startup directory : C:\Battlezone 2
DIAG| vid:1329 |17:45:34|649 |Vid::SetMode - ord(0) fmt(22), w(1920), h(1080) bbCount 1
DIAG| vid:1350 |17:45:34|649 | bFmt(22), MSType(0), MSQual(0), DSFmt(75), Win(0)
DIAG| vid:1361 |17:45:34|649 | Refresh(60), Interval(-2147483648), Flags(2)
DIAG| vid:1362 |17:45:34|649 | hWnds = 00030286 00030286 00030286 00030286
DIAG| DXUT:2097 |17:45:34|649 | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG| vid:840 |17:45:34|700 |In Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| vid:848 |17:45:34|703 |Done Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| DXUT:1392 |17:45:34|726 | DXUT unpause on restore
DIAG| DXUT:1491 |17:45:34|727 | DXUT unpause on restore
DIAG| DXUT:2584 |17:45:34|727 | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG| vid:1370 |17:45:34|727 |DXUTCreateDeviceFromSettings = 00000000, lost = 1
DIAG| vid:1380 |17:45:34|727 |Trycount 0, device lost = 1 1
DIAG| DXUT:5458 |17:45:34|728 | AttemptAcquire device = 0x0CBB6DA0, lost = 1, paused = 0
DIAG| DXUT:5474 |17:45:34|728 | noticed device lost
DIAG| DXUT:5478 |17:45:34|728 | Coop level check failed.
DIAG| DXUT:5544 |17:45:34|728 | Try to reset the device
DIAG| vid:797 |17:45:35|1170 |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0CBB6DA0
DIAG| vid:832 |17:45:35|1170 |Done Vid::OnResetDevice
DIAG| vid:1391 |17:45:35|1171 |Attempted acquire & render, lost = 0 0
DIAG| input:1716 |17:45:35|1183 |mouse, Left=0 Right=1
DIAG| MissionHandler:1449 |17:45:35|1271 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_moves_1920x1080.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_moves.cfg'
DIAG| GamespyVoice:133 |17:45:35|1325 |UHOH - tried to set up voice capture device, but failed.

DIAG| dsutil:143 |17:45:35|1393 |DirectSound 8 System started. Noted capabilities:
DIAG| dsutil:150 |17:45:35|1393 | DSCAPS_CONTINUOUSRATE
DIAG| dsutil:150 |17:45:35|1393 | DSCAPS_PRIMARY16BIT
DIAG| dsutil:150 |17:45:35|1393 | DSCAPS_PRIMARY8BIT
DIAG| dsutil:150 |17:45:35|1393 | DSCAPS_PRIMARYMONO
DIAG| dsutil:150 |17:45:35|1393 | DSCAPS_PRIMARYSTEREO
DIAG| dsutil:150 |17:45:35|1393 | DSCAPS_SECONDARY16BIT
DIAG| dsutil:150 |17:45:35|1393 | DSCAPS_SECONDARY8BIT
DIAG| dsutil:150 |17:45:35|1393 | DSCAPS_SECONDARYMONO
DIAG| dsutil:150 |17:45:35|1393 | DSCAPS_SECONDARYSTEREO
DIAG| dsutil:156 |17:45:35|1394 | dwPrimaryBuffers = 1
DIAG| dsutil:157 |17:45:35|1394 | dwMaxHwMixingAllBuffers = 1
DIAG| dsutil:158 |17:45:35|1394 | dwMaxHwMixingStaticBuffers = 1
DIAG| dsutil:159 |17:45:35|1394 | dwMaxHwMixingStreamingBuffers = 1
DIAG| dsutil:160 |17:45:35|1394 | dwFreeHwMixingAllBuffers = 0
DIAG| dsutil:161 |17:45:35|1394 | dwFreeHwMixingStaticBuffers = 0
DIAG| dsutil:162 |17:45:35|1394 | dwFreeHwMixingStreamingBuffers = 0
DIAG| dsutil:163 |17:45:35|1394 | dwMaxHw3DAllBuffers = 0
DIAG| dsutil:164 |17:45:35|1394 | dwMaxHw3DStaticBuffers = 0
DIAG| dsutil:165 |17:45:35|1394 | dwMaxHw3DStreamingBuffers = 0
DIAG| dsutil:166 |17:45:35|1394 | dwFreeHw3DAllBuffers = 0
DIAG| dsutil:167 |17:45:35|1394 | dwFreeHw3DStaticBuffers = 0
DIAG| dsutil:168 |17:45:35|1394 | dwFreeHw3DStreamingBuffers = 0
DIAG| dsutil:202 |17:45:35|1394 | -- SW buffers in use. Using 32 channels max
DIAG| dsutil:208 |17:45:35|1394 | -- AUTO-DISABLING 3D Audio, as soundcard can't handle!
