noo(B) modding questions refering to cons armory and weapons

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noo(B) modding questions refering to cons armory and weapons

Post by dcmaclovin12 »

id like to make it so i can build everything with my constructer right off the bat. ive been doing some digging in its .odf and was wondering do i need to change the buld group or is there a seperate file that i havent found that allows me to change the requirement values? or do i have to go in and alter the values in all the buildings?

wich brings me to question number 2 if theres a weapon i want to use with a different armory do i just need to move all the files for that weapon into the proper armory .odf doc and creat a label or is it much more complicated?

and question number 3 when i look at weapons .odf ex say i wanted to alter the power of the railgun it brings up something that looks like this

damageValue(N) = 3500 // none
damageValue(L) = 2500 // light
damageValue(H) = 1500 // heavy

damageValue(S) = 2500 // standard
damageValue(D) = 800 // deflection
damageValue(A) = 3500 // absorbtion

im gonna guess 0 would be no damage and the high the number the more damage? also if theres a website that could easily answer these questions for me so i dont have to bother anyone with them please direct me :D
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Re: noo(B) modding questions refering to cons armory and wea

Post by Zero Angel »

If you want your constructor to be able to build anything off the bat, you you may normally go into the ODFs of all the buildings and comment out the lines that have to do with BuildRequire (ie: armory needs ibfact, etc). Another way to do it is to edit your constructor's ODF so that it 'provides' all the things that other buildings might 'require'. Ie: somewhere under [GameObjectClass] you would add something like:

Code: Select all

provideCount = 4
provideName1 = "ibpgen" // power generator
provideName2 = "ibfact" // factory
provideName3 = "ibcbun" // relay bunker
provideName4 = "ibtcen" // tech center
// ...etc
This way, if you want to build a guntower, it would normally require a relay bunker (ibcbun), but since the constructor already 'provides' ibcbun, the game would think that a relay bunker already exists, so you will therefore be able to build a GT.

2) Just edit the Armory's ODF, add the ODF name of the weapon's powerup box you want to add. If your custom weapon doesnt have a powerup box, you will need to create one. The powerup boxes are sometimes called 'ap' files because they are prefixed by 'ap' to show that its a powerup box (ie: apchain.odf for chaingun powerup box), which then points to the 'g' file which is usually the weapon's base ODF that defines what kind of weapon it is, and what type of ordnance (ie: bullet/rocket/beam) it fires, etc.

All you should have to do is point to the weapon's ap file. If the ap file has a label than the armory will use that. A good example to find some of the existing ap files is to open patch13.pak in Pak Explorer and go into /addon/objects/EditedByRedDevil/ . The ap files for nearly every existing weapon is there. You extract one, rename it to something else, and then edit it so that it points at an existing g file you are using for a weapon. And then you have a powerup box that can be dropped from your custom armoury.

3) Higher values = more damage to different armor types. A value of 0 means 'no damage'. N-type armor is what scouts and missile scouts use, L type armor is what turrets and tanks use, and H type armor is what buildings, and 'heavy' units tend to use. S is damage vs Stasis shields, D is deflection shields, and A is absorbtion shields.

Unfortunately there are no websites that I know of for newbies. Do try to learn around on your own. You should be able to learn a lot of things just by looking at existing ODFs and doing a little bit of trial and error in the editor.
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Re: noo(B) modding questions refering to cons armory and wea

Post by dcmaclovin12 »

thanks man i appreciate it that acctualy clarifies alot. i mean i kinda figured that there was a way to do it but i have major issues trying to find certain files for some reason i think i have them extremely un organized but the problem is i dont have any clue where everything is supposed to go like the fact that the patch13.pak wasnt even in my addon folder and a bunch of others seem to not have found homes in my directory so im in proccess of trying to clean them up. but thanks i realy do appreciate that but one last noob question when you say "comment out" does that mean just delete it or do i need to write something else in there? and im guessing the patch13.pak is what contains all of the ODFs for the uep? or is that under a totaly seperate file?
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Re: noo(B) modding questions refering to cons armory and wea

Post by Nielk1 »

The UEP is a mod and thus does not alter the data.pak or the patch13.pak which are from the base game and 1.3 patch respectivly.

