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Re: Couple issues with single player

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 4:54 pm
by General BlackDragon
I know, I was making a joke :P

Re: Couple issues with single player

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 5:43 pm
by Ded10c
Red Devil wrote: btw, facetious is a word with unique property.
Abstemious people don't over-eat
Abstentious people don't binge drink
Acheilous people are missing a lip (or both)
Anemious things get bigger in the wind
Annelidous things are normally called ringworms
Arsenious is like arsenic but slightly less metallic
Caesious things are a horrible slimy grey-green colour
Facetious is exactly what I'm doing now

And just so this post isn't completely off-topic, I'm going to do a complete playthrough of BZ2 so I can write up the story on the wiki. While I'm at it I may as well play each mission in 1.2 and 1.3 and note the differences.

Re: Couple issues with single player

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 3:46 am
by Nielk1
Red Devil wrote:was being facetious - i already posted them.

btw, facetious is a word with unique property.
From what I recall they didn't work out so well.
I mean, wouldn't they be integrated into the patch by now if they did?

Re: Couple issues with single player

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:29 am
by Red Devil
from what i recall, no testers tested them to vet them. if they had been, they would probably already be in previous patches many months ago...

so there they sit...

Re: Couple issues with single player

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 4:33 pm
Nice to see things haven't changed much around here and Red is still like a lit match in a gas can but, getting back to the topic at hand.
General BlackDragon wrote:You don't have to delete ur roster. You can go to mission Archives and replay any mission.
Thanks for the reminder GBD. Went back and played Payback (the right way) and things went much easier (except for the damned archers...damn bloody annoying things). I started the mission before I had to go to work (work 2nd shift) and did a save and when I started it back up, I noticed when I took a pool, the Scions didn't try at all to get a scav on it, even in their own base. I'm going to try the save again to see if it was a 1 time deal or something more serious.

Re: Couple issues with single player

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:35 pm
by MrTwosheds
from what i recall, no testers tested them to vet them. if they had been, they would probably already be in previous patches many months ago...
In an organized test environment there would be established processes to keep issues such as this alive. In our fairly random test environment its very easy for stuff to go untested, forgotten or missed entirely. I tried the "Testing now" thread a while back, it didn't last. Maybe we could try something similar alongside the public beta test releases?

With things like missions it is quite important to get different people involved, different play styles uncover different bugs.

Re: Couple issues with single player

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 6:58 pm
by Ded10c
I'm going to use the next couple of posts to highlight discrepancies between the 1.1/1.2 and 1.3 versions of the campaign. I imagine it'll take more than one post, so I'm going to reserve the next two just in case.

- Technical Information does not show the Next button (where applicable) until the second time it is opened.

This Is Not A Drill
- Shabayev and Simms open fire on the Guardian as soon as they enter weapons range, which destroys it before it can deploy.
- APC wreck interior is untextured
- Pickup failed sound emanates from the service crates within the base perimieter
- Shabayev fails to under the tunnels correctly and instead flies alongside on the surface
- Manson's ankles are oddly angled during his animation
- Manson's cutscene causes some visual glitching (camera shake) as it ends
- Sentires attacking Red One leap into action too slowly, after the player has entered visual range

A Simple S&R
Seems fine.

We Have Hostiles
- Attempting to transition into or out of the tunnels from the hangar building occasionally causes vehicles to jump to the surface (possible alignment issue). Obvious when the Hauler and Shabayev pass.
- Pummel crate in hangar plays pickup rejected sound effect.
- The scouts Shabayev retrieves are labelled as Red Squad, but are placed on the player's team and so appear orange.

Too Hot
- Braddock's line "Good job son! ... Target has been hit! All forces, move in!" plays twice.

The Dark Planet
- Manson and company attack the Gun Spires as soon as they enter range
- Teleportal health is too high. A satchel charge placed just inside the lower parabola is not enough to destroy it.

The Wormhole
- Scavenger pathing really breaks this one. Perhaps the check for an extractor being on the scrap pool should start whilst the scavenger is moving, to allow the player to deploy one themselves in the meantime? As it is the game waits for the AI scavenger to get there, then checks to see if the pool is occupied (causing a significant delay if the player already put one there).

Through the Looking Glass
- Cooke's tank is equipped with standard Mortar instead of MDM.
- Unless the player bails out, Shabayev steals the player's tank instead of heading inside the building. The removal of Shabayev's pilot from the world triggers a mission failure.
I used BZWinner to complete this mission, largely because I really didn't want to play through it a fourth time (failed the first time in 1.2). I was probably all of two lines away from the end of the script anyway, so I don't imagine it's a huge loss.

Get Help
- Mission success trigger seemed to take an inordinately long time, possibly because Manson's forces don't restrain themselves to the front of the base and head straight out to meet the pursuing Scions.

Rumble in the Jungle
Seems fine.

Snow Blind
- Last three mission objectives are not relabelled correctly and read Mission1103, 1104 and 1105 respectively.

On Thin Ice
Seemed to work fine. That's an improvement over 1.2, where the transport arrived at the dropships and just sat there.

- Objective is mislabelled again.

- All objective names are mislabelled.
- The carrier is in its "crashed and on fire" state when it first appears

Fanning the Fire
- Crash site nav and Burns are mislabelled.
- When Scion path is chosen, player's tank is labelled "Look at Tank"
- Team switching is a little messy regardless of which path is taken. Suggest it be reconsidered.

