Battlezone Classic Public Beta 3e for 1.3 PB6.4+

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General BlackDragon
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Battlezone Classic Public Beta 3e for 1.3 PB6.4+

Post by General BlackDragon »

Battlezone Classic beta 3 is now avaialble.

Download Battlezone Classic Beta v3.0e - BZComplex Mirror
Download Battlezone Classic Beta v3.0e - Bzscrap Mirror

This mod is compatible with Battlezone II v1.3 PB 6.4+. I will provide bug fixes/updates periodically as needed.

- Full Battlezone 1 Campaign with 25 missions.
- Full Multiplayer, 26 Strategy Maps, 19 DeathMatch Maps, 4 Race maps.
- Instant Action with all BZC Strategy Maps, and 5 Training Missions.

Each DM and ST Map supports 5 different game modes:

- Instant Action: Fight with or against up to 5 AI teams for dominance over the map.

- DeathMatch: Pit your dog fighting skills against other players or bots online.
--- Capture The Flag: Compete with your friends over control of their flag.
--- King of The Hill: Fight for your right to be king!
--- Loot: Compete against your friends to capture the most Goals.
--- Race: Race against your friends, see who is the fastest, and the luckiest.

- Strategy: Test your skills at commanding forces against your friends as you fight for control over the map online.
--- Capture The Flag: Command your forces as you work towards capturing the Goal before your enemies do.
--- Instant Action: Fight online with your friends with or against up to 5 AI Teams for dominance over the map.
--- Loot: Be the first one to collect enough Scrap.
--- Capture: Secure and hold the Goals from your enemies.

Please report any bugs or issues on the mantis:
Simply register on the mantis, and I'll set you up.











Sorry it took longer then expected.
Last edited by General BlackDragon on Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Battlezone Classic Public Beta 3 for 1.3 PB6.4+

Post by TheEmperror »

So as far as I can tell, it's just bugfixes, right? Not that that's a bad thing, but I was kinda hoping for something more.

Still, great mod, keep it up! :D
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Re: Battlezone Classic Public Beta 3 for 1.3 PB6.4+

Post by General BlackDragon »

Well, it needed an update to work on pb6.4 mostly.
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Re: Battlezone Classic Public Beta 3 for 1.3 PB6.4+

Post by TheEmperror »

I registered on the mantis, mind setting me up?
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Re: Battlezone Classic Public Beta 3 for 1.3 PB6.4+

Post by Axeminister »

He who does not advance themselves, endlessly becomes themselves.
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Re: Battlezone Classic Public Beta 3 for 1.3 PB6.4+

Post by General BlackDragon »

An explination of MPI:

In the map description, there's a bit that says Teams: #, this is the number of base locations on the map.

Most ST maps in BZC are FFA mode. This means each player gets their own base. The AI also use the same base locations, essentially filling in a slot of a player.

To prevent a player from spawning ontop of an AI, I made the code only spawn an AI if it's base area is "available". Here's the various ways to setup AI:

In FFA: The code will assume that every player (player limit number) will be used by a human. To allow AI to spawn, reduce player limit. A 4 Team map with a player limit of 2 will allow the first 2 AI team's to spawn.

Turn Teams on. This sets the game mode like a normal BZ2 ST, where up to 10 players are on two teams. This makes the code assume there's 2 "bases" in use, the rest are free for AI. You can then use the Ally page to ally everyone together, or leave the two human teams vs eachother. Note, for this mode, It's probably best to ally players 1-5 to the same, and 6-10 to the same, respectively.

In Extra options, there's a setting for number of teams. One or Two. Two is like above, One is like traditional BZ2 MPI, 5 players max, all on one base/team. This only takes up one base slot, allowing the rest to be available for AI.

This is done this way to prevent a player and AI recycler from spawning ontop of eachother, or a player joining late and spawning inside an AI base.
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Re: Battlezone Classic Public Beta 3a for 1.3 PB6.4+

Post by General BlackDragon »

If you downloaded the mod before Jun 22 2013 you'll need to install Beta 3 - Beta3e patch. Unzip to Battlezone II folder. Full installer now includes this, so if this is your first time downloading the mod, you don't need this.


Code: Select all

Fixed MP "Join Game" and client side "Launch" buttons not working. Also
fixed some other minor shell issues. -[GBD]

Fixed Shields appearing in the demolish menu 3 times. -[GBD]

Changed dropoffs to powered classlabel so they wouldn't be highlighted by 
sensor class (HQCP) anymore. -[GBD]

============BZCAddon Public Beta 3a released, 06/10/13================

Fixed NSDF Recy/Muf not being able to undeploy in SP missions, was still 
using the old undeploy# objects. -[GBD]

Added message if the user attempts to play MPI without freeing up the 
base slots by either A: Lowering player limit in FFA, or B: Turning Teams 
on and/or setting "Teams Allowed" in Extra Options to One. -[GBD]

============BZCAddon Public Beta 3b released, 06/13/13================

Fixed typo in default mpvehicles.odf, oops. -[GBD]

============BZCAddon Public Beta 3c released, 06/13/13================

Fixed Dropoffs appearing in Demolish menu. -[GBD]

Fixed Ally bug in MPI mode. If teams are on, it will now use proper default 
alliance settings if the host doesn't set thugs to the same team. -[GBD]

Removed spraybuilding class from lava damage code, BZ1 lava didn't damage 
splinters. -[GBD]

Fixed crash on Race: Moon Rally and Race: Achilles Heel, introduced by the 
drop off fix from 3a. -[GBD]

Fixed Minelayers on human teams being added to MPI's Minelayer code. I had 
moved duplicates of the code in ST and DM and IA to all one place, forgot 
to make it only activate on AI teams. -[GBD]

Fixed NSDF Mission 6: Enemy Recycler/Muf wern't deploying at start of mission, 
and undeploying your recycler caused the mission to fail. -[GBD]

Made NSDF Recycler names more coherent. Recycler names in missions are now 
controlled by the mission DLL. -[GBD]

Fixed Escape Menu Load/Save game Delete button not working. -[GBD]

============BZCAddon Public Beta 3d released, 06/16/13================

Fixed Satellite not working in Single Player. Made stock comm towers use 
the factory method just like IA/MP. -[GBD]

Fixed HQCP warning sound. It was playing double for the owner only. Now it 
will properly play only once for allies. -[GBD]

Fixed missing commtower in CCA base on Playground mission. -[GBD]

Fixed Mas Grenade being able to switch buildings. Can now only switch 
units like in BZ1. -[GBD]

Fixed bug in ST:Capture, a goal being captured will no longer count towards 
the win condition. -[GBD]

Fixed missing model in Fury dropoff beacon. -[GBD]

============BZCAddon Public Beta 3e released, 06/22/13================

Last edited by General BlackDragon on Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Battlezone Classic Public Beta 3a for 1.3 PB6.4+

Post by Red Spot »

Would it not be more 'secure' if you added a version number to the installer, so people know which version they have?
Atm I'm almost getting confused wondering if I would still need to update from the 10th, or does the patch from the 16th update both?

