Friend has crash on starting IA

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General BlackDragon
Flying Mauler
Posts: 2408
Joined: Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:37 am

Friend has crash on starting IA

Post by General BlackDragon »

MrBazooka has this issue when trying to start BZ2 1.3 PB6.4y

Code: Select all

DIAG|            maininit:543  |21:09:06|51     |Version Information Section
DIAG|            maininit:544  |21:09:06|51     | BZ2 build Public Beta
DIAG|            maininit:555  |21:09:06|51     |Session started Sat Nov 09 21:09:06 2013
DIAG|            maininit:561  |21:09:06|51     |CPU: 1 processors, type 586
DIAG|            maininit:562  |21:09:06|53     |CPU:               Intel(R) Celeron(R) D CPU 3.46GHz
DIAG|            maininit:563  |21:09:06|53     |CPU: x86 Family 15 Model 6 Stepping 5
DIAG|            maininit:566  |21:09:06|53     |Executed by KIDSPUTER\Mrbazooka on Windows Version: 5.1.2600 'Service Pack 3' PlatformID=2
DIAG|                DXUT:2097 |21:09:06|256    | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG|                DXUT:1352 |21:09:06|266    | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG|                DXUT:1525 |21:09:06|286    | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG|                 vid:542  |21:09:08|2040   |In Vid::OnCreateDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x00066B60
DIAG|                 vid:559  |21:09:08|2040   |d3d: supports range based fog
DIAG|                 vid:577  |21:09:08|2040   |d3d: NO border address mode
DIAG|                 vid:613  |21:09:08|2040   |d3d: No EMBM texture format support
DIAG|                 vid:529  |21:09:08|2042   |DXT Textures - allowing because your card isn't on the unsupported list. Edit render*.cfg to force it on/off
DIAG|                 vid:643  |21:09:08|2050   |D3D Adapter Identifier info:
DIAG|                 vid:644  |21:09:08|2050   | Driver:                ati2dvag.dll
DIAG|                 vid:645  |21:09:08|2050   | Description:           RADEON 9000 Family (Microsoft Corporation)
DIAG|                 vid:646  |21:09:08|2051   | DeviceName:            \\.\DISPLAY1
DIAG|                 vid:647  |21:09:08|2053   | DriverVersion:         0x0006000E000A193E
DIAG|                 vid:648  |21:09:08|2053   | VendorId:              0x00001002
DIAG|                 vid:649  |21:09:08|2053   | DeviceId:              0x00004966
DIAG|                 vid:650  |21:09:08|2053   | SubSysId:              0x7192174B
DIAG|                 vid:651  |21:09:08|2053   | Revision:              0x00000001
DIAG|                 vid:653  |21:09:08|2053   |Dumping D3D9 Device Caps:
DIAG|                 vid:655  |21:09:08|2053   | DeviceType:            0x00000001
DIAG|                 vid:656  |21:09:08|2053   | AdapterOrdinal:        0
DIAG|                 vid:657  |21:09:08|2053   | Caps:                  0x00020000
DIAG|                 vid:658  |21:09:08|2054   | Caps2:                 0x60020000
DIAG|                 vid:659  |21:09:08|2054   | Caps3:                 0x00000320
DIAG|                 vid:660  |21:09:08|2054   | PresentationIntervals: 0x80000001
DIAG|                 vid:661  |21:09:08|2054   | CursorCaps:            0x00000001
DIAG|                 vid:662  |21:09:08|2055   | DevCaps:               0x001BBEF0
DIAG|                 vid:663  |21:09:08|2055   | PrimitiveMiscCaps:     0x00110DF2
DIAG|                 vid:664  |21:09:08|2055   | RasterCaps:            0x07736191
DIAG|                 vid:665  |21:09:08|2055   | ZCmpCaps:              0x000000FF
DIAG|                 vid:666  |21:09:08|2055   | SrcBlendCaps:          0x00003FFF
DIAG|                 vid:667  |21:09:08|2056   | DestBlendCaps:         0x00003BFF
DIAG|                 vid:668  |21:09:08|2056   | AlphaCmpCaps:          0x000000FF
DIAG|                 vid:669  |21:09:08|2056   | ShadeCaps:             0x00084208
DIAG|                 vid:670  |21:09:08|2056   | TextureCaps:           0x00066D47
DIAG|                 vid:671  |21:09:08|2056   | TextureFilterCaps:     0x03030700
DIAG|                 vid:672  |21:09:08|2056   | CubeTextureFilterCaps: 0x03000300
DIAG|                 vid:673  |21:09:08|2056   | VolumeTextureFilterCaps: 0x03000300
DIAG|                 vid:674  |21:09:08|2057   | TextureAddressCaps:    0x00000037
DIAG|                 vid:675  |21:09:08|2057   | VolumeTextureAddressCaps: 0x00000037
DIAG|                 vid:676  |21:09:08|2058   | LineCaps:              0x0000003F
DIAG|                 vid:677  |21:09:08|2058   | MaxTextureWidth:       2048
DIAG|                 vid:678  |21:09:08|2058   | MaxTextureHeight:      2048
DIAG|                 vid:679  |21:09:08|2058   | MaxVolumeExtent:       256
DIAG|                 vid:680  |21:09:08|2058   | MaxTextureRepeat:      2048
DIAG|                 vid:681  |21:09:08|2059   | MaxTextureAspectRatio: 2048
DIAG|                 vid:682  |21:09:08|2059   | MaxAnisotropy:         16
