BZ's Mag Arena

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Re: BZ's Mag Arena

Post by Apollo »

Per our last convo. over PM you showed how little facts you know when you confronted me, i told you the facts and you reiterated a lie to me not willing to listen to what i have to say or see my proof that my statement IS correct and yours was not.
(It reminded me of an old arguement with ColdFusion that told me the HPs on the Golem wasn't straight after i made them straight and he refused to look at the proof)

Spock doesn't spread lies, he uses propaganda to obtain his goals along with banning anyone that can refute it.
The fact that you think anything BzE related upsets me just shows me Spock's propaganda works on you. It's not that it is BzE related, it's about false claims and people that have no integrity that I respond to.

I can't code dlls, that is up to Ken or Tug if he wants to add the lua.

As far as Ahadley, his fine point that he can't speak for Bz1 shows he made my point.
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Re: BZ's Mag Arena

Post by Psychedelic Rhino »

General BlackDragon wrote:As for you doubting everything I say, well, tough. I never lie, and I'm the only person I can guarantee you can trust. I can't speak for anyone else.
I'm not sure where there's debate. I went to the trouble of posting two screenies of BZE and BZ1.4. I see now clear proof has no relevance.

There was no, "Going to town like a clown" of the HUD. The HUDs are THE SAME.

It's no wonder threads get locked. It reminds me of debating with the flock.
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Re: BZ's Mag Arena

Post by General BlackDragon »

Psychedelic Rhino wrote: There was no, "Going to town like a clown" of the HUD. The HUDs are THE SAME.

The hud is the same? The bottom right hull/ammo gauges are clearly different.

I believe the extra colors on sides, and extra blue word "weapons" are slightly distracting, and makes it look cluttered. That's all.
Psychedelic Rhino wrote: The across the board BZE HUD

The stock BZ1.4 HUD
There's you're "proof". Now please stop attacking me with non sense.
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Re: BZ's Mag Arena

Post by Apollo »

GBD there is nothing to justify your "Going to town like a clown" statement or "right way and a wrong way to mod " for that matter. Noone is attacking you.

I see about 16 changes between the two HUDs.
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Re: BZ's Mag Arena

Post by Psychedelic Rhino »

General BlackDragon wrote: The hud is the same? The bottom right hull/ammo gauges are clearly different.
Oh my. . .

Thanks for pointing that out.

I now clearly see where you're coming from.

I to had an issue with 3 pixels that were shifted on the Jackal's texture around the windscreen.
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Re: BZ's Mag Arena

Post by Nielk1 »

Apollo wrote:Per our last convo. over PM you showed how little facts you know when you confronted me, i told you the facts and you reiterated a lie to me not willing to listen to what i have to say or see my proof that my statement IS correct and yours was not.
(It reminded me of an old arguement with ColdFusion that told me the HPs on the Golem wasn't straight after i made them straight and he refused to look at the proof)

Spock doesn't spread lies, he uses propaganda to obtain his goals along with banning anyone that can refute it.
The fact that you think anything BzE related upsets me just shows me Spock's propaganda works on you. It's not that it is BzE related, it's about false claims and people that have no integrity that I respond to.

I can't code dlls, that is up to Ken or Tug if he wants to add the lua.

As far as Ahadley, his fine point that he can't speak for Bz1 shows he made my point.
Nothing in our PM convo meant anything of the sort, nor could it lead to any such conclusions. You are just using something no one can see as a weapon because you can say it says what you want it to say. And you can't post it publicly without editing it because it has notes on how BzE is indeed not unhackable (where in I was hoping to provide some method of suggestion to prevent it but it never came up).

Major type of propaganda: "The Big Lie"
Propaganda is to lies as a rectangle is to a square.

I don't need Spock to tell me what to think, for god sakes, I just gave a small blow to their illegal version's distribution and search engine rankings (got their link spamming user on ModDB nuked). I can tell from what you are posting, before and right now, that you are doing so because BzE was mentioned in a negative way. You say that an opinion is a lie, because it is not a positive opinion of BzE, not because it is a fact that is incorrect. You label other people when they say such things. And yet, you claim that it is Spock's propaganda that makes me think this?

