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Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:51 pm
by AI_Unit
Red Devil wrote:they spawn from the transport which magically appears at the depot after you snipe the xyr guards and hop in an empty ship.
No, these Pilots are placed in the middle of the map and are Hadean Pilots, the pilots from the transport are EDF pilots that spawn in the Depot.

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 4:02 am
by Red Devil
ah, i see them now; looks like they don't do anything, so i commented them out and will see if that affects anything.

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 1:02 pm
by Progressor
A crash from Firing Back. I cannot finish the mission after the Megagun fires, the game always crashes.

Code: Select all

DIAG|            maininit:547  |15:52:00|18     |Version Information Section
DIAG|            maininit:548  |15:52:00|18     | BZ2 build Public Beta
DIAG|            maininit:559  |15:52:00|18     |Session started Sat Jan 24 15:52:00 2015
DIAG|            maininit:565  |15:52:00|18     |CPU: 2 processors, type 586
DIAG|            maininit:566  |15:52:00|18     |CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.00GHz
DIAG|            maininit:567  |15:52:00|18     |CPU: x86 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 4
DIAG|            maininit:570  |15:52:00|18     |Executed by OLDCOMP\OldComp on Windows Version: 6.1.7601 'Service Pack 1' PlatformID=2
DIAG|                DXUT:2097 |15:52:00|103    | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG|                DXUT:1352 |15:52:00|115    | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG|                DXUT:1525 |15:52:00|117    | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG|                 vid:550  |15:52:02|2661   |In Vid::OnCreateDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0EDB0048
DIAG|                 vid:567  |15:52:02|2661   |d3d: supports range based fog
DIAG|                 vid:576  |15:52:02|2661   |d3d: supports pixel based fog
DIAG|                 vid:589  |15:52:02|2661   |d3d: supports border address mode
DIAG|                 vid:635  |15:52:02|2661   |d3d: Has EMBM texture format support
DIAG|                 vid:537  |15:52:02|2661   |DXT Textures - allowing because your GPU seems new enough. Edit render*.cfg to force it on/off
DIAG|                 vid:660  |15:52:02|2661   |D3D Adapter Identifier info:
DIAG|                 vid:661  |15:52:02|2661   | Driver:                nvd3dum.dll
DIAG|                 vid:662  |15:52:02|2661   | Description:           NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT
DIAG|                 vid:663  |15:52:02|2661   | DeviceName:            \\.\DISPLAY1
DIAG|                 vid:664  |15:52:02|2661   | DriverVersion:         0x00090012000D0801
DIAG|                 vid:665  |15:52:02|2661   | VendorId:              0x000010DE
DIAG|                 vid:666  |15:52:02|2661   | DeviceId:              0x00000640
DIAG|                 vid:667  |15:52:02|2661   | SubSysId:              0x82991043
DIAG|                 vid:668  |15:52:02|2661   | Revision:              0x000000A1
DIAG|                 vid:670  |15:52:02|2662   |Dumping D3D9 Device Caps:
DIAG|                 vid:672  |15:52:02|2662   | DeviceType:            0x00000001
DIAG|                 vid:673  |15:52:02|2662   | AdapterOrdinal:        0
DIAG|                 vid:674  |15:52:02|2662   | Caps:                  0x00020000
DIAG|                 vid:675  |15:52:02|2662   | Caps2:                 0xE0020000
DIAG|                 vid:676  |15:52:02|2662   | Caps3:                 0x000003A0
DIAG|                 vid:677  |15:52:02|2662   | PresentationIntervals: 0x8000000F
DIAG|                 vid:678  |15:52:02|2662   | CursorCaps:            0x00000001
DIAG|                 vid:679  |15:52:02|2662   | DevCaps:               0x001BBEF0
DIAG|                 vid:680  |15:52:02|2662   | PrimitiveMiscCaps:     0x002FCEF2
DIAG|                 vid:681  |15:52:02|2662   | RasterCaps:            0x07732191
DIAG|                 vid:682  |15:52:02|2662   | ZCmpCaps:              0x000000FF
DIAG|                 vid:683  |15:52:02|2662   | SrcBlendCaps:          0x00003FFF