DIAG|                 vid:683  |21:09:08|2059   | StencilCaps:           0x000000FF
DIAG|                 vid:684  |21:09:08|2059   | FVFCaps:               0x00100006
DIAG|                 vid:685  |21:09:08|2059   | TextureOpCaps:         0x03FFFFFF
DIAG|                 vid:686  |21:09:08|2059   | MaxTextureBlendStages: 8
DIAG|                 vid:687  |21:09:08|2059   | MaxSimultaneousTextures: 6
DIAG|                 vid:688  |21:09:08|2059   | VertexProcessingCaps:  0x0000007B
DIAG|                 vid:689  |21:09:08|2061   | MaxActiveLights:       8
DIAG|                 vid:700  |21:09:08|2061   | MaxUserClipPlanes:     6
DIAG|                 vid:701  |21:09:08|2061   | MaxVertexBlendMatrices: 4
DIAG|                 vid:702  |21:09:08|2061   | MaxVertexBlendMatrixIndex: 57
DIAG|                 vid:703  |21:09:08|2061   | MaxPrimitiveCount:     65535
DIAG|                 vid:704  |21:09:08|2064   | MaxVertexIndex:        16777215
DIAG|                 vid:705  |21:09:08|2064   | MaxStreams:            12
DIAG|                 vid:706  |21:09:08|2064   | MaxStreamStride:       1024
DIAG|                 vid:707  |21:09:08|2064   | VertexShaderVersion:   0xFFFE0101
DIAG|                 vid:708  |21:09:08|2066   | MaxVertexShaderConst:  192
DIAG|                 vid:709  |21:09:08|2066   | PixelShaderVersion:    0xFFFF0104
DIAG|                 vid:710  |21:09:08|2066   | DevCaps2:              0x00000051
DIAG|                 vid:711  |21:09:08|2066   | Reserved5:             0x00000000
DIAG|                 vid:712  |21:09:08|2066   | MasterAdapterOrdinal:  0
DIAG|                 vid:713  |21:09:08|2066   | AdapterOrdinalInGroup: 0
DIAG|                 vid:714  |21:09:08|2066   | NumberOfAdaptersInGroup: 1
DIAG|                 vid:715  |21:09:08|2066   | DeclTypes:             0x000000FF
DIAG|                 vid:716  |21:09:08|2066   | NumSimultaneousRTs:    1
DIAG|                 vid:717  |21:09:08|2066   | StretchRectFilterCaps: 0x00000000
DIAG|                 vid:718  |21:09:08|2066   | VertexTextureFilterCaps: 0x00000000
DIAG|                 vid:719  |21:09:08|2066   | MaxVShaderInstructionsExecuted: -1
DIAG|                 vid:720  |21:09:08|2066   | MaxPShaderInstructionsExecuted: 0
DIAG|                 vid:721  |21:09:08|2066   | MaxVertexShader30InstructionSlots: 0
DIAG|                 vid:722  |21:09:08|2067   | MaxPixelShader30InstructionSlots: 0
DIAG|                 vid:725  |21:09:08|2068   | MaxPointSize:          256.00
DIAG|                 vid:726  |21:09:08|2068   | PixelShader1xMaxValue: 8.00
DIAG|                 vid:727  |21:09:08|2068   | MaxNpatchTessellationLevel: 8.00
DIAG|                 vid:728  |21:09:08|2068   | MaxVertexW:            10000000000.00
DIAG|                 vid:729  |21:09:08|2068   | GuardBandLeft:         -0.00
DIAG|                 vid:730  |21:09:08|2068   | GuardBandTop:          -0.00
DIAG|                 vid:731  |21:09:08|2068   | GuardBandRight:        0.00
DIAG|                 vid:732  |21:09:08|2068   | GuardBandBottom:       0.00
DIAG|                 vid:733  |21:09:08|2068   | ExtentsAdjust:         0.00
DIAG|                 vid:775  |21:09:08|2068   |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x00066B60
DIAG|                DXUT:2584 |21:09:08|2070   | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG|               setup:77   |21:09:08|2074   |Drive type : Fixed
DIAG|               setup:147  |21:09:08|2074   |Startup directory : C:\Program Files\Battlezone II
DIAG|                 vid:1236 |21:09:10|3525   |Vid::SetMode - ord(0) fmt(22), w(640), h(480) bbCount 1
DIAG|                 vid:1256 |21:09:10|3525   | bFmt(22), MSType(0), MSQual(0), DSFmt(75), Win(0)
DIAG|                 vid:1267 |21:09:10|3525   | Refresh(60), Interval(-2147483648), Flags(2)
DIAG|                 vid:1268 |21:09:10|3525   | hWnds = 00AC0058 00AC0058 00AC0058 00AC0058
DIAG|                DXUT:2097 |21:09:10|3525   | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG|                 vid:817  |21:09:11|4736   |In Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG|                DXUT:1392 |21:09:11|5229   | DXUT unpause on restore
DIAG|                DXUT:1491 |21:09:11|5230   | DXUT unpause on restore
DIAG|                DXUT:2584 |21:09:11|5230   | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG|                 vid:1276 |21:09:11|5230   |DXUTCreateDeviceFromSettings = 00000000, lost = 1
DIAG|                 vid:1286 |21:09:11|5230   |Trycount 0, device lost = 1 1
DIAG|                DXUT:5453 |21:09:11|5235   | AttemptAcquire device = 0x00066B60, lost = 1, paused = 0
DIAG|                DXUT:5467 |21:09:11|5235   | noticed device lost
DIAG|                DXUT:5471 |21:09:11|5235   | Coop level check failed.
DIAG|                DXUT:5535 |21:09:11|5235   | Try to reset the device
DIAG|                 vid:775  |21:09:13|6695   |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x00066B60
