My life sucks

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Re: My life sucks

Post by Josiah »

General BlackDragon wrote:Texas blows big donkey balls.

Humans here are retarded,

People are stupid.

And everyone is an asshat.

Oh, wait, nvm that last one. It doesn't only apply to Texas.
I agree with 99.99999992% of that...
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Re: My life sucks

Post by rice303 »

My life sucks because there is no way to escape the downers of the days, the people at my school treat me like a retard, the money my parents get is **** and we are conisdered poor to the community because my dads job was allmost brought by a company that was going to pay 50% less then what its worth, then I live 15 min from the first town, Ive never left the state, ive tryed killing myself 3 times, I listen to songs like sick puppies my world to try to calm the pain but just feel worse, the teachers hate me even after doing more work then anyone else in my class, i get Cs then to top it all off my life is only just begining. there are many more reasons such as the fact that im bullied every day by people who dont understand anything about my life then even more my parents wont let me have space and let me buy/do what I want. And finally even if this is over five hundered words I could'nt give a crap as I've said My life is only just begining.

Up yours life.
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Re: My life sucks

Post by Clavin12 »

Dang, guys. However did you get into such predicaments? I am very happy with my life at the moment. Just try and be a little more positive, I guess.
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