Just thinking out loud :)
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General BlackDragon
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Re: Battlezone Classic Public Beta 3a for 1.3 PB6.4+

Post by General BlackDragon »

I update the installer along with the patch. So, the currently uploaded installer installs the most current version. The patch contains everything from a-d, so it would bring any BZC previously downloaded up to date.

So, for people that have not yet downloaded BZC, they wouldn't need a patch.

The version numbers are located in the bottom of the changelog in BZClassic/BZC Changelog GBD.txt and the BZCaddon/PatchData/Patchdata.txt
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*****General BlackDragon*****
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Re: Battlezone Classic Public Beta 3e for 1.3 PB6.4+

Post by White Diver »

Here is the crash log:

Code: Select all

DIAG|            maininit:543  |14:50:01|0      |Version Information Section
DIAG|            maininit:544  |14:50:01|0      | BZ2 build Public Beta
DIAG|            maininit:555  |14:50:01|0      |Session started Wed Jul 31 14:50:01 2013
DIAG|            maininit:561  |14:50:01|0      |CPU: 8 processors, type 586
DIAG|            maininit:562  |14:50:01|0      |CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
DIAG|            maininit:563  |14:50:01|0      |CPU: x86 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7
DIAG|            maininit:566  |14:50:01|0      |Executed by HQCOMPUTER\Annihilator on Windows Version: 6.1.7601 'Service Pack 1' PlatformID=2
DIAG|                DXUT:2097 |14:50:01|47     | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG|                DXUT:1352 |14:50:01|62     | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG|                DXUT:1525 |14:50:01|62     | DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG|                 vid:542  |14:50:01|343    |In Vid::OnCreateDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0B1A6FE0
DIAG|                 vid:559  |14:50:01|343    |d3d: supports range based fog
DIAG|                 vid:572  |14:50:01|343    |d3d: supports border address mode
DIAG|                 vid:618  |14:50:01|343    |d3d: Has EMBM texture format support
DIAG|                 vid:529  |14:50:01|343    |DXT Textures - allowing because your card isn't on the unsupported list. Edit render*.cfg to force it on/off
DIAG|                 vid:643  |14:50:01|343    |D3D Adapter Identifier info:
DIAG|                 vid:644  |14:50:01|343    | Driver:                nvd3dum.dll
DIAG|                 vid:645  |14:50:01|343    | Description:           NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460
DIAG|                 vid:646  |14:50:01|343    | DeviceName:            \\.\DISPLAY1
DIAG|                 vid:647  |14:50:01|343    | DriverVersion:         0x00090012000D07E2
DIAG|                 vid:648  |14:50:01|343    | VendorId:              0x000010DE
DIAG|                 vid:649  |14:50:01|343    | DeviceId:              0x00000E22
DIAG|                 vid:650  |14:50:01|343    | SubSysId:              0x83771043
DIAG|                 vid:651  |14:50:01|343    | Revision:              0x000000A1
DIAG|                 vid:653  |14:50:01|343    |Dumping D3D9 Device Caps:
DIAG|                 vid:655  |14:50:01|343    | DeviceType:            0x00000001
DIAG|                 vid:656  |14:50:01|343    | AdapterOrdinal:        0
DIAG|                 vid:657  |14:50:01|343    | Caps:                  0x00020000
DIAG|                 vid:658  |14:50:01|343    | Caps2:                 0xE0020000
DIAG|                 vid:659  |14:50:01|343    | Caps3:                 0x000003A0
DIAG|                 vid:660  |14:50:01|343    | PresentationIntervals: 0x8000000F
DIAG|                 vid:661  |14:50:01|343    | CursorCaps:            0x00000001
DIAG|                 vid:662  |14:50:01|343    | DevCaps:               0x001BBEF0
DIAG|                 vid:663  |14:50:01|343    | PrimitiveMiscCaps:     0x002FCEF2
DIAG|                 vid:664  |14:50:01|343    | RasterCaps:            0x07732191
DIAG|                 vid:665  |14:50:01|343    | ZCmpCaps:              0x000000FF
DIAG|                 vid:666  |14:50:01|343    | SrcBlendCaps:          0x00003FFF
DIAG|                 vid:667  |14:50:01|343    | DestBlendCaps:         0x00003FFF
DIAG|                 vid:668  |14:50:01|343    | AlphaCmpCaps:          0x000000FF
DIAG|                 vid:669  |14:50:01|343    | ShadeCaps:             0x00084208
DIAG|                 vid:670  |14:50:01|343    | TextureCaps:           0x0001ECC5
DIAG|                 vid:671  |14:50:01|343    | TextureFilterCaps:     0x03030700
DIAG|                 vid:672  |14:50:01|343    | CubeTextureFilterCaps: 0x03030300
DIAG|                 vid:673  |14:50:01|343    | VolumeTextureFilterCaps: 0x03030300
DIAG|                 vid:674  |14:50:01|343    | TextureAddressCaps:    0x0000003F
DIAG|                 vid:675  |14:50:01|343    | VolumeTextureAddressCaps: 0x0000003F
DIAG|                 vid:676  |14:50:01|343    | LineCaps:              0x0000001F
DIAG|                 vid:677  |14:50:01|343    | MaxTextureWidth:       8192
DIAG|                 vid:678  |14:50:01|343    | MaxTextureHeight:      8192
DIAG|                 vid:679  |14:50:01|343    | MaxVolumeExtent:       2048
DIAG|                 vid:680  |14:50:01|343    | MaxTextureRepeat:      8192
DIAG|                 vid:681  |14:50:01|343    | MaxTextureAspectRatio: 8192
DIAG|                 vid:682  |14:50:01|343    | MaxAnisotropy:         16
DIAG|                 vid:683  |14:50:01|343    | StencilCaps:           0x000001FF
DIAG|                 vid:684  |14:50:01|343    | FVFCaps:               0x00180008
DIAG|                 vid:685  |14:50:01|343    | TextureOpCaps:         0x03FEFFFF
DIAG|                 vid:686  |14:50:01|343    | MaxTextureBlendStages: 8
DIAG|                 vid:687  |14:50:01|343    | MaxSimultaneousTextures: 8
DIAG|                 vid:688  |14:50:01|343    | VertexProcessingCaps:  0x0000017B
DIAG|                 vid:689  |14:50:01|343    | MaxActiveLights:       10
DIAG|                 vid:700  |14:50:01|343    | MaxUserClipPlanes:     8
DIAG|                 vid:701  |14:50:01|343    | MaxVertexBlendMatrices: 4
DIAG|                 vid:702  |14:50:01|343    | MaxVertexBlendMatrixIndex: 8
DIAG|                 vid:703  |14:50:01|343    | MaxPrimitiveCount:     16777215
DIAG|                 vid:704  |14:50:01|343    | MaxVertexIndex:        16777215
DIAG|                 vid:705  |14:50:01|343    | MaxStreams:            16
DIAG|                 vid:706  |14:50:01|343    | MaxStreamStride:       255
DIAG|                 vid:707  |14:50:01|343    | VertexShaderVersion:   0xFFFE0300
DIAG|                 vid:708  |14:50:01|343    | MaxVertexShaderConst:  256
DIAG|                 vid:709  |14:50:01|343    | PixelShaderVersion:    0xFFFF0300
DIAG|                 vid:710  |14:50:01|343    | DevCaps2:              0x00000051
DIAG|                 vid:711  |14:50:01|343    | Reserved5:             0x00000000
DIAG|                 vid:712  |14:50:01|343    | MasterAdapterOrdinal:  0
DIAG|                 vid:713  |14:50:01|343    | AdapterOrdinalInGroup: 0
DIAG|                 vid:714  |14:50:01|343    | NumberOfAdaptersInGroup: 1
DIAG|                 vid:715  |14:50:01|343    | DeclTypes:             0x0000030F
DIAG|                 vid:716  |14:50:01|343    | NumSimultaneousRTs:    4
DIAG|                 vid:717  |14:50:01|343    | StretchRectFilterCaps: 0x03000300
DIAG|                 vid:718  |14:50:01|343    | VertexTextureFilterCaps: 0x03030700
DIAG|                 vid:719  |14:50:01|343    | MaxVShaderInstructionsExecuted: 65535
DIAG|                 vid:720  |14:50:01|343    | MaxPShaderInstructionsExecuted: 65535
DIAG|                 vid:721  |14:50:01|343    | MaxVertexShader30InstructionSlots: 4096
DIAG|                 vid:722  |14:50:01|343    | MaxPixelShader30InstructionSlots: 4096
DIAG|                 vid:725  |14:50:01|343    | MaxPointSize:          8192.00
DIAG|                 vid:726  |14:50:01|343    | PixelShader1xMaxValue: 65504.00
DIAG|                 vid:727  |14:50:01|343    | MaxNpatchTessellationLevel: 0.00
DIAG|                 vid:728  |14:50:01|343    | MaxVertexW:            10000000000.00
DIAG|                 vid:729  |14:50:01|343    | GuardBandLeft:         -100000000.00
DIAG|                 vid:730  |14:50:01|343    | GuardBandTop:          -100000000.00
DIAG|                 vid:731  |14:50:01|343    | GuardBandRight:        100000000.00
DIAG|                 vid:732  |14:50:01|343    | GuardBandBottom:       100000000.00
DIAG|                 vid:733  |14:50:01|343    | ExtentsAdjust:         0.00
DIAG|                 vid:775  |14:50:01|343    |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0B1A6FE0
DIAG|                DXUT:2584 |14:50:01|359    | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG|               setup:77   |14:50:01|359    |Drive type : Fixed
DIAG|               setup:147  |14:50:01|359    |Startup directory : E:\Games\Battlezone II
DIAG|                 vid:1236 |14:50:01|562    |Vid::SetMode - ord(0) fmt(22), w(1280), h(720) bbCount 2
DIAG|                 vid:1256 |14:50:01|562    | bFmt(21), MSType(4), MSQual(7), DSFmt(75), Win(0)
DIAG|                 vid:1267 |14:50:01|562    | Refresh(60), Interval(-2147483648), Flags(2)
DIAG|                 vid:1268 |14:50:01|562    | hWnds = 000303DC 000303DC 000303DC 000303DC
DIAG|                DXUT:2097 |14:50:01|562    | DXUT pause on change device
DIAG|                 vid:817  |14:50:02|842    |In Vid::OnLostDevice
DIAG|                DXUT:1392 |14:50:02|842    | DXUT unpause on restore
DIAG|                DXUT:1491 |14:50:02|842    | DXUT unpause on restore
DIAG|                DXUT:2584 |14:50:02|858    | DXUT unpause on change device done
DIAG|                 vid:1276 |14:50:02|858    |DXUTCreateDeviceFromSettings = 00000000, lost = 1
DIAG|                 vid:1286 |14:50:02|858    |Trycount 0, device lost = 1 1
DIAG|                DXUT:5453 |14:50:02|858    | AttemptAcquire device = 0x0B1A6FE0, lost = 1, paused = 0
DIAG|                DXUT:5467 |14:50:02|858    | noticed device lost
DIAG|                DXUT:5471 |14:50:02|858    | Coop level check failed.
DIAG|                DXUT:5535 |14:50:02|858    | Try to reset the device
DIAG|                 vid:775  |14:50:02|1404   |In Vid::OnResetDevice, pd3dDevice = 0x0B1A6FE0
DIAG|                 vid:1297 |14:50:02|1404   |Attempted acquire & render, lost = 0 0
DIAG|               input:1108 |14:50:02|1420   |Double click time=550 ms, threshold=4,4
DIAG|               input:1129 |14:50:02|1420   |8 button mouse, Left=0 Right=1
DIAG|               input:143  |14:50:02|1435   |Keyboard repeat delay=[500] speed=[31]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:50:02|1466   |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_moves_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_moves.cfg'
DIAG|        GamespyVoice:133  |14:50:02|1529   |UHOH - tried to set up voice capture device, but failed. :(