DIAG|                 vid:684  |15:52:02|2662   | DestBlendCaps:         0x00003FFF
DIAG|                 vid:685  |15:52:02|2662   | AlphaCmpCaps:          0x000000FF
DIAG|                 vid:686  |15:52:02|2662   | ShadeCaps:             0x00084208
DIAG|                 vid:687  |15:52:02|2662   | TextureCaps:           0x0001ECC5
DIAG|                 vid:688  |15:52:02|2662   | TextureFilterCaps:     0x03030700
DIAG|                 vid:689  |15:52:02|2662   | CubeTextureFilterCaps: 0x03030300
DIAG|                 vid:690  |15:52:02|2662   | VolumeTextureFilterCaps: 0x03030300
DIAG|                 vid:691  |15:52:02|2662   | TextureAddressCaps:    0x0000003F
DIAG|                 vid:692  |15:52:02|2662   | VolumeTextureAddressCaps: 0x0000003F
DIAG|                 vid:693  |15:52:02|2662   | LineCaps:              0x0000001F
DIAG|                 vid:694  |15:52:02|2662   | MaxTextureWidth:       8192
DIAG|                 vid:695  |15:52:02|2662   | MaxTextureHeight:      8192
DIAG|                 vid:696  |15:52:02|2662   | MaxVolumeExtent:       2048
DIAG|                 vid:697  |15:52:02|2662   | MaxTextureRepeat:      8192
DIAG|                 vid:698  |15:52:02|2662   | MaxTextureAspectRatio: 8192
DIAG|                 vid:699  |15:52:02|2662   | MaxAnisotropy:         16
DIAG|                 vid:700  |15:52:02|2662   | StencilCaps:           0x000001FF
DIAG|                 vid:701  |15:52:02|2662   | FVFCaps:               0x00180008
DIAG|                 vid:702  |15:52:02|2662   | TextureOpCaps:         0x03FEFFFF
DIAG|                 vid:703  |15:52:02|2662   | MaxTextureBlendStages: 8
DIAG|                 vid:704  |15:52:02|2663   | MaxSimultaneousTextures: 8
DIAG|                 vid:705  |15:52:02|2663   | VertexProcessingCaps:  0x0000017B
DIAG|                 vid:706  |15:52:02|2663   | MaxActiveLights:       10
DIAG|                 vid:717  |15:52:02|2663   | MaxUserClipPlanes:     8
DIAG|                 vid:718  |15:52:02|2663   | MaxVertexBlendMatrices: 4
DIAG|                 vid:719  |15:52:02|2663   | MaxVertexBlendMatrixIndex: 8
DIAG|                 vid:720  |15:52:02|2663   | MaxPrimitiveCount:     8388607
DIAG|                 vid:721  |15:52:02|2663   | MaxVertexIndex:        16777215
DIAG|                 vid:722  |15:52:02|2663   | MaxStreams:            16
DIAG|                 vid:723  |15:52:02|2663   | MaxStreamStride:       255
DIAG|                 vid:724  |15:52:02|2663   | VertexShaderVersion:   0xFFFE0300
DIAG|                 vid:725  |15:52:02|2663   | MaxVertexShaderConst:  256
DIAG|                 vid:726  |15:52:02|2663   | PixelShaderVersion:    0xFFFF0300
DIAG|                 vid:727  |15:52:02|2663   | DevCaps2:              0x00000051
DIAG|                 vid:728  |15:52:02|2663   | Reserved5:             0x00000000
DIAG|                 vid:729  |15:52:02|2663   | MasterAdapterOrdinal:  0
DIAG|                 vid:730  |15:52:02|2663   | AdapterOrdinalInGroup: 0
DIAG|                 vid:731  |15:52:02|2663   | NumberOfAdaptersInGroup: 1
DIAG|                 vid:732  |15:52:02|2663   | DeclTypes:             0x0000030F
DIAG|                 vid:733  |15:52:02|2663   | NumSimultaneousRTs:    4
DIAG|                 vid:734  |15:52:02|2663   | StretchRectFilterCaps: 0x03000300
DIAG|                 vid:735  |15:52:02|2663   | VertexTextureFilterCaps: 0x03030700
DIAG|                 vid:736  |15:52:02|2663   | MaxVShaderInstructionsExecuted: 65535
DIAG|                 vid:737  |15:52:02|2663   | MaxPShaderInstructionsExecuted: 65535
DIAG|                 vid:738  |15:52:02|2663   | MaxVertexShader30InstructionSlots: 4096
DIAG|                 vid:739  |15:52:02|2663   | MaxPixelShader30InstructionSlots: 4096
DIAG|                 vid:742  |15:52:02|2663   | MaxPointSize:          8192.00
DIAG|                 vid:743  |15:52:02|2663   | PixelShader1xMaxValue: 65504.00
DIAG|                 vid:744  |15:52:02|2663   | MaxNpatchTessellationLevel: 0.00
DIAG|                 vid:745  |15:52:02|2663   | MaxVertexW:            10000000000.00
DIAG|                 vid:746  |15:52:02|2663   | GuardBandLeft:         -100000000.00
DIAG|                 vid:747  |15:52:02|2663   | GuardBandTop:          -100000000.00
DIAG|                 vid:748  |15:52:02|2663   | GuardBandRight:        100000000.00