A Traitor's Fate
- Manson no longer interrupts Braddock during the introductory cutscene.
- Mission objectives mislabelled.
- Cooke's voiceover warns of the incoming columns far too late; odds are they will be attacking the player already (or at least on their radar) by that point.
- The mission sequence broke after this mission and set the next mission as Scion02. I retired the player and tried again with BZWinner, and was able to move on.

Hole In One
- Mission sequence broke again after this mission.

- The mission sequence broke again.
- Mission objectives mislabelled.
- Various objects around the mission suffer the discolouration we first saw in TA5, including the supercomputer supports and collapsing tunnels (though only once animated). The fix for most of objects over-compensated, and they are now darker than the cyan shade they should have.

- Wasn't there an introductory cutscene to this one at some point?
- Objective labels.

- Objective labels.
- Mission script stalled at "Build a jammer". Got bored, shot everything on the map to pieces, and when my Recycler gave out I was presented with a failure that read out the contents of the objective box.

- Seemed to work okay, but I failed at the last moment on my first attempt and rushed it the second; the script stalled when I found the base before Alpha Wing.

- Objective labels.
- This one is hilarious and you'll want to see it for yourself; the rebel Maulers are most enthusiastic in their agreement.
- The dropship doesn't take off fast enough; one of my pursuers was nearly able to board it.

An Unlikely Rescue
- Manson's forces destroyed the bridge long before I was given the order, at which point the script rolled over and stuck its legs in the air.
- Check objective labels.
- Suggest making it clear to the player that they shouldn't head for Manson's base until given the order. I did that twice in 1.2 before I remembered it was a bad idea.

- Objective labels.

- Braddock and his wingmen have dodgy pathing during the intro cutscene
- Objective labels.
- The final objective - clear the area around the alchemator - checks only the three walkers.

Re: Couple issues with single player

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 6:59 pm
by Ded10c

Re: Couple issues with single player

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 6:59 pm
by Ded10c

Re: Couple issues with single player

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 8:16 pm
by GSH
I can guarantee you that 1.1 and 1.2 will be fairly significantly different while 1.0 and 1.2 should actually be closer in SP. For 1.1, a change was made to help ensure units were on the correct group and do something else if they couldn't be grouped cleanly. That's fine for humans, but AI teams actually don't always have the 10 logical groups, etc. So, to the best of my recollection, the AI couldn't cleanly use all the units it had in SP.

1.2 (and up) let AI-controlled teams skirt grouping restrictions, which went back to the 1.0-ish behavior.

-- GSH

Re: Couple issues with single player

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 8:59 pm
by Ded10c
I'll stick to testing in 1.2, then (which is a good job, since 1.1 AVs on my laptop and doesn't display properly on my desktop while 1.2 AVs on my desktop, but works fine on the laptop).

Something interesting I noticed is that Pilot Mode (it would be nice to see that added back in, however unlikely) causes four weapon crates to spawn when used on Alien Dunes and Bridges. That is the only time the Force Field special ever appears.

Re: Couple issues with single player

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:41 am
by White Diver
1. In "Payback", first snipe out the Guardians next to the nearby extractors, then destroy both extractors with Super Stubber (if you use it linked with minigun, you are out of ammo). Then snipe out the Warrior with Sonic cannon and use it to destroy the two extractors at the North-East of the base. Then go to the Recycler and bring it back to the area with three biometal pools. While the Recy is deploying, the two Sentries and two Guardians appear; it is easy to destroy them. You will be able to build 3 scavengers and then the two Titans appear. Use your Sonic Wave as the shield and destroy the Titans. You will have to build one or two turrets to help you. After that build 4-5 turrets to block the pass from the Scion base... and that's all even on the Hard level. This is not the way you are expected to follow but it works.

2. Variant 1: "On thin ice": near the deploy point there is a hill. A Warrior and two Sentries are hiding behind the hill, so snipe out the Warrior, destroy Sentries and you will have a lot of time to occupy 4 biometal pools and build guntowers around the pool next to the lonely Guardian.

Variant 2: As soon as you send scavs to the 3 pools and have one scavenging, start building scouts. Snipe out the lonely Guardian and order transport to follow you. Scouts will help you to defend the transport -- you will have to deal with not more than a couple of Sentries. Snipe out the Guardians at the destination point and you are done. The whole mission is 5 minutes.

Re: Couple issues with single player

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:16 pm
by 2mg
- sometimes I nuked AI base, or went somewhere too soon and broke the script, but nothing a previous game save and a proper order of doing things couldn't fix.
Example: Last Scion mission where you kill Braddock, if you snipe Sabres near the 1st pool and capture them (dunno about second) the mission is stuck.

- Space button during animations stops the screen yet the animation is "playing", sounds are heard, etc...

- things written in original post, especially epileptic Maulers :D Also, I believe that when you escape that mission, a bunch of Warriors basically enter the drop ship with you.

- | characters at the end of each line in Briefing screens.

*And my general request to make the game harder, at least on Hard setting. If I at least may recommend, that is when long ranged units are assaulting AI base, that AI promptly responds, by sending counter-attack units, instead of simply amassing them for the next attack on my base as it usually does? Also, one unsinpeable turret script spawned once to go to guard AI extractors per deployment? Or generally giving stronger weapons to AI turrets?

Re: Couple issues with single player

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 12:57 am
by General BlackDragon
2mg wrote:- | characters at the end of each line in Briefing screens.
That might be a font issue. The new 1.5 - 3.0 UI Scale options use a new font for the UI. Which ones have the character at the end?

Re: Couple issues with single player

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 1:10 am
by Red Devil
correcting myself: those maulers and scouts are for attacking the player and convoy late in the game; ignore them for now. i should add some logic to only have them built late in the game and when the convoy is on its way, etc.