DIAG|              dsutil:143  |14:50:02|1622   |DirectSound 8 System started. Noted capabilities:
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |14:50:02|1622   | DSCAPS_CONTINUOUSRATE
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |14:50:02|1622   | DSCAPS_PRIMARY16BIT
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |14:50:02|1622   | DSCAPS_PRIMARY8BIT
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |14:50:02|1622   | DSCAPS_PRIMARYMONO
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |14:50:02|1622   | DSCAPS_PRIMARYSTEREO
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |14:50:02|1622   | DSCAPS_SECONDARY16BIT
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |14:50:02|1622   | DSCAPS_SECONDARY8BIT
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |14:50:02|1622   | DSCAPS_SECONDARYMONO
DIAG|              dsutil:150  |14:50:02|1622   | DSCAPS_SECONDARYSTEREO
DIAG|              dsutil:156  |14:50:02|1622   | dwPrimaryBuffers = 1
DIAG|              dsutil:157  |14:50:02|1622   | dwMaxHwMixingAllBuffers = 1
DIAG|              dsutil:158  |14:50:02|1622   | dwMaxHwMixingStaticBuffers = 1
DIAG|              dsutil:159  |14:50:02|1622   | dwMaxHwMixingStreamingBuffers = 1
DIAG|              dsutil:160  |14:50:02|1622   | dwFreeHwMixingAllBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:161  |14:50:02|1622   | dwFreeHwMixingStaticBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:162  |14:50:02|1622   | dwFreeHwMixingStreamingBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:163  |14:50:02|1622   | dwMaxHw3DAllBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:164  |14:50:02|1622   | dwMaxHw3DStaticBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:165  |14:50:02|1622   | dwMaxHw3DStreamingBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:166  |14:50:02|1622   | dwFreeHw3DAllBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:167  |14:50:02|1622   | dwFreeHw3DStaticBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:168  |14:50:02|1622   | dwFreeHw3DStreamingBuffers = 0
DIAG|              dsutil:202  |14:50:02|1622   | -- SW buffers in use. Using 32 channels max
DIAG|              dsutil:208  |14:50:02|1622   | -- AUTO-DISABLING 3D Audio, as soundcard can't handle!
DIAG|              dsutil:228  |14:50:02|1622   | Audio buffers will be placed in: Software
DIAG|              dsutil:241  |14:50:02|1622   |-- Prefsfile set audio mem purge at 33554432 bytes
DIAG|              dsutil:244  |14:50:02|1622   |Done with audio caps log
DIAG|            AudioSys:322  |14:50:02|1622   |Audio: DirectSound8 setup complete
DIAG|              icroot:193  |14:50:02|1622   |Root window now 640x480
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:50:02|1638   |[Main] Entering run code [SHELL]
DIAG|              icroot:193  |14:50:02|1638   |Root window now 640x480
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |14:50:02|1638   |[CONSOLE] warnrestartchanges = 1
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:50:08|6877   |[Main] Entering run code [INIT]
DIAG|              icroot:193  |14:50:08|6877   |Root window now 1280x720
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:50:08|6877   |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_init_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_init.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |14:50:08|6907   |Var[] Ctrl[NewMove] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1251 |14:50:08|6907   |Using expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_1280x720.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1251 |14:50:08|6957   |Using expanded game UI file of 'bznopause_1280x720.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:50:08|7027   |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_base_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_base.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:50:08|7037   |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_command_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_command.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:50:08|7037   |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_factory_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_factory.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:50:08|7037   |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_group_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_group.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:50:08|7047   |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_info_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_info.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:50:08|7047   |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_satellite_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_satellite.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:50:08|7047   |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_scrap_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_scrap.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |14:50:08|7047   |Var[] Ctrl[Gauge] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |14:50:08|7047   |Var[] Ctrl[Count] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |14:50:08|7047   |Var[scrap.max] Ctrl[Count] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:50:08|7047   |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_weapon_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_weapon.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |14:50:08|7047   |Var[] Ctrl[Name] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:50:08|7047   |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_team_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_team.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:50:08|7047   |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_stats_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_stats.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:50:08|7047   |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_keys_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_keys.cfg'
ERR |              bitmap:1355 |14:50:08|7207   |Can't load texture BZCvenus.tga.
DIAG|         ParameterDB:209  |14:50:08|7207   |Last few opened ODFs:
DIAG|         ParameterDB:214  |14:50:08|7207   | 1 : NSDFmisn07.TRN
DIAG|         ParameterDB:214  |14:50:08|7207   | 2 : shieldeffect.odf
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:50:09|8597   |[View] Entering run code [COCKPIT]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:50:09|8627   |[Main] Entering run code [MISSION]
DIAG|              icroot:193  |14:50:09|8627   |Root window now 1280x720
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:50:09|8627   |[Mission] Entering run code [RUN]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:51:40|98668  |[Mission] Entering run code [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:51:40|98668  |[View] Entering run code [PauseScreen]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:51:40|98668  |Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_enter_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_enter.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |14:51:40|98668  |[CONSOLE] entered = 1
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:51:46|104949 |[Mission] Entering run code [RUN]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:51:46|104949 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_exit_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_exit.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |14:51:46|104949 |[CONSOLE] entered = 0
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:51:46|104949 |[View] Entering run code [COCKPIT]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:52:24|142953 |[View] Entering run code [DEATH]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:52:25|144504 |[Mission] Entering run code [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:52:25|144504 |[View] Entering run code [PauseScreen]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:52:25|144504 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_enter_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_enter.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |14:52:25|144504 |[CONSOLE] entered = 1
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1104 |14:52:33|152215 |Switching to CLEANUP
DIAG|            runcodes:113  |14:52:33|152215 |[Mission] Clearing runcode [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:52:33|152215 |[Main] Entering run code [CLEANUP]
DIAG|            runcodes:113  |14:52:33|152215 |[View] Clearing runcode [PauseScreen]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:52:33|152215 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_exit_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_exit.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |14:52:33|152215 |[CONSOLE] entered = 0
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:52:33|152255 |[Main] Entering run code [INIT]
DIAG|              icroot:193  |14:52:33|152255 |Root window now 1280x720
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:52:33|152255 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_init_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_init.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |14:52:33|152275 |Var[] Ctrl[NewMove] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1251 |14:52:33|152275 |Using expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_1280x720.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1251 |14:52:33|152305 |Using expanded game UI file of 'bznopause_1280x720.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:52:33|152335 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_base_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_base.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:52:33|152335 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_command_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_command.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:52:33|152335 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_factory_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_factory.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:52:33|152335 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_group_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_group.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:52:33|152345 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_info_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_info.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:52:33|152345 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_satellite_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_satellite.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:52:33|152345 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_scrap_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_scrap.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |14:52:33|152345 |Var[] Ctrl[Gauge] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |14:52:33|152345 |Var[] Ctrl[Count] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |14:52:33|152345 |Var[scrap.max] Ctrl[Count] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:52:33|152345 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_weapon_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_weapon.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |14:52:33|152345 |Var[] Ctrl[Name] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:52:33|152345 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_team_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_team.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:52:33|152345 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_stats_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_stats.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:52:33|152345 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_keys_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_keys.cfg'
