Examining and diagnosing UPNP state

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Examining and diagnosing UPNP state

Post by GSH »

BZ2 1.3 uses the miniupnpc library to help forward ports. If you want to examine UPNP status of your LAN w/o being in BZ2 (or while BZ2 is up), there is a commandline Win32 build of this library at http://miniupnp.free.fr/files/ -- look for the latest "Windows executable" item. As of this writing, this is pnpc-exe-win32-20150918.zip .

Download and unpack that to a folder on your system. Then, open a command prompt to there, and try running these commands:
upnpc-static.exe -s
The -s flag shows what Internet Gateway Devices (IGD)s you have
upnpc-static.exe -l
The -l flag shows what the current state of UPNP redirections are.

There are more commandline flags, but this is a start in how to examine and diagnose your UPNP state.

-- GSH
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