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Is a Stealth Tank possible with some ODF editing?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:15 pm
by Feenix
I don't want it completely invisible, but would like some settings tweaks that make it harder to detect. Any suggestions on what settings to lower to make this possible? Thanks.

Re: Is a Stealth Tank possible with some ODF editing?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:46 pm
by Nielk1
isStealth will make LOS needed to target it.

IIRC the QF had a tank that had a ForceMorph and its assault form was nearly unnoticeable to the AI but the weapons either sucked or were locked down. (Poor man's cloak really.)

I normally just mess with settings and see what happens personally. Mess with the different signature values.

Re: Is a Stealth Tank possible with some ODF editing?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:47 pm
by MrTwosheds
The phantom (scion scout gh variant) is a stealth ship, and it should not be used in human strats, I have tried it, its very annoying to have an opponent who is invisible and undetectable on radar. Partial invisibility is not yet possible in BZ2. Red field already suppresses radar detection, fortunately it cannot be used in conjunction with VIR.

Re: Is a Stealth Tank possible with some ODF editing?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:00 pm
by TheJamsh
I made a variant on the Phantom that makes the ship emit an outline of the craft every few seconds. It means you can 'kind' of see it, you have to use the effect to your advantage and interpret its location. It does mean you can't sit still for long though or you will get troughed, and it has much lower health when stealthed. its also a lot more 'stealthy' than the original, collisions dont make noise, no engine sounds etc.

Its all well and good until someone changes their particle system settings to low or mid, because emitters emit slower with those settings -.-

Re: Is a Stealth Tank possible with some ODF editing?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:18 pm
by MrTwosheds
Well the first time I played strat with it, someone in a phantom parked in my base, and calmly hopped out sniped me hopped back in again, lots of times, the only way of detecting it was sound or bumping into it. It was not fun gameplay, my defences where worthless, most of my ships got stolen and destroyed. I was isdf and could not counter it, my best bet was randomly firing a mag cannon at nothing.
Its a laugh in mpi, but in strat it sucks, vir or redfield are ok vir and redfield is bad.

Re: Is a Stealth Tank possible with some ODF editing?

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:32 am
by Clavin12
What about the Cerberi wraiths?

Re: Is a Stealth Tank possible with some ODF editing?

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:01 pm
by Red Spot
TheJamsh wrote:Its all well and good until someone changes their particle system settings to low or mid, because emitters emit slower with those settings -.-
Be carefull with that. Just for reference, I turn of for instance props in strat as any player can 'hide' there and turning it off gives me the advantage that you can no longer hide from me, but if you keep it turned on I can still hide from you when I memorize the prop-locations ... often right in front of your base .. 8-)