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:52:34|153565 |[View] Entering run code [COCKPIT]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:52:34|153595 |[Main] Entering run code [MISSION]
DIAG|              icroot:193  |14:52:34|153595 |Root window now 1280x720
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:52:34|153595 |[Mission] Entering run code [RUN]
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |14:58:04|482698 |[CONSOLE] SetPlan(misn08.aip, 2)
DIAG|            Planners:3327 |14:58:04|482698 |SetAIP - cfg(misn08.aip) team(2)
DIAG|          LuaManager:165  |14:58:04|482698 |Lua file 'misn08.lua' not found
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:58:44|523116 |[Mission] Entering run code [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:58:44|523116 |[View] Entering run code [PauseScreen]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:58:44|523116 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_enter_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_enter.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |14:58:44|523116 |[CONSOLE] entered = 1
DIAG|               iface:1430 |14:58:48|527237 |UnsetModal: throwing away [DEAD]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:58:49|528377 |[Mission] Entering run code [RUN]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |14:58:49|528377 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_exit_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_exit.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |14:58:49|528377 |[CONSOLE] entered = 0
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |14:58:49|528377 |[View] Entering run code [COCKPIT]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:00:08|607100 |[Mission] Entering run code [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:00:08|607100 |[View] Entering run code [PauseScreen]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:00:08|607100 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_enter_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_enter.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:00:08|607100 |[CONSOLE] entered = 1
DIAG|               iface:1430 |15:00:12|610831 |UnsetModal: throwing away [DEAD]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:00:12|611021 |[Mission] Entering run code [RUN]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:00:12|611021 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_exit_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_exit.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:00:12|611021 |[CONSOLE] entered = 0
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:00:12|611021 |[View] Entering run code [COCKPIT]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:00:43|642424 |[Mission] Entering run code [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:00:43|642424 |[View] Entering run code [PauseScreen]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:00:43|642424 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_enter_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_enter.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:00:43|642424 |[CONSOLE] entered = 1
DIAG|               iface:1430 |15:00:46|645654 |UnsetModal: throwing away [DEAD]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:00:47|645814 |[Mission] Entering run code [RUN]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:00:47|645814 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_exit_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_exit.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:00:47|645814 |[CONSOLE] entered = 0
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:00:47|645814 |[View] Entering run code [COCKPIT]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:02:23|742125 |[Mission] Entering run code [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:02:23|742135 |[View] Entering run code [PauseScreen]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:02:23|742135 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_enter_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_enter.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:02:23|742135 |[CONSOLE] entered = 1
DIAG|               iface:1430 |15:02:26|745406 |UnsetModal: throwing away [DEAD]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:02:26|745636 |[Mission] Entering run code [RUN]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:02:26|745636 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_exit_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_exit.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:02:26|745636 |[CONSOLE] entered = 0
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:02:26|745636 |[View] Entering run code [COCKPIT]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:04:19|858028 |[Mission] Entering run code [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:04:19|858038 |[View] Entering run code [PauseScreen]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:04:19|858038 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_enter_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_enter.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:04:19|858038 |[CONSOLE] entered = 1
DIAG|               iface:1430 |15:04:23|861878 |UnsetModal: throwing away [DEAD]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:04:39|878200 |[Mission] Entering run code [RUN]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:04:39|878200 |Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_exit_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_exit.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:04:39|878200 |[CONSOLE] entered = 0
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:04:39|878200 |[View] Entering run code [COCKPIT]
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:05:40|938959 |[CONSOLE] SetPlan(misn08a.aip, 2)
DIAG|            Planners:3327 |15:05:40|938959 |SetAIP - cfg(misn08a.aip) team(2)
DIAG|          LuaManager:165  |15:05:40|938959 |Lua file 'misn08a.lua' not found
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:06:46|1004926|[Mission] Entering run code [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:06:46|1004936|[View] Entering run code [PauseScreen]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:06:46|1004936|Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_enter_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_enter.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:06:46|1004936|[CONSOLE] entered = 1
DIAG|               iface:1430 |15:06:49|1008066|UnsetModal: throwing away [DEAD]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:06:49|1008286|[Mission] Entering run code [RUN]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:06:49|1008286|Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_exit_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_exit.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:06:49|1008286|[CONSOLE] entered = 0
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:06:49|1008286|[View] Entering run code [COCKPIT]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:07:53|1071792|[View] Entering run code [DEATH]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:07:55|1073722|[Mission] Entering run code [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:07:55|1073722|[View] Entering run code [PauseScreen]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:07:55|1073722|Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_enter_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_enter.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:07:55|1073722|[CONSOLE] entered = 1
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1104 |15:07:57|1076153|Switching to CLEANUP
DIAG|            runcodes:113  |15:07:57|1076163|[Mission] Clearing runcode [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:07:57|1076163|[Main] Entering run code [CLEANUP]
DIAG|            runcodes:113  |15:07:57|1076163|[View] Clearing runcode [PauseScreen]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:07:57|1076163|Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_exit_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_exit.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:07:57|1076163|[CONSOLE] entered = 0
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:07:57|1076183|[Main] Entering run code [INIT]
DIAG|              icroot:193  |15:07:57|1076183|Root window now 1280x720
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:07:57|1076193|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_init_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_init.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:07:57|1076203|Var[] Ctrl[NewMove] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1251 |15:07:57|1076203|Using expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_1280x720.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1251 |15:07:57|1076223|Using expanded game UI file of 'bznopause_1280x720.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:07:57|1076253|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_base_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_base.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:07:57|1076263|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_command_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_command.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:07:57|1076263|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_factory_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_factory.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:07:57|1076263|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_group_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_group.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:07:57|1076263|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_info_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_info.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:07:57|1076263|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_satellite_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_satellite.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:07:57|1076263|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_scrap_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_scrap.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:07:57|1076263|Var[] Ctrl[Gauge] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:07:57|1076263|Var[] Ctrl[Count] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:07:57|1076263|Var[scrap.max] Ctrl[Count] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:07:57|1076263|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_weapon_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_weapon.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:07:57|1076273|Var[] Ctrl[Name] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:07:57|1076273|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_team_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_team.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:07:57|1076273|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_stats_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_stats.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:07:57|1076273|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_keys_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_keys.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:07:59|1077793|[CONSOLE] SetPlan(misn08a.aip, 2)