DIAG|                 vid:749  |15:52:02|2663   | GuardBandBottom:       100000000.00
DIAG|                 vid:750  |15:52:02|2663   | ExtentsAdjust:         0.00
DIAG|                 vid:792  |15:52:02|2663   |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0EDB0048
DIAG|                DXUT:2584 |15:52:02|2664   | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG|               setup:77   |15:52:02|2666   |Drive type : Fixed
DIAG|               setup:147  |15:52:02|2666   |Startup directory : D:\Games\Battlezone II
DIAG|                 vid:1272 |15:52:03|3360   |Vid::SetMode - ord(0) fmt(22), w(1920), h(1080) bbCount 1
DIAG|                 vid:1292 |15:52:03|3360   | bFmt(21), MSType(8), MSQual(0), DSFmt(75), Win(0)
DIAG|                 vid:1303 |15:52:03|3360   | Refresh(60), Interval(-2147483648), Flags(2)
DIAG|                 vid:1304 |15:52:03|3360   | hWnds = 000B0240 000B0240 000B0240 000B0240
DIAG|                DXUT:2097 |15:52:03|3361   | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG|                 vid:834  |15:52:03|3407   |In Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG|                DXUT:1392 |15:52:03|3421   | DXUT unpause on restore
DIAG|                DXUT:1491 |15:52:03|3425   | DXUT unpause on restore
DIAG|                DXUT:2584 |15:52:03|3425   | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG|                 vid:1312 |15:52:03|3425   |DXUTCreateDeviceFromSettings = 00000000, lost = 1
DIAG|                 vid:1322 |15:52:03|3425   |Trycount 0, device lost = 1 1
DIAG|                DXUT:5453 |15:52:03|3434   | AttemptAcquire device = 0x0EDB0048, lost = 1, paused = 0
DIAG|                DXUT:5467 |15:52:03|3434   | noticed device lost
DIAG|                DXUT:5471 |15:52:03|3434   | Coop level check failed.
DIAG|                DXUT:5535 |15:52:03|3434   | Try to reset the device
DIAG|                 vid:792  |15:52:06|5924   |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0EDB0048
DIAG|                 vid:1333 |15:52:06|5938   |Attempted acquire & render, lost = 0 0
DIAG|               input:1108 |15:52:06|5963   |Double click time=500 ms, threshold=4,4
DIAG|               input:1129 |15:52:06|5963   |8 button mouse, Left=0 Right=1
DIAG|               input:143  |15:52:06|5964   |Keyboard repeat delay=[500] speed=[31]
DIAG|      MissionHandler:1404 |15:52:06|6045   |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_moves_1920x1080.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_moves.cfg'
DIAG|              dsutil:143  |15:52:06|6210   |DirectSound 8 System started. Noted capabilities:
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |15:52:06|6210   | DSCAPS_CONTINUOUSRATE
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |15:52:06|6210   | DSCAPS_PRIMARY16BIT
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |15:52:06|6210   | DSCAPS_PRIMARY8BIT
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |15:52:06|6211   | DSCAPS_PRIMARYMONO
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |15:52:06|6211   | DSCAPS_PRIMARYSTEREO
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |15:52:06|6211   | DSCAPS_SECONDARY16BIT
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |15:52:06|6211   | DSCAPS_SECONDARY8BIT
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |15:52:06|6211   | DSCAPS_SECONDARYMONO
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |15:52:06|6211   | DSCAPS_SECONDARYSTEREO
DIAG|              dsutil:156  |15:52:06|6211   | dwPrimaryBuffers = 1
DIAG|              dsutil:157  |15:52:06|6211   | dwMaxHwMixingAllBuffers = 1
DIAG|              dsutil:158  |15:52:06|6211   | dwMaxHwMixingStaticBuffers = 1
DIAG|              dsutil:159  |15:52:06|6211   | dwMaxHwMixingStreamingBuffers = 1
DIAG|              dsutil:160  |15:52:06|6211   | dwFreeHwMixingAllBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:161  |15:52:06|6211   | dwFreeHwMixingStaticBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:162  |15:52:06|6211   | dwFreeHwMixingStreamingBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:163  |15:52:06|6211   | dwMaxHw3DAllBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:164  |15:52:06|6211   | dwMaxHw3DStaticBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:165  |15:52:06|6211   | dwMaxHw3DStreamingBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:166  |15:52:06|6211   | dwFreeHw3DAllBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:167  |15:52:06|6211   | dwFreeHw3DStaticBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:168  |15:52:06|6211   | dwFreeHw3DStreamingBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:202  |15:52:06|6211   | -- SW buffers in use. Using 32 channels max
