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Post by GSH »

Download this and unpack over your existing install's exe. This is a quick patch that fixes RakNet matchmaking, re-enables fbspir ordnance, fixes player ghosting, and a few other minor changes.

If you can, please install and test this. I think that this build is about 99.9% of what I want to put into a release. Your best chance of having bugs fixed for is to report things on the series. Logfiles -- battlezone.log and chatlog (if enabled) -- are useful. Otherwise, reporting things in a way that makes them happen here is best.

What's changed since the last open testing build:
- Attempt to reduce false positives for the 'checking scores info'
message. Did rewrite/simplfy this code, and made the error messages
more verbose. I do want to get to the bottom of why this is
happening. [NM]

- Work on bugzilla #524, specifically trying to eliminate the resync
after a raknet connection drop - allow the rest of the netcode to
determine the best timestep for the disconnect and synchronize
that. [NM]

- Remove 'wants future moves' lines from chatlogs w/ extended network
logging on. Should help reduce the size of the haystack I'm searching
in. [NM]

-- build

- More work on the 'checking scores info' message. Rewrote even more
chunks of code related to this. Seems to work on 2-4 player LAN tests,
with and without custom maps. [NM]

- Fix for bugzilla #271 - morphtank icons change as before. This is a
case of inheritance messing things up - it's really hard to track
overrides for derived classes. If there are issues with other things
under [MorphTankClass] not behaving when overridden, the most reliable
solution for the rest of these is going to be to just copy/paste the
specific params into the overridden odf's [MorphTankClass] chunk. [NM]

- Servers now send the statistics for packet loss to all other
clients. Clients locally calculate their packet loss to the server,
which is shown in the ping column. But, a client's display of packet
loss for any other player is what the server told them. [NM]

-- build

- Slight optimization to terrain rendering code. Now trusts some
other, more efficient clip functions to do all the work. [NM]

- Move alt-tab tolerate ticks out of GamePrefs.ini and into Userprefs.
This means that changes should be saved for the next run of BZ2. [NM]

- Work on orphaned and/or unattached sound effects. Tries harder to
clean up orphaned sounds after a worldswap or join. Reduced some
duplicated code & data related to sfx positioning. [NM]

- Work on the 'ghost' remote players. After resimulating remote
players, tries to make sure various data structures are immediately
updated as well. [NM]

- Work on bugzilla #526 - if player inputs wrap, need to kick that
player out of the game. Internal state is out of whack, and a quit to
shell and rejoin is the only way to fix. Need mp logging enabled as
noted on public forums and chatlogs to really determine how/why it got
to that state. [NM]

-- build

- Fix for lockup seen in Didn't merge from trunk correctly.

-- build

- Probable fix for bugzilla #544 - position synchronization code (done
for ghost player fix) for tracked vehicles broke the physics. Did a
more targeted fix for tracked vehicles, doing some parts of that code,
but not all. [NM]

- More work on the 'ghost' remote players. For remote players, should
trust their current interpolated world position. All other objects get
the 250m cutoff for interpolated vs true position that's been in the
code for a long time now. [NM]

-- build

- Fix for bugzilla #118 - bad assets message now exists in long
(dialog) and short (title) form. [NM]

- Merge from trunk - more runtime sanity checks. [NM]

- Probable fixes for bugzilla #543, 549, 518. Extra work to update
remote players positions within the worlds. [NM]

- Probable fix for bugzilla #547 - limit how often helper function can
be called. [NM]

- Delete terrain lodding on/off buttons fron Options -> Graphic. The
distance slider for terrain lodding now controls this. [NM]

-- build

- Fix lockup on startup caused by not completly deleting all the
terrain lodding on/off code. [NM]

-- build

- Work on bugzilla #556. If local player collides w/ remote player,
requests a visual world update asap -- might be sooner than
scheduled. [NM]

- Mods list is transmitted over RakNet, so that clients trying to join
a server requiring NatNeg (i.e. they don't have full info) should
still get the popup saying they're running a different set of mods and
probably shouldn't join. Compiles, but untested, as there's no NatNeg
on my LAN. [NM]

- Tweaked some asset check code to be more scalable over time. [NM]

- If no games are found when asking RakNet, it pops up a dialog
reminding users that some antivirus apps have an webshield component
that eats BZ2 session list requests until they're manually
reconfigured to allow bzone.exe. [NM]

-- build (Yes, skipping 'l', as that looks like a 1 in BZ2's font)

- Fix false positive in asset checker as reported on forums. [NM]

- Spam of bad asset autokicks shouldn't cause a spam of
messages. Compiles, but is untested. [NM]

-- build

- Undo Delete terrain lodding on/off buttons fron Options -> Graphic. [NM]

-- build (Yes, skipping 'o', as that looks like a 0 in BZ2's default font)
-- GSH
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Posts: 202
Joined: Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:46 pm


Post by Cyber »

I see you guys are putting lots of work in here. Will check it out.
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