DIAG|            Planners:3327 |15:07:59|1077793|SetAIP - cfg(misn08a.aip) team(2)
DIAG|          LuaManager:165  |15:07:59|1077793|Lua file 'misn08a.lua' not found
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:07:59|1077813|[View] Entering run code [COCKPIT]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:07:59|1077833|[Main] Entering run code [MISSION]
DIAG|              icroot:193  |15:07:59|1077833|Root window now 1280x720
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:07:59|1077833|[Mission] Entering run code [RUN]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:08:14|1093425|[Mission] Entering run code [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:08:14|1093435|[View] Entering run code [PauseScreen]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:08:14|1093435|Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_enter_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_enter.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:08:14|1093435|[CONSOLE] entered = 1
DIAG|               iface:1430 |15:08:17|1096645|UnsetModal: throwing away [DEAD]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:08:18|1096905|[Mission] Entering run code [RUN]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:08:18|1096905|Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_exit_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_exit.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:08:18|1096905|[CONSOLE] entered = 0
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:08:18|1096905|[View] Entering run code [COCKPIT]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:08:58|1137059|[Mission] Entering run code [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:08:58|1137059|[View] Entering run code [PauseScreen]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:08:58|1137059|Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_enter_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_enter.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:08:58|1137059|[CONSOLE] entered = 1
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1104 |15:09:02|1140739|Switching to CLEANUP
DIAG|            runcodes:113  |15:09:02|1140749|[Mission] Clearing runcode [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:09:02|1140749|[Main] Entering run code [CLEANUP]
DIAG|            runcodes:113  |15:09:02|1140749|[View] Clearing runcode [PauseScreen]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:09:02|1140749|Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_exit_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_exit.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:09:02|1140749|[CONSOLE] entered = 0
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:09:02|1140779|[Main] Entering run code [INIT]
DIAG|              icroot:193  |15:09:02|1140779|Root window now 1280x720
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:09:02|1140779|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_init_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_init.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:09:02|1140789|Var[] Ctrl[NewMove] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1251 |15:09:02|1140789|Using expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_1280x720.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1251 |15:09:02|1140809|Using expanded game UI file of 'bznopause_1280x720.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:09:02|1140839|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_base_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_base.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:09:02|1140839|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_command_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_command.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:09:02|1140839|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_factory_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_factory.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:09:02|1140839|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_group_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_group.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:09:02|1140849|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_info_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_info.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:09:02|1140849|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_satellite_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_satellite.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:09:02|1140849|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_scrap_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_scrap.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:09:02|1140849|Var[] Ctrl[Gauge] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:09:02|1140849|Var[] Ctrl[Count] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:09:02|1140849|Var[scrap.max] Ctrl[Count] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:09:02|1140849|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_weapon_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_weapon.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:09:02|1140849|Var[] Ctrl[Name] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:09:02|1140849|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_team_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_team.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:09:02|1140849|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_stats_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_stats.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:09:02|1140849|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_keys_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_keys.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:09:03|1142420|[CONSOLE] SetPlan(misn08a.aip, 2)
DIAG|            Planners:3327 |15:09:03|1142420|SetAIP - cfg(misn08a.aip) team(2)
DIAG|          LuaManager:165  |15:09:03|1142420|Lua file 'misn08a.lua' not found
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:09:03|1142440|[View] Entering run code [COCKPIT]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:09:03|1142460|[Main] Entering run code [MISSION]
DIAG|              icroot:193  |15:09:03|1142460|Root window now 1280x720
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:09:03|1142460|[Mission] Entering run code [RUN]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:14:10|1448955|[Mission] Entering run code [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:14:10|1448955|[View] Entering run code [PauseScreen]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:10|1448955|Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_enter_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_enter.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:14:10|1448955|[CONSOLE] entered = 1
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1104 |15:14:13|1451945|Switching to CLEANUP
DIAG|            runcodes:113  |15:14:13|1451945|[Mission] Clearing runcode [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:14:13|1451945|[Main] Entering run code [CLEANUP]
DIAG|            runcodes:113  |15:14:13|1451945|[View] Clearing runcode [PauseScreen]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:13|1451945|Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_exit_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_exit.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:14:13|1451945|[CONSOLE] entered = 0
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:14:13|1451985|[Main] Entering run code [INIT]
DIAG|              icroot:193  |15:14:13|1451985|Root window now 1280x720
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:13|1451985|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_init_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_init.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:14:13|1451995|Var[] Ctrl[NewMove] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1251 |15:14:13|1451995|Using expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_1280x720.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1251 |15:14:13|1452025|Using expanded game UI file of 'bznopause_1280x720.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:13|1452055|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_base_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_base.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:13|1452065|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_command_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_command.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:13|1452065|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_factory_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_factory.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:13|1452065|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_group_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_group.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:13|1452065|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_info_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_info.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:13|1452065|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_satellite_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_satellite.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:13|1452065|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_scrap_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_scrap.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:14:13|1452065|Var[] Ctrl[Gauge] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:14:13|1452065|Var[] Ctrl[Count] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:14:13|1452065|Var[scrap.max] Ctrl[Count] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:13|1452065|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_weapon_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_weapon.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:14:13|1452065|Var[] Ctrl[Name] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:13|1452065|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_team_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_team.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:13|1452065|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_stats_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_stats.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:13|1452065|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_keys_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_keys.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:14:15|1453795|[CONSOLE] SetPlan(misn08a.aip, 2)