DIAG|              dsutil:208  |15:52:06|6211   | -- AUTO-DISABLING 3D Audio, as soundcard can't handle!
DIAG|              dsutil:228  |15:52:06|6211   | Audio buffers will be placed in: Software
DIAG|              dsutil:241  |15:52:06|6211   |-- Prefsfile set audio mem purge at 33554432 bytes
DIAG|              dsutil:244  |15:52:06|6211   |Done with audio caps log
DIAG|            AudioSys:322  |15:52:06|6213   |Audio: DirectSound8 setup complete
DIAG|              icroot:193  |15:52:06|6214   |Root window now 640x480
DIAG|            runcodes:172  |15:52:06|6216   |[Main] Entering run code [SHELL]
DIAG|              icroot:193  |15:52:06|6217   |Root window now 640x480
DIAG|                menu:119  |15:52:06|6300   |Note: could not read registry for last crash filetime. Perhaps you've never seen one
DIAG|            runcodes:172  |15:52:11|10911  |[Main] Entering run code [INIT]
DIAG|              icroot:193  |15:52:11|10912  |Root window now 1920x1080
DIAG|      MissionHandler:1404 |15:52:11|10946  |Expanded game UI file of 'bzshell_cam_record_x2_0_1920x1080.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzshell_cam_record_x2_0.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:52:11|10947  |Var[] Ctrl[NewMove] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:52:11|11030  |Var[] Ctrl[Gauge] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:52:11|11030  |Var[] Ctrl[Count] needs to be resolved
DIAG|      MissionHandler:1404 |15:52:11|11035  |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_keys_1920x1080.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_keys.cfg'
DIAG|            Planners:3330 |15:52:12|11953  |SetAIP - cfg(edf04c.aip) team(6)
DIAG|          LuaManager:165  |15:52:12|11954  |Lua file 'edf04c.lua' not found
DIAG|            runcodes:172  |15:52:12|12238  |[View] Entering run code [CINERACTIVE]
DIAG|            runcodes:172  |15:52:12|12271  |[Main] Entering run code [MISSION]
DIAG|              icroot:193  |15:52:12|12278  |Root window now 1920x1080
DIAG|            runcodes:172  |15:52:12|12284  |[Mission] Entering run code [RUN]
DIAG|            runcodes:172  |15:52:12|12491  |[View] Entering run code [COCKPIT]
DIAG|            Planners:3330 |15:52:18|17992  |SetAIP - cfg(edf04d.aip) team(6)
DIAG|          LuaManager:165  |15:52:18|17993  |Lua file 'edf04d.lua' not found
DIAG|            runcodes:172  |15:52:35|35703  |[View] Entering run code [CINERACTIVE]
DIAG|            Planners:3330 |15:52:36|35885  |SetAIP - cfg(edf04e.aip) team(6)
DIAG|          LuaManager:165  |15:52:36|35886  |Lua file 'edf04e.lua' not found
DIAG|            runcodes:172  |15:52:37|37179  |[Mission] Entering run code [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:172  |15:52:37|37186  |[View] Entering run code [PauseScreen]
DIAG|               iface:1462 |15:52:41|41194  |UnsetModal: throwing away [DEAD]
DIAG|            runcodes:172  |15:52:41|41440  |[Mission] Entering run code [RUN]
DIAG|            runcodes:172  |15:52:41|41451  |[View] Entering run code [CINERACTIVE]
DIAG|            meshread:2188 |15:52:49|49462  |Missing binary mesh fireball.xsi, use XSI
DIAG|            meshread:2199 |15:52:49|49462  |Building fireball .msh
DIAG|            meshread:2205 |15:52:49|49462  |Missing file fireball.msh (Ignore if creating assets, but end users should NOT see this)
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:52|52485  |---- Battlezone II Log File ----
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:52|52504  |//=====================================================
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:52|52529  |App version: bzone Public Beta Jun  4 2014 21:24:28
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:52|52543  |Windows version: Windows Version: 6.1.7601 'Service Pack 1' PlatformID=2

