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Battlezone Forums • Darkwarrior Sabotaging MPI Games - Page 2
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Re: Darkwarrior Sabotaging MPI Games

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:14 am
by Nielk1
Rambo is when one man goes and ends the mission, alone, normally using a tactic that is frowned upon or a glitch since no one man CAN do that normally. In this case, re-joining for a new ship over and over.

In my L4D example this included skipping a large part of the level.

Re: Darkwarrior Sabotaging MPI Games

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:42 am
by Zax
General Hoohah wrote:Ah crap, sorry I was really tired last night and missed what you said. Downloading now. :) Thanks Zax. hahahaha

Should I get that MPI update?

Dammit, I can't figure out how to install it. There's no instructions. I tried moving folders around, nothing is working. The maps won't appear in my map list, so I'm deleting the files for now until someone explains how to install it.

Hmmmmmmmm.... The thread used to explain it.

I don't know what the mpi DLL update is. That's a question for Axe. In fact, I thought there was a more recent version.

Unofficial instructions: Extract G66 2.0 folder and G66_20.pak, g6620.cfg to root.
Make a shortcut to bzone.exe with the target switch /config g6630.cfg
That should do it.

I'd try to join games without the MPI dll update first, and if it doesn't work, get the new.

Re: Darkwarrior Sabotaging MPI Games

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:51 am
by General Hoohah
Dammit... I never saw anything about adding that tag to a shortcut, thanks Zax. Why isn't there a readme file?

A lot of people just don't seem to be able to understand the concept of respecting the way someone likes to play when its THEIR GAME. And if you don't like it, you can go make your own game. There's no reason to take over someone else's game and ruin it for them. The only thing it does is show people what an enormous douche you are, and it hurts your reputation with other players. If you want other peoples' respect and be welcomed in games, you need to respect other people's games.... not just the way you like to play. I can't say I'm surprised though, most people who play this game who act like this are really young and don't give a **** about anyone but themselves. That's actually why I quit playing for a while. I was sick and tired of people ignoring me when I said to stay out of the enemy base. I had no one to help me defend the base, capture pools, and usually when I did finally build an army hoping for a big battle... there was nothing left of the enemy base but the factory and one unit. This happened so many times over and over I just got sick of the game and left for a while.

There's an easy way to solve this. Why not just add the option to create a barrier around the enemy Rec (like the barrier that pushes you back on the edge of a map), that the host can turn on and off at their leisure? That would completely solve this problem once and for all. So why not do it? I wouldn't think it would be THAT hard, and it would solve a huge problem in the game.

Additionally... it would be hilarious to turn it back on when a griefer enters the enemy base, and watch them get catapulted across the map.... if it actually does that. BZ1 did that a few times to me if I used a high speed vehicle and hit the side, acted like a sling shot.

Re: Darkwarrior Sabotaging MPI Games

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 2:55 am
by Zax
General Hoohah wrote:
There's an easy way to solve this.
Ten programers just died.

You see, we had to do that for griefing of the OWN recycler, and it sidetracked us enough. THAT was a seemingly easy fix that required lots of extra testing.

Not going to happen again.

Re: Darkwarrior Sabotaging MPI Games

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:33 pm
by General Hoohah
ROFL!! okay I get it. Still though... it would pretty much solve griefing completely. No ff, and no ramboing the enemy base. The griefers would have to find a new hobby.

Re: Darkwarrior Sabotaging MPI Games

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:52 pm
by Ded10c
/kick and /ban are good for this kind of thing.

Re: Darkwarrior Sabotaging MPI Games

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:15 pm
by Cyber
I can't imagine why he should make that.

You provoked or insult him?
However, if you don't like killing the enemy recycler write it in the server message. Don't forget the target of a game...

"You killed the enemy Recycler. You win"

Re: Darkwarrior Sabotaging MPI Games

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:28 pm
by darkwarrior
You seem to have failed to give the whole story.

Anyways, I had joined your game under the Alias "Darkwarrior", after waiting 30 minutes for you to do something, I decided to scout the enemy base. I had muted your mic as it was giving off static background, irritating to the ear. I scouted the enemy base and then I was kicked, which I later found out to be a ban. Wondering what I had done wrong, I unplugged my modem to be reassigned a new IP. I rejoined asked why I was banned and then you gave me some sorry excuse saying that I have to follow you all around the map defending you. Which is pointless to ask, because if you need to be protected, why would you proceed to ban me leaving it impossible for me to defend you when you actually do need it.