DIAG|            Planners:3327 |15:14:15|1453795|SetAIP - cfg(misn08a.aip) team(2)
DIAG|          LuaManager:165  |15:14:15|1453795|Lua file 'misn08a.lua' not found
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:14:15|1453815|[View] Entering run code [COCKPIT]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:14:15|1453845|[Main] Entering run code [MISSION]
DIAG|              icroot:193  |15:14:15|1453845|Root window now 1280x720
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:14:15|1453845|[Mission] Entering run code [RUN]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:14:45|1484349|[Mission] Entering run code [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:14:45|1484359|[View] Entering run code [PauseScreen]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:45|1484359|Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_enter_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_enter.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:14:45|1484359|[CONSOLE] entered = 1
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1104 |15:14:48|1487569|Switching to CLEANUP
DIAG|            runcodes:113  |15:14:48|1487569|[Mission] Clearing runcode [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:14:48|1487569|[Main] Entering run code [CLEANUP]
DIAG|            runcodes:113  |15:14:48|1487569|[View] Clearing runcode [PauseScreen]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:48|1487569|Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_exit_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_exit.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |15:14:48|1487569|[CONSOLE] entered = 0
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |15:14:48|1487609|[Main] Entering run code [INIT]
DIAG|              icroot:193  |15:14:48|1487609|Root window now 1280x720
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:48|1487609|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_init_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_init.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:14:48|1487619|Var[] Ctrl[NewMove] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1251 |15:14:48|1487619|Using expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_1280x720.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1251 |15:14:48|1487639|Using expanded game UI file of 'bznopause_1280x720.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:49|1487669|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_base_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_base.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:49|1487679|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_command_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_command.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:49|1487679|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_factory_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_factory.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:49|1487679|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_group_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_group.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:49|1487679|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_info_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_info.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:49|1487679|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_satellite_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_satellite.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:49|1487679|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_scrap_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_scrap.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:14:49|1487679|Var[] Ctrl[Gauge] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:14:49|1487679|Var[] Ctrl[Count] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:14:49|1487679|Var[scrap.max] Ctrl[Count] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |15:14:49|1487679|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_weapon_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_weapon.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |15:14:49|1487679|Var[] Ctrl[Name] needs to be resolved
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |20:13:41|19420229|[CONSOLE] entered = 0
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |20:13:41|19420229|[View] Entering run code [COCKPIT]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |20:14:04|19443369|[Mission] Entering run code [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |20:14:04|19443379|[View] Entering run code [PauseScreen]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |20:14:04|19443379|Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_enter_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_enter.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |20:14:04|19443379|[CONSOLE] entered = 1
DIAG|               iface:1430 |20:14:08|19446750|UnsetModal: throwing away [DEAD]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |20:14:08|19447300|[Mission] Entering run code [RUN]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |20:14:08|19447300|Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_exit_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_exit.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |20:14:08|19447300|[CONSOLE] entered = 0
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |20:14:08|19447300|[View] Entering run code [COCKPIT]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |20:15:03|19502475|[Mission] Entering run code [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |20:15:03|19502485|[View] Entering run code [PauseScreen]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |20:15:03|19502485|Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_enter_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_enter.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |20:15:03|19502485|[CONSOLE] entered = 1
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1104 |20:15:06|19504805|Switching to CLEANUP
DIAG|            runcodes:113  |20:15:06|19504805|[Mission] Clearing runcode [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |20:15:06|19504805|[Main] Entering run code [CLEANUP]
DIAG|            runcodes:113  |20:15:06|19504815|[View] Clearing runcode [PauseScreen]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |20:15:06|19504815|Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_exit_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_exit.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |20:15:06|19504815|[CONSOLE] entered = 0
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |20:15:06|19504855|[Main] Entering run code [INIT]
DIAG|              icroot:193  |20:15:06|19504865|Root window now 1280x720
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |20:15:06|19504865|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_init_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_init.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |20:15:06|19504875|Var[] Ctrl[NewMove] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1251 |20:15:06|19504875|Using expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_1280x720.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1251 |20:15:06|19504925|Using expanded game UI file of 'bznopause_1280x720.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |20:15:06|19505185|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_base_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_base.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |20:15:06|19505205|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_command_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_command.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |20:15:06|19505215|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_factory_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_factory.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |20:15:06|19505215|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_group_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_group.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |20:15:06|19505215|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_info_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_info.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |20:15:06|19505215|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_satellite_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_satellite.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |20:15:06|19505215|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_scrap_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_scrap.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |20:15:06|19505215|Var[] Ctrl[Gauge] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |20:15:06|19505215|Var[] Ctrl[Count] needs to be resolved
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |20:15:06|19505215|Var[scrap.max] Ctrl[Count] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |20:15:06|19505215|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_weapon_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_weapon.cfg'
DIAG|               ifvar:41   |20:15:06|19505215|Var[] Ctrl[Name] needs to be resolved
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |20:15:06|19505215|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_team_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_team.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |20:15:06|19505215|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_stats_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_stats.cfg'
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |20:15:06|19505215|Expanded game UI file of 'bzgame_keys_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzgame_keys.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |20:15:14|19513215|[CONSOLE] Warning - 230400 AOIs found on map. Too many can cause slowdowns or problems joining in MP.