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:52|52562  |Last few battlezone.log lines (may or may not be relevant):
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:52|52577  |DIAG|            runcodes:172  |15:52:37|37179  |[Mission] Entering run code [ESCAPE]
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:52|52595  |DIAG|            runcodes:172  |15:52:37|37186  |[View] Entering run code [PauseScreen]
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:52|52621  |DIAG|               iface:1462 |15:52:41|41194  |UnsetModal: throwing away [DEAD]
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:52|52635  |DIAG|            runcodes:172  |15:52:41|41440  |[Mission] Entering run code [RUN]
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:52|52654  |DIAG|            runcodes:172  |15:52:41|41451  |[View] Entering run code [CINERACTIVE]
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:52|52668  |DIAG|            meshread:2188 |15:52:49|49462  |Missing binary mesh fireball.xsi, use XSI
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:52|52687  |DIAG|            meshread:2199 |15:52:49|49462  |Building fireball .msh
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:52|52702  |DIAG|            meshread:2205 |15:52:49|49462  |Missing file fireball.msh (Ignore if creating assets, but end users should NOT see this)
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:52|52720  |(done)

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:52|52735  |Exception code: C0000005 (ACCESS VIOLATION) READING from 00000090h
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:52|52754  |Message :  Exception
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:52|52779  |Error occurred at 1/24/2015 15:52:54.
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:52|52794  |D:\Games\Battlezone II\bzone.exe, run by OldComp.
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:52|52812  |D:\Games\Battlezone II\bzone.exe, run by OldComp.
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:52|52827  |CPU: 2 processor(s), Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.00GHz
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:52|52845  |     x86 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 4
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|52860  |Process Memory :   1459 MB free out of   2048 MB total
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|52879  |Physical memory:   2231 MB free out of   3200 MB total
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|52893  |Page(swap) file:   5016 MB free out of   6395 MB total
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|52912  |This exe is using 222 MB (92 MB dlmalloc), peak use 231 MB

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|52937  |Fault address:  0109A00B 01:0022900B D:\Games\Battlezone II\bzone.exe
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|52952  |
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|52970  |EAX:00000000
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|52985  |CS:EIP:001B:0109A00B
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53004  |SS:ESP:0023:0060D9F0  EBP:0060DA64
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53029  |DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:0000
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53043  |Flags:00010246
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53062  |
Call stack:
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53077  |Address  Offset1  Offset2  Module              SourceFile
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53364  |0109A00B +0022A00B 0000021B bzone            (bzone): : FamilyNode::RenderSetStateWithParent