I then preceded to take down the enemy with the units you gave me... an assault take, a rocket tank and a Enforcer. I piloted the enforcer used the extended range on assault plasma and took out gun towers. Then I used my rocket tanks to take out their assault tanks, and then I destroyed the recycler of the enemy (not a grief). The game at this point was 2 hours and 32 minutes in, of which I felt the enemy had enough time to build their defense. The only thing I can be blamed for is not hearing you as I had you muted. You had hornet rocket tanks and a great defense pinning the enemy into their base, I finished them off, without doing so cheaply, unless you call out-ranging the guntowers cheap, which it isn't because that is why we have mortors and long range weapons...

If you do not want people to join your game and try to help you win, simply do what others do... Create a session, set slots to 1, and just encase put a password on it, and even further disallow joins. Then no one can come in and assist you. This certainly solves the griefing problem, through isolation from playing how all the others play. I am sorry, but winning under fair means should not be classified as a grief.

After all the controversy on Strats and MPIs, I decided to try an MPI again, of which now I am not allowed to attack the enemy, when a perfect opportunity is open. I joined one MPI game, which was yours and destroyed the enemy 2.5 hours into the game. Even if you consider that a ruined game, their is absolutely no need in making a topic saying that I am sabotaging multiple MPI games, when it was just yours.

You call this a temper tantrum? If you guys mention this on the IRC behind my back before discussing it with me, you are just as low as people the people who actual do grief and try to corrupt this game. That is utterly pathetic of you to say something like that. I made a suggestion for someone to be on the team, but passed grudges stopped him from being on. I am not upset about that at all. I can understand that. I am upset with the corruption of some people on these forums and in this community. Hypocrites, stereotypers, and those who cannot try to see things from all perspectives are the reasons as to why I am frustrated with this community. A lot of people here are perfectionists, who think that they have no error in their power, and these people do not see their flaws and ignore people like me who try to at least hint to it and explain to treat issues with equality. This angers me.

Be childish if you wish, or be mature and responsible, this community rests on your hands, and it does not have anything to do with a specific game mode, or between players, it has to do with your decisions. For example, most of you automatically have made assumptions based off of this, without even hearing my side. And even from that I have on the testing team, and I have contributed efforts just as much as others, you don't even know him and without any proof, I am immediately put into the wrong. Just because I share some opinions about how some things are done and I try to offer some input, I am treated like a parasite that needs to be removed. There is nothing wrong with some change, when it may be needed...


Re: Darkwarrior Sabotaging MPI Games

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:57 pm
by darkwarrior
Also on top of this, if I did want to grief an MPI game, which I do not wish to do as it does not solve the issues in BZ2 it simply adds to them, but if I did, I would rather go through a proxy, which is very easy now, rather than ruin the reputation of my IP. I have the full ability to do so, but like I said it is not something needed.

Also to conclude this some ingame disputes over who is better and people being cocky, are going to find their ways to this forum. I can admit that when I play, if someone starts calling me a noob and says I suck, as General did here, I am going to retaliate, it is a video game. These little retaliations, which occur ingame should not be personal attacks displayed on the forums. It is just not necessary, fight your own battles Via the game...

Re: Darkwarrior Sabotaging MPI Games

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 6:06 pm
by Josiah
hmm, this discussion gave me an idea: why not just have a server controlled switch that can send players to a third team, so the cpu AND human teams see them as enemies... at least it'll keep them from destroying too much of the base before the gtows take'em out...

Re: Darkwarrior Sabotaging MPI Games

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 6:09 pm
by darkwarrior
Although I can see where you are going, it seems kind of redundant to do for one instance of a player, not specifying his rules in the server message and also not wanting to play the game to the end. If he does not want people playing to the end, he should just lock his game, and play it his way. It is really difficult to turn all of the bz2 population away from destroying the enemy.

Re: Darkwarrior Sabotaging MPI Games

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 6:14 pm
by Sly
Most MPI players possess about as much of a level of understanding of this game as they do common sense.

Re: Darkwarrior Sabotaging MPI Games

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:07 pm
by Zax
If he is truthing hoohah then you gain 20 noob points.

Re: Darkwarrior Sabotaging MPI Games

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:23 pm
by GSH
Sly - lose the personal attacks. You have received an official forum warning for the above post.

-- GSH

Re: Darkwarrior Sabotaging MPI Games

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:05 pm
by Commando
To fix ramboing, will probably only require some minor updates to the maps. FE had the sniper turrets which prevented ramboing. Mix sniper turrets, or some other type of turret, plus lifeSpan, and you can set the turrets up to last only x amount of minutes, giving the ai a chance to build up.