DIAG| dsutil:228 |17:45:35|1394 | Audio buffers will be placed in: Software
DIAG| dsutil:241 |17:45:35|1394 |-- Prefsfile set audio mem purge at 33554432 bytes
DIAG| dsutil:244 |17:45:35|1394 |Done with audio caps log
DIAG| AudioSys:322 |17:45:35|1394 |Audio: DirectSound8 setup complete
DIAG| icroot:193 |17:45:35|1395 |Root window now 640x480
DIAG| runcodes:172 |17:45:35|1396 |[Main] Entering run code [SHELL]
DIAG| icroot:193 |17:45:35|1397 |Root window now 640x480
DIAG| iface:1479 |17:45:38|3967 |UnsetModal: throwing away [WarningCrashLogged]
DIAG| WSInterface:213 |17:46:26|52079 |Determined private IP address:
DIAG| WSInterface:199 |17:46:26|52079 |Determined public IP address:
DIAG| UPNPThread:693 |17:46:29|54925 |UPNP_DeletePortMapping('', 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1', '17770', 'UDP')
DIAG| UPNPThread:586 |17:46:29|54932 |UPNP_GetExternalIPAddress('', 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1', '')
DIAG| UPNPThread:609 |17:46:29|54937 |UPNP_AddPortMapping('', 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1', '17770', '17770', '', 0, 'UDP', NULL)
DIAG| UPNPThread:623 |17:46:29|54949 |UPNP_GetSpecificPortMappingEntry('', 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1', '17770', 'UDP', '', '')
DIAG| runcodes:172 |17:46:32|58461 |[Main] Entering run code [INIT]
DIAG| icroot:193 |17:46:32|58462 |Root window now 1920x1080
DIAG| InitHandler:539 |17:46:32|58463 |Loading default font 'bankgothic_medium_16.BMF'
DIAG| MissionHandler:1449 |17:46:32|58504 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzshell_cam_record_x2_0_1920x1080.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzshell_cam_record_x2_0.cfg'
DIAG| ifvar:41 |17:46:32|58505 |Var[script.record.name] Ctrl[NewMove] needs to be resolved
ERR | debug:717 |17:46:32|58548 |maincmd.cpp(2566)
ERR | debug:718 |17:46:32|58548 |Sat Nov 21 08:23:23 2015
ERR | debug:719 |17:46:32|58548 |Unable to execute a required file 'vsrbasesetup_x2_0.cfg'
DIAG| DXUT:2097 |17:46:32|58548 | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG| vid:840 |17:46:32|58548 |In Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| vid:848 |17:46:32|58548 |Done Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| vid:797 |17:46:33|58914 |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0CBB6DA0
DIAG| icroot:193 |17:46:33|58922 |Root window now 1920x1080
DIAG| vid:832 |17:46:33|58922 |Done Vid::OnResetDevice
DIAG| DXUT:2097 |17:46:33|58928 | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG| vid:840 |17:46:33|58928 |In Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| vid:848 |17:46:33|58928 |Done Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| vid:797 |17:46:33|58929 |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0CBB6DA0
DIAG| icroot:193 |17:46:33|58940 |Root window now 1916x1054
DIAG| vid:832 |17:46:33|58941 |Done Vid::OnResetDevice
DIAG| DXUT:2584 |17:46:33|58957 | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG| DXUT:2584 |17:46:33|58957 | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG| DXUT:2097 |17:46:45|71786 | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG| DXUT:1352 |17:46:45|71787 | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG| DXUT:1525 |17:46:45|71788 | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG| vid:840 |17:46:45|71788 |In Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| vid:848 |17:46:45|71788 |Done Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| vid:797 |17:46:46|71858 |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0CBB6DA0
DIAG| icroot:193 |17:46:46|71867 |Root window now 1920x1080
DIAG| vid:832 |17:46:46|71867 |Done Vid::OnResetDevice
DIAG| DXUT:2584 |17:46:46|71867 | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG| DXUT:1392 |17:46:46|71868 | DXUT unpause on restore
DIAG| DXUT:1491 |17:46:46|71868 | DXUT unpause on restore
ERR | log:1373 |17:46:46|71899 |abort() requested from 'debug.cpp':732
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|71947 |0135469D +001F469D 000000B6 bzone (bzone): : StackWalker::ShowCallstack
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|71959 |013BFAFB +0025FAFB 0000009B bzone (bzone): : BZ2Abort
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|71979 |013BDF22 +0025DF22 000000CC bzone (bzone): : Main::Exec
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|71995 |013BE0B7 +0025E0B7 00000194 bzone (bzone): : Main::ScopeHandler
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72012 |013B8C54 +00258C54 0000000C bzone (bzone): : Main::ProcessCmdScope