And for the record, GBD is right about BzE's hud. GBD made his opinion, and then he stated why, which is not even a fact, but an opinion of ascetics. If you really want try to say he is wrong about facts or some such, here is once for you. General analysis shows the hud changes make it harder to use at a glance. (Even showing screenshots to people familiar and unfamiliar with BZ and asking them for basic information about the status displayed while timing the action.) It breaks a few HCI related doctrines related to clarity (color, shading, and busyness namely). There is no reason for you or PR to attack him. He is entitled to his opinion, or are you going after him personally since he isn't making any "false claims". Stop using Spock as a specter to escape taking responsibility for how you are acting. No one is being turned against you by his hand, it is by your own in the way you respond to anyone who has a dissenting opinion of your pet mod. You are supposed to take things like what GBD said about the hud as either advice or irrelevant, not attack him. The same goes for what AHadley says about the one SP mission being, as point of fact, a conversion of the terrain of an IA map from BZ2 and not a truly original mission.

And as a final point, coding DLLs is easy. All you have to do is create an interface in the program and export it, then use the same header as a set of imports for your DLL, where in your DLL class implements that interface. You can even use the same header file if you put preprocessor blocks in to switch between import and export. Then you load the DLL dynamically at runtime in the EXE. There are 100s of tutorials about making plugins in various programming languages out there, and mission DLLs are literally just plugins that fit the mission interface.
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Re: BZ's Mag Arena

Post by Zero Angel »

Nielk1 wrote:And as a final point, coding DLLs is easy
Indeed. I prefer to code my DLL statements in a way that leaves them unintelligible to those of no consequence.

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Re: BZ's Mag Arena

Post by Red Devil »

what is bze?
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Re: BZ's Mag Arena

Post by Apollo »

Well you can add dlls to Bz 1.5.1 if you want, you'll have to ask Ken for access.

As far as your statement of BzE not being unhackable, you should know better than to say that, as a programmer, you know nothing is unhackable. If a man made it another man can break it. The fact that you said it shows you have an agenda, IDRC anything being said about BzE ever being hacked to anyone because it hasn't been. Now if you want to post the PMs go right ahead and people will see how you acted and swear like a hot head instead of being civil.

BzE has never been hacked in the game in the past 6 years it has been around. You said you was going to hack the zfs in the PM, did you ever do it and not show me?

HCI related doctrines.. see the changes Ken made, then talk to me about it.

The word "Weapons" over the weapon slots is not "Going to town like a clown" that isn't an opinion it's just nonsense.
Now if i draw all over the HUD then that would be a fair statement.

As for you being quite well informed, Spock server owner just told me you and Spock have never Spoke before so please...

GBD already made a false statement and i corrected it, last i checked you wasn't on Team Speak with Me and GBD when we talked long ago, as i said you are not well informed.
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Re: BZ's Mag Arena

Post by Psychedelic Rhino »

This all reminds me of the early days of BZE, when the mod fixed several aspects of the game as well as numerous bugs.

However, like the comments earlier about the HUD, several extremely minor differences were brought to the fore and hammered relentlessly because it became obvious the flock were going to lose control and the ability to hack and game the weak design elements. And before Neilk1 says I am "attacking" someone, individuals such as spork freely admitted they hacked BZ1.4. on a regular basis.

BZE has yet to be hacked.

There are a good dozen or more aspects BZE improved upon BZ1.4, years before BZ1.5 was a gleam in Ultraken's eye, but removing the ability to hack should have been reason enough to move from the broken original. Keeping the broken version of the stock game active when there was a pretty much fixed stock game, is one of the larger slices in the 'why BZ died' percentage pie.

Also, what I find most amusing, is if the "Going to town like a clown" statement was deserved to be used anywhere, it would certainly be justified in using it for the ship design changes from BZ1 to BZ2 where the gritty camo look was replaced with the Saturday morning brightly colored cartoon transformer theme.
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Re: BZ's Mag Arena

Post by Nielk1 »

Psychedelic Rhino wrote:BZE has yet to be hacked.
I can change that for **** and giggles if you want but I find my time better spent elsewhere.