I am guessing TJ made a folder with all the UEP stuff in it.

Technicly, the supposed 'correct' way to implement a no-tech limited Recycler would be to clone the entire race's ODF structure and then inherit the base ODFs just changing the requirements.

The easy way to do it, and most likely just as good and valid, is to do as ZA sugested. Such a recycler variant would consist of 6 ODFs.

The consutrctor ODF would look sort of like this:

Code: Select all

classlabel = "ivcons"
provideCount = 4
provideName1 = "ibpgen" // power generator
provideName2 = "ibfact" // factory
provideName3 = "ibcbun" // relay bunker
provideName4 = "ibtcen" // tech center
You would still need the other [sections] though with nothing in them since they can inherit their values from the ivcons.odf through the class label shown. If you did this to the recycler building, factory, armory, and constructor I would sugest removing the build entry for the tech center from the constructor. You can do this whe you are inheriting by simply restating only that one build line and setting it equal to "".

If you have the UEP, once you find its assets, look at the MRVP Recyclers I made. Specificly, the Scrapper/Scrappy and FatBoy Recyclers. These recyclers have about 8 odfs per race and 6 per race respectivly. This is possible because the ODFs mostly point to stock units. The few ODFs that do exist are very small because they inherit 99% of their data from a stock ODF (except for the entirely new units).
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Zero Angel
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Re: noo(B) modding questions refering to cons armory and wea

Post by Zero Angel »

dcmaclovin12 wrote:thanks man i appreciate it that acctualy clarifies alot. i mean i kinda figured that there was a way to do it but i have major issues trying to find certain files for some reason i think i have them extremely un organized but the problem is i dont have any clue where everything is supposed to go like the fact that the patch13.pak wasnt even in my addon folder and a bunch of others seem to not have found homes in my directory so im in proccess of trying to clean them up. but thanks i realy do appreciate that but one last noob question when you say "comment out" does that mean just delete it or do i need to write something else in there? and im guessing the patch13.pak is what contains all of the ODFs for the uep? or is that under a totaly seperate file?
To 'comment out' something means to add two forward slashes before it. Forward slashes mean 'anything after this point on this line will not be read/interpreted by BZ2'.

For example, lets say you are working on a constructor:

Code: Select all

buildItem1 = "ibpgen"
buildItem2 = "ibfact"
buildItem3 = "ibcbun"
buildItem4 = "ibarmo"
buildItem5 = "ibsbay"
buildItem6 = "ibgtow"
buildItem7 = "ibtrain"
buildItem8 = "ibtcen"
// buildItem9 = "ibbomb"
soundBuild = "ivrecye3.wav"
soundFinish = "ivrecye5.wav"
You can see that buildItem9 has been 'commented out'. When you go into the game, the bomber bay won't show up as a buildable item, but if you want to restore the bomber bay to the list, you just 'uncomment' it by deleting the two forward slashes before buildItem9.

data.pak and patch13.pak are both located in your BZ2 folder, not BZ2/Addon. data.pak contains most of the game files ('assets') for the initial release BZ2, whereas patch13.pak contains assets that are introduced/changed with the 1.3 patch. In the order of things, anything in /Addon/ takes precedence over the stuff in patch13.pak, and the stuff in patch13.pak takes precidence over the stuff in data.pak. The UEP stuff will have its own pak file (UEPPreRelease.pak), also located in your root BZ2 folder.
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Re: noo(B) modding questions refering to cons armory and wea

Post by Nielk1 »

Your constructor ODF could also be like this if all you wanted to change was to remove the bomber bay:

Code: Select all

classLabel = "ivcons"




buildItem9 = ""
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Re: noo(B) modding questions refering to cons armory and wea

Post by dcmaclovin12 »

nice thanks yall that helps alot
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