DIAG|                 vid:1297 |21:09:13|6705   |Attempted acquire & render, lost = 0 0
DIAG|               input:1108 |21:09:13|6787   |Double click time=500 ms, threshold=4,4
DIAG|               input:1129 |21:09:13|6787   |5 button mouse, Left=0 Right=1
DIAG|               input:143  |21:09:13|6789   |Keyboard repeat delay=[500] speed=[31]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |21:09:13|6813   |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_moves_640x480.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_moves.cfg'
DIAG|              dsutil:143  |21:09:14|7498   |DirectSound 8 System started. Noted capabilities:
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |21:09:14|7499   | DSCAPS_CERTIFIED
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |21:09:14|7499   | DSCAPS_CONTINUOUSRATE
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |21:09:14|7499   | DSCAPS_PRIMARY16BIT
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |21:09:14|7499   | DSCAPS_PRIMARY8BIT
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |21:09:14|7499   | DSCAPS_PRIMARYMONO
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |21:09:14|7499   | DSCAPS_PRIMARYSTEREO
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |21:09:14|7499   | DSCAPS_SECONDARY16BIT
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |21:09:14|7499   | DSCAPS_SECONDARY8BIT
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |21:09:14|7499   | DSCAPS_SECONDARYMONO
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |21:09:14|7499   | DSCAPS_SECONDARYSTEREO
DIAG|              dsutil:156  |21:09:14|7499   | dwPrimaryBuffers = 1
DIAG|              dsutil:157  |21:09:14|7499   | dwMaxHwMixingAllBuffers = 1
DIAG|              dsutil:158  |21:09:14|7499   | dwMaxHwMixingStaticBuffers = 1
DIAG|              dsutil:159  |21:09:14|7499   | dwMaxHwMixingStreamingBuffers = 1
DIAG|              dsutil:160  |21:09:14|7499   | dwFreeHwMixingAllBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:161  |21:09:14|7500   | dwFreeHwMixingStaticBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:162  |21:09:14|7500   | dwFreeHwMixingStreamingBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:163  |21:09:14|7500   | dwMaxHw3DAllBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:164  |21:09:14|7500   | dwMaxHw3DStaticBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:165  |21:09:14|7500   | dwMaxHw3DStreamingBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:166  |21:09:14|7500   | dwFreeHw3DAllBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:167  |21:09:14|7501   | dwFreeHw3DStaticBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:168  |21:09:14|7501   | dwFreeHw3DStreamingBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:202  |21:09:14|7501   | -- SW buffers in use. Using 32 channels max
DIAG|              dsutil:208  |21:09:14|7501   | -- AUTO-DISABLING 3D Audio, as soundcard can't handle!
DIAG|              dsutil:228  |21:09:14|7501   | Audio buffers will be placed in: Software
DIAG|              dsutil:241  |21:09:14|7501   |-- Prefsfile set audio mem purge at 33554432 bytes
DIAG|              dsutil:244  |21:09:14|7501   |Done with audio caps log
DIAG|            AudioSys:322  |21:09:14|7504   |Audio: DirectSound8 setup complete
DIAG|            mcimovie:285  |21:09:20|14292  |Movie opened C:\Program Files\Battlezone II\\movies\intro.bik
DIAG|              icroot:193  |21:09:20|14337  |Root window now 640x480
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |21:09:20|14337  |[Main] Entering run code [SHELL]
DIAG|              icroot:193  |21:09:20|14338  |Root window now 640x480
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:20|14388  |Var[] Ctrl[Off] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:20|14388  |Var[] Ctrl[On] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:20|14397  |Var[] Ctrl[x1_0] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:20|14397  |Var[] Ctrl[x1_5] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:20|14397  |Var[] Ctrl[x2_0] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:20|14397  |Var[] Ctrl[x2_5] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:20|14398  |Var[] Ctrl[x3_0] needs to be resolved
DIAG|                DXUT:2097 |21:09:22|15835  | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG|                 vid:817  |21:09:22|15835  |In Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG|                 vid:775  |21:09:23|17211  |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x00066B60
DIAG|              icroot:193  |21:09:23|17219  |Root window now 640x480
DIAG|                DXUT:2584 |21:09:23|17235  | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |21:09:31|25070  |[Main] Entering run code [INIT]
DIAG|              icroot:193  |21:09:31|25074  |Root window now 640x480
