GSH wrote:RD has release content to users. That counts more than just criticism in my book.
If you think you can do better, then get something released and let end users decide.
-- GSH
OK, here is something I don't understand...
That was a PM I sent, not a post...
How the **** is it in the thread?
It is even in my PM outbox...
I have released mods that during their time had lots of play. One of them was the re-iterated twice MRVP, merged into the UEP for it's
3rd release, and even had some of its assets rolled into 1.3 (look at the hoverscav). The only reason you don't know about it is because it is something NEW, something ORIGINAL, and not a credit glomp on a prior work. Additionally, I don't go out of my way to proclaim from the rooftops how awesome I am for some body of work, because I believe that the work is the thing, not me.
OK, so, I had written that as a PM, it is EVEN IN MY OUTBOX, so I don't know how it got here. But that doesn't make it any less true, and because of a forum glitch now I am going to have to do what I didn't want to do:
RD's FE is broken. When people who know the nature of the engine enough to know how to fix bugs or do it properly point out issues to him, he attacks them. He has attacked GBD, AHadley, myself, and others because of this. When people who do not know the nature of the engine point out bugs, he tells them he "already has a fix on his side" that he will release soon. It is classic 'trying to make yourself look better' by hiding and otherwise demeaning those who know that what was wrong was for lack of a better word 'stupid' while using those same 'stupid' issues to act like a 'modding god' who has fixed people's issues before they even reported them.
Additionally, RD's G66 is broken, unstable, and a disappointment that has killed that mod forever.
Additionally, RD's Uler is broken, though still redeemable.
Additionally RD has made
nothing of his own.
Additionally RD has ignored any fixes I have given him (in details or as actual assets) and has gone out of his way to tell me to then "make my own version of FE" telling me that I must not use a single thing he has done and in fact go back to the 1.2 version, ignoring all the fixes that were made to FE between the 1.2 version and his 1.3 version. That is not only not in the interest of the community and purely motivated by ego and personal gain, but it goes so far as to put me in a lesser equip than even he was when he started. It is downright disgusting and just another case of putting personal ego ahead of the project itself.
So there you go, due to a forum glitch I've had to post this in a public thread... Again...
Now I just wait to see if I get some undeserved board warning or my post deleting for daring to tell the truth.