WARN|       ConsoleHelper:33   |20:15:14|19513215|Warning - 230400 AOIs found on map. Too many can cause slowdowns or problems joining in MP.
DIAG|         ParameterDB:209  |20:15:14|19513215|Last few opened ODFs:
DIAG|         ParameterDB:214  |20:15:14|19513215| 1 : svscav.odf
DIAG|         ParameterDB:214  |20:15:14|19513215| 2 : BGTblast.odf
DIAG|         ParameterDB:214  |20:15:14|19513215| 3 : avcnst.odf
DIAG|         ParameterDB:214  |20:15:14|19513215| 4 : abslf.odf
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |20:15:14|19513255|[CONSOLE] SetPlan(misn13a.aip, 2)
DIAG|            Planners:3327 |20:15:14|19513255|SetAIP - cfg(misn13a.aip) team(2)
DIAG|          LuaManager:165  |20:15:14|19513255|Lua file 'misn13a.lua' not found
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |20:15:15|19514545|[View] Entering run code [COCKPIT]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |20:15:15|19514585|[Main] Entering run code [MISSION]
DIAG|              icroot:193  |20:15:15|19514585|Root window now 1280x720
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |20:15:15|19514595|[Mission] Entering run code [RUN]
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |20:20:36|19835358|[CONSOLE] SetPlan(misn13.aip, 2)
DIAG|            Planners:3327 |20:20:36|19835358|SetAIP - cfg(misn13.aip) team(2)
DIAG|          LuaManager:165  |20:20:36|19835358|Lua file 'misn13.lua' not found
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |20:22:45|19964499|[CONSOLE] SetPlan(misn13a.aip, 2)
DIAG|            Planners:3327 |20:22:45|19964499|SetAIP - cfg(misn13a.aip) team(2)
DIAG|          LuaManager:165  |20:22:45|19964499|Lua file 'misn13a.lua' not found
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |20:33:05|20584262|[Mission] Entering run code [ESCAPE]
DIAG|            runcodes:159  |20:33:05|20584272|[View] Entering run code [PauseScreen]
DIAG|MissionHandler_oldcode:1246 |20:33:05|20584272|Expanded game UI file of 'bzescape_enter_1280x720.cfg' not found. Using default of 'bzescape_enter.cfg'
DIAG|            iconsole:530  |20:33:05|20584272|[CONSOLE] entered = 1
ERR |            FileUtil:101  |20:33:08|20586793|MEMORY TRASHED. Saved 18738351 bytes, max=16777216
ERR |                 log:1838 |20:33:08|20586813|abort() requested from '.\fun3d\FileUtil.cpp':102
ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |20:33:08|20587003|00D442AD +001842AD 000000C1 bzone            (bzone): : StackWalker::ShowCallstack