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |21:09:31|25087  |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_init_640x480.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_init.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:31|25120  |Var[] Ctrl[NewMove] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |21:09:31|25125  |Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_640x480.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:31|25129  |Var[] Ctrl[Off] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:31|25129  |Var[] Ctrl[On] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:31|25137  |Var[] Ctrl[x1_0] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:31|25137  |Var[] Ctrl[x1_5] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:31|25138  |Var[] Ctrl[x2_0] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:31|25138  |Var[] Ctrl[x2_5] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:31|25138  |Var[] Ctrl[x3_0] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |21:09:31|25164  |Expanded game UI file of 'bznopause_640x480.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bznopause.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:31|25170  |Var[] Ctrl[Off] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:31|25170  |Var[] Ctrl[On] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:31|25180  |Var[] Ctrl[x1_0] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:31|25180  |Var[] Ctrl[x1_5] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:31|25181  |Var[] Ctrl[x2_0] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:31|25181  |Var[] Ctrl[x2_5] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:31|25181  |Var[] Ctrl[x3_0] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |21:09:31|25366  |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_base_640x480.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_base.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |21:09:31|25389  |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_command_640x480.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_command.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |21:09:31|25397  |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_factory_640x480.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_factory.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |21:09:31|25398  |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_group_640x480.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_group.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |21:09:31|25400  |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_info_640x480.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_info.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |21:09:31|25400  |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_satellite_640x480.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_satellite.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |21:09:31|25401  |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_scrap_640x480.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_scrap.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:31|25405  |Var[] Ctrl[Gauge] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:31|25405  |Var[] Ctrl[Count] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |21:09:31|25407  |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_weapon_640x480.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_weapon.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |21:09:31|25408  |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_team_640x480.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_team.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |21:09:31|25409  |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_stats_640x480.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_stats.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |21:09:32|25414  |Var[network.stats.messages_index] Ctrl[Messages] needs to be resolved
ERR |               debug:715  |21:09:32|25414  |.\ifvar.cpp(417)
ERR |               debug:716  |21:09:32|25414  |Tue Nov  6 22:01:56 2012
ERR |               debug:717  |21:09:32|25414  |Var is not an integer
DIAG|                DXUT:1352 |21:09:37|30987  | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG|                DXUT:1392 |21:09:51|44489  | DXUT unpause on restore
DIAG|                DXUT:1352 |21:09:52|46018  | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG|                DXUT:1392 |21:09:53|46797  | DXUT unpause on restore
DIAG|                DXUT:1352 |21:09:55|48467  | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG|                DXUT:1392 |21:09:56|49572  | DXUT unpause on restore
ERR |                 log:1838 |21:09:56|49622  |abort() requested from '.\debug.cpp':730
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |21:09:56|49917  |0058407F +0018407F 000000C1 bzone            (bzone): : StackWalker::ShowCallstack

