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alternate recyclers on custom maps using UEP

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 8:31 am
by dcmaclovin12
tittle is kind of self explanitory i have maps that ive installed myself and have add code to the setup file to allow for recycler varients but when they are selected and i start the game it defaults to the regular one, anyone know how to fix this its in reference to using the unoficial expansion pack pre release. the one with thejamsh warship.

Re: alternate recyclers on custom maps using UEP

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:34 pm
by Ded10c
Don't be suprised if that doesn't work. We'll help you if we can, but we don't officially support it.

Re: alternate recyclers on custom maps using UEP

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:01 am
by dcmaclovin12
cool i appreciate it ive usualy just been a big console gamer but battlezone was my favorite game as a kid and its kinda cool seeing all the new stuff thats been released for it and after all the stuff ive done in just the past few days id like to learn how to do alot more

Re: alternate recyclers on custom maps using UEP

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 8:38 pm
by TheJamsh
Pardon my elongated absence (which I'm about to return to :().

Unfortunately in my rush to kick whatever build I had of the UEP out of the door I missed out a few things (it happens), I think the Scion Gun Towers and a few files that you need to get the Warship Variant running (certainly in MP without getting kicked for bad assets, which MIGHT happen as well).

If I can get some time on my hands (and get around to re-installing BZ2 and the working files for that release) I'll put out a fix at some stage. Don't count on it for a while though, I love the game, but my interest in working on/maintaining mods for it has plummeted. Fed up of being disappointed with not being able to reach all those modding targets I keep setting myself...

- TJ

Re: alternate recyclers on custom maps using UEP

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 6:29 pm
by Nielk1
So you give up when you don;t hit a target? Haven't changed then...

Re: alternate recyclers on custom maps using UEP

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 6:39 pm
by Zax
And so it continues.

Re: alternate recyclers on custom maps using UEP

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:49 am
by TheJamsh

BZU going down was when my interest in the game plummeted, that site made the community feel a lot larger than it really is. I get the urge to mod all the time, but then I get around to doing it and think "what's the point? Nobodies going to play it, Its never going to amount to anything or look/behave as well as I imagined it to in my head... etc etc". I came into the game too late, that's the long and short of it. The skills required to get the models and objects and game-play in my head into a useable format in-game take so long to learn, if I'd been around earlier I might have developed them sooner while the community was still fairly substantial.

I have/had a perfectionist attitude to modding (brushes off the sneers), that's my problem. I spent ENTIRE DAYS working on revamping the effects and behaviour of a single stock weapon, only to then look at the list of others I felt I had to do, and the things I had to create from scratch. Then a new public patch comes out and despite all those new features you like the look of and want to put to use, something else gets broken (case in point, ALL my particle effects I spent month after consecutive month perfecting) and you spend the next three months begging for a 'fix' or a workaround, which rarely comes.

Get others involved to share the workload and suddenly your project changes into something totally different (good different in the UEP's case, but not always). Loads of new, good-looking and partly animated models sitting in my folders. Jayden the complete legend that he is did the textures for two of them, but one model came back misshaped (my fault) and the other was so awesome I was pissed that I didn't have an entire fleet of models done that well (you all saw the hi-poly sabre I think). Both recipes for a crushed modding mojo.

Slowly this time adds up and up and up, and majority of it is wasted. All these things I want to do while the community slowly diminishes. I'm sure it'll never truly die for some considerable time, but when you spend that much time on things that small, it doesn't seem worth it unless there's a ****-tonne of people out there who will get enjoyment out of it.

Completely wrong thread to go into a 'why I cba anymore' rant, but never mind...

Re: alternate recyclers on custom maps using UEP

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:05 am
by Ded10c
One really important thing - if you really can't be bothered, don't let all your work go to waste.