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In-Game Music Not Playing

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 12:23 am
by k00kev2
Mostly referring to Instant Action here; when I go to play a game, the background music never plays - this even after a clean install and all pilots retired. I've been wanting to get that music pack to work for the longest time, but the default music doesn't work, so I haven't had much luck. Anyone have any suggestions? I could just play the tracks in the background on my choice media player, but that kind of defeats the purpose for me.

I vaguely recall already asking about this, but my post history doesn't have it, and the search box won't let you look up 'music' - every other search term I could think of didn't work either.

Music volume is at 100%
"Random Music Tracks in IA/MP" has been set to both various times
"Ingame Music from CD" has been set to on and off various times

Re: In-Game Music Not Playing

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 12:38 pm
by Red Devil
there is a setting in addon\config\Gameprefs.ini which may help:

// Use the new shell background music volume setter. This is
// recommended to be true for my Soundblaster Live and Hercules
// Gamesurround MUSE XL cards at home, but false for my Turtle Beach
// Santa Cruz. Basically, if you alt-tab in the pregame shell and the
// music is very loud on return, try reversing this setting.
NewShellMusicBehavior = false

copy that to LocalPrefs.ini and set true/false.

also, check sound devices on second page of sound options.

Re: In-Game Music Not Playing

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 6:47 pm
by k00kev2
I've done so, checked both true and false. There's definitely a difference before game with music loudness, but in-game during Instant Action, still no music.
I'd like to note that single player missions still play their music just fine.

Sound devices all are fine. All other sound plays well.

Re: In-Game Music Not Playing

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 7:37 pm
by General BlackDragon
can you post a screenshot of both sound option pages?

Re: In-Game Music Not Playing

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:33 pm
by Red Devil
kookev2, i only get sound in IA in the sound options menu when i slide the music slider, but then no music when i exit options and return to the game.

Re: In-Game Music Not Playing

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:34 pm
by General BlackDragon
I get music in game in Instant Action, while playing. So I wonder what the differences are in our options.

Re: In-Game Music Not Playing

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:36 pm
by k00kev2
As far as the first page goes, I have tried "Ingame Music from CD" both off and on and "Random Music Tracks in IA/MP" both off and on - so a total of 4 combos [on,on; on,off; off,on; off,off]
Red Devil wrote:kookev2, i only get sound in IA in the sound options menu when i slide the music slider, but then no music when i exit options and return to the game.
Same here. I'll get the 'test' song - the one that plays when you adjust volume sliders, but upon exiting menu, no music.

Forgive the large images.
Edit: I'll resize them actually


Re: In-Game Music Not Playing

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:22 pm
by Red Devil
yup, same as my settings.

Re: In-Game Music Not Playing

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 11:55 pm
by General BlackDragon
Ditto. I wonder why mine works and you two's doesn't.

Re: In-Game Music Not Playing

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 5:34 pm
by k00kev2
Is there a specific audio format that the music-pack needs to be in when adding it to the addons folder? I remember there being a specific destination, and I'm pretty sure I have that right - or at least had at one point. Right now it's sitting in a "IngameMusicFromCD" folder in the addon folder. It's in both ogg and mp3.

I'm at a loss. I miss playing the game with the soundtrack. It's just not the same playing it externally-from-the-game.

Re: In-Game Music Not Playing

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 5:40 pm
by GSH
BZ2 only reads .ogg files, due to licensing/legality of .mp3 decoders. If you wish to use the music pack, you'll have to transcode. BZ2 reads .ogg files from the subfolder the stock .ogg files are in, plus any subdirectories (even several layers of subdirectories).

-- GSH

Re: In-Game Music Not Playing

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 7:39 pm
by k00kev2
I figured taking everything out of the folder save the ogg files would help, but still no IA music.
Also converted the mp3's; still nothing.

Played single player missions, music works fine there - but I guess those songs are mission-specific, so they should play fine.

Re: In-Game Music Not Playing

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:03 pm
by General BlackDragon
If you have custom music in addon, it must be in a folder called: CDAudioAsOgg

files must be named cdaudiotrack2.ogg - cdaudiotrack255.ogg with no gaps.

The Stock 1.3 patch addon has the stock music in addon appropriately. Is it in your addon?

Also, found an interesting bug? behavior? When you have "Ingame Music From CD" off, after the track finishes, the music doesn't repeat or continue.

Found another music bug, will bugzilla it.

Re: In-Game Music Not Playing

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 12:21 am
by k00kev2
General BlackDragon wrote:If you have custom music in addon, it must be in a folder called: CDAudioAsOgg

files must be named cdaudiotrack2.ogg - cdaudiotrack255.ogg with no gaps.

The Stock 1.3 patch addon has the stock music in addon appropriately. Is it in your addon?
That was the fix for me. The folder for me was named addon\IngameMusicFromCD - I don't know why, that's how I had set it long ago.
Changed it to addon\CDAudioAsOgg

I'm actually a bit curious about it, because if it should have been in the appropriate folder with the patch, as you've said,
then I should have had two folders with music in them, but there was only one - mine. After a clean install, I copied in the
rest of my personal addon folder. If it was there originally, it wouldn't have been overwritten or deleted, since I just merged the
folders, and they had different names. I don't know.

Anyways, changing the folder name and changing the audio file names correctly worked. I now have music playing during Instant Action.
Thank you GBD

Re: In-Game Music Not Playing

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 2:32 am
by GSH
The folder must be called CDAudioAsOgg, as you have discovered. However, that naming of files is incorrect. It searches for any .ogg files under addon\CDAudioAsOgg\... -- i.e. it will search subdirectories. Technically, it uses any/all AddDirRecurse() entries in the .cfg -- by default, bzone.cfg refers to only addon. You should be able to look at Extras\Changelog\ChangeLog_pb5.txt, starting about line 3669, referring to mantis #1327.

-- GSH