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |20:33:08|20587063|00DD1DFF +00211DFF 0000009F bzone            (bzone): : BZ2Abort

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |20:33:08|20587133|00CDD42B +0011D42B 00000054 bzone            (bzone): : out_close

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |20:33:08|20587163|00CE188E +0012188E 00000627 bzone            (bzone): : SaveGame

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |20:33:08|20587183|00CE122E +0012122E 0000003C bzone            (bzone): : SaveGame

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |20:33:08|20587223|00C191A1 +000591A1 00000043 bzone            (bzone): : MissionHandler::DoSaveGame

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |20:33:08|20587243|00C190B4 +000590B4 0000006D bzone            (bzone): : MissionHandler::SaveCallback

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |20:33:08|20587263|00DD32C6 +002132C6 00000056 bzone            (bzone): : MsgBoxWindow::HandleEvent

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |20:33:08|20587293|00D8BBEF +001CBBEF 0000007F bzone            (bzone): : IControl::NotifyParent

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |20:33:08|20587313|00D88098 +001C8098 00000128 bzone            (bzone): : ICButton::HandleEvent

ERR |    ExceptionHandler:188  |20:33:08|20587323|00D954C8 +001D54C8 00000208 bzone            (bzone): : IFace::OnModeChange

DIAG|                 log:1845 |20:33:08|20587343|End of line...
DIAG|                DXUT:1352 |20:33:08|20587643| DXUT pause on minimize
DIAG|                DXUT:1525 |20:33:08|20587663| DXUT pause on minimize

User avatar
General BlackDragon
Flying Mauler
Posts: 2408
Joined: Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:37 am

Re: Battlezone Classic Public Beta 3e for 1.3 PB6.4+

Post by General BlackDragon »

In PB6.4w:
RotatorX wrote:Oh my, the radar in BZC is scaled quite a bit, and not in the good way..

I should put out an update soon ish? I hope.

To fix this in B3e, put this at the top of bzgame_init.cfg, found in BZClassic.pak under BZCConfig/shell/interface/Default/

Code: Select all

// 1.3 PB6.4t Settings for radar, moved here because they scale with UI.
// BZC Radar Poistion.
// Default UI size/position
cmd("gameprefs.play_cockpitradarcolorb = 0");
cmd("gameprefs.play_cockpitradarcolorg = 224");

Cmd("gameprefs.Play_CockpitRadarHeight 140");
Cmd("gameprefs.Play_CockpitRadarWidth 260");
Cmd("gameprefs.Play_CockpitRadarXDiff 5");
// Cmd("gameprefs.Play_CockpitRadarXSIScale 1.0"); //0.75");  // Don't touch this, just the height/width/pos
Cmd("gameprefs.Play_MapRadarHeight 128");
Cmd("gameprefs.Play_MapRadarWidth 128");
Cmd("gameprefs.Play_MapRadarXDiff 30");
Cmd("gameprefs.Play_MapRadarYDiff -10");

Cmd("gameprefs.Edit_MapRadarHeight 128");
Cmd("gameprefs.Edit_MapRadarWidth 128");
Cmd("gameprefs.Edit_MapRadarXDiff -30");
Cmd("gameprefs.Edit_MapRadarYDiff -10");
cmd("gameprefs.Edit_MapRadarXMult 1.0");
Battlezone Classic Public Forums
*****General BlackDragon*****
Post Reply