Issues resolved. Thanks guys

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Re: Issues resolved. Thanks guys

Post by XxHAMADEHxX »

Thanks looks like changing the affinty worked =D
Ill let you guy know if anything change Godwilling
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Re: Issues resolved. Thanks guys

Post by Nielk1 »

XxHAMADEHxX wrote:Thanks looks like changing the affinty worked =D
Ill let you guy know if anything change Godwilling
Oh wow, never had that issue myself.
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Red Devil
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Re: Issues resolved. Thanks guys

Post by Red Devil »

just saw this while searching for lyrics to, "I'm CPU Bound", sung to the tune of, "Alberta Bound" by Gordon Lightfoot (nonexistent) . thought the part about cpu usage with hyper-threading was interesting:

"It is fairly easy to get a good idea if the system is CPU bound. Run
Performance Monitor and graph total CPU. Or you can even use Task
Manager, though PM is more flexible. Watch the graph generated when
the system is busy with the sort of load that concerns you. Is the
CPU up close to 100%? If it is, the system is CPU bound.

Likewise, if you have a slow-running load on the system but the CPU
doesn't show up near 100% then it is I/O bound.

A few warnings here. First, if the processor is hyperthreaded, and
hyperthreading is turned on, 50% will be roughly the same as 100%.
Second, on a multi-processor system there will be plateaus for each
processor. With two processors a single query might hold the total
CPU around 50%, which means 100% of one processor. With a quad
processor system the plateaus would be around 25%, 50% and 75%. That
single task is CPU bound, but probably would require a faster CPU
rather than more of them. Third, I find it much more informative to
track TOTAL CPU rather than individual CPUs. Tracking each CPU the
work constantly shifts from one to another and makes it hard to see
the total load. Monitoring total CPU makes it much clearer, and lets
you watch for the plateaus.

Roy Harvey
Beacon Falls, CT
" ... bound.html
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Re: Issues resolved. Thanks guys

Post by XxHAMADEHxX »

But when I play bz I dont think even 10 percent of the cpu is being used.

Not sure if I have hyperthread i might look later

Thanks rd =)
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