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |21:09:56|49991  |00611B5F +00211B5F 0000009F bzone            (bzone): : BZ2Abort

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |21:09:56|50032  |00610981 +00210981 00000131 bzone            (bzone): : Debug::Error::Err

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |21:09:56|50104  |005C3F8B +001C3F8B 0000005B bzone            (bzone): : IFaceVar::SetIntegerValue

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |21:09:56|50164  |005D1516 +001D1516 00000066 bzone            (bzone): : ICListBox::ClearSelected

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |21:09:56|50187  |005D1C7D +001D1C7D 0000002D bzone            (bzone): : ICListBox::DeleteAllItems

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |21:09:56|50218  |00504CF4 +00104CF4 00000018 bzone            (bzone): : StatsPanel::ClearMessagesBox

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |21:09:56|50232  |005047E7 +001047E7 000003AB bzone            (bzone): : StatsPanel::Init

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |21:09:56|50266  |00483D84 +00083D84 0000000D bzone            (bzone): : GameFeature::FeatureVoid::Update

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |21:09:56|50292  |00457F03 +00057F03 00000264 bzone            (bzone): : InitHandler::Process

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |21:09:56|50308  |0060086F +0020086F 000001BF bzone            (bzone): : RunCodes::Process

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |21:09:56|50324  |00607D94 +00207D94 00000064 bzone            (bzone): : Main::MessagePump

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |21:09:56|50343  |0044ACAE +0004ACAE 000004F1 bzone            (bzone): : HandledMain

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |21:09:56|50354  |0044A960 +0004A960 000001A3 bzone            (bzone): : HandledMain

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |21:09:56|50376  |00447B69 +00047B69 00000069 bzone            (bzone): : WinMain

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |21:09:56|50397  |005AC4A1 +001AC4A1 00000191 bzone            (bzone): : strcat

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |21:09:57|50413  |7C817067 +00017067 00000049 kernel32         (kernel32): : RegisterWaitForInputIdle

DIAG|                 log:1845 |21:09:57|50430  |End of line...
DIAG|                DXUT:1352 |21:09:57|50757  | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG|                DXUT:1392 |21:09:57|51090  | DXUT unpause on restore
Battlezone Classic Public Forums
*****General BlackDragon*****
Post Reply