Interesting article thread

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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by Nielk1 »

Iron_Maiden wrote:Does anyone really care anymore?: ... may-1.html
I find them pitiful? Does that count? I don't have pity for them, I just find them pitiful in general. Its insulting that they claim they represent me.
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Re: Interesting article thread

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I think the social makeup of OWS was generally liberals that were angry. And I agree, there was justified anger at a system that allowed a dynamic of overt greed to become the culture, as well as, rest the US economy on insane leveraging KNOWN to be crap financial vehicles. FRONTLINE has done an in-depth 2-part documentary on the bailouts and the resulting anger that bled into the streets.

But IMO, here's where OWS shot themselves in the foot...

It was a place to party. Yes, the police cracked a few skulls, but by and large, most evolved into mass parties. And parties that last too long, ALWAYS turn rancid :geek:
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by MrTwosheds »

Its insulting that they claim they represent me.
One day it will be all of your money that they run off with. Only then they will those losers have represented you.
Money does grow on trees!
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by Iron_Maiden »

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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by MrTwosheds »

Munch must be laughing in his grave about silly people who pay 80,000 times as much as he would have earned in his life, for a sketch that probably took him all of half an hour...
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by Nielk1 »

MrTwosheds wrote:
Its insulting that they claim they represent me.
One day it will be all of your money that they run off with. Only then they will those losers have represented you.
Money does grow on trees!
You don't understand. Take the largest group of Occupiers, look at their financial status and age and everything else. They are either the same or better off than I am. They claim to represent me over and over again. It is flat out insulting that such spoiled brats try to lower me to their level by acting like they represent me. I might be in similar or worse financial shape but I will never fall into such idiotic group think and lack of general common sense.

Hell, many occupiers had parents working int he very buildings they were blocking which where the entire reason they were able to afford to sit around like dumb bricks.

I don't go on any vacations, nearly everything I have was either someone else's trash or something I repaired. What things I have that are new are things I earned though a long period of hard work. I am the antithesis of these people when it comes to personality, I am not spoiled and I do not expect the world to give things to me. Every time I hear that they are out there for me I get ever more disgusted with the human race in general.

I saved up for over a year for this new PC, my PS2 was a gift and the second was built from several broken PS2s others discarded, most of the computers in my house were ones others junked, my brother's XBOX 360 was earned by working for a friend (it was past warranty and given for services rendered with the hope that we could fix it, and we did). These sniveling brats that claim to have a higher purpose when they are simply angry that poor decision making on their point got them burned or that they are not getting enough free crap for little to no effort sicken me.
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by MrTwosheds »

So... you will work hard, maybe earn a lot of money one day, then when some half educated banker paid 100 times more than you, decides he needs just little bit more, it may be time for you to lose too. Being smart and hard working does not protect you from being robbed, particularly if that form of theft happens to be "legal" and performed by people in powerful positions.
Those people protesting may not be like you, they are probably not actually the people who's businesses and hopes have been destroyed by the recent scams that damaged the global economy, but they are smart enough to realise there is little point being like you if people like them always get to win, whichever way the cards play out.
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by Nielk1 »

MrTwosheds wrote:So... you will work hard, maybe earn a lot of money one day, then when some half educated banker paid 100 times more than you, decides he needs just little bit more, it may be time for you to lose too. Being smart and hard working does not protect you from being robbed, particularly if that form of theft happens to be "legal" and performed by people in powerful positions.
Those people protesting may not be like you, they are probably not actually the people who's businesses and hopes have been destroyed by the recent scams that damaged the global economy, but they are smart enough to realise there is little point being like you if people like them always get to win, whichever way the cards play out.
You are giving a message and a purpose to people who don't have it. The truth is that the occupies have no message other than they want more handouts. Ironic when what is going on is the federal government is helping these companies avoid the negative fruits of their labors, and then they turn around and stoke the occupiers to try to garner votes.

The occupy movement is a bunch of entitled brats, and the situation with the "bankers" is that the government is preventing them from folding for their failures.

When a company fails, it should fail, for that is what the people in the company deserve for their actions.

The entire occupier movement is a farce. So is the banker situation. It is a GIANT farce. It is not even funny how stupid people are. The bankers deserve to reap what they sow and so do the occupiers. Both are getting a good deal for nothing of value.

Apparently they pulled the wool over your eyes too, amazing when you aren't even in this country so they aren't even targeting you for votes. This entire situation is to create class envy and to wield it as a political tool, and you are falling for it.
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by MrTwosheds »

We have Occupy here too, although I don't think they are standing for election of any sort, they are just a protest group saying what needs to be said. Our government laid out a truly inconceivable amount of our money to save some British banks, indeed it bought one of them. Those who run them have just carried on paying themselves vast wage and bonus increases despite owing the tax payers a very serious amount of money. Occupy have succeeded in only 1 thing, keeping the subject in the news.
Nobody is daft enough to imagine that anything will really change, this is Great Britain, nothing really ever changes.
We could have bought a small fleet of aircraft carriers for our navy, or completely transformed our health service, or built our selves an adequate nationwide water distribution system. But it seems that making sure some very rich people stay rich was much more important. It isn't really a class thing here, its a power thing, it has shown us all what a bunch of powerless yes men our politicians really are. The gratitude of the banking system for all of us saving their hide, is undetectable.
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by Nielk1 »

Yea ours are a bit stupider and were used as political tools. I honestly know nothing about what happened on your side since I try to know more about what more directly effects me. The occupiers here are not against the government for bailing out the banks but are instead after the banks and all the people who work at them. Big political tool.

Another thing is that a lot of the occupiers seem to take the "blame bankers only" thing a bit too far to the point of antisemitism due to stereotypes.

I really hope the same generation across the pond is a bit smarter.
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by Psychedelic Rhino »

Nielk1 wrote:When a company fails, it should fail, for that is what the people in the company deserve for their actions.
Problem with letting the "too big to fail" companies go under, especially companies that insure, such as AIG, is...not only does it fail, but hundreds of thousands of financial instruments are allowed to die. For example, your grandmother's retirement annuity. If it had been "only" the fate of AIG, per say, then I am quite sure Paulson would have let it fail.
MrTwosheds wrote: Those who run them have just carried on paying themselves vast wage and bonus increases despite owing the tax payers a very serious amount of money.
To me, that was one of the clear signs 'Wall Street' has no shame and was willing AND able to thumb their noses at the American public after we saved them. The other was Obama's speech at Federal Hall in September of 2009. None of the big CEO's that were bailed out showed up at the Fed's request. . . basically saying in no uncertain terms, "Thanks for the cash, we can take it from here, now run along Barack and go play president."
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by Iron_Maiden »

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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by MrTwosheds »

What was the precise date of our demise, for this year? Just asking because I need to make some appointments and it would be very inconvenient if the world ceased to exist before I made them. :)
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by APCs r Evil »

December 21st? I think?

Whenever it is, the day after we're supposed to die you'll hear a very loud, "HA! Told ya so!" coming from across the Atlantic. (Mr T will, at least, maybe not the rest of you slackers.)

It will be me, and I shall be doing a little victory jig in an attempt to illustrate my unbridled magnificence immediately after.
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Re: Interesting article thread

Post by General BlackDragon »

On December 22nd i'm going to wake up and say "Oh darn, there goes the easy way out."