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Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 8:58 pm
by AI_Unit
Strange, that will need fixing. To be honest, it feels hard going through this campaign with the cutscene bug.

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 9:29 pm
by Red Devil
it's the idle dispatcher that sends them:

.. attacking with 'evmisl.odf' on team 6 h=2695
.. attacking with 'evmisl.odf' on team 6 h=2699
.. attacking with 'evmisl.odf' on team 6 h=2703
.. attacking with 'evmisl.odf' on team 6 h=2707
.. attacking with 'evmort.odf' on team 6 h=3189
.. attacking with 'evmort.odf' on team 6 h=3192
.. attacking with 'evmort.odf' on team 6 h=3196
.. attacking with 'evmislu.odf' on team 6 h=5729
.. attacking with 'evmislu.odf' on team 6 h=5734 the units that are sent by the AIP and the cerbs sent by the dll.

i don't think i ever messed with the SP AIP's, so there are no idle dispatcher section to control that, so i'll add them now.

i found out the hard way that Firing Back uses fireball.xsi, so it crashed 45 minutes into it when the first mega gun fires; searched through the rest of the files and applied the same fix in four other places. unsure why that xsi would start causing problems now; probably some new checks/enforcements added in the engine to prevent bad stuff entering.

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:47 pm
by Red Devil
much better with the ID controlling things.

noticed the engineer ship let the engineer out in my base, but things proceeded okay. :?

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 12:06 am
by Red Devil
i see what you mean about the cutscenes in Firing Back; ugh, i will have to fix those.

have you tried running the missions at 30 tps?

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 2:19 am
by Red Devil
in Cloak of Decepton, do you get edf buildings mixed in with the hadean ones?

EDIT: Disregard; had a key set in bzgame_keys that set team 5 to use an aip :roll:

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 1:10 pm
by AI_Unit
Oh RD what are you like! I haven't tried running in 30 tps and I don't think it's FE that's the problem at the minute. I heard that there's a bug in the current patch that causes your video to freeze if you try to skip a cutscene. The worst cutscene in the FE campaign has to be where schultz gets kidnapped by the Cerberi. I think the mission's called "Into the Fire". I've noticed that there are a few XSI's missing too. If you play a game of Chaos on Variety on Rock, I think the beam that shoots down says it's missing an XSI or something like that. Minor things lol, I notice a lot of Minor things. I can't think of anything else that's causing trouble in the single player now, nothing major that crashes the game anyway...Like I said, I fixed up edf09 which seems fine now...I might have a look at Heart of Darkness, I'm not sure if I noticed any bugs there...I'll double check and post feedback, if there's nothing more that needs fixing in the campaign, I might extract the Cerberi and start fixing up the race a little bit.

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 2:30 pm
by Progressor
What about the "Into the Fire"? At the very beginning, the Recycler stays at the start point forever and mission cannot be played.

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 3:20 pm
by Red Devil
yes, the cutscenes in Into the Fire are still dorky, but they are better than when i first started working on it years ago; that'll be my next project. i'll make the cutscenes non-interrruptable for the meantime.

the main problem i remember with that mission was the countdown timer always returning -1, so i had to get creative with that and replace the crater side with the hole another way.

if i can't get them hunky dory, i'll convert the mission to c++ and see if that helps.

the reason the recycler doesn't take off is that the map is pointing to a placeholder test dll i accidentally left in there - the one i was using to replace the crater wall and fix the cutscenes. the next time you see it, it should be fixed.

Cloak of Deception, i need to fix Stewart's voiceover playing all the time after i snipe a xypos; ugh.

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 4:02 pm
by AI_Unit
What Xypos?

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 4:17 pm
by AI_Unit
For some reason on Sheep's clothing...The DLL is creating about 6 Hadean pilots in the same area which is causing the console to send an error message about the spawn positions again. 5 of them are on team 2 and the last one is on team 1.

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 4:18 pm
by AI_Unit
It seems the edf05alarm.wav is missing too.

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 6:57 pm
by Red Devil
AI_Unit wrote:What Xypos?
sorry, meant Cloak of Deception; correcting post now.

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 7:18 pm
by Red Devil
AI_Unit wrote:For some reason on Sheep's clothing...The DLL is creating about 6 Hadean pilots in the same area which is causing the console to send an error message about the spawn positions again. 5 of them are on team 2 and the last one is on team 1.
okay, i see that and will fix it.

added an edf05alarm.wav sound

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 8:52 pm
by Red Devil
AI_Unit wrote:For some reason on Sheep's clothing...The DLL is creating about 6 Hadean pilots in the same area which is causing the console to send an error message about the spawn positions again. 5 of them are on team 2 and the last one is on team 1.
they spawn from the transport which magically appears at the depot after you snipe the xyr guards and hop in an empty ship. they then hop in the empty ships and start shooting the hadean repair vat, battery tray, believer's vat, and eyes of xyr.

the warnings come from the map being above 0 height. if i remember correctly, i think it's an editor switch to reset the map height.

EDIT: i increased the delay between hadean groups spawning in the beginning of Sheep's Clothing. i still lose most of my craft, but it's a saner massacre, if there can be such a thing...

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 9:58 pm
by Red Devil
CoD: going to set the xypos to team 0 if they are sniped to prevent Stewart's audio message spam and see how that works.