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72029 |013BDECE +0025DECE 00000078 bzone (bzone): : Main::Exec
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72045 |0128344D +0012344D 0000002F bzone (bzone): : BasePanel::Init
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72062 |01186658 +00026658 0000000F bzone (bzone): : GameFeature::FeatureVoid::Update
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72079 |012152E5 +000B52E5 000002B9 bzone (bzone): : InitHandler::Process
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72095 |752A3EC7 +00013EC7 00000054 kernel32 (kernel32): : ReadFile
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72112 |7765E394 +0002E394 00000164 ntdll (ntdll): : RtlInitUnicodeString
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72128 |776633B5 +000333B5 00000AD1 ntdll (ntdll): : RtlQueryPerformanceCounter
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72145 |77662FE3 +00032FE3 000006FF ntdll (ntdll): : RtlQueryPerformanceCounter
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72162 |77662F91 +00032F91 000006AD ntdll (ntdll): : RtlQueryPerformanceCounter
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72178 |77662B65 +00032B65 00000281 ntdll (ntdll): : RtlQueryPerformanceCounter
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72195 |758798CD +000098CD 00000039 msvcrt (msvcrt): : free
ERR | ExceptionHandler:193 |17:46:46|72212 |758798CD +000098CD 00000039 msvcrt (msvcrt): : free
DIAG| log:1380 |17:46:46|72228 |End of line...
DIAG| DXUT:1352 |17:46:46|72314 | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG| DXUT:1525 |17:46:46|72326 | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG| DXUT:2097 |17:46:46|72347 | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG| vid:840 |17:46:46|72359 |In Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| vid:848 |17:46:46|72378 |Done Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| DXUT:1491 |17:46:46|72396 | DXUT unpause on restore
DIAG| DXUT:1392 |17:46:46|72410 | DXUT unpause on restore
DIAG| DXUT:2097 |17:46:46|72429 | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG| vid:797 |17:46:46|72462 |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0CBB6DA0
DIAG| icroot:193 |17:46:46|72486 |Root window now 1916x1054
DIAG| vid:832 |17:46:46|72504 |Done Vid::OnResetDevice
DIAG| DXUT:2584 |17:46:46|72520 | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG| DXUT:2584 |17:46:46|72537 | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG| DXUT:5458 |17:46:46|72553 | AttemptAcquire device = 0x0CBB6DA0, lost = 1, paused = 0
DIAG| DXUT:5474 |17:46:46|72570 | noticed device lost
DIAG| DXUT:2097 |17:46:52|78385 | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG| DXUT:1352 |17:46:52|78402 | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG| DXUT:1525 |17:46:52|78420 | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG| vid:840 |17:46:52|78437 |In Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| vid:848 |17:46:52|78453 |Done Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG| vid:797 |17:46:52|78551 |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0CBB6DA0
DIAG| icroot:193 |17:46:52|78567 |Root window now 1920x1080
DIAG| vid:832 |17:46:52|78587 |Done Vid::OnResetDevice
DIAG| DXUT:2584 |17:46:52|78604 | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG| DXUT:1392 |17:46:52|78620 | DXUT unpause on restore
DIAG| DXUT:1491 |17:46:52|78637 | DXUT unpause on restore
Re: change size of ingame text chat
You only get the magnification sizes of 1.5x-5x if your screen is (at least) a multiple of 640x480 to get that size option shown. 5x would require 640*5x480*5 == 3200x2400 minimum.
-- GSH
That's a missing mod file. Reinstall that mod, and/or seek help from its author. Mods don't own the UI, and it's their job to be compatible. That's why BZ2 renames the addon folder each time the full build installer runs -- I don't want BZ2 to not start because of some incompatible remnants. And, there's a popup at the end of the installer saying "make sure any mod(s) you install are compatible with BZ2 1.3.#.#" because many aren't.ERR | debug:719 |17:46:32|58548 |Unable to execute a required file 'vsrbasesetup_x2_0.cfg'
-- GSH
- General BlackDragon
- Flying Mauler
- Posts: 2408
- Joined: Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:37 am
- Contact:
Re: change size of ingame text chat
There is a fix for the VSR bug here: http://bz2maps.us/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f ... 223#p55223
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