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53387  |0109A579 +0022A579 000003E9 bzone            (bzone): : FamilyNode::RenderSetState

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53404  |00F84F82 +00114F82 00000010 bzone            (bzone): : ENTITY::PostSimulate

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53423  |00F9749F +0012749F 0000002E bzone            (bzone): : Resolution_Layer_Class::Entity_List_Class::Render

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53435  |00F9789C +0012789C 0000007F bzone            (bzone): : Resolution_Layer_Class::Render

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53455  |00F98043 +00128043 0000003B bzone            (bzone): : SceneManagerClass::Render

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53470  |00EB9C8D +00049C8D 00000162 bzone            (bzone): : MirrorClass::Render

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53504  |00FE2518 +00172518 00000021 bzone            (bzone): : TerrainClass::SubmitWaterAndOrReflections

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53521  |00EBAB55 +0004AB55 00000147 bzone            (bzone): : Render_External_View

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53536  |00EC55EB +000555EB 00000052 bzone            (bzone): : ViewCineractive::Process

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53554  |00EC79FF +000579FF 000000A1 bzone            (bzone): : ViewManager::Process

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53569  |00ECBDD9 +0005BDD9 000000B9 bzone            (bzone): : MissionHandler::RenderOneFrame

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53588  |00ECC1FD +0005C1FD 00000367 bzone            (bzone): : MissionHandler::State::RunState::Process

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53602  |00EC980D +0005980D 0000001E bzone            (bzone): : MissionHandler::Process

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53627  |010A24E1 +002324E1 00000061 bzone            (bzone): : Main::MessagePump

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53645  |00EBBB95 +0004BB95 00000572 bzone            (bzone): : HandledMain

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53659  |00EBB83F +0004B83F 0000021C bzone            (bzone): : HandledMain

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53678  |00EB8882 +00048882 00000069 bzone            (bzone): : WinMain

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53692  |01042BE7 +001D2BE7 00000191 bzone            (bzone): : exp

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53710  |774EEE1C +0004EE1C 00000012 kernel32         (kernel32): : BaseThreadInitThunk

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53727  |778037EB +000637EB 000000EF ntdll            (ntdll): : RtlInitializeExceptionChain

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53742  |778037BE +000637BE 000000C2 ntdll            (ntdll): : RtlInitializeExceptionChain

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:191  |15:52:53|53760  |

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 4:12 pm
by Red Devil
yup, that's from the bad xsi being used which is fixed locally, plus some other things; works well now except for the cutscene thing.

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 5:39 pm
by Red Devil
there, all the rest of the odf's (66) that have [trackedvehicleclass] now have TREAD_STATIC_FRICTION = 1.5

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 5:44 pm
by AI_Unit
Red Devil wrote:there, all the rest of the odf's (66) that have [trackedvehicleclass] now have TREAD_STATIC_FRICTION = 1.5
That should fix all artificial tracked ODF's.

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:15 am
by Red Devil
added the idledispatcher section to the other 252 AIP's.

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 4:50 pm
by AI_Unit
Ouch 252? Nice.

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:44 pm
by Progressor
This collector lives in the upside-down universe and never comes back to the real world: ... oard01.jpg. Never seen this before.

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 5:59 pm
by AI_Unit
Go home collector, you're drunk.

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:13 pm
by General BlackDragon
I've only seen that once, when I accidentally passed a matrix of all 0's to BuildObject....

The units were stuck perfectly upside down, my weapons passed right through them, but I could collide with them.

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:22 pm
by Red Devil
took a chunk out of the cornea of my left (good) eye and have a patch on it now for a few days, so can only use right (bad) eye right now, which makes this a challenge for now. which map is that?

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 9:10 pm
by AI_Unit
It's the final Hadean mission, where you have to kill Schultz.

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 9:16 pm
by Red Devil
i commented out all occurences of CENTER_SHIFT from the files, so i'll see if that helps

Re: Forgotten Enemies for BETA

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 9:21 am
by AI_Unit
I might start working on the multiplayer stuff, I've noticed that there's quite a few missing ODF's according to the console. That might be DLL based however and I haven't got access to it, unless you want to send me the CPP.