Look, the fact of the matter is you guys attacked GBD not because he made factual errors but because of an opinion he made based on ascetics, a generally highly objective thing. And yet you still attacked him, and then you went after me saying I was believing Spock's propaganda or some garbage because I called you out on it.

Stop going after people who don't think exactly as you do. It makes you look awful, and quite frankly, there are other people that don't deserve to look better by comparison.

(And as an added side note, there has been a lot of attacking, for example you guys went after GBD for the 'no bd tanks' thing and AHadly for the 'IA map redone' thing, even though both statements were entirely accurate when taken in context. You both could probably get a job as political advisers considering how good you are at twisting the words of others to try to make them look bad.)
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Re: BZ's Mag Arena

Post by Ded10c »

Apollo wrote: "Believe me, GBD has played BZE *extensively*." (GBD stated 10 times he played it, wow, really extensive and over a 6 year period it's like saying he barely looked at it)
"A backported IA map with a basic script and some VOs slapped on top. That would take all of an hour or so to produce in BZ2 (can't speak for BZ1, never modded it)." (I agree, you can't speak for Bz1 and i would like to see you do what i did in one hour)
"Not really worth the loss of the (vastly superior) original campaign." (Who lost the Battlezone campaign that was never present in BzE??? Anyone???)
1. "Extensive" is relative, just like "several" and "a few" are. Okay, ten or so isn't as many as I expected, but note that I did not post an estimate figure (for that exact reason). Bear in mind that this guy is one of the two BZClassic lead developers, and it is in his interests to note what changes you have made. So I'd say it's extensive enough for him to get the idea of what he does and doesn't approve of. He's rather thorough.

2. I did not say mission. Nowhere in that statement did I say mission. I said it was a backported IA map, which it is. As for your comment, if I were to suddenly attain the experience you have in BZ1 modding I would happily give it a go. But frankly, modding BZ1 holds nothing to interest me, so I'm not about to waste my time learning to mod a new engine, no matter the similarities, simply on a challenge.

3. You know damn well what I meant, don't be facetious.

I'd like to see how exactly you are questioning my integrity. Since you are irritated by my so clearly false claims.

One question.
- Nielk1 is a programmer, and knows BZE isn't unhackable, yet he should know better than to say it.
- Nielk1 pointing out that BZE isn't unhackable shows he has an agenda.
What? needs your help!
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Re: BZ's Mag Arena

Post by Nielk1 »

AHadley wrote:One question.
- Nielk1 is a programmer, and knows BZE isn't unhackable, yet he should know better than to say it.
- Nielk1 pointing out that BZE isn't unhackable shows he has an agenda.
It seems that if you don't 100% love BzE and agree 100% with them, you are an evil Spockling bent on destroying the BZ1-isphere.
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Re: BZ's Mag Arena

Post by Psychedelic Rhino »

Nielk1 wrote:Stop going after people who don't think exactly as you do. It makes you look awful, and quite frankly, there are other people that don't deserve to look better by comparison.
I would, "slow down on that one", before you embarrass yourself.

Here's a challenge for you. Scan through most, if not all the locked threads. Who is the leading common denominator (peanut gallery participant or not), i.e., active participant(s) with virtually every locked thread? That might. . . possibly give you pause for thought.
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Re: BZ's Mag Arena

Post by Apollo »

Nielk1 wrote:
Psychedelic Rhino wrote:BZE has yet to be hacked.
I can change that for **** and giggles if you want but I find my time better spent elsewhere.
Bring it don't sing it.
Make sure to let me know when to meet you on the server and you can prove it, then you can make your claim.
Many other hackers tested it and failed with far less protection than i have on it now.

One thing the players in BzE have moved past is hack accusation in the game, we all trust it, only the forum trolls still make those claims and they don't play it.

If i could ask the guy that hacked 1.5.1 to test it in BzE i would, would be interesting to see the result.

Actually the only fact is you don't know the context of what GBD and I was talking about, you wasn't on Team Speak with us and you didn't read his post on Spocks forum, there's a lot of things not posted here so